The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 111 - Smooth negotiation

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If there is any word to describe the encounter of General Fortagan, “People back up” is definitely the most appropriate… This guy with a spear just wanted to say something directly with his mount and flew out towards the back, then the seahorse directly Shock was in a coma. After rolling out for more than 40 meters, it floated straight in the water like dried salted fish, and then slowly sank to the bottom of the sea…

Duke Fortagen, who was also dazed, was dumbfounded. He had never expected that this guy would dare to move directly.

The entire royal team lined up here in a ring formation at the meter above Bacchus City. Their posture was obviously not in a position to prepare for calm and talk.This feeling of looking down did not seem to be negotiated at all, but instead. It’s here to declare their sovereignty-Mermaid’s pride sometimes makes people feel unbelievable. The idea of ​​”the oldest under the sea” makes these guys also seem to have lost the last respect for the dragon family.

Duke Futagan was slammed into the air, which not only caused gas and shock, but also caused countless sea horse knights to draw swords and draw swords, shrinking the team without hesitation, aiming at the standing on the square and raising his head Guy

At this time, Fahna didn’t know what to do.Although she was a 20th-level master, she suddenly faced an entire mermaid army-especially when the other party was the Royal Elite Guard, she was really not sure about it. The head-on glanced across Hydera, this dragon-phantom guy stood there and looked at the mermaids above his head.It seemed that he didn’t worry about what attack he would encounter.It was still a loose and loose look. Less than

Seeing that the guys above him had no more movements, Hydera stretched himself again, looked at the iron spear that Futagan had just inserted into the ground, stretched out, and pulled out thousands of celebrities. The knight’s gaze slowly twisted this so-called indestructible thing into a twist

As if he was not holding an iron spear, but a bunch of stretched dough, this guy was whispering something while twisting the thing in it, neither the mermaids nor Fahna could understand what he was saying, but Murphy, who came out of the room, just saw this guy was twisting a large pile of iron blocks into an iron ball, and his eyes swept through the cracks on the ground and the seahorse sinking like a dead fish not far away. , He knew what happened here without thinking

“What are you doing that?”

Looking at Hydera squeezing the things in it into an iron lump, Murphy raised his eyebrows slightly-after becoming a humanoid, the things that this guy thinks about every day are sometimes unbelievable, such as now …When Hydera stopped and looked up to answer Murphy’s question, the corner of his grinning mouth made Murphy instinctively recognize that some people might be unlucky.

“throw it out”

Hydera answered his question, then he turned the olive-shaped iron pimple towards the upper round, and a white line flashed in the water.It was the eddy current phenomenon caused by the speed too fast.The straight trajectory was straight. Extending beyond Mi Kai, when the mermaid turned his attention to the target hit by this iron lump, he only saw Duke Fortagen, who was hit in the chest and his eyes turned white and whispered bubbling toward the bottom of the sea.

Ashcandi chuckled aside and said bluntly: “This is the so-called Royal Army of the Mermaid Kingdom?”

In her eyes, it seems that no matter how big the battle is, one person’s power and strength need to be highlighted by thousands of people, often indicating that his heart is full of fear.

Fahna didn’t know what to say, but when she saw Murphy appeared, she was inexplicably settled inside, so she no longer stood aside, but came to the two, and at the same time Scarlett It also came out from an unknown corner, and smiled at Hydera as he fainted the other guy’s big head, and it seemed very interesting.

“Doesn’t look good on him?”

Murphy asked Hydera, but he rarely saw Hydera take the initiative to do excessive things.

Looking back from the mermaid above his head who was shocked by his actions, the seven-headed dragon shrugged and pointed to the already sinking seahorse and Futagan: “He wants that fish to kiss me”

The atmosphere froze for a moment, and Murphys twitched at the corner of his mouth to stop asking extra things-obviously he understood, the difficulty of communicating with Hydera was comparable to that of Cthulhu, and the mermaids at the moment Finally, the three Seahorse Cavaliers rushed down to check Fortagen’s injury, while Chastra appeared beside Murphys, gloating at Fortagen who rolled his eyes in the distance, and did not shy away. Dao: “That guy and I have never dealt with it. The formal diplomatic action was messed up by him. I’m really sorry.”

But Murphy can see that this guy is very happy, no matter how, the political enemies eat it and it is really a happy thing. With Chestera in, Murphy will not be killed by Hydera. What trouble do you have for the fish pro, and the next negotiation is going to start quickly, there is no stunned head like green garlic in the head of Futagan, no mermaid who lowered his posture, no one dared to put anything on the shelf, and Murphys An quietly sat on the negotiating table and started the consultation

Among the teams in such a big battle, the most prestigious identity is naturally the monarch Palan of the Bacchus Kingdom.This mermaid with a strength of only 15 is not as powerful as Murphys imagined, but it obviously maintains the royal dominance. It is not the absolute strength of the individual, but his own blood.The reason why this monarch valued Murphy is because of the emergence of the dragon and the strong strength of the three people in Chestra’s mouth to defeat five thousand naga in five minutes, although proud But the Kingdom of Bacchus on the border of the war is not so unrecognizable.They understand the truth that there is a mountain outside the mountain, so after seeing the scene where Hydera lifted and stunned the head of the legion Futagan, the previous doubts dissipated. Respectfully started negotiations with this man who might reform military power in an all-round way

As the monarch of Bacchus, Palan is a mage with strong melee ability, that is to say, he is an expert in magical double training, and unlike Murphy, this is the exclusive talent of the royal mermaid. It is impossible to have such a physique, so when negotiating with Murphy, he can have a common language with Murphy in many respects in the field of elements-for example, Palan tells how armaments are forged in Haiti Convert volcanic heat into controllable energy use, and Murphy briefly explained the strong formation enchantment at the core of the tree of Hida in his territory

This is not a simple exchange. Both technologies have very broad application prospects-the mermaid’s magmatic heat energy conversion method has a wide range of applications. This segment that can convert energy sources can even directly convert the energy of the Xida tree into heat energy for forging. If this is the case, the blacksmiths of Atlantis will save the pain of collecting and burning fuel.It is important to know that although the underground space has ventilation measures, sooner or later large-scale forging will make it a furnace. The protective barrier technology is also applicable to the defense of submarine cities

As a result, only a few simple intentions were negotiated, and the conversation between Murphy and the monarch Palan continued to be cold. The final agreement reached more and more, but because it was basically a win-win policy, there were not too many disputes-the whole Three days have passed, and Murphy, who returned to the August Empire, finally reached a dozen agreements with Bacchus, because the issue of forging armaments can only be solved in the August Empire, so the signatories of this agreement have a total of Four-the Empire of Augustus, the Kingdom of Bacchus, the Byzantine Empire, and the Lampard collar represented by Murphy himself

The Kingdom of Bacchus is willing to give way to the sea in exchange for a large number of armor for the Augustus factory. At the same time, Bacchus, which has a large amount of iron ore, also signed some trade agreements with Byzantium and Augustus.The reason is very simple. Selling to humans earns three or four times more than selling to those mermans

What is more important to Murphys is their support for their next newly determined strategy-Palan agreed to hand over those prisoners of war Naga to Murphys, and to serve in the 17 towns on the Bacchus border Fez will support the “Naga Resistance Movement” to be carried out. After all, Bacchus has no interest in exchanging these naga with the life of a mermaid warrior. Murphys letting the Naga against the Naga is simply Palan’s best. Thing, because there are two other mermaid countries on the waterway across the sea, but because of the agreement, Murphy said that after having a certain number of Naga troops, he will take a long way along the border of the Naga Empire The line returns to Byzantium, so although the distance is 30% farther, there are more steps left to deal with the mermaids of the other two countries-Murphy is in a hurry

In addition, Palan also agreed to find the last piece of Langkinus’s gun fragment in Murphy’s mouth, but as to whether he could find it, he did not have much hope

The cooperation with Mermaid was unexpectedly smooth.This is something that Murphy did not anticipate.He originally thought that he would spend a lot of time on the temptations back and forth, but he did not actually know that he was in a hurry-the original Bacchus Empire Not only was he attacked by the Naga, but also during this time a military conflict broke out with the neighboring Elon Kingdom.The enemies on the back and the back finally made him prefer to deal with this human who has a pure blood dragon servant. Going to sign a truce with the greedy Elon messenger, these coincidences eventually led to the success of Murphys

In addition to being a translator these days, Fahna’s greatest feeling is her gradual change in her view of Murphys and preparation for everything she will face next-as a prisoner of war, she has watched never come The deep-sea Murphy circled between Augustus, Byzantium, Bacchus and Cruze, and successfully fought for the best interests of himself. During this period, in addition to Ashkandi, Hydera and Scarlett, they showed themselves The power, the group has never encountered any hard stubble, all this gives her the feeling that the empty white wolf is as incredible

But she also understood that Murphy’s strength and the power behind him were enough for him to have such confidence, even when Murphy personally told her to form her own army with Garrosh under the sea and began to gradually incorporate the Naga Border Corps. When she was not too surprised

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