The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 54 - Dragon Knight debut

“The appearance of the Byzantine “Dragon Knight” is not good news. All dragon knights in history are proud and self-proclaimed people. Most of them died of their arrogance in the end. They are basically not driven by anyone and do not accept anyone. The purchase and order of Edward III, if not mad and stupid, I think he openly told us that this information must have other plans.”

An old man in a grey robe told a middle-aged man who looked like a big noble lord. The latter pouted and looked at the crowd in front of the arena. The expression was a little impatient-“The news just made us all Came here, dragon knight…Oh, there are too many types of dragons, just pick up a big rhinoceros dragon, who is not a dragon knight who rides him?”

“Edward III will not make jokes about the three characters “Dragon Knight” casually, and Byzantium cannot afford to make such jokes. If, as you said, it is just a word game to use it as a guise, then it is equivalent to slashing himself. Slapped.”

A middle-aged man in a purple robe next to him gave his own conclusions, but apparently his mages have more research on this. Two of the high-level mages have already painted high-level detection circles and slabs on the slate in their hands. Elemental detection circle, “Master Lord, if this dragon knight appears, we will detect his true strength.”

“It’s better not to be a shelf.”

The lord raised his arms and said to the other young man on his side: “Karl, although I know you have a great chance of winning the Wuwu Conference, but the people in the top ten families of this game attach the same importance, so -“

“I’ve heard the cocoon in my ear.”

The young man turned his face and said: “I saw Bronx also coming, but besides him, how many people from the top ten families will come? This contest is destined to be wonderful.”

Murphy immediately concentrated his energy and followed the young man’s gaze to the camp of Ingeway not far away. Apparently, the “Bronx” in the young man’s mouth just now was one of the ten family members, and He is also a pretentious Gilman strongman-after thinking about it, Murphy, Hiddink and others greeted him and walked over.

“Sorry, I would like to ask where is Balice’s seating area? My companion and I are lost and confused.”

Murphy’s acting skills are very skillful, and the fluctuations revealed throughout his body are no different from those of a high-level knight. Because the clothes are simple and do not wear any ornaments, his fluent Balici tastes no flaws in spoken language.

The young man questioned was obviously not very patient, and he simply ignored Murphy, who politely asked questions, and looked far away as if he didn’t understand.

The middle-aged man with the lord’s feelings answered the question very noblely. Murphy took the opportunity to talk a few words, pointing at the lord’s sword and praised him. The latter naturally laughed happily, a few words were familiar In recognition of his identity, Murphy mentioned that a little arrogance revealed in the contest of martial arts made the lord believe that he was a high-level knight of the Empire of the Balice Empire.

“Young man, are you going to participate in the contest?”

The lord asked curiously-but he didn’t ask for Murphy’s name, which usually meant that he didn’t care what the next answer was.

“Swordsmanship competition, I think I will take part in the riding competition if my physical condition permits.” Murphy turned around and said, “I heard that many members of the powerful family have also come here, but I look forward to and Their confrontation.”

“You?” Carl, who had not said anything, lifted his eyelids and dropped a very unfriendly word-“Next life.”

Murphy didn’t make an angry look, just smiled haha, “The people of the top ten families are very powerful?”


The pretentious Karl’s eyes turned to the distance. “Even the so-called “Dragon Knight” is not necessarily an opponent.”

Murphy didn’t continue to say anything, but pointed to Bronx, whom Carl had just mentioned in the distance, and said, “Is he one of them? I can feel the difference in his breath.”

“You can still see it, I suggest lowering the opponent’s level, because that guy can throw you out of the arena without any weapons.” Karl, then pointed at himself, “And I, one hand Can kill you.”

Morpheus pouted, then smiled politely at the awkward lord next to him.

At the confluence of Hibeck and Hiddink, several people walked a few laps outside the team of Ingrid and returned to the Byzantine aristocratic area-because in the distance Edward III had already boarded the gorgeous lecture platform built in the center of the arena and began to read the feast. Opening statement.

“To be honest, I have never seen so many people gathered together.”

Ashcandy beside Murphy said softly, looking at the front, she seemed to recall something, “The world you see with me is more exciting than I imagined. Sometimes I even think that these are dreams. .”

“Will you get used to it?”

“Someday I will adapt, at least, I am smiling and adapting.” Ashcandi raised his hand and put it gently on the armchair. The little finger gently caught Murphy’s finger. The little ambiguous situation made Murphy’s heartbeat suddenly accelerate-Ashkandi seems to be more and more willing to actively express his emotions, it should be a good thing to say, but when I think of the other two of this queen grid…

The red eyes queen hasn’t appeared for a long time, and the same is true of the ambitious black eyes. Did they disappear?

In the distance, the speech of His Majesty Edward III has been mostly done, and Murphy remembered what he had to do, and got up to say hello to Ashcandi and then disappeared into the Byzantine aristocracy. When His Majesty delivered his speech and applause rang throughout the venue, the huge shadow on the sky instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the arena.

The emergence of Hydera pushed the opening ceremony of this grand event all at once-its wings spread out, hovering above the venue, and then swooping down, landing in the entire exquisite cry of tens of thousands of people The central area of ​​the arena.

Countless people stood up and wanted to see carefully the true face of this Byzantine dragon knight, but although the image of Murphy’s silver armor was superb, no one could see his face…


The six dragon heads of Hydera suddenly roared around the dragon clan, and correspondingly, the Byzantine royal magicians also released a gorgeous magic firework to create a powerful visual effect, although it was noon, But there was a huge colorful halo above the entire arena-with the endless dragon chant of Hydera, everyone in the whole venue was shocked by this breath and could hardly stand!

This is an unprecedented feast. Since its opening ceremony began with the strong momentum of the Dragon Knight, it is destined that this Byzantine history and even the history of the mainland will leave a grand event.

But obviously, more people at this moment are squinting at the existence of the high-level threat identified by other empire on the mainland.

Murphy’s appearance is such that he is destined to face the next battles. The top ten families and all the people who are eager to try to defeat the “Dragon Knight” to prove their strength have already started. The plan, and after the shocking opening, His Majesty Edward III directly announced the beginning of the first highlight of the “Competitive Assembly”.

The swordsman competition qualifier officially started.


The complicated event is held every morning in the morning, including swordsmanship, riding, equestrian, archery, etc., each of which has more than 100 participants, at least four venues, and at night, the major empires are held in different venues For all kinds of cocktail receptions, Byzantium is responsible for providing room and board and full cost.

This expenditure can be described as huge, but in order to run this grand ceremony, Constantine has already given full power to the guests who come from all the empire of this continent-but Murphy’s purpose behind this feast has been so far. There are still some questions.

He will start to participate in the rematch stage of the swordsmanship competition. This is at least five days later. The gladiator exhibition competition also needs to wait for nearly a month. During this period, he has no unnecessary things, but he has not been idle in the Duke’s Palace .

Little Loli Andalil seems to have no goals or desires to meet since she met Murphy again. The biggest thing she did all day was chatting with Ashcandy, Murphy had to do Having a long conversation with the little girl, she finally learned that she was also confused about her life goals. Murphy had to admire the once painful mother to seal her memory to this point, but This is also a good thing. Murphy gave Little Loli a lot of books and told her that there was an answer in the book, and although Andariel was reluctant, he finally quietly began to read under Ashkandi’s persuasion. Those books.

Quite quietly in the Duke’s Palace, Murphy finally had time to talk to Ashcandy about the things he never mentioned about the existence of two other personalities.

“My soul… is something that I cannot detect.”

Ashcandy looked at Murphy sitting opposite, and then pointed to his legs. “You mean, there will be two other people occupying my body and have completely different behavior styles?”

“I know it’s difficult to accept, but that’s the truth.” Murphy Stan whitened all the situations he faced after contacting Ashcandi, including the strength and violentness of the Queen of Red Eyes, and the black belly of the Black Eyes. Spicy, and the “fight” between them.

Ashkandi did not seem to intend to refute, but just said lightly: “After listening to everything you tell, I seem to understand why my father would have locked me in that tower-originally…I just thought they I don’t like a woman with a disability.”

“Existence is reasonable. I don’t think you should bear any pressure for this. In the past, you seemed to be carrying too many things on your shoulders, so that you can’t look up to pursue other things.” Murphy lowered his head and gently held Lived Ashcandi’s cold but fair hands, “No matter what, you are still you, unique.”

Ashcandi was amused by Murphy’s serious face, and she suddenly asked, “Which one do you like?”

This can cause Murphy to be a bit tangled-I have never heard of anyone who will ask a similar question, asking which personality a man likes about himself, it sounds wrong to answer anything.

After thinking about it, Murphy stretched out his hand and gently pulled Ashcandy’s sleeve away, pointing to the emblem of the servant’s contract, smiling without a word.

“Don’t give you a problem.” Ashkandi didn’t seem to get to the bottom of the question like an ordinary woman, leaning gently on the back of the chair, she looked at Murphys and said softly: “Your soul has never been stronger. And powerful, even to the extent that this contract can be erased, but you never seem to—”

“I never thought about erasing it.”

Murphy closed his eyes gently, as if affirming his inner thoughts-“I am an enemy to heaven, I admit, an enemy to purgatory, I am not afraid.”

Although I don’t know what love is, I don’t want those so-called romantic means to coax a woman to be happy, but Ashcandy, who is a woman at this moment, is really moist because of Murphy’s simple words…

Who wouldn’t say that the mountain alliance swore? But to go to heaven and **** to rob the beloved woman from the hand of death, this kind of thing is far from being able to be done.

“I haven’t felt this way before.”

Ashcandi looked up, and although she smiled, her eyes flashed a little, and she reached out and wiped gently, and said softly, “Is this… tears?”

Murphy suddenly felt that it was perhaps the happiest thing in the world to watch the woman in front of her walk out of the siege that once blocked her heart.

………………………………………….. ……………………

When Constantine was immersed in the carnival atmosphere brought by the grand ceremony, the silent tribunal suddenly ushered in a different turn.

The Patriarch’s Holy Court has continued to issue no “holy oracles” this year. The magicians did not move in the past. The imperial religious department collectively lost their voices. Now it has reached the point where most nobles no longer look at their faces The six major departments of the Patriarch and the Inquisition have no choice but to remain silent, as if they are ill, waiting for the death to come.

The only thing that can save the religious influence is the “Holy Fall” or similar “miracles”, so as to evoke the belief of the believers more crazy, and it is at this moment that a clergyman of the Inquisition During the routine prayer, I suddenly felt the sound of the call from heaven in a ray of light… He heard the “revelation” of the divine voice to himself, and reported the situation to the Patriarchate and Referee.

Because all the companions of the clergyman “listened to the Holy Voice” saw the light that fell from the sky, his words were almost immediately recognized by the Tribunal and the Patriarchate-the so-called “revelation”, that is Calling all devout believers to pray on the upcoming “Festival of Grace” in order to confess their guilt and greet the true “baptism”.

This is an unprecedented clear “revelation”. Compared to the incomplete scrolls like the “Dead Sea Documents”, these words from the heavens can be said to make believers crazy-the patriarch even conducted a separate The grand speech at Sophia Cathedral mobilized the atmosphere of piety of almost all Byzantine believers in the name of “Festival”.

To this end, the parish capitals of all the parishes received letters, and immediately took the high-level bishop to move towards Constantine, which also included the magician Joan of Arc in the Parish of Prague.

And the series of effects brought about by the advent of this “miracle”, but no one knows who is the real leader behind it-in other words, who is the leader behind it to the believers of Constantine and The Patriarch is not important, because in their eyes, there will never be any mistakes in the will from heaven. Strict execution of it is the best proof of what one can believe in.

Up to this time, no one except the Murphys and Ashcandi knew the plane war between heaven and hell, and no one knew that the five lords of purgatory had fallen. And the main angels are trying every means to use the rebellious demon army to weaken the power of purgatory.

These high-level wars are full of despicability and exploitation, but in the human plane, heaven is always right and **** is always wrong. This rule is always in effect.

“Why should we go to Constantine?”

Jeanne packed his luggage to keep up with the bishop’s footsteps and asked forward.

“Because… the Lord is about to give us revelation.”

“What will the Lord reveal?”

“Child, only the Lord knows the answer.”

Jeanne, who didn’t get an answer, didn’t ask a question, but followed the step into the specially prepared carriage, looking back at the scenery moving backward through the window, thoughtfully.


Byzantine swordsmanship competitions are in full swing.

The wonderful game has attracted the attention of countless people from the first day. The swordsmanship competition is often the most commendable viewing program-because it is the most intuitive, the longest fighting time and the most “star”, those knights and swordsmen who are famous in the mainland Most of the assassins will come to participate in the swordsmanship competition, because the final championship glory of this game can also be ignored.

Gold coins, enchanted long swords and the most important “dragon bone gauntlets”.

This is a big gift from the Byzantine royal family. It is one of the few magical equipments in the world that is made of pure blood dragon body parts. Of course, swordsmen who really exceed the alpha level will not care about those foreign objects, but for For most humans who are struggling for reputation and glory, this is a treasure that is enough for people to break their heads.

From the first day to the fifth day, the preliminaries of the swordsmanship competition have ended, and nearly two hundred players decided to enter the And from then on, “Dragon Knight” entered the selection of the schedule Inside-no one would say anything even if the Dragon Knights were passed to the finals, but in order to promote the commercial effect and atmosphere of the game, Murphy’s early appearance will inevitably make the big gambling games of the Empire for the Byzantine royal vault. Earn a fortune.

At noon, when Murphy came to the already occupied arena, the game was about to begin-as a dragon knight appeared, he immediately aroused the excitement… everything, because of Murphy’s image.

A simple black robe and only about twenty years old, Murphy inherited his father’s handsome face. He was well-proportioned and tall. He almost became an idol in the hearts of countless young ladies at the moment of appearance-this is that Was it a dragon knight who appeared on the venue while riding a dragon?

Even the strongmen of the old family are shocked. No one can imagine that such a young guy can be recognized by a powerful dragon, but everything has to be proved by battle…Whether it is the old nobles of the major empires We are also members of the ten powerful families, all silently watching this battle.

“Dragon Knight”-just a name, or a veritable name?

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