The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 62 - If it is not dazzling, how can it bring warmth?

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Strangely, Constantine did not seem to react too much to this horrible battle in the arena in the next three days.

On the bright side, the various events of this event are still going on, the audience is still bursting, the riding competition after the swordsman competition is hot, and about the shocking final three days ago, the Byzantine royal family did not try to cover up, but immediately Come up with a set of words for explanation-“All the “angels” are not real angels. Under the divine light from the high-level theologian of the Patriarchate, these demons who try to disguise as angels finally get The due sanctions.”

Nearly 10,000 spectators who had not yet left in that final made a strong proof for this set of rhetoric, because all the conclusions were logical, and for this reason Murphy, the player who won the final championship of the competition, won again An unimaginable wave of worship, civilians all over the street are talking vividly about the deeds of Murphys defeating more than ten “demons” with terror and finally defeating his opponent.

And most people ignore the red-eyed blood clan that suddenly appeared-because the official word about this is “call creatures”.

Corresponding to this, is the full rebound of the Patriarchal Patriarchate of the Inquisition.

The royal family did not have any room for negotiation to control the public opinion direction. Although it did not damage the influence of too much theocracy on the people, it was equivalent to slap in the face of the patriarch-who are those angels? Summoned?

Hundreds of magicians in the Patriarchate.

Why call?

Because a certain magician said that he received “revelation”.

These fanfare propaganda has been so long that the “revelation” that all believers are expecting, is it that a group of guys who have been identified as “devil” have come from heaven?

Affirming the remarks of the royal family is equivalent to the patriarch’s own mouth, denying the remarks of the royal family…It is equivalent to the divine power and the military power are completely in a state of confrontation-and this will result in a battle for the entire empire Great turmoil!

I have to say that now that the influence of theocratic power is gradually weakening, things that are out of this file are completely worse. The six major departments of the Inquisition have almost no deterrence. The prestige of the Patriarch’s Holy Court has been greatly reduced. Edward III borrowed Murphy in one hand. Sri Lanka nearly quashed the biggest obstacle to the unification of the empire-the so-called imperial power, ordinary nobles can only catch up.

So within three days, the entire aristocratic circle in the empire had a great shock, changing from the original support for the Windsor and opposition to the Windsor to the support of Edward III and the maintenance of the Patriarchate One line-of course, almost all the imperial nobles chose Edward III, who had power in one hand, and the resulting effect was that the Windsor family immediately rose to the apex in the aristocracy.

Not on the surface, in secret, Edward III once again provided a large amount of territory and resources for the Duke of Windsor as a reward, and the once deserted Duke was full of schedules, and the nobles who wanted to visit the Duke After waiting in line for a month.

All in all, it shows that the Windsor family has led to a new apex under the leadership of Duke Akar-or Murphys. Like the legendary clan cloister Zur, Murphys is very The controversial battles have reached this amazing result, and it has to be said that history sometimes has amazing similarities.

But in the midst of all the troubles, the Inquisition quietly found trouble with Jeanne, the key figure in the whole incident. After Murphys regained consciousness from the coma, Queen Ashkandi had recovered her green eyes, and Jeanne had hid in the Duke of Windsor because of the “advisory” of the Queen of Red Eyes.

It is better to say that Murphy is demonstrating directly to the Inquisition and the Patriarchate.

The young Jeanne didn’t understand why the “sister”, who was so powerful in black robe, was suddenly sitting in a wheelchair, always looking at himself with a smile, and even asked his name again— She only understands that what she has done seems to be counted as having made some “principles of mistakes”, otherwise the Archbishop will never ignore where she is, and she even saw that many carriages from the Inquisition stopped In front of the Duke of Windsor.

“A little scared?”

When Murphy found her in the room prepared for Joan of Arc in the Duke’s palace, some of Johanne’s confusion was grinning, not knowing what to think about.

When she saw Murphy, Jeanne looked very pitiful and nodded. This made Murphy feel distressed and helpless. From the beginning to the end, the magician who should have a promising future would not be cursed. Into these messy things of his own, everything should be complaining about himself, so at this moment he can only do his best to save.

“Fear is because you don’t know what to face. In fact, when you really face fear, you will find that the fear is not the imaginary things, but the “fear” itself.” Murphy pointed out. , “The carriage of the Inquisition came for the third time, I think, it is also time to give them a break.”

“Are they here to judge me?”

Jeanne drew her hands together, her voice weak, “I…I don’t know what to say…”

“It depends on what questions they will ask.” Murphy stretched out his hand and said softly: “I will accompany you, don’t be afraid of anything, we are just facing a small threshold in life, which is so common. .”

Jeanne looked up, and the baby-faced and tearful eyes looked at him pitifully and asked, “Will you accompany me to…the Inquisition?”

“Not far away.”

Murphy’s hand was still raised, and Jeanne jumped from his seat, gently grabbed the generous palm, wiped the corners of his eyes, and followed his footsteps.

In this way, Murphys, the dragon knight who is currently recognized as the first strongest in Byzantium, led this young magician summoned three times in a row by the Inquisition, and took the carriage of the Windsor family. In front of the tall building, which was daunting.

Jeanne followed timidly behind Murphy, and shyly she never dared to let go of Murphy’s palm, as if that was the source of courage to stand here, even though countless judges in white robes looked Looking at the two indifferently or even hostilely, she didn’t retreat.

Walking through the main entrance hall of the referee, the two were guided to the huge trial court that made people feel depressed. Murphy was expressionless, but walked gently in front of him, blocking the door for Jeanne after opening the door. A line of sight with obvious hostility.

The Inquisition has become a bitter hate for Murphy, but it is even more clenched to Jeanne, a magician who has no chance of turning over. If it is not for her “Holy Light”, there will be no tens of thousands of people. To prove that the angel is “demon”. The “summoning” of the two is already the last chance. Jeanne is sheltered by the Windsor family behind Murphys, which is equivalent to the shelter of the royal family-now the only breakthrough is to let her change her tone. But when Murphy was not invited, the six giants in the six departments of the refereeing collective felt a chill.

The structure of the Trial Court is very strange. There are only three steps to provide a place for the interrogator, but the agent for the interrogator directly surrounds this poor position completely. If the usual trial of “heresy” is usually only here There are about thirty members of the interrogation panel and three presiding officers, but when Murphy led Joan de Mai into the area, the entire trial court was filled with nearly 150 clergymen and six presiding judges. Count it all.

There are only a handful of trials that can reach this scale in history, and their existence can put most self-confessed and capable candidates under unimaginable mental pressure-but today, when Murphy walks in here, The atmosphere in the trial court was diametrically opposed.

“Good morning, everyone…justice messengers.”

Murphy raised his head with a smile, looking at the silent personnel in the courtroom softly, as indifferently as Arantis who walked into the night watchman.

Jeanne originally lowered her head because of countless eyes around her, but she heard the words of Murphys, but she squeezed her unfastened palm and slowly raised her head.

Looking up, the six magistrates looked at themselves somberly. Jeanne never thought he would face these interrogations that existed only in awe and other populations, but when he really stood here, he But found…the other party was not as oppressive as imagined.

“Jean, as a byzantine warlock, you leave your duty without permission–“

“Are you ready to directly convict?”

Murphy directly interrupted the words of the leader of the “Sword of Ruling”, Graheide, “There is no reason to stand, just to find out for your own dirty behavior in a girl who is not at all involved in the world. Reason for excuse to show your believers that they are still just?”

“We did not call you to the Inquisition, Murphy Windsor, you are not welcome here.”

The leader of “Cobb’s right eye” is a middle-aged woman, and her words are full of impatience when the words are gloomy.

“I didn’t want to come to the Inquisition, the esteemed grown-up, but what you did really made me have to accompany Joan to come here-oh, I just want to just say…me, Murphy , Loathe you.”

“And you guys.”

He lifted his finger to the judges standing high in front of him, without evasion.

“The sacredness of angels is inviolable. As a changing magician, Jeanne defiantly uses unknown spells to attack a holy angel and is accused of being a demon. Such guilt cannot be forgiven.

An old man with gray hair immediately pointed his finger at Joan of Arc, completely ignoring Murphy’s words, but before he finished, he found that Murphy, who was in the center of the courtroom, raised his hands to condense the two armchairs with elements And sat directly on it.

Jeanne hesitated for a moment, and then sat on the chair just enough for her height.

The condensed element seat exudes violent fluctuations that cannot be ignored, which is completely a naked demonstration-because the level of use of this element of Murphys is perfect, the degree of cohesion has exceeded Frey. The limits of what Germany can do.

And this made the old man swallow in his throat with what he had originally said.

Morpheus didn’t look up at anyone in front of him, just turned his head and smiled at Joan of Arc, whispering: “Fear is a very wonderful emotion, it will cause cowards to draw many of the same kind to cover up their inner emotions, like now. “

Jeanne looked at him inexplicably.

“In other words…not you are afraid of them, but they are afraid of you.”

Murphy turned around, facing the trial seat in front of him, and said bluntly: “I don’t know what ruling you want to give her, but what I want to say is… no matter what guilt, I will not let her eat A little bit hard.”

This is a utterly rogue speech. The courtroom was speechless in the face of a guy who blatantly collided with the six presiding judges. How could a religious tribunal known for its cruelty, blood, and ruthlessness never think of itself as a ruling body? Is there today?

The atmosphere fell into freezing point, but Murphy stood on the absolute superiority-he came today, just to put this heavy punch on the face of this group of once proud guys, so that the other party could not even climb up .

In the face of this group of guys, Murphy once faced the crime of “heretics” and was chased and killed by the other side of the mainland. Even his father Akar endured an unimaginable cold encounter in the Ducal Palace for this…revenge? Murphy was not so inferior, he did not attack anyone, did not threaten the life of even a clergyman, but imposed it on the other party in the usual way of this huge institution.

Facing Murphy’s “intimidating” remarks, the spitting voices in the interrogation rushed one after another, but no one dared to respond half a sentence. The six judges had high authority on weekdays, but now they have to be under the threat of Murphys. They dare not respond like a mouse.

Jeanne looked at the existence of the civilians who had talked about it, but found that the other person’s faces all showed a common emotion-fear, the unsuspecting fear of this guy beside him.

“What kind of logic and thinking can make you judge a magician who has done the right thing?” Murphy questioned all the members of the ruling court in front of him in a counterattack. “One sold the soul to The so-called angel of the devil, even if he did the wrong thing, is still regarded as a sacred representative by you.”

“Always be just, always stand at the moral high ground and punish others. What do you do… for what?”

Murphy did not hide his contempt in the slightest, “for the so-called faith?”

No one dared to respond to his words, and everyone in the room felt indescribable pressure-not just because of the power of Murphys, but also because of the “truth” in his mouth… This is far more than violence. The existence of human introspection, when everyone believes a lie, they can suppress the truth with integrity; and when all this is unmasked and exposed, self-condemnation from the bottom line of the heart will cause the strongest moral outlook Shock.

At this moment, in the large trial court, the trial seat where 160 people were absent was chilling like a prisoner under trial-and Murphy gently released Joan’s palm and got up and said: “Let me Tell you a simple fact that you have overlooked.”

He gently pulled the robe sleeve of his arm to reveal the imprint of the holy servant’s contract, and tapped his finger to let the divine power contained in it spread across the entire religious tribunal-this breath from the angel plane made all gods The magician understands that the contract on Murphys’s arm is not simple, and his words also prove this-“The person you have been killing, hatred, and suppressing at any cost is a master. The humanity that Angel Urie personally blessed.”

This sentence is like the last and most powerful punch in Murphy’s “combination punch”, which instantly stunned the entire Inquisition.

When he got up, Murphy ignored the suffocating priests again, and gently lifted Joan’s palm, whispering: “Faith is still faith, and it will only change the heart of the people.”

As he stepped out, Murphy smiled and took Jeanne out of this fascinating dark building-history repeats itself at this moment, the last heresy who came out alive from here, and the surname above his head is also ” Windsor”.

And Yi Zuer, whose soul disappeared in front of Murphy, may not think that this family junior has made a sensational “creative” like he was back then, except that Murphy did not laugh in front of the referee. It was gently pulling the black robe magician, pointing to the dazzling sun above his head.

“If it is not dazzling, how can it bring warmth?”


The trial of the Inquisition against Murphys and Jeanne came to an end. The situation is extremely clear now-the Patriarchs and the Inquisition have completely lost their original influence in Constantine, and Murphys led Wind The rise of the Sol family in Byzantium and the entire continent has become an indisputable fact.

Taking advantage of the Edward III has had a lot of exchanges with the dignitaries and envoys of various countries in these days, but most of the content involves “friendly diplomatic relations”. Obviously everyone witnessed the horror of Murphys to pervert After the strength, no one will ignore the powerful deterrent that a “dragon knight” brings to the entire Byzantine Empire. The original arrogant old powers, Fording and Gilman, have become regular. Ricci’s envoys were even more diligent, and in general, Byzantium had almost reached the highest peak in history.

At the time when the entire empire had gained countless glory for this, Murphy sat quietly in his study, looking at a few pages of the manuscript of Theology.

Reaching this position today, Murphy understood that he could not have achieved it only by hard work. What scenery could be seen by the people standing on the top of the mountain, those who were on the mountainside or even the corner of the mountain could not even imagine it-at this moment, when Murphy When Sri could kill the powerful main angel in the realm of heaven, what he thought in his mind was not the dream of an ordinary person who awakened the world to be drunk and lying on the knees of the beauty, but he was thinking about his attitude after dealing with the world.

The higher you stand, the more lonely you are. Fortunately, Murphy is accompanied by the Queen of the Red Eyes, so that he does not let his heart be empty, but he always reminds himself-as the most outstanding member of mankind, powerful It should not only be its own strength, but also the state of mind.

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