The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 107 - Provocation

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Temperament and momentum, this is one of the very subtle characteristics of a person. When the term “Heavenly Selector” gradually became known to the upper class nobility, most people did not think that there was anything great about it. Those civilians accepted the light. After the shè, it is still a civilian, and it will not damage the interests of the upper class because of how much strength it has, but the nobles who have reached a certain level of strength-such as Lilith, do not think so after accepting this shimmering photo. [WWw.YZUU点m]//.//

Her strength finally broke through after a long time approaching the bottleneck, and began to improve in a posture that was almost avalanche-on the surface, the gentle lady who everyone saw in the eyes after the war obediently retreated to the Prince’s Mansion and no longer participated in any war, but In fact, no one knows that when there is no event to participate in the ball or banquet, there will always be a hard-working figure in the performance hall behind the Prince’s Mansion.

Today, Lilith is going to attend the “Celebration Banquet” hosted by Edward III. This was not something she was interested in, but everything changed because of the Naga attack a week ago-no one would think of a gentleman The port of Constantine will suddenly encounter a raid on the seabed Naga, and a wave of tsunami with thousands of warriors who appeared suddenly, caused Constantine to be almost destroyed like most of the ports attacked on the entire continent. Strike, if it is not for Freud to directly start the core magic circle of the Pansell School of Magic, I am afraid that the casualties will reach an unbearable point.

The battle lasted for two days. Stalemate, stalemate, and stalemate were the main melody of the entire battle. Human warriors had no strength to resist in front of the strong naga, and the flooded section of the harbour could not be proud of the Byzantine cavalry The deadly charge, if it was not for the critical moment of the battle, when someone intervened suddenly, I am afraid that Freud’s old life might not be able to support the third day.

No matter how powerful he is, he dare not throw a curse at Constantine, not to mention that several high-level mages who are staring at each other are always hidden near the magic tower, which greatly limits the entire group of mages.

Fortunately, the battle was finally won, and the port was recaptured and quickly rectified and strengthened, but the mage who assisted the Constantine City’s defense force to repel the Naga did not stay in this city, as the wind came and went. [WWw.YZUU dot m]

Lilith narrowed her eyes slightly while sitting in the carriage, but her mind echoed the scene of fighting as a battle. She wore leather armor and jumped directly from the wall of the Prince’s Palace. She participated in the frontline battle and killed a dozen. A strong Naga warrior, and during the battle, the black figure who cast spells in the air like splashing water will never forget…

Della, the mentor of Murphys at Tarrens College.

What is her identity? Perhaps only the Duke of Windsor who had short contact with her after the battle would know, but Lilith remembered clearly that when she moved forward with the morale of the army, leading a group of retreat soldiers When Jia hurried back into the sea, Della did turn her head in the sky and stared at her for a few seconds.

She didn’t think she was wrong, her eyes were as sharp as she actually was across the kilometer, and then the mysterious woman disappeared into the air. Later she heard that she left a letter to the Duke of Windsor and left. Constantine, and today’s “celebration feast”, the protagonist is not Edward III, but is the Duke of Windsor who once served as the head of the medical knights.

This is also the main reason for Lilith’s decision to participate-the recent sudden interruption of correspondence has made her slightly empty, but it is a solace to be able to communicate with Murphy’s father a little. After all, this war has just begun. , Said it was a celebration feast, but in fact Lilith knew that except for Constantine, the other three major ports of the empire suffered much more damage than here, and even two have been completely occupied by the Naga. Today’s banquets are more The role is to stabilize the public opinion situation within the empire.

After stepping off the carriage, Lilith nodded to the butler beside her and walked into the venue alone—her father, Prince Lenkinus, was absent from the banquet because he had already rushed to the nearest attacked port from Constantine to perform Looking back at the task, Liz saw that the person not far from the carriage was also a character she hated very much-the father of Cavaliers Deco and the Marquis of Karen guarding the Southwest Territories.

This marquis was one of the few nobles in the empire that confronted the Duke of Windsor, and could even influence King Edward III’s decision to a large extent. At the moment, he walked off the carriage and smiled, saying that it was like Mufeng. For the sake of it, it is clear that there is a full grasp of the political dialogue that may occur at this banquet. (You can go to the leaf when you read the novel

Unwilling to stay too much, Lilith turned to see the other heroic characters highlighted in the Constantine attack, among which there were just a few acquaintances-Hiddink, Boozer and Corvin The three of them are similar to Lilith in this battle. Whether they are studying at the Cavalry Academy or rereading “Theory of War” at home, they are the very few who, as aristocrats, immediately draw their swords and lead the family private soldiers to fight Existence, especially Hiddink, as a former commander, gathered three City Defense Forces and the colleges brought by Cavern and Boozer from the Cavaliers Academy under the hasty battle. The commander of the unit that killed the most enemies and suffered the fewest casualties among the defense forces.

So although their title is not as scary as the Duke and Marquis, they are also eligible to stand here and meet Edward III and the entire empire’s upper tier. In the usual words, these prominent young people are all empire stars and empire future. In hopes, Prince Langkinus is powerful, but the empire cannot expect to entrust the future to a group of old guys who will eventually die.

Edward III’s thoughts The old aristocrats basically knew that war, after all, was accompanied by death and alternation.

“Master Duke.”

Say hello to Lilith, she came naturally to the protagonist of this banquet, the Duke of Windsor, who was expected to return to the junior, and although she smiled on her face, she could see There was a touch of yīn depression. On the surface, the empire was in harmony and fought to defeat the enemy, but in fact the Naga question and the letter from Della couldn’t make him happy.

The member of the law directly pointed out the crisis that mankind is about to face, saying that it is not exaggerating to be shocked, but he had to take everything in the letter seriously.

“Lilith? Oh, Murphy was still safe in the Augustus. As a messenger of the kingdom, he made an outstanding contribution to Byzantium.” Without asking Lilith, the Duke of Windsor directly said that she wanted to know. Information, the old duke who can’t hide wrinkles on his face seems to show his old appearance overnight. After a slight sigh, he continued: “The sentence just now was an official statement. In fact, he encountered some troubles and is now- —”

The old Duke’s words were interrupted by the sudden change of atmosphere at the banquet. Everyone turned around and saw the Byzantine monarch Edward III who appeared in that magnificent costume.

Lilith, as a member of the royal family, needs to be in the team behind Edward III at this moment. These are some small rules of the banquet. Because she represents Prince Langinus, she has no time to continue to listen to the Duke’s words and just bowed her head slightly. Walked to the next team.

Although I understood that there was time to ask after the appearance of the politeness, Lilith clenched her fingers slightly-she heard what the Duke’s words just said… everything about Murphys at today’s banquet, the official would only say The first statement comes out, and for the facts behind… I am afraid that it needs to be covered by public opinion.

What trouble is he having?

Lilith didn’t put her face up to discuss serious issues in her correspondence with Murphys. In the letter, she was like a simple little girl, telling Murphys all the anecdotes of Constantine, Talk about the content of your father’s face-to-face training, the advancement of his swordsmanship…and the thoughts that cannot be hidden in every vocabulary.

Girls don’t always speak bold words in person, but the letter is the opposite. She misses Murphy, which is an undeniable fact, but she understands that she can’t reach out and expect Murphy to give her a The long-awaited hug is precisely because of this, after hearing the incomplete words of the Duke of Windsor, Lilith, who was calm and calm, immediately became uneasy.

After saying hello to the Duke and Earl present, Edward III noticed that the only member of the royal family he was most satisfied with-many members of the royal family who participated in the military training, but followed the army out of the gilt and led The team charge is completely two concepts. He looked at Lilith in a decent skirt, and whispered after approaching: “Your father’s mission will not be in any danger. Windsor and I have revealed some news that the remaining cities will have those people involved to assist of.”

“‘Those people’? Are you referring to Della?”

Lilith behaved gracefully, leaning forward slightly and asked with her eyes down.

“The Golden Compass Council and the Round Table Knight Council started their actions, but it was not them who stopped the Naga’s invasion of the land. As for the sacredness of Della, I don’t care. I don’t think it’s the problem you should worry about. , Lilith.”

Edward III, like any kind elder, comforted some sad girls only when she was worried about the safety of her father.

Lilith was silent and finally asked no other questions. She nodded politely to show respect and was ready to step back to look for the Duke of Windsor, but she just took a step, and the two words that were not yīn and yang next to her suddenly stopped her. pace–

“Your Majesty, the kid at Windsor’s family is really reliable? I don’t think you know the news of the general attack on the entire mainland port. In this case, the envoy team in the remote area may be… fierce.

Empire politics is currently generally divided into two lines. The members of the noble council, mainly the Duke of Windsor, maintained their loyalty to the royal family. After several wars, they advocated the consolidation of the domestic economy and army building; the other line was led by the Marquis of Karen The main battle group, and then hope to take advantage of the situation to expand the territory, continue to exert pressure on the royal family and maintain the opposite of Windsor.

Some time ago, the prestige of the Murphy dragon knight was well-known above the Windsor family and the following factions were greatly boosted, which severely suppressed the Marquis of Karen-but as time passed He seemed unable to sit still anymore after the attack on Zinagar attacked. He frequently made main battle speeches in public, thinking that the empire should not be so humiliated by the ocean.

It was the Marquis of Karen who was guarding the Western Territories at the moment-his son was the Deco who had made Hiddink and others almost overwhelmed by the army!

Sarah and Deco, the two empire “novas” that were ruthlessly cleaned up by Murphys, were insulted. Although they did not dare to provoke Murphys, they did not mean that the forces behind them did not dare to deal with Duke Akar. .

“The fierce and the fierce? Why can Marquis Karen?”

Edward III’s eyebrows rose slightly, his voice was not loud, but he was full of energy, and the nobles on the other side quietly raised their ears.

Lilith stopped, but held her back to Marquis Karen and Edward III, took a deep breath, and seemed to control her emotions.

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