The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 131 - Critical situation

Thanks to [p] and [a cotton field] friends for their support! Thank you!

I have been busy today. I just got home and found a problem with the network before fixing it. The update is a bit late, sorry!

Purgatory seems to finally begin to tilt its power towards the human plane. []{.

Previously, due to the attack of Curtriline, the remaining three lords of the purgatory maintained the state of joint operations. Among them, the pressure on the human plane was Muse and Sarnaga. The mainland was in crisis with millions of black warcraft, and Sarnagar allowed Cthulhu to wake up from the deep sea sleep, driving the Naga Empire to create a crisis in the entire mainland’s Haian port…but because of the internal purgatory In the fight, none of them used their full strength.

But all this changed with the sudden retreat of Cochrane.

Cozuhir finally did not have to keep an eye on each other’s actions all day and was ready to launch a decisive battle at any time-although Curtriline always has the name “Lord of Lies”, his cunning is still worthless in the face of truly powerful forces Mention…The purgatory lord, whichever one comes out can be a slap to kill Kodrien. If he doesn’t have the strategic heart in his hands, everyone knows what this guy is going to do. However, the strength gap finally made him understand that it was only a fluke that he killed Solanda and Firras, and then the attention of Cosuhir and others was unrealistic, so the army from the sinking and abyssal plane was slowly slowing down Retreat, as if to die.

As a result, the three purgatory lords were finally able to completely turn their vision to the human plane-without it, the threat posed by the temple has made them impossible to ignore. Although the human plane is like a chessboard, it seems that the chess pieces can’t affect each other. The fundamental interests of chess players, but several purgatory lords understand how terrifying the power of the temple is. If they lose a mess on the chessboard, the only thing that will be followed is the purgatory plane.

So in this case, several purgatory lords began their further planning…Muse’s “plague” changed form and transmission method, and Sarnagar, with a strange smile, reported to the other two lords With his “masterpiece”-he has given up persuading Cthulhu to continue to find troubles in the countries of the mainland, but has begun to penetrate the consciousness among humans in his own way. 【Ye*zi】【Yu*you】

Deco, who was unconscious after being purified by Aquinas, was one of the countless humans infiltrated by this lord… As for who else in the entire continent is controlled by this lord in a powerful way, it is unknown.

But even if only two lords shot, the human plane still encountered the first major crisis since the purgatory’s involvement in three days…

The shape of the black beast cháo changed, a large number of flying warcraft appeared, instantly caused countless cities to fall, and countless deaths and injuries-even a superpower like Byzantium has lost three large cities and more than fifteen fortresses.

The number of deaths has now become a numb figure, no corpses are raging across the field, because the killed humans have become the running dogs of purgatory.

What is even more chilling for the human forces is that the sacred Gabriel empire that should have led the entire continent to counterattack under such circumstances is still in a blocked state… The heretic verdict no longer smells like a dog with its teeth pulled out.” The smell of “heretics” barked, and the Pope’s Hall was in a state of silence. The Cardinals now have the right to speak, but they collectively decided to keep the country in a state of blockade.

The gangsters of the human forces began to doubt whether the sacred Gabriel empire had any sinister intentions, and when everyone saw the black beasts of the purgatory forces avoiding their territory and had no offensive teams, they basically had a brain. Everyone understands what happened…

This sacred country that was originally given the greatest hope seems to have reached a certain agreement with purgatory!

The angry people wanted justice, but found that the kingdom had completely lost contact with the outside world.

………………………………………….. ……………

In the deep sea, the Imperial Palace of Naga Cruz.

The Mermaid Kingdom generally lives on a shallow continental shelf with abundant resources, where there are abundant fish resources, mineral deposits and even active volcanoes. Never worry about the hunger of the people…but for Naga, they live below 3,000 kilometers In the deep sea of ​​China, not to mention the discomfort caused by strong pressure, the cold and scarce food environment alone is enough for a race to withstand the indelible pain. (You can go to the leaf when you read the novel

The cursed naga lived a hard life that the mermaids could not imagine. Even the highest power core of the naga empire, the royal palace, was shrouded in darkness and cold all year round.

The royal power of the Naga Empire is controlled by the Queen, and the concentration of the royal power is enough to marvel any human empire, but the consequences are obvious. When a country is completely in the hands of an individual, the consequences are often extreme.

At this moment, in the palace palace, Queen Attila, who was admired and even worshipped by all the Naga people, was sitting on the throne. Looking at the figure standing in front of the temple at this time, her eyes were complicated and unusual.

This queen does not have six arms like Fahna, but has amazingly perfect hands like a human figure. Her skin has the delicate and silky smoothness that the rest of the Naga of the whole kingdom needs to look up. It’s not an exaggeration, the face is beautiful, but there is no trace of fireworks, as if the **** looks like the suffocation of the person looking directly.

The palace of the Royal Palace does not have much jewelry decoration, and the cheapest pearls are used, which is enough to see the barrenness of this country. In the icy waters, the people standing in front of the Queen’s Majesty at the moment did not have any respectful meaning. This made the guards around him have some annoyed expressions, but they did not overstep the Queen’s Majesty without orders.

The “guest” standing in the temple is actually the second time in the core area of ​​the Naga Empire. His image is very strange. Compared with the strong Naga warrior, he is very short and free of appearance. A reduced version of the naga-just with big eyes and no muscles, dry, like dried salted fish.

In the male naga, strong body is an important criterion for judging strength, because the spell is something that the female naga has the talent to learn. If there is not enough muscle and courage, then usually such a naga will die prematurely, even Before they reach adulthood, they will die because of cold and starvation. The naga never has extra food. The weak will eventually die because of the weak. This is the cruelty of the naga social system.

However, instead of starving to death, this guy standing in front of Attila Sina seems to be a good god, making many people suspect that the naga who saw him were wondering how he lived to the present, but in In this whole hall, there is only one person who dare not look down on this seemingly thin guy in front of him.

She is Her Majesty herself.

“Obviously, your capable man has betrayed and is now active in the border area. Everyone can see what she wants to do.”

The skinny Naga opened his strange eyes and looked at Atilan Si Na in front of him, with a little joking tone.

The Great Naga Empire has never heard anyone dare to speak to the Supreme Queen in this tone. If it is usual, even if there is only a little disrespect in the expression, I am afraid that the ensuing punishments are all unimaginable-Queen There is no doubt about her absolute authority. There is no aristocratic parliament and no restrictive departments. The factional struggles do not even need to be considered. Unless they are tired, no one dares to show any pride or frivolous in front of the queen.

But the guy who talked at this time not only did it, but also didn’t care about Atlantis’s uncertain expression, and continued: “Tightening the soldiers’ line is an expected thing, but of course I will do it for you. , Just because I had some trouble last time, it may take a while.”

“You will also be in trouble?”

The voice of Queen Attila of Naga was cold and frost, but she lacked the strength of three-points that she did not retreat. This is a bit abnormal for an existence standing at the top of the power pyramid, and the actual reason is her Deeply understand what the seemingly thin guy is.

“You have to understand what makes me think it’s trouble… for you, it can only be a disaster.” This thin Naga tone is slightly disdainful, and like the elders admonish the juniors, they don’t care about Atlantis at all. Nana’s feelings-The Queen of Naga, who has a beautiful appearance and wears a jīng to the royal robes, has always been looked up to. Her strength is the first in the Naga Kingdom, compared to the six-armed Naga Fahna It’s more powerful, but at the moment she doesn’t doubt that the guy in front of him is talking big.

Because he has a name that trembles all the creatures in the underwater world: Cthulhu.

Ancient behemoths once belonged to the powerful existence of purgatory.

Atlantis began to feel a little confused in her heart why she would cooperate with such a guy-it seemed that she was passive from beginning to end, from the ancient monster inexplicably appeared in front of him and made a deal on an unrefusable condition , Queen of Naga didn’t realize until now that she had unconsciously embarked on a path of no return… she used to be confident in her strength at level 27, and she didn’t feel anything wrong after all the decisions were made, but It was only now that she discovered that her strength really had no advantage in front of the other party.

If Attila Sina is a stream, then Cthulhu is an ocean…he can swallow everything unscrupulously, even if there are ten more Attila she believes herself There is no chance of winning.

“What else do I need to do?”

In desperation, Queen Attila can only bow her head, although this was unimaginable to her before, but in the face of the existence of Cthulhu, she could not resist.

Cthulhu, who appeared in a thin Naga, hugged his shoulders and said with a smile: “There is a coincidence I have to mention that the child who called me happened to be the commander who now leads the army to attack the border town. I think this There shouldn’t be any coincidences…who instructed her to do this? The human who owns the dragon as a pet may not be able to get rid of the relationship. What I want to do is very simple, and now you also understand it very well-at first It was the human that caused me some trouble. I stayed on the seabed for so long, and I haven’t had such a big loss, so I need you to help me bring him in, and then I will solve some problems myself.”

These remarks were very straightforward, and Attila Sina also understood that the other party’s speech had always been in this style, and there was no hidden tweet. All the words were placed on the bright side. ——

Because Attila Sina found that she had no room for rejection.

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