The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 151 - The light of dawn (5)

() If it doesn’t sound, it will be amazing.冰@火!中文

This is the best summary of Lampard’s offensive operations.

Butika’s extremity really gave His Majesty His Majesty a cold sweat, watching the hundreds of thousands of purgatory beasts disappear in the night, he was like a dehydrated patient, and he almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, he supported the city wall and stabilized his body, and even weakly ordered the soldiers to attack the city.

When he fixed his head and looked up again, he found that the three thousand Lampard reinforcements had disappeared. Under the darkness of night, the giant teleportation group pulled everyone back under the influence of Murphy’s “rules” under Lampard’s tree of Hida, and the wizards tried their best to restore their magic.

After a short period of rectification, two thousand soldiers were immediately transported again and came to the Fort “Pittsburgh” far northwest.

When the light of the teleportation disappeared, Murphy saw that the gates of Fort Pittsburgh had been opened at this time, and the 15,000 cavalry regiment of all the knights of Gilman, Fording and Lampard was making the six or seven of the pilgrimage army. A siege phalanx launched a cluster charge, and the various enchantments cast by the priest Andalil were like a colorful dome in the night, covering almost all friendly forces.

Similar to the scene that appeared in the Augustus, the combat effectiveness of these soldiers nearly doubled, and the momentum was even more terrifying.

And the Lampard cavalry like a tsunami wave became the tip of this assault team-the 4,200-person “Darkblade Knights” all wear heavy armor and use the heavy cavalry to prepare for the panicked Jihad. The siege team rushed away. Under the technical research of the Lampard alchemy room, those horses wearing the same heavy armor were shocking and enduring, and more importantly, each one was more than twice the size of the normal horse. As a result, the “Dark Blade Knights” rushing to the front seemed to be a whole team of giant knights. When they contacted the infantry of the Jihad Army, they were like sickle cutting wheat and shaving the other side directly.

The team led by Jeanna and Brown resembled a rainbow, and the bright white soul energy twisted the “arbiters” who tried to fight back into pieces.

After the heavy cavalry skimmed the array, the three batches of reloaded infantry regiments that followed followed were finalized. In the distance, the rushing purgatory beasts were cleanly cleaned in the same way by Murphys and Jeanne d’Or, so that this battle lasted less than three hours and declared a complete victory.

One hundred thousand “Jihad” failed in the next night’s massacre and lost.

And Murphy did not have time to stay in Fording to assist the aftermath. He directly took Jeanne’s little hand and arrived at the Budak fortress in Kaslandi before dawn.

“We… did it?”

Jeanne’s mood was a little bit excited, not because she cooperated with Murphy to kill an amazing number of purgatory creatures, but because she discovered everything that happened in front of her-whether it was the result of the battle or the process, it was completely in line with the previous pale face. The “expectation” of the big blood.

It can be said that Murphy relied on Compton, a **** family with terrible computing power, to pre-play all the possible situations in the entire battle situation with the support of the “creed” intelligence system. What we have to do now is to follow the plan set in advance. Complete it step by step.

There is no difference in the distribution of troops, tactical effects, and even battle loss ratios at each location. It sounds like a fantasy, but no one knows that Compton has buried more than a thousand different kinds of cards in this month and has been repeatedly deducing. So much so that in the schemes that have come out today, the “throwing force” of each battlefield is almost accurate to single digits.

When the prospects changed again, Hegel, who was in charge of the entire war in Kasrandi, had already waited for a long time by the teleportation array. When he saw Murphys and Jeanne appearing here, he knew that the battle was set and he could not help but reveal a little light Smiled and said: “The great consul, everything is going according to plan without any deviation.”

“This is also a battle to test the strength of the soldiers. Although the exercises have been performed many times, the real battlefield is different after all,” Murphy nodded, striding toward the Castleland Walls not far away, “Lampard There is more than one war in the Principality. You should understand what I mean.”

Hegel froze for a moment, but then he showed an unabashed shocked expression—does the Principality seek more land?

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but think it was nonsense, which monarch does not want his country to be as big as possible?

He quickly took a few steps to follow Murphy and nodded fiercely: “Understood!”

At present, this fortress belongs to Kaslandi, and this country has always been invisible to Byzantium, and its national strength is weak, and the only cavalry that is commendable is slaughtered by Byzantium. . Now faced with the danger of national annihilation, Byzantine Edward III is actually too lazy to care about whether they are dead or alive, but Murphy is determined to save, and the monarch has not stopped it-Caslandi, who was informed of this news at this time The soldiers were grateful to Lampard. If he had a father of the Byzantine Duke, Caslandi could not have cut a large territory and let him take root in this land.

Although Lampard’s strength is not yet 30,000 in total, they who are on the absolute elite route are at ease at this time-because this army can obtain absolute mobility advantages through the teleportation array. Comparable “one-stop” strength.

It can even be said that the deterrent force displayed by the Lampard forces at this time has made the leaders of the various countries working together understand the fact that the seemingly small principality of Lampard has already stood at the pinnacle of the mainland in terms of force value.

The battle situation at this time is more proof of this. There are three thousand Lampard long archers affiliated with Lampard standing on the tall city wall. Their range is increased by the wall and more than 500 meters. They always keep shooting at a high frequency. The buzzing sound of bowstrings striking through the air one after another, the rain of arrows poured down, making the enemy under the wall almost impossible to move.

With the replacement of 5,000 longbow reserves under the city walls, Caslandi’s Fortress of Budak has erupted since the arrival of these longbowmen in the afternoon. The most terrifying counterattack in history has erupted. At this time, the arrow shafts inserted under the city walls were almost forested, the enemy could not move at all, and the corpses even covered the entire rugged mountain road.

On the other hand, the Budak Fortress, its walls have not suffered an attack from the opponent’s trebuchet.

As for the reason… Scarlett, the consul of the “Night Watch” division, is raising her palms slightly, letting a phantom of colorful light envelope the enemies in the distance-the more than 30,000 jihadist troops that were originally about to attack the city are thoroughly in the illusion Lost in direction, even the trebuchet was thrown in the wrong direction, and even the soldiers killed each other and fought together.

They seemed to be unable to find the exact location of the Budak fortress in the night.

“It should be possible to end the battle before dark.” Murphy nodded, recognizing the ability of the “black widow”, and then standing beside her, it seemed extremely easy to say: “Good show… still behind .”

“To this day, I have to admit that no matter who it is, being your enemy is really a sad thing.”

Scarlett teased a few words while changing the illusion being released on the battlefield. The dizzy “Jihad” in the distance seemed to suddenly see something terrible. Suddenly, a groan called and started to flee, while Budak The gates of the fortress walls opened at the next moment. The mage sent from Lampard began to cover the shooting. More than 20,000 walking and riding mixed teams in the fortress began to cover up the fleeing “Jihad”. Hessel, who was like a giant, led the elite infantry regiment belonging to Lampard at the forefront, and began a one-sided slaughter with a crushing posture in the subsequent attack…

“It will take time for the news to reach the Vatican, but I think the pope may respond tomorrow afternoon or evening.”

“So, should I congratulate you… Congratulations to’Night Watcher’ finally here? Can you confront the Vatican Holy See…”

“The Holy See…Oh, there’s really nothing to fight against,” Murphy said when he was here, but he couldn’t help laughing, Yun Yunfeng’s lightness made Scarlett a little trance in the blurred light and shadow, “They It’s just a lost lamb…”

“dont you agree?”

Turning his head to ask Joan, the magician who had grown up now nodded inexplicably, then looked at the purgatory creature that appeared again in the distant field of vision, and raised his palm…

“Of course, the unclean soul from purgatory must be redeemed.”

At the moment, Murphy, who was awesome, looked at the distance with a smile, and said in a holy light.


“These heretics will be redeemed by the Holy Light!”

On the evening of November 17, one day after the war, Pope Giovanni shouted similar words to the jihadist army in front of him.

His voice gave the jihadists unparalleled confidence, so when the soldiers looked at the walls of Mullenthal, there was no retreat in their eyes, but only the most thorough fanaticism…

According to common sense, this enthusiasm may only be possessed by the people who are most obsessed with faith, but in fact, when Giovanni appeared on the battlefield, the breath emitted by his body already had a trace of unusual mania. And uneasy.

This invisible breath affected all the soldiers, and even made those who were still calm had become irritable and combative.

Ten expressionless guards who followed the pope were next to Giovanni, even the soldiers who asked for orders, stood on their knees outside the “human wall” formed by them and waited for the oracle “.

After several days of rest, the constant supply of troops from Isingale has allowed the “Jihad Army” that can fight at this time to reach the size of 200,000-this is already the limit of the sacred Gabriel’s imperial power, Although there are many recruits who have never been on the battlefield, but this data is in front of them, no matter how powerful Byzantium is, he will have to weigh his ability.

It was only at this moment that the disparity between the enemy and the enemy did not give Giovanni any sense of security. Although he was sitting in the Chinese army, the third and the third layers were protected by powerful executioners, but the whole body was like Being in a glacier, I just felt a cold air spreading from the soles of my feet, as if to penetrate the bone marrow…

It wasn’t anyone else who brought him this feeling. It was the Grand Duke Lampard—Murpheus, who believed that he would only have “sculptor skills” a few days ago.

Giovanni never thought that the army he was determined to win would be defeated so tragically and so thoroughly. A battle involving more than 50,000 people on this continent can be called a large-scale decisive battle. In history, no battle of toughness has ever been heard of a fortress that can be defeated in a night…or even within a few hours.

Unfortunately, the sacred Gabriel empire set this record three times yesterday night.

The three fronts, a total of 200,000 troops, are exhausted. Yesterday I also imagined how to encroach on the land of the Holy See. The only thing I can hope for today is to get in touch with the commander who is still alive…but in the end, except for the dying Maxim to contact the Vatican, there is no other message.

The failure without warning didn’t even have time to buffer the pope’s heart. The report of the attack on the army yesterday evening only made the bishops panic, but the long silence then seemed to restore the calm of the past. It wasn’t until noon today that the intermittent news made these old magic sticks understand what happened.

“How did that happen?”

Giovanni lost his mind for a long time, looking at the last and strongest part of the jihadists in front of him, and secretly made up his mind that he must not let the Holy See’s plan to dominate the mainland fail.

The sound of war drums sounded, and the siege equipment was pushed towards the city wall. The cloud ladder was laid on the wall stacks one by one under the sloping fire of the city wall. Go on.

Flesh is splashing, life is like grass mustard, Mullentar’s flesh grinding plate seems to start rotating again after the snow stops, crushing life by life, squeezing the blood dripping.

It seems that Murenthal can’t withstand such an attack, the morale of the soldiers on the city wall is low, and even some Jihad soldiers have successfully jumped on the city wall, causing a small range of chaos…

Everything seemed to be moving in the direction the Holy See expected two days ago, but the more this is, the more uneasy Giovanni feels…

That **** Murphy… what other tricks would he have?

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