The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 40 - Fallen Angel, Cozuhir

>[It is still five thousand words, these three days have been weak and abnormal, and I can’t take some medicine today. So far, I have updated five thousand words for twelve consecutive days. I hope everyone’s red tickets and monthly tickets can be more powerful. Thank you for your support and monthly vote, thank you! 】

The Land of Confession is a beautifully shaped fortress made of countless white bricks and stones, but the cylindrical and hollow prison disappeared completely, leaving only a completely ruined ruin that was nearly a hundred meters high. The energy of the soul that Ashcandi tried to release was completely leveled, and the imprisoned enchantment above the ground was completely shut down and extinguished, and in the center of the circular ground, the figure lying on the ground made Murphys rushing quickly. Clenched fist

He fell straight and stood in front of Ashcandi. M

From the separation of the shelter until now Murphy faced her again, although only a few months passed, but in Murphy’s experience, the separation time of the two is far from being calculated by “month”.

In the Koslo Valley, in order to reach his physical limit, he was crazy, painful, and at all costs to improve his strength under the training of Ke Li’an. In the dragon’s space-time field, he spent seven years.

The seven years of isolation and the unbearable seven years of ordinary people have allowed Murphy to grow rapidly. Under countless hardships, the only thing that allows Murphy to stick to today is only one belief-that is, the rescue of Ashkan Dee.

Looking at the scene in front of him and the feeling conveyed by the Soul Contract, Morpheus found that he still seemed to be a step late. Ashcandi used all his strength to level the entire “land of confession”. Murphy found her position and came to her without effort, but because of this, her soul energy was almost exhausted, and she was already in a deep coma.

Murphy had thousands of words to say, but now he even rushed to Ashcandi without a curse, reached out to hug her, looked back at the flying angels, and did not flash Go straight up without avoiding it!

Hold on.

He gritted his teeth and reached for the magic scroll he carried.

As countless angels were about to enter the kilometer range, Murphy flew in the air and threw forward the largest and most bizarre scroll in this collection of Yizur.

“Demon Summon.”

After the scroll was burned out, a temporary space-time portal appeared suddenly in the air. There were no more than ten seconds but there were more than ten demons from the abyss-they had the wings of the devil, their fierce faces and The strong and sturdy body is full of danger and violent breath. These guys have the same level as the battle angels, but obviously a dozen demons cannot pose any threat to the thousands of battle angels, but when Murphy throws the second scroll When it came out, everything changed instantly.

“Phantom copy.”

The blue light flashed, the figure of dozens of demons increased exponentially in an instant, and it turned into more than 300 in an instant. Murphy was immediately blocked by a black-pressing demon in front of him, and then they were in Murphys. Rushed toward these angels under the order of the order-the angels in the distance apparently did not expect this to happen, and they stayed in the angel plane first for a moment, then immediately made a gesture of preparation for attack. Thousands of angels lined up to deal with the attacks of these demons, but they were in the midst of Murphy’s arms. He was holding the unconscious Ashcandi in the air. He was in the center of the demon surrounded by demons and directly contacted this group of angels. , The demons in the slamming thunder were subjected to fierce attacks, most of which were directly turned into ashes or fantasy collapses, while Murphy was unharmed in the first three waves of the angels’ most fierce attacks, and came out completely, Directly across the seemingly thick front of the other party!

After these angels killed all the phantoms or real demons, Murphy’s figure had long disappeared on the distant horizon.

Looking at the portal that could be seen in front of him, Murphy hugged Ashcandy in his arms and tried his best to inject his soul energy into Ashkandi’s body-this is a very dangerous act Once the control is not good, Ashkandi will completely become a walking dead without soul, but Murphy has no choice at all. If you don’t do this, Ashkandi in her arms will completely dissipate her soul!

From the initial dedication of blood to save her, to the direct injection of soul now, fate has completely entangled the two together.

Having started planning the shortest return route in his mind, he had no time to observe the breath at the other end of the portal, and he rushed straight across the golden gate.

The chaos of time and space suddenly crossed, and after Murphys passed through the portal constructed by this angel, he was ready to face other angels-but when the unique dark red light of the purgatory appeared, the scene in front of him made him stunned. Eyes closed

Andariel and Hydera hid together behind the rubble, not even dare to breathe.

As a “mother of pain”, she had fought with all other forces in Purgatory under Solanda, and the dangerous environment made her understand that there was no stability in her plane-even if her “Solanda has a desperately powerful strength, but Andariel still often has to fight day and night with the army of the other four lords in order to expand the territory.

Every purgatory lord is an existence that she cannot even look up. She knows that all the angels appearing in the portal of the angel plane in front of her cannot add any threat to any lord, so from the beginning to the end, Anda Lille scoffed at the group of guys who came to the Purgatory plane.

After waiting for Murphys here for a full day, Andariel carefully discreetly breathed, thinking about all the unexpected situations he might face next, but in the evening, a sudden army in the distance made Andari I was very puzzled.

That was the army of angels led by Urie before. Shouldn’t they attack the purgatory lord?

Andaril, who dare not look out and investigate, suddenly realized that when the angels approached themselves, they were violently chased early-more than one hundred thousand infernal demons in the distance were flying in the sky, and there were tens of thousands of angels Forced to come straight back!

Their momentum is simply the breath of the end. Andaril is not difficult to tell who this army can have so many bi-winged demon lords in purgatory, it will only be the representative of “hate” Kosuhir!

The direction of the retreat of the Angels is precisely the position of the portal. It seems that they know that they can’t stop the enemy’s footsteps. A golden light flashes, but they can’t have any lethal effect on the cloud-like demons in the sky. The shadow of the “hate” lord did not show up from beginning to end!

Although the fighting power of the angels is equal to ten, in a large-scale battle of more than 100,000 orders of magnitude, this strength advantage is completely wiped out by the endless battles of the other party. The long sword of Urie has long been unknown how many demons have been killed, but He understands that he is completely at a disadvantage-what is the difference between killing a hundred and killing a thousand? The demon in front of you always covers the entire field of vision.

The four main angels of the Magnus Council have successively released four light-level banned spells above level 150, but they have just cleared tens of thousands of demons in front of them, and they are in trouble again within a few minutes, and Intensified, he suffered a counterattack from the high-level demon of purgatory!

“Curse” is a spell that cannot be prevented. “Curse of weakness”, “Curse of Fear”, “Curse of Chaos”. Even though the battle angels are superior in strength, they feel the trembling angels from purgatory in the endless curse. Under the influence of “Curse of Chaos”, he began to attack the comrades beside him!

Moreover, this situation is appearing more and more.

“Open the portal! We need support! Let Mars come out with the reserve team!”

Ulie let the angel beside him go to the portal to request fire support from the angel plane, but he didn’t get any response.

The army of purgatory is pressing hard, all the angels have no choice but to defend their positions and begin to evacuate as they are prepared-the situation in front of them can’t be hard at all, it is not possible for purgatory to use this portal to counterattack. The mainland said indefinite,!

“Perseus! Assign the team to evacuate!”

With a long sword, Uriel suddenly waved and disintegrated the cluster charge of thousands of demons in front of him. The counterattack of tens of thousands of angels made the dark red sky bright as daylight, but the existence of more than 100,000 demons was like a haze. No, there are a large number of angels who are attacked by countless demons and fall from the sky every time. With the ground barrier, they can’t stop these endless demons above the sky!

Parliamentary wisdom angel Perseus had no choice but to obey Urie’s orders, because the current retreat seemed to be the only option, but waiting for his smokey light wings to fan, there was a shocking wave in the sky.

“Ulle? It looks like you shouldn’t be such a reckless guy”

The echoes were rumbling, gloomy and chilling—there was no focus in the sky because of the flying demons, but at the next moment there suddenly appeared an existence that all angels would raise their heads to notice.

Six pairs of dark wings spread out in the air, and a dazzling white robe was strongly contrasted against the dark background composed of demons. Compared with the tall bodies of Solanda and Phillas, they appeared in front of this group of angels. The image of the Lord of Purgatory is definitely not “huge”.

On the contrary, his figure is no different from ordinary angels, only two meters high. When he floated in the air, the hem of his robe set the inferior lord’s figure extremely small and delicate, holding a pure white staff and black wings.

Cosuhir’s face was pale and thin, and his eyes were blood red, with extremely morbid and heavy eye shadow. He was no different from an angel. He did not cover his face with a hood like the main angel of the Magnus Council, and his gray hair was meticulous. There is always an inexplicable joke in the corner of the mouth.


Seeing the existence of the angel closest to the angel in the abyss, the first voice was not Uriel, but Perseus, who was preparing to lead the angel to the portal in the distance-this wisdom angel looked at him The “fallen angel” Kosuhir above the sky was very excited.

“Oh? Perseus is here too.” Cozuhir’s eyes turned to Wise Angel, his expression became a little different, his blood-red eyes narrowed. “It looks like, are you preparing for a victory?”

“Kosuhir! You have been lost for too long in the pursuit of power, come back! Don’t waste it here anymore!”

Perseus suddenly shouted at him desperately, with a sincere and abnormal tone, but he was interrupted by the words of Urie-

“What are you doing?! Leading them to evacuate! He is crazy, what are you doing here to useless work?!”

The quarrel between the Angel of Justice and the Angel of Angel made this battlefield quiet quietly-it seemed that the demons stopped following the footsteps of the attack like Hector’s words, but as the purgatory lord, the fallen angel Kosuhir confronted both It seems that there is no excessively friendly attitude to “compassion.”

“Leave from here, purgatory is not where you should come.” He pointed to the portal, “disappear from my eyes as soon as possible, otherwise the anger from purgatory will devour everything.”

Cosuhir’s blood-red eyes glanced at the angel army in front of him, and seemed to endure the growing fire in his heart.

“Solanda and Firras are sealed, which is far less simple than what you see. No one in Purgatory or Heaven can put each other in desperation. This is the balance that has been maintained since the beginning of the plane. No one can break it. Did you abandon your own rules?”

“Guidelines only exist in heaven! No guidelines exist in purgatory.”

With a long sword in his hand, Urie flew to face-to-face height with Cosu Hill-although confrontation, but obviously the strength difference is obvious, Urie only expressed a gesture, and this also made Perseus face far away Change, he shouted at Urie: “What are you doing? Ulie!”

“I don’t have much patience, don’t try to provoke me, Ulle,”

The tip of Hector’s staff suddenly flickered with a wave of elemental waves, vast and deep, which made Urie frown-the other party is warning, everyone can see this.

Obviously, for some reason, Hectorian did not intend to kill immediately—this seems to be the last “face” left for the Magnus Parliament.

Ulie was silent, facing the overwhelming demons he had to worry about the destiny of the heavenly plane. At this moment, the battle command was in his hands, and there was no time to vote with the main angels of the Parliament , So Urie’s choice directly determines the fate of all angels.

But before he could make a choice at all, the portal flashed a wave.

Urie suddenly turned around, thinking that it was Mars-led reserve support, but he saw Perseus and had the time to convey instructions-so who would cross the portal at this moment?

A small figure flashed above the sky-Murphy embraced Ashcandi in the plane of purgatory at this moment.

Murphy raised his head and saw that Uriel led tens of thousands of angels to face the 100,000 demons above the sky, and the black winged angel standing opposite Urie was swayed by the whole body. Hanmao stood upright!

When this powerful being turned to look at himself, Murphy’s body even appeared a little stiff instantly, but he still held Ashcandi tightly, ignoring this group of guys, and headed straight away. Fly away

“this is”

Urie looked at Murphys and Ashcandy, two guys who signed the contract by themselves, flying under their own eyes, I don’t know if it should be intercepted or let go-Ashcandy was taken by Murphys from the plane of heaven Going, this certainly means that Murphy is already in a state of opposition to heaven, otherwise the place of confession will not open the door for Murphy to walk in-but the thought of Murphy and Ashcandi’s identity should in principle should Urie, who stopped them, suddenly hesitated.

Cozuhir, who was floating in the air, also looked at Murphy and Ashcandy in his arms with great interest. Those red eyes stared deadly, as if they saw something very interesting, silent for a long while. Then suddenly said to Urie: “It seems that your heaven seems to have prepared a very special gift?”

Kosuhir, whose strength surpassed that of Urie too much, almost at a glance saw who came from Ashcandi’s erratic soul fluctuations—the sixth lord of purgatory disappeared for a long time, and was even taken from the plane of heaven at this moment. The mystery of a man with the power of the Templar was rescued.

But Cozuhir is very clear that the plane of paradise is very reluctant to escape the existence of the soul of the purgatory lord.

Perseus saw Ashcandi’s figure for the first time. His response was far more decisive and quicker than Uriel’s. With wings flapping, the wisdom angel chased straight to Murphys!

“You can’t take her away!”

But his voice just A huge barrier suddenly appeared in front of him-not by Murphy, who was about to fight back, but by the distant Cozuhir lifting his hand and releasing it , Which made Perseus turn his head in shock and asked aloud, “What are you doing!?”

“I just saw something interesting.”

Hector grinned, his expression darker, “Why, don’t you think I’ve given too much time?”

“Still uncomfortable with my kindness?”

Along with his words, the demons came to the angels like black clouds, and completely surrounded the angel portal.

In the distance, Murphy’s figure has completely disappeared due to Hector’s “help”.

Six-headed Hydera flew into the air under Andaril’s urge, and after connecting with Murphy, he went straight to the portal of the far abyss plane, and there was no trace of stay. (..)

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