The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 19 - Connector

>After the preparation of these things, Murphy received the message from the “creed” the next morning and had to say that the three conditions he requested from His Majesty Hasselt brought him many benefits, and The biggest use turned out to be Varian’s “gift”. After using this power that had not been used, Varian, who had received a message from Murphy directly, agreed to his request for information about the country of Nare, and For a time, Murphy was given a coordinate in Nalle-all the information was connected there and someone was responsible for leading Murphy to search and rescue.

It can be seen that it is the old man’s style to vote for Lee, and Varian, who has never been stingy, said at the end of his reply with a formal tone that the “Consanas family is willing to accept any form of cooperation at any time”-but Murphys There was no time to think about it. Jumping to Shanghai Della, still leaving Sphinx, he and Sunderland flew directly into the sky.

In order to arrive as soon as possible, Sunderland and Murphy used a stable air barrier to protect Hydera’s flight efficiency and avoid the danger of turbulence. According to the plan, it only took one day for Hydera to lead the two to Booked location!

Murphy looked at the empty sky and the vast earth, but only one sentence kept repeating.

Hold it.

As the day dawned, Lilith rubbed her swollen eyes, got up and killed the remaining bonfire of Yu Wen, and led the team to the next day’s attack without stopping.

At noon, Lily Ribbon led the team to the place where Hiddink had intercepted the enemy cavalry.

Countless crows and vultures hovered in the sky, and the squirrel cries echoed on the open field.

Lilith, after a long-distance attack, described withered, when she saw that **** battlefield, she couldn’t control her tears completely, jumped off the horse and ran over.

Afterwards, she gradually stopped, and the long sword in her hand fell to the ground…

After a few days, the **** smell turned into a smelly corpse. Most of the corpses left on the ground were unrecognizable. The enemy seemed to have no time to clean up the remains of these soldiers because of the rapid evacuation…so here, all There were many soldiers killed in battle.

Lilith wept bitterly.

She wasn’t the one who hadn’t seen death, and was also a warrior crawling out of the **** sea of ​​corpses. Lilith shouldn’t be so fragile, but no one would be as ruthless as an icy machine, seeing these in person after enduring too much suffering When the soldiers killed in order to save their own team, no matter how strong they are, they cannot control their emotions.

The corpse has begun to rot under the sun, and the strong smell of rotting makes people inaccessible. Countless crows and vultures stand on the corpse and fight for food.


Lilith’s helpless punch on the ground, her hands grabbing the weeds stained with blood on the ground, remorse, anger… hatred, made her as if swallowed by ants.

Lilith wanted to shout, but she found her voice as dry and abnormal as those crows laughing at herself.


The cavalry who followed her stopped, not knowing what to do next.

Lilith was silent for a long time and finally wiped her eyes hard, got up and jumped on horseback, took a deep breath: “Continue to track, confirm their direction of travel before dark.”

“We have more important things.”

The squadron of more than 200 people immediately began to advance, bypassing the dead battlefield. The group had just crossed the hillside, but they saw a very absurd scene.

It was still on the open plain, with a sudden figure lying on the ground-Lilith thought it was a dead body, but when the team approached, it was found that a young man was relaxing in the sun.

Although the weather is getting warmer, this young man is dressed like a beggar, with black feet, like a savage who just fled from somewhere, his hair tangled like a bird’s nest, greasy and dirty, draped With two fur sleeves that could not distinguish the original color, a grass stalk in his mouth, it seemed that he hadn’t put the hundreds of knights passing by in his eyes.

This is definitely not normal. Although the grazing customs of Nale’s country are not there, let alone cattle and sheep, and even wild rabbits can’t be seen nearby, and a young kid didn’t watch much from the beginning after the appearance of a well-equipped cavalry regiment. Eyes-This shows that he is either a crippled person with extreme sensory disabilities or a weird person with a difference.

Lilith didn’t talk too much. When the large army tracked the horseshoe marks of the Nale cavalry, he came to this guy with two guards and asked directly: “I am a Byzantine medical knight major. I need to consult some things. , And-I can give back.”

She reached out and took out her own food supplies, two strings of dried bacon and a water bag. Lilith clearly understood that money is not important in this place.

The guy lying on the ground shifted his gaze, didn’t even mean to get up, and lazily replied: “Return? Give me a woman. This place is too desolate. Sleeping at night, I would like someone to help me warm.” “

This sentence was obviously ridiculing Lilith. The two guards next to them were ready to hack the kid who didn’t know how to lift without mentioning the sword, but was stopped by Lilith squinting.

“I’m looking for the cavalry troop of Nale, can I provide some clues?” Lilith could feel that this guy was not a beggar as she had imagined, so she was vigilant and polite.

The guy chewed on the grass stem, and there was no reaction.

Lilith turned to leave, and just took three steps, but heard a self-talking word coming behind her-“It’s going to rain, this is not a good way to go.”

Lilith seemed to want to say something in the pause, and finally did not look back, so he rode his horse and chased the team in front.

The boring young man lying here still did not look at the back in the distance, but continued to mutter to himself: “Lankinus family? After all, women are still married, and it is better to marry more battles. The right nobleman, right? It’s really a bad temper.”

Minos Consanas tilted Erlang’s legs, stretched out his hands and bounced off the little reptile on his clothes, looking at the sky that had begun to become gloomy, his expression strange.



Lightning flashed through the air, illuminating the figure in the air that was still tirelessly flying.

Hydera, which has approached the target location, lowered its flying height, but the heavy rain in the low-altitude clouds made the visibility extremely low. At a thousand-meter altitude, looking down, only a fog-like sea can be seen. The gray plain has appeared in In the field of vision, but there is no specific reference object, Murphy can’t distinguish the coordinates given by Varian at all-Hydera, who was helplessly lowered to a height of 100 meters, was almost hit by several lightnings, if he didn’t know how to avoid it Lightning strike Sunderland drove out thunder and lightning elements. Rao Murphy’s existence above level a may not be able to withstand the thunder bombardment.

The torrential rain was pouring, and the thunder of the elemental barrier due to the impact of the raindrops made Murphy numb and abnormal. He took the map in his hand and compared the surrounding environment and calculated his distance.

For a long time, Hydera turned three times under Murphy’s order, and finally stopped on a piece of muddy grassland.

After several corrections, Murphy confirmed that his position was the coordinates given by Varian, but it seemed that there was nothing but grass here-but Hydera had just landed on the ground, and a figure was pouring rain. Slowly walked out of the rain and mist.

“Hey! This dragon is so handsome!”

Minos Consanas beckoned at Murphys, soaking wet as if falling into the water, but he seemed to enjoy the heavy rain more like this, the upper body simply threw away the crap-like clothes The strong muscles are exposed to the air, and they look full of explosive force.

Murphy, who didn’t expect that he would face this role, quickly accepted the reality. He didn’t say anything to signal that this guy who had fought a fight jumped the head of Shanghai Della and asked directly, “Where do I need to go? ?”

“The girls of the Lankinus family passed by me a day ago. Unexpectedly, they have lost their way in a heavy rain and will soon be discovered by the scouts at the border of Nale,” Minos is a very creed professional. Pie, there is no half nonsense in front of Murphy: “There are only 17 people you are looking for now. My people are not far from them. The cavalry regiment that transported them to Nale has returned to Nale base camp. That is to say, the guys you are looking for have already been transported into Pella City.”

“Only seventeen?”

Murphy clenched his fist slightly, he remembered that his father’s letter to himself was a knight squadron!

“I can’t guarantee how long the lord of Pella will keep them alive in this Compared to exchanging ransom, some people prefer to torture the nobles for fun.”

Minos’s expression was still casual, but the information he casually told Murphys had to face two problems-whether to save Lilith or hurry to the city of Pera to find Hiddink who might survive?

Obviously, Murphy, who brought Sunderland, had already prepared for this.

“Thanks for your information, I still need you to show me the way, can I?”

Murphy was very polite to this guy who had never won himself, but this made Minos make a very exaggerated expression…

“Hey, it’s too much for you to talk like this. My grandpa wrote to me and said that you will be a friend of the Consanas family in the future-you know, I don’t want to go back and be slapped by his slap. North clearly understood that he should not talk too much now, and pointed to the distance, saying: “Don’t stare at me, go in that direction, the cavalry will definitely be somewhere in the highlands.”

Hyder screamed and fluttered his wings directly into the sky during the rainstorm, while Murphy appeared silent and no longer had much communication with Minos, but stared at the misty ground in the heavy rain in the distance, I wondered what.

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