The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 52 - Contest (5k)

>【Still just home, the update is a bit late, sorry! Seeking a red ticket! 】

Murphy was a little dry. He couldn’t find the words. He sat there and looked at Ashkandi. The two were silent, and they didn’t seem to know what to say. WwW. NgWeNXuE. M

“Home… has always been a luxury word for me.”

Ashcandi looked back silently, and was a little preoccupied: “Remember that my father said the most is that he could not promise me a happy family.”

“But the opportunity always exists, as long as we fight for it, don’t we?”

Murphy replied softly, then sighed and smiled helplessly, “What was once was only once, we always have to look forward. As for the perfect family… what do you think is the “home”?

“I don’t understand.” Ashcandi shook his head, but continued: “But now, it’s fine.”

This sentence made Murphy’s head a little hot for no reason… he felt a little dry and got up and said: “It’s not early, I will go back first.”

Having said that, he gathered the courage to gently kiss Ashkandi’s forehead, but he did half of his bending, but found that the palm of his hand beside Ashkandi had been gently held by her.

The blood race is slightly lower than the human body temperature. It seems that Murphy’s mind was slammed by the thunder, and the lips that originally kissed the forehead moved involuntarily…downward…Finally, he did not speak but expressed his heart with action Ashcandi kissed together.

Murphy breathed a little—because he felt that there was a flame burning in his body—drinking some red wine for dinner, but this was not the reason why he did something instinctively in his instinct. Murphy, with a greasy feeling, held back his inner thoughts and gently stood up, looking at the pair of green eyes that were somewhat blurred, his throat moved, and finally whispered: “Good night.”

Ashkandi’s finger gently left Murphy’s palm and blinked, saying, “Is this home?”

“Where you are, it is.”


As the human plane prepares for a grand event, the atmosphere of the heaven plane can be described as freezing.

The serious injury of Mars is an unexpected situation for all Magnus Council members. When Urie led the paradise army from the purgatory and was forced to retreat from Kosuhir, the long-lost Mars was dying when he was discovered by the battle angel. The wise angel Perseus indignantly questioned why Urie had not stopped Murphy in time, but the answer was only silence.

Perseus inquired about the situation after Mars awoke, but felt a sense of coldness for no reason-how powerful Murphy was, and could beat him under the chase of thousands of fighting angels and Mars Can you retreat with a serious injury?

Ashkandi destroyed the unrequited “confessional land” of heaven. The ruins left behind silenced the members of the Magnus parliament. The mountains and fortresses that built this area completely disappeared, leaving only Ashkan The flat open space where Di once stayed in. The impact of the explosion made it a radial basin. Even if the energy of the soul escaping in the air was lingering for a long time, it still showed a strong rhythm.

The angels could feel the hint of emotion that Ashcandi had at the time in his left soul…anxious and angry.

“She can’t escape from here…”

The main angels of the Magnus Council have forgotten their frustration in purgatory, because they cannot face the fact that even their “old nest” is almost turned upside down by others. In fact, it should be said that it is “self-reliance”.

If Ashkandi came to the plane of heaven and was not imprisoned, but allowed her to return to the plane of humanity, where would this cause these things? But everything has consequences and reasons. When everything has happened, the only thing these angels can do is to rectify the army and prepare to continue to investigate the situation of purgatory-no angel wants to trace Murphy’s whereabouts and pursue it now. Responsibility, because the human plane is not like purgatory, members of heaven must not actively come to the human plane without being called, because that will break the rules of the plane and be punished from the high plane… and the so-called “high plane” is ” “Temple” and “Holy Temple”.

Urie and other main angels once again led the army to the portal of the Purgatory plane. Last time because of the threat of Cozuhir, they wisely chose to retreat-because they experienced “failure” after two defeats. It has no effect, so this time, the Angel Plane changed its strategy, preparing to send a small number of scouts to scout the movement of Kodriane’s demon army before deciding where to attack.

After all, there is no way to deal with the angel army when pursuing the purgatory lord, but the only demon army that has killed the purgatory lord Solanda and Phillas twice in a row actually has a “strategic weapon”. The current behavior of the army is tantamount to waiting for the opportunity to “share a piece of soup” behind this demon army, but this is currently the only effective way. Most of the main angels of the Magnus Council did not refute this decision… but only Mar. Sri Lanka voted against it.

Obviously, he couldn’t forget this shame even if his helmet was shattered by Murphys. The only thought he had in his mind now was revenge—except for revenge, he didn’t care about the war of the **** lord in purgatory!

But this crazy state made all the members of the Magnus Council collectively vote to let the main angel leave the Parliament to calm down for a period of time, because they all understand that the prejudice caused by emotional minds and personal grudges will never be a place for heaven. What a just move.

But Mars, who was angry and left the parliament, returned to the dark red mountain where he was with a spear-he was waiting, waiting for any opportunity to revenge everything that Murphy had done to him.

In purgatory, the demon army led by Cotraline and Mandal stopped and did not launch any impact on the third purgatory lord in these days.

They are waiting, not waiting for the active attack of the fallen angel Cosu Hill, but waiting for the restoration of their original power with the “weapon” in their hands.

The horrible existence of Solanda said that death is death, and the “fury” incarnation of Firras was hit by a blow to the breastplate and head. This incredible power will never be available to Curtriline. It’s not something anyone in this team can master.

Where does it come from?

The answer lies in what Cochlein has in his hands-a heart that is no longer beating, lying quietly on the tentacles of Cotley as if it were a stone, this quaint shape stems from the destruction of Cotley By accident, Sulfuras discovered that he was standing in the sinking world and opened the cracks of purgatory. After he was melted in the lava of purgatory, he noticed a wave of fluctuations, and after quietly returning to the plane of purgatory, he quickly found This very deep existence is hidden.

Nothing else, it was the heart of the sixth lord of purgatory.

No one knows why this lord suddenly died and disappeared into the plane of purgatory-Solanda and Phillas’ “death” is just that the soul is sealed, because their soul will never die, and this name is even Why is the forgotten lord not even knowing where the soul seal is?

But it is not important where its soul is. What is important is that Curtriline who has found the heart of the lord has a powerful force that no one can imagine-even the heart that is no longer beating, the power it can release But it can still hit two other purgatory lords in an instant!

But after this, the energy of this heart has been exhausted, the main reason why the team is stuck here is that Curtriline needs to slowly “charge” this heart, but this does not mean that the entire demon army has no new trends. To consolidate the territories of the former comrades of Filras and Solanda, occupying their former resources, Curtriline immediately possessed millions of demonic troops and countless “food”, and also found something that was of great interest to him …Or rather, acquaintances.

Angel of Justice, the soul of Calparis.

Karparis, who was tortured by Solanda and has no soul, can only be said to be dying even if he exists in a soul state at this moment. Although the soul cannot “death” but can only “dissipate”, Karparis is now even It is the soul, but it also shows a state of madness.

He was silent, as if he would never speak, but attacked all the creatures close to him like crazy—whether it was a low-level demon, or Mandal or Curtriline, but his soul energy could not have caused anyone. Threatening, it made his behavior look like a fool who took a crazy drug.

“Huh, it’s really pitiful.”

Currie Lane looked at the angel waving his arms to rush towards himself, but was imprisoned by the imprisonment circle. He curled his lips, turned away, and the idea of ​​something he wanted to see out of his mouth followed. Disappeared, when the lie Lord left his hand, a beam of light hit the angel’s chest, instantly suffocating him to the ground, and the pale blue body became weak and abnormal, completely unable to move.

“Since it’s rubbish, don’t blame someone for disposing you.”

The Lord of Lies walked far away, and the blood patriarchs that followed behind him were frightened, and could not help but think of the end of the dry Gad that he always confronted with Curtriline…

Purgatory seems to always be this life-and-death rhythm.

But in the far north of purgatory, where there is no overwhelming lava and only black frozen ground, the fallen angel territory, quiet seems to be the only theme here.

In the rolling mountains, there are countless double-winged demons, that is, they completely drove the coalition composed of tens of thousands of angels out of the purgatory plane-even if more than 70,000 deaths and injuries, these demonic forces have never suffered the loss of injury This alone shows the strength of the fallen angels.

In the deepest part of the mountains of purgatory like the sea, the fallen angel Cosuhir himself sat on a stone bench.

Compared with the tall and majestic Thoranda Throne, this stool is like a handiwork of a poor craftsman. It is rough and unsightly, but its effect is obvious-this is one of the two stone stools on a stone table chess board .

Cosuhir looked at the chess board in front of him, and a white robe was unusually conspicuous in this dark cave, but contrary to the countless circumstances of other lords who shouted and shouted, the whole mountain was within a kilometer distance, there was no one The existence of a demon.

He is not like a king, but he has a more oppressive atmosphere than any king. The few chessboards in front of him allow him to watch for a long time.

“Who will be next?”

Cosuhir’s blood-red eyes stared at one of the dark chess pieces and asked himself.

………………………………………….. ……………………………

Byzantium, the national feast is about to come, and the whole city is gradually filled with the ups and downs of the festival.

The number of shops and the number of people walking around the city are unprecedented, so that when anyone is on the main road of Constantine, they will lament that this is indeed “the center of the world.”

Early in the morning, Murphy, Ashcandy, and Little Lori took to the streets to feel the lively atmosphere of the city as they greeted this unprecedented feast, but the three had not yet had time to walk out of the Ducal Palace. A carriage from the Royal Palace stopped in front of the Duke’s Palace. Murphy doubted and stepped forward and immediately understood what was going on—Edward III would not be able to say anything about Andalil’s injury. The “gift” of a carriage brought by Lille can be described as a drip of this series of cooperation matters.

“Andariel, these are for you.”

Little Loli looked up at Murphy in doubt, and stepped forward to the carriage, looking at several large boxes that were tightly closed, and asked, “Here for me? Why?”

Murphy shrugged: “Because you were injured in the palace, this is their apology.”

The palace guards politely opened the box and presented all kinds of precious clothing, jewellery, treasure books and short sword staffs in front of Andariel, and she never had the concept of “property”. She didn’t know what these things meant, just He froze for a long time and turned his head to ask Murphy again: “Can I take it away?”

“The future of them is up to you.”


Andalier, who was just stunned for a while, calmed down suddenly, waved his hands and asked the servants of the Duke’s Palace to help them move away, and immediately followed Murphy’s footsteps without looking back.

“Why not take a closer look?”

Murphy was curious that Andariel resisted the “temptation” so easily, and gently pushed Ashkandy to the nearest Cauchy Cavalier Academy. He asked the little Lolita who was beside him.

Andariel snorted and said, “Anyway, it’s something ordinary.”

“What is not ordinary?”

Murphy asked rhetorically.

Andariel turned his head and answered weirdly, “You.”

This answer made Ashkandi laugh out loudly, and Murphy’s eyebrows were also weirdly entangled. Finally, he shook his head and didn’t intend to ask any more. He walked quietly across the long street for two people. Telling about his deeds at Cauchy Cavalry Academy, he soon came to the gate of this college.

Looking at the familiar door, Murphy couldn’t help but think of the three roommates Boozer, Hiddink, and Corvin. After returning to Constantine, he hadn’t had time to contact them, and he didn’t know that all three had gone now. Where—Murpheus was in a trance and turned his head, only to realize that Prince Rankinus was standing not far away.

This is definitely a coincidence. Prince Hades, the round table knight, did not bring those cumbersome honor guards, but simply rode a horse to the front of the Cavaliers Academy. It was not surprising to see Murphy: “Why, want to be nostalgic?”

“It’s true.” Murphy nodded with a smile, and then pointed to the front: “What happened to the college?”

“There will be contests in those messy events that will start a few days later. I’ll catch some **** for a long time.” Prince Hades and Murphy chatted wittyly and without seriousness. He waved his hand. ” Bring them in if you want to go in. I happen to have something to tell you.”

It was just right, Murphy hurriedly pushed Ashkandi to keep up with his footsteps, Hades politely greeted Ashkandi and Andalil, and turned to look at Murphys: “You Have you played Corian now?”

The question was straightforward, and Murphy did not hesitate, nodded and replied: “Under desperate circumstances, there should be a chance.”

This answer was not what Prince Hades expected. After Murphy finished speaking, he simply stopped and stared at him for three seconds, then shook his head and walked forward and said: “I didn’t expect… Unexpectedly… Old Corian also has today.”

“That’s what I said. In fact, most of the time, I still only get beaten by him.” Murphy smiled. “He has too much strength, and even now, I’m going to die with ten punches. I can’t hold any more. .”

“Ten punches? Huh, boy, look at the round table knights, none of them can block his second punch.” He pointed to himself, and whispered: “But I took a punch, and the old man didn’t. With all my strength, I flew out, so **** a monster.”

“I don’t think you are holding me specially?” Murphy looked at the Prince, who was always serious and always exaggerated. “Let me guess… Your Majesty is going to make me a hitman?”

The prince said bluntly: “Your majesty, the dragon knight, has been choosing whether to be public or not, and you have made it public…you must go to the contest to prove that you are strong enough to control the dragon and deter others, but Make sure that your strength is so strong that no one can break it, otherwise your majesty will not make this decision, as it will not be public…”

“All I understand the meaning of those questions just now.” Murphy rubbed his brows, but said with a helpless smile: “You already know that I have surpassed the strength of the entire Round Table Knights Council. Your Majesty certainly understands What should I say to me, right?”

Prince Hades laughed, patted Murphy’s shoulder, stopped at the entrance of the Cavaliers Hall, and whispered: “To be honest, I also want to see what strength your kid has now. There will definitely be people from the top ten families at the conference. I don’t want to miss the chance to watch a good show.”

“The top ten families?” Murphy, who knew he could not refuse, was too lazy to refute, but fortunately asked directly about the enemies he might encounter. “Can there be a round table knight?”

“It’s all the old guys in the Round Table Council and the Golden Compass who have big hands in one hand,” he said, remembering something, coughing twice, “Don’t compare Lilith to them, I didn’t want to toss and die my only daughter. “

After he finished, he pointed to the door. “I’m going to talk nonsense, and I’ll be fine after a while.”

After he finished, he entered the auditorium, and Murphy exhaled, sitting on a stone bench beside him, looking at the sky.

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