The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 149 - The light of dawn (3)

Thank you [Simple Place] [nglun] [A Jian] My friend’s monthly ticket, thank you! In the recommendation of Fengyun, please get a red ticket! Seeking collection!

The army is not moving, and the grain and grass go first.

At the time of Murenthal’s truce due to a three-day blizzard, the Offensive Beast’s offensive momentum also seemed to slow down a bit. It was just that the horse carriage that transported materials from various cities in Byzantium was unable to move forward due to heavy snow. Under the circumstances, Hydera’s huge body took on the heavy transportation task, and traveled between the cities one by one, like a hard worker ant. Mullentar’s rear position was filled with various neatly packed wooden boxes.

Then he took off again, hurried to the east coast of Byzantium with hundreds of mages, and carried out the orders issued by Murphy meticulously.

This kind of behavior, which seemed to headless flies to outsiders, made the Byzantine aristocrats who were waiting for the war to start a little dumbfounded. As early as a month ago, all the remaining nobles in the empire were ready to fight at any time, but today, Murphy, who has served as the highest military commander of Byzantium, seems to have no intention to fight the other party at all. The order we gave was two words: “standby”.

Already, the noble nobles protested to Edward III, arguing that Murphy’s behavior was “completely nonsense”, and even pointed the finger at the Duke of Akar in the palace, accusing Sang of Huai’s irony that “half of the empire has fallen.” Into the hands of the Windsor family” and so on…

The accused Duke Akar is very helpless, because at the moment it is his son, Grand Duke Lampard, Murphys, from combat decisions to various decisions, in order to avoid political suspicions, basically with Akar The Duke had nothing to do with it, but before the war was completely settled, he understood that all his arguments were powerless, so in the end he could only remain silent and put the hope of saving the country on Murphys.

Up to this point, the Principality of Lampard still seemed to have no movement. Infantry, cavalry, longbowmen, and crossbowmen are all inside the huge shield enclave, and no one knows what they are doing. Many residents of the Principality who are planning to spend the winter in warm homes occasionally hear roars, booms, or rumbling horseshoes from outside the city walls-civilians saw the announcement issued by the Grand Duke himself and learned that it was just a military exercise When it sounded, he let go of his heart and stopped being suspicious.

In the eyes of Bishop Stewart, the commander of the Holy Gabriel Empire, there is no difference between Mulenthal and Daxue before. It is only a matter of time before they are captured by the Jihad. As for the substitution of the commander-in-chief, he didn’t even care about it.

The Vatican has not issued any orders in recent days. Although Bishop Stewart was a little stranger than the pope’s sudden silence, he decided to patiently rehabilitate the army and wait for the snow to stop. .

Looking around the continent, not only the sacred Gabriel Empire as an enemy, almost all the leaders and nobles of the country have no confidence in Murphys, and they don’t think he can completely stop this catastrophe as he promised. , Sarcasm, no comment, and various attitudes show that they all just regard Murphy as a “dragon knight” with extraordinary personal strength.

Shortly after the time passed, at noon on November 17, the heavy snow over Mullental finally showed signs of cessation.

The atmosphere on the walls of the fortress began to become dignified. Even though the Byzantine soldiers were wearing thick clothes, the sudden drop in temperature still made them shudder. Looking at the sacred Gabriel army rearranging the array in the thick snow at the end of the field of vision, they all know that the other party’s vigorous siege operation…will begin again.

Morale is not high. After a few days of rest, the soldiers do not have more fighting spirit, but they are more depressed, because they do not see any supporting troops arrive…even other private nobles in the empire.

What was the number of soldiers before the armistice and how many are still there. In addition to the large empty space that was sorted out in front of the barracks, the only thing that made the soldiers a little gratified was the mountainous armor and food behind the position. No matter how much material there is, the fact that there is “no reinforcements” is like a mountain, which not only puts pressure on the hearts of the soldiers, but also makes the non-commissioned officers and generals look worried. Realize the resilience.

Is that Grand Duke reliable? Is he just an empty but powerful warrior?

The soldiers were whispering in their hearts, and they could see that the Holy Gabriel Empire once again pushed those siege equipment to march towards here, and they had to get up and prepare to start to meet the enemy.

The non-commissioned officers climbed the city wall, and a large number of defending materials were carried by the engineers. The generals frowned and arranged tasks for the subordinates. In the cold temperature, many people rubbed their hands and stomped their feet to keep warm. The open space was full of heavily armored infantry.

This was a situation that had never occurred before when defending the city. Tens of thousands of soldiers were on standby at all. In order to adapt the body to this cold combat environment, each soldier carried out sufficient pre-war activities, and their cold armor was worn. On his body, there was some sweat inside, and he was already in the best state of combat at this time.

This situation seems to mean that they are about to prepare for a head-on battle.

Prince Hades is currently the deputy commander of the Mulenthal battlefield, and the commander-the Grand Duke Murphy who saw the dragon before and after it-did not come to the scene at all. The staff more than once persuaded Prince Hades to give up the preparations to go out of town and bluntly said “Murfis is crazy” and even said “He is sending someone to die”… His Royal Highness, the indifferent expression of the indifference, did not pay attention to them. , A pair who completely trusts Duke Murphy.

The sound of the advance footsteps of the sacred Gabriel team gradually passed into the ears. The army covered with snow-white ground outside the city walls once again occupied the vision of the Byzantine soldiers. The neat square array and the neat military capacity all show these believers. A strong war…

With this item, Byzantium has fallen in morale.

The soldiers’ heartbeats on the city walls accelerated due to tension, and the white breath that was exhaled one after another, almost forming a whole, because the confidence was generally insufficient, the palms of the weapons were generally held tightly, and they stiffened and whitish in the cold air…

There was no morale-invigorating words, no impassioned pre-speech speeches, and from time to time someone looked back to Hades’s camp, hoping that this prince with a mighty killing power would come out and encourage the soldiers to make a few words-even if it was just the scene…

But with tens of thousands of enemies advancing on the snow, these soldiers finally did not look forward to the encouragement of the prince, but they only heard the crackling sound of the huge catapult’s trial shot to adjust the landing point…

On the silent city wall, the soldiers pulled out their long swords and set up their crossbows, waiting for the moment when the two sides started the war completely.

But at this moment, the soldiers who put their fingers on the trigger of the crossbow suddenly saw a wonder-the tidy central team of the sacred Gabriel suddenly had some confusion, and the vanguard in front of the position seemed to be Hearing any orders, they turned their heads and looked in the direction of the Chinese army-this behavior is not individual, but began a large-scale infection like a plague. It took almost less than a minute to make this team close. All the soldiers turned around and aimed at the center of the Jihad.

Immediately, the soldiers closer to the center began to kneel, then the back row, in the back row, and finally, the entire army moved towards the central bank of the formation. The highest courtesy of “kneeling”…

The Byzantine soldiers looked at each other, their arms carrying crossbows were a little sour, they looked up, and the huge team suddenly stopped and stood in front of the battlefield, and fell into a strange silence.

“What is that? Is there a bishop coming?”

“The bishop rank will not let these jihadists from various regions kneel at random…


“Is… the pope?”

The voices of the Byzantine soldiers gradually sounded on the originally silent city wall, and even the governorate and non-commissioned officers forgot to stop it. Countless soldiers pointed at the distant army that had completely stopped the attack, and forgot the tension just in a moment. …

The soldiers guessed right, Giovanni really came.

Directly flying from the sacred Gabriel empire without warning, the Pope was accompanied by only ten highest-ranking “executors” beside the cold-looking heretical verdict. At this time, he was wearing a simple white-gold robe, and the crown on his head was slightly skewed due to rush… This may be the first time that Giovanni had lost the calmness and calmness that the Pope should have, and his expression even looked a little grim, looking at The squadron in front of him, his eagerness was obvious.

When Bishop Stewart came to Giovanni with surprise and awe in his heart, His Majesty the Pope, without any nonsense, directly announced that he had taken over the command of the army. Giovanni’s pale face was covered with clouds, and he immediately came to the center of the formation, and began his bewitching “pre-war speech” to all the soldiers of the sacred Gabriel Empire…

“The Lord’s beloved people…”

The bishop Stewart’s eyebrows flicked aside, and instinctively noticed that something was wrong, but at this time he had lost all his powers, and wanted to go forward to ask, and was blocked by the ten indifferent “executors”. .

What happened?

The bishop looked at the soldiers who began to kneel in a wide range around him, only to feel a coolness spreading from the bottom of the feet… he was not stupid, the status of the pope determined that he must stay within the Vatican, and now… the highest monarch in this country is unprecedented ‘S personal battlefield… what does it mean?

Even if his mind was slow, he began to recollect it-I am afraid that the war now is not as simple as previously thought.

In the center of the lineup, the pope’s breathless voice was transmitted to the entire 70,000 former army troops with the help of magic.

The heir to the chief apostle Peter, the archbishop of the sacred Gabriel empire, the lord of the Vatican City and the servants of the servants of God-what does this long list of titles represent? For the Kingdom’s Jihad, his position is no different from the deity. Therefore, the appearance of Pope Giovanni at this time has no surprise that the morale of the soldiers reached the peak in an instant!

From near and far, tens of thousands of soldiers who knew that the Pope was at the scene did all the kneeling salutes, and even some soldiers wept bitterly to see the Pope’s deity…

The Byzantine soldiers in the distance basically confirmed that this was Pope Giovanni, the supreme leader of the Holy Gabriel Empire, but they could not hear what the other party said. The only thing they saw was the morale of the Jihad. After reaching the extreme, Aoao screamed towards the wall…

“They are crazy!”

“Shut up! Listen to the command—”

“Ready to meet the enemy!”

“Pay attention to the ballista!”


The noisy command sounded loudly, the Byzantine soldiers seemed to have felt the madness of the enemy’s pavement, and they all showed a dignified look, but in the entire army, only the prince in the center laughed strangely. sound.

After listening to the soldier’s report of the pope’s presence in the Prince Hades’s tense face was relaxed and relieved, smiling and saying to himself: “Oh, the big picture… it’s settled. “

He had already worn the exquisite knight armor and stood up suddenly. He stepped out of the camp and jumped onto the tall warhorse loaded with various auxiliary weapons. He pulled out the Naples magic steel dagger with high spirits.

The stunned aides would never know that as early as the day before the war broke out, His Royal Highness the Prince had learned from Murphys of all the possible movements of the enemy today.

And now that the Pope is “in person”, it means that Murphy’s plan…has been thoroughly and successfully implemented.

“Hey… after so long, I can finally move my muscles.”

At this time, this powerful knight enough to be included in the “Roundtable Knight Council” gently pulled the reins and calmly issued the order that Murphy had already arranged and also decided this order involving the entire continent.

“Open the gate, the whole army… strike.”

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