The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 59 - 1 person fighting (five k)

> On the devastated ring, the paladin spit blood on the ground and could not move, next to the angel who was also paralyzed on the ground, not far away, another angel with two pieces of sacred gun on his body struggled to stand up To the Murphys who walked past, the sacred “servant of God” in the minds of countless people turned out to be afraid to step back.彩@虹*文¥学%网//No pop-ups update fast//

It doesn’t matter what the outcome is. Murphy’s strong power crushed all the opponents that people expected or exceeded. At this moment, he seems to just raise his hands and shoot a few flies to make the two real angels have nothing. Resistance.

To be honest, even the ten strong families and all the powerful players of the empire have been somewhat unable to accept the fact that Murphy is so strong.


Murphy didn’t stop his pace-he knew very well that he couldn’t really kill two angels under the eyes of anyone. From any reason, he didn’t need to provoke the belief of an empire…

Admittedly, his actions have made countless people have to question their beliefs, but now, Murphy, who stands in front of everyone, is Murphy, representing Byzantium.

Reason and calmness, this is the only emotion he has now when facing any situation. Raising his hands, the two sacred lances emerged from the body of the angel, bringing out a little golden blood, but did not ask for each other’s Life-even the battle angels will die as a result of being hit **** the human plane, but their souls will return to heaven, but now, they have to obey the orders of the Paladin and the Holy Gabriel Empire Pope because of the previous attack instructions And continue to face Murphy.

But waiting for him to do anything, the next day’s dazzling light caused Murphy to stop suddenly.

Murphy, holding the Holy Gun in both hands, turned his head. At the edge of the huge arena, a light not far from here could be seen linking the sky and the ground, reflecting a straight road among the blossoming white clouds.

This vision caused countless people in the arena to stand up and marvel. They extended their fingers to the distance, and confirmed to the companions around them that the scene they saw was not an illusion-and today, the same person watching the game on the court is also Edward III A number of members of the royal family, at this moment the Byzantine monarch also stood up, looking seriously at the beam of light in the distance, and turned to the Floyd, the mage of the Holy Dome next to him: “The Patriarch’s Holy Court will do again What a shocking thing? I thought their so-called’revelation’ was just a guise.”

“There won’t be any accidents, even Sheng Sheng… everything should still be under control, as the Patriarch, he should understand the consequences of harming the empire.”

Freud squinted into the distance with his staff in his hand, but his voice had just fallen, and Duke Azshara, who was sitting not far away in the corner, whispered, “If you lose power, if you can’t ask for it through words, Come back, then you can only prove your strength through some excessive methods…His behavior is obviously a bit lower than that of Murphys, but if he has the confidence, it proves that we have to worry about what he has to do. .”

The princes and marquises beside him frowned deeply, except that Prince Langenus was still sipping red wine, pointing lazily at the distance and saying: “Okay, no need to discuss any nonsense, oh… that old The **** called a group of angels in the heavenly world-this is called… Shengjiang or what?”

The words in his mouth were relaxed, but the princes and nobles in the same room twitched the corners of their mouths for a while. Their eyes then looked away, and swallowed together in the next moment. []

Above the sky in the far distance of the arena, more than fifteen light spots spread the wings of angels that could not be more obvious, and flew straight towards here!


What is the reason for the existence of angels, which does not necessarily appear once in hundreds of years in the history of the continent, so frequently in the human plane?

At the beginning, Joan of Arc in the Patriarch’s Holy Court did not understand what was going on. She just obeyed the orders of the Patriarch and performed a grand prayer ceremony with the bishop and countless theologians-but this The ceremony didn’t bring Jeanne the pure sense of sacredness as before, but she frowned from beginning to end.

Young, she didn’t understand what it was like, so to speak… Instinctive instinct made this little girl with amazing magical talents aware of something wrong from the beginning, but she never thought that this prayer brought what.

When the priest’s scepter was raised and the light was gathered towards the sky, all the magicians bowed their heads collectively and bowed to the sacred scene that appeared in front of them-among the hundreds of high-level theologians, but only Jeanne Did not make this action.

She raised her head and looked at the pale sky above her head. While the dazzling golden bloomed, she remembered what the old man Aquinas had said.

“Bright, always dazzling.”

The plane portal was opened at the call of the magician-their power was used by the powerful angel who removed the identity of the main angel of the Magnus Council in the plane of heaven, and opened this time and space crack.

When Mars leapt into the human plane with a spear in revenge, he no longer had a pure white-gold light, but a lava-like orange red in the blooming light wings.


Enormous anger enough to occupy Mars’s brain after Mars was expelled from the Magnus Council, and then… let this powerful, already highly emotional angel hone himself in a near-crazy gesture until he Breaking the last obstacle in his heart, he completely forgot his former identity, and “reveled” a magician who was also angry with what he called “despicable”, and caused the smooth “invasion” today.

According to the nature of plane transition, his behavior at this moment has been called an “invasion”.

As the former main angel, Mars led his most trusted men straight through the portal to the human plane, and when everything succeeded, the pre-prepared main angel rushed straight to the he forever I will not forget the number one enemy of breath–


Fourteen fully-armed fighting angels and a “main angel” wearing gold and red armor flew straight into the Byzantine arena without any stay in the air. Numerous civilians witnessed their images and stopped to exclaim , Prayer and even kneeling down excitedly…

It’s just that none of these angels will have mercy on the cravings of mortals, and the breath they radiate is very simple-cruel.

When the magicians of the Patriarch’s Holy Court were stunned, the petite figure among them had turned and ran towards the arena without hesitation.

Jeanne did not understand why she made this decision suddenly. She ran desperately, but in her mind there was a scene that she had never seen before…

The angel with a spear roared angrily in front of him. []

This is a scene that Jean de had never seen in his life, but it clearly appeared in his mind at the moment, but he didn’t know what he said, only that the guy had a violent and dangerous breath all over him, and his own heart was for no reason. A cautious but extremely disgusted mood rose.

Without training, she found that she was far away from the arena where the angels disappeared, but she still clenched her teeth and rushed forward without stopping.


The fiery red light formed a beam of light, which fell from the sky and hit the ring in the middle of the arena. The impact caused the Paladin who was the opponent of the Murphys final, and also let the two originally The fighting angel lying on the ground froze at the same time.


The spear’s spear tip is sharp and unmatched, and the mass is extremely heavy. It is just laid gently, and it has been cut into the stone ground like a piece of tofu. The faint golden light above and below Mars’s body has faded the original sacred, but Exudes fiery heat-the force from anger made this guy who was defeated by Murphy stand in front of him in a rebirth gesture.

The color of the shattered armor changed after being repaired, like the steel that had not been cooled, with a faint red light, the chest pierced by Murphy was covered with a piece of black metal, and the traces repaired by silver rivets were far from heaven. The armor of most battle angels is as delicate as it is, but it is like a junior blacksmith’s inferior work, with indescribable paranoia in the rudeness.

“Hah… we meet again.”

Mars, whose voice changed, changed his helmet, and the hoarse voice behind the mask had no other emotions.

Faced with all this, Murphy, who was holding the fragment of the sacred gun, was not afraid, although he was surprised. He rotated the sacred gun in his hand three times, holding it lightly, and looked at the crimson wing of the fifteen meters after the other side opened Tao: “From heaven, should I say welcome?”

“We… don’t seem to have any nonsense to talk about.”

Mars’s body has a much more terrifying momentum than what Murphy faced before-it can be seen that he seems to have greatly enhanced his strength in some way, but the obvious thing is… the guy in front of him , Has completely deviated from the principles and order observed by the angel, and has become a “betrayer” of his faith!

And this betrayal brought him unimaginably powerful power.

There was a dragon chant in the sky, and the shadow of Hydera’s body brought the exclamation of countless people in the arena-everything that happened today has completely exceeded the limit of the psychological and physical tolerance of these audiences. Angels have appeared batch after batch, and now the dragon that only exists in the mouth of the bard and the epic has appeared together, and there is no words to describe their shock.

The royal family and the nobles of the guests from various countries stood up collectively, not knowing how to deal with the current situation. Masters who only believed in the truth took the lead in responding to what is about to happen, and they realized that the angels were hostile. , Priority is given to the protection of heavyweights, but even if there are more than a dozen more than a-level presence in the arena at the moment, but no one dares to block the upcoming battle.

Because the terror breath emitted by the bodies of Murphys and Mars has surpassed the universal cognition of these powerful people-the existence of the upper and lower levels of Ω. The only universal cognition in mainland history that reaches this level is only Ashkandi is alone.

However, what they wouldn’t think of is that at this moment, this blood race recognized as the first deterrent in the mainland is sitting quietly in the corner of the arena, but with its eyes closed, it seems to be immersed in its own world.


A thunderous sound suddenly sounded above the sky-the fourteen angels who followed Mars to the top of the arena have already started fighting against Hydera! The dragon in flight spit out all kinds of elemental magic with six heads, and abruptly caught the joint attack of more than ten angels, and successfully blasted several fighting angels that could not dodge…but at the moment When the elemental burst that failed to attack the angel exploded in the arena, Hydera suddenly closed his mouth and switched to physically fighting these angels with long swords.

Surrounded by the close body, Hydera was instantly downwind. If the dragon scales were not strong, I am afraid that the next time it will be bloodshed in the arena…

“I never thought that an angel would be so mean and threaten with the lives of 40,000 people, making it impossible to fight back?”

Murphy’s face gradually darkened, this was the first time he showed such an extremely calm but dangerous look after returning to Byzantium.

“Oh… you still care about the lives of these people?”

Mars gripped the spear tightly in the palm of his hand and looked at Murphy in front of him, with a sneering tone-“When will it be your turn to live as a messenger of justice?”


Hydera uttered an angry but helpless dragon chant above the arena. It could not use its magical attacks to deal with the large number of battle angels. The continuous long sword hacking could not escape, and it was burnt by the divine light The scorched black was circling fast in the air and could only use his extraordinary speed to try to get rid of his enemies, but found that there were always fighting angels who unscrupulously attacked in front of themselves…

“I’m not a messenger of justice,” Murphy clenched his fists, and said in a deep voice: “I’m just me, remember my name, and print it in your soul before you go to hell.”

“This is Murphy? Windsor.”

As soon as the words fell, Murphy’s figure had disappeared instantly, suddenly hitting Mars with a punch!


The unprecedented horror of the exploding air waves, if not the mage released the shield enchantment, I am afraid that the people in the front row have been lifted into the sky!

Murphy frowned slightly, because his fist was caught by Mars with his hands-this is very different from the last time he faced the angel, at least it shows that the strength of the other party has unimaginable. Qualitative change!

He flicked the sacred gun in an instant, and the powerful strength without any reservation even completely broke the ground of the ring. Every step, the breath emitted by Murphy’s body became more terrifying-from the level of a, go through seven After being tortured by life and death, Murphy has reached the same Ω level as Ashcandi and reached the peak state when the magic pattern completely disappeared. This is why Curtriline needs to go all out in the face. The level is the most terminal of the level divided by the ancient Siga alphabet.

No one knows what the existence will be after crossing this threshold—the only known masters of this are the five powerful lords of purgatory.

Mars’s previous act of blocking Murphy on the plane of heaven was completely in the hands of a car, but at this moment-when Murphys’s momentum fully erupted, he faced up without fear and grew his hands. The horror force brought by the spears is tied with Murphy in a draw!

Murphy’s holy lance collided with the spear in the opponent’s hand, but only a few traces were left, and then blocked by all the numbers, and then followed by a roar of Mars, the crimson light wing fluttered suddenly, and his figure suddenly entered Mi actually lifted one elbow and hit Murphy’s chest, striking him back three steps!


Murphy suffocated in his chest, his pace had just stopped, he was subjected to a series of almost crazy attacks by Mars, and the spear blocked almost all of Murphy’s offensive positions at a distance of four meters from the storm. !

One inch long and one inch strong, the spear is the most ruthless weapon on the battlefield. At this moment, it shows its powerful power in this almost highest level battle. The fragments of the sacred lances of Murphy’s hands were as fast and deadly as a dagger, but at this time they could not exert their attack power.


Although the place where the two fight is located in the middle of the arena, the consequence of unreserved fighting is the inevitable spillover of energy-every time Mars’ lance is swiped, even if it is within 100 meters of the spear tip Huge cracks also appeared on the wall, even when the spear hit the ground, the original sturdy ring was like a lake hit by a stone, and a huge crater bursting appeared!

Above the sky, Hydera was at a disadvantage, and above the ground, Murphy seemed to be suppressed by the crazy and powerful Mars.

And at this moment, a faint blue light beam fell from the sky and hit the ground. Mars, who was moving very fast, was able to escape the attack of this ray of light, but it was obvious that the strange wave of his emission made him suddenly Stopped the movement in his hand.


The red light wing twisted, and the red eyes behind the helmet’s visor stared at the little girl standing in the auditorium in the distance-the next moment, two red awns shot directly from his pupils, almost unimpeded. Wearing a huge enchantment shield released by the mage, he drove straight in front of Andariel who was about to make his second attack!

But at this moment of hesitation, UU Reading Murphy has already rushed to the front of Mars, an unprecedented power erupted in an instant, and he was holding the sacred gun and struck the other person’s head!


The powerful main angel’s figure fell, but his body balance was completely lost, but the sturdy helmet only showed a slash–

“Puff puff!”

The red light wing didn’t have time to turn the figure around. Murphy strangled the opponent’s neck with his left hand, and the lance of his right hand continuously penetrated the back of Mars in front of him!

This kind of attack that could cause fatal injuries seemed to be unable to pose a slight threat to Mars. He reached out and grabbed Murphys, screamed and smashed him into the ground, and then the fist he followed was unruly. It can be said that the extremely fierce rumored on Murphy’s body!

This is revenge brought by extreme hatred. Mars has no regard for his identity and the consequences of his behavior at this moment.

In the distance, Andalil, who was standing behind the shields that had just been punctured by the two red lights, did not fall.

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