The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 163 - The final battle (2)

Obtaining the Byzantine identity recognition is of historical significance to the blood race.

Once the “third person” in the world-that is, Cain, also called “final dogma” on the second floor of Arantis, the original “blood” was never recognized by God, and eventually fell. Abandoned and imprisoned.

This ethnic group suffered from imprisonment and gods’ spurting from the beginning-they lived in the shadows, fearing the sun, and even fearing humanity to some extent. But now…they have finally achieved equal status with human beings. For William, for the Clemens, and for the whole blood family, which is not much left, the news is shocking, but it also makes them a little confused.

Next, what are you going to do?

All blood tribes automatically have Byzantine nationality, and they follow Byzantine laws. The problem of territory is even better. After the trauma of war, a large area of ​​land is distributed to William. At the same time, the patriarch received the “Duke” recognized by Byzantium The territory has a high degree of autonomy-and after Scarlett informed William of the way that the human race will continue to survive and continue the race, he understands… this title is not necessary.

In order to continue the entire blood, he had to stand in the Chamber of Byzantine Constantine and became a superior aristocrat in the strongest country on the mainland today, and led almost all the remaining 60,000 blood clan to become Byzantium People.

The priesthood ceremony is open and grand. For many people who do not know the existence of the blood clan, this very attractive old patriarch seems to be just a slightly pale old man. The people of Constantine are happy to see the king. Awarding honours to those soldiers who have merits, but do not know what it means.

And this series of actions, for Murphy, only means that he successfully tied the blood and Byzantium together.

When William silently speculated on his intentions, Murphy almost shut himself in the study room in the past few days. Uninformed people thought that the Grand Duke was busy building a “little Duke”, which could be used as Murphy. The few people beside him who were qualified to enter his study were very nervous.

Including Irindahl, Jeanne, Andalil, Lilith and others have never seen Murphy’s face so gloomy. The original jealousy and laughter at the banquet instantly became a thing of the past because of his seriousness It seems that Lampard, who had just emerged from the shadow of the war, was once again overcast.

On the surface, the Principality is in a “transition period” of dramatic changes. After the promotion of the Principality, Lampard’s mode of operation can no longer be as arbitrary as it used to be. Therefore, under the planning of Murphys and Hegel, the internal structure of the Principality began to be adjusted on a large scale.

The “Night Watch” was completely hidden in the ground and became a pure research and war organization. The governor was held by Murphys and had the control of all the military forces. At the same time, he mastered all the powers of the Magic Academy and the alchemists and blacksmiths. Department.

The political aspect is assigned to Hegel and the management team structured by him. This northern noble is not weak in political governance, and with the talents sent by the ten major families, the entire territory has “creed” “Pervasive supervision without worrying about falling into the hands of others.

The two divisional consuls—Connor and Scarlett—have gained more authority and immediately formulated a large number of resource collection tasks. Regarding Queen Naga, Fahna, Murphy did not treat each other as a subordinate official, but talked on an equal basis between the two countries. This kind of courteousness made Fahna a little flattered, knowing that she was only Atti Lancena’s next chess piece was sacrificed. Today’s identity is almost entirely given by Murphy. Although once hostile, but she has already let go of her heart, she has repositioned her identity. Some requests promised.

It was said that Murphy did not make a request to embarrass Fahna, but only asked her to send an auxiliary team that could transport food in freshwater lakes.

This was the request made by Murphys in the plenary meeting the day after he read the black note. Hegel and others were not stupid and vaguely noticed something, but after that Murphy locked himself in the study and never went out. Ashcandi looked at him with some worry in his mind-it was not until the fifth day after the meeting that the door of his study slowly opened.

Murphy, who had walked out of the gate, looked tired, but the frowning gestures before him eased a lot. He saw Ashcandy and Irindal who were waiting for him in the living room and exhaled deeply.

“Some things need to be arranged, I need to explain to you here first.”

Murphy said in the armchair in front of the fireplace in the hall, the tired look made them feel very distressed.

The Dark Queen and Irindal sat opposite Murphy. Ashkandi asked softly, “What are you going to do this time? Fahna’s Naga forces have already been deployed on almost all rivers. Are you going to deal with the Hai people?”

“Hai Clan? I haven’t had that leisurely thought yet,” Murphy wanted to laugh, but he looked slightly startled. He seemed to think of something, but he didn’t grasp the point. He didn’t even think about it, and he said: “Before we They think that the Lord of Purgatory has already scuttled because they ultimately want to’wake up’ your plan to fail-and as a result, they will find that all their plans have been disrupted, and they will no longer be able to threaten the human plane, right? ?”

Irindal nodded, in fact… most insiders thought so. Those purgatory creatures came in front of the purification aura, but the purgatory lord could not directly open the plane portal to enter this plane. Since Ashcandi, the former lord, would not give them “inward response”, Is there any way for purgatory to threaten here?

But the next words of Murphys made Ashcandi and Irindal deeply frown—

“Things are a bit complicated, but in fact it can be summed up in one sentence: we are all fooled.”

Murphy sighed, “Purgatory didn’t even plan to rely on Ashcandy to open the plane portal…or, they didn’t put all their hopes on you from the beginning.”

Looking at Ashcandy’s surprised eyes, Murphy felt a little helpless about being played by the purgatory lord. He paused and continued: “The Pope, the Holy See, those troops, including us see everything. It’s just a guise that they let us relax our vigilance completely.”

Ashcandy said something a little stunned, and Irindal didn’t respond to everything he heard. Some asked dumbly: “Then…you mean, they still have…backward moves?”

Murphy closed his eyes slightly, seeming to refilter the messy information in his mind, and then slowly said: “They have planned everything for a long time, and now all the situations are moving in the direction of their planning… Purgatory The ambition is not just the human plane.”

He raised his hand, rubbed his eyebrows, and pointed to the top of his head-“Maybe we will expedite to other planes this time…”

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha–“

The rumbling laughter echoed in the fiery red valley, and the lava flowing around made the temperature here terrifying, but the figures in the valley did not feel any discomfort at all, calmed in the poisonous gas full of sulfur smell calm.

Cozuhir in a black robe is still that indifferent posture, slender fingers carrying chess pieces carved from white bones, suspended on the chessboard, and said indifferently, “Sarnaga, enough smile? ?I know your acting is good, but you don’t have to be narcissistic to this point?”

“I just want to laugh… It’s been so many years, it’s been a long time since I’ve passed it so much-they still don’t know why I am the “Lord of Desire”, eager for victory, eager to get out of war, is it not a greed? How about I satisfy you? Hahahahaha…”

Muse raised his black smoke-filled arm, and separated Sarnaga’s laughter with a soundproof barrier between his hands, and continued to play against Kosuhir in his hand. The voice of nothingness came, but with a little contempt: “Just keep everything in accordance with the plan, he will be happy like this, really…”

“Actually, there are no variables. From this moment on, there should be no human plane-of course…except when we harvest the fruits of victory.” Kosuhir’s pale face showed a faint smile, as if Talking about the weather today, “My army is in place… how about you?”

“Same as planned.”

Muse’s answer was a bit cold, and the purgatory lord’s character was more or less weird. “Heh… It’s a plan, and there are quite a lot of variables. When Sarnar, this fool, comes to Cthulhu, he should know himself. After taking a risky move, he finally got all of it back on track-but it was really a surprise that Curtriline assumed the current role.”

“Lord of lie… At first I thought he really wanted to rebel… Now that he thinks about it, his brain is not bad. Of course, the chess piece cannot decide his position, just like the Murphys, it is ultimately at the mercy of others. Life.”


As the chess game came to an end, Cosu Hill was suppressed by others everywhere and was unable to fight back. Seeing that in two or three rounds, he would abandon the child and concede defeat. I wonder if Muse is laughing at Murphys or under his eyes. Chess game.

“Since waiting for so long, it is not good to relax your vigilance at will.”

Kosusil’s chess pieces fell, and the situation on the chessboard that had fallen into despair suddenly changed. Muse’s smoky body solidified for a moment, and then spread out again. The voice was a little sighed: “On strategy, it is your head. It’s easier to use.”

The fallen angel gladly accepted the compliment of the other party, turned his head to look at Sarnaga, who was still immersed in the sense of accomplishment by playing with Murphy and Ashcandi, broke the sound barrier, low Voice said: “She always put you on the head, but now she finally breathed out?”

“When everything is over, I will ask her to settle the accounts carefully. This is just the first step of my revenge, ha ha ha ha-next, let the group of self-righteous angels taste the bitter fruits they planted themselves!”

The echo of the greedy lord continued to echo in the valley, and outside the valley, more than 300,000 purgatory troops were rushing into the distance.

The terrain of purgatory is changeable. Some places are covered with lava and the temperature is appalling. But in more places, the temperature is cold and the air becomes ice.

From the abyss and the sinking world, the coalition forces, which have reunited 270,000 troops, are now camping in the ice and snow in the north of purgatory.

Although different from the human plane, these strange and even ugly guys still need food after all. It is said that “the commander is not bad for hungry soldiers”, and “logistics” is also a huge problem for the current army.

“The Lord of Lies,” Curtriline stood on the cold, icy ground, squinting and wondering what to think. He has now become the sole commander of these 150,000 troops. Mandal, who was originally at the same level as him, and Gad, the master of disasters, have all died down. Among the first commanders of the ruling class, In addition to Kortrien who has the highest voice, only Kulkara Ballena, the direct blood patriarch.

Once Mandal said that the entire abyss and the sinking plane can condense more than three million combat powers, but this number has fallen sharply because of the death of several lords who have absolute dominance, and now Curtriline has only been brought by various means. The abducted held 200,000 troops in his hand, and Kulkara and the other 70,000 troops of the blood lineage behind him were the only objects that Curtriline needed to worry about.

“We can’t move on in this situation, food is scarce, morale is low, and my people have no enough blood to survive.”

Kurkala’s voice rang aside, and he once had the scepter of Sulfuras. Now he has to succumb to others. After all, his strength is no match for the great purgatory devil like Cochrane, so he follows Cochrane. Ryan’s rebellion against the angel plane and the fight against the purgatory lord is absolutely a last resort. It can even be said that…from beginning to end, he was almost tied to this chariot and forced to fight.

At first, the two purgatory lords who were killed did give them a strong heart. He even thought that this army would soon rule the three major planes of **** and even touch the angel plane, but with the remaining three lords of the purgatory, they insisted on counterattack , Their disadvantages are getting bigger and bigger, so that they fall back.

But even so, Curtriline still insists on replenishing the soldiers from the sinking, abyss plane, and embarking on the expedition again… Such poor soldiers and militia have made Kurkala unwilling, so when Curtriline decided to move forward again, He finally stood up…and raised objections.

“Want to retreat? How to retreat? We have no retreat now, Urie and his army are in front, they are less than 70,000, only a quarter of our army! Here, all angels have the strength Discount, we will never lose head-on!”

“It’s not a question of losing or losing. As a commander, you should understand what logistics means… Do you let a group of guys who have no strength go up and be hacked to death by each other?”

Kurkala couldn’t help but refute, he could not bear the protracted war in this harsh environment.

“Are you teaching me how to fight?”

Curtriline’s eyes narrowed, and the countless tentacles behind his huge body twisted up, apparently feeling impatient with Kurkala’s doubts. This silent threat made the head of the Baron’s face change, and he wanted to say something, but in the end, he still died down and did not continue.

The thirteen direct families of the blood family are ridiculous by saying… this group of old guys can survive till now, completely because they are far more tolerant than the average person, even if they are laughed at by a shrinking turtle, as long as they live, this shame will be Can endure forever.

At this time, several young blood tribes who came to power due to the death of the former patriarch saw that Curtriline had such a monopoly, and they all showed their faces, but when Curtiline’s eyes swept over them, these guys did not dare to deal with it. Stare at…

In the cold wind, Curtriline looked at the land with a faint red glow in the distance, and finally gave the order to move on.

The exhausted demons and blood clan appeared extremely chaotic in the team. Due to the rush of formation, this army lacked enough middle-level generals to lead the team. The execution efficiency of the command was extremely low, and the action was even slower. But Cotraline did not seem to estimate at all whether they had learned how to fight. At this time, the 270,000 troops were pulled in, and his purpose was only one… to take them to the valley of doom ahead.

The heart with infinite power was carefully held in the hands of Kortrien-this powerful weapon that could kill the purgatory lord must be kept by him personally, and in the eyes of Kulkara and others, this heart is already Be the only reason why they are still moving forward…

Killing the purgatory lord and occupying all the resources. In addition, the blood races don’t want to ask for more, because now the 70,000 people are almost all the combat power that the entire lineage blood race group can bring out.

Kortrien was hidden in the darkness, and Kurkala, who had just been completely dull in front of him, stood there with a pale face, and several patriarchs stepped forward to persuade him, but saw him as if the volcano was about to erupt. It was the consciousness who shut up.

The cloak waved Kurkala looked around, seemingly confirming that Curtriline had left, and he whispered an order to the patriarchs that surprised them a little–

“All blood clan contracted to the same camp, no longer mixed with other abyss soldiers.”

The patriarchs who smelled a few flavors looked at each other, seeming to guess something, but they did not dare to speak in person, one by one queried doubts in their hearts, and led away.

Not long after, only Kulkara was left here.

“Are you really fighting…or–what conspiracy is there?”

The pale vampire looked at the horizon, thinking about the suspicious behavior of Curtriline from beginning to end, and his face was worried.

“I dare not let the blood race be your funeral…”


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