The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 67 - The change of the Gilman Empire (five k)

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After greeting with the Marquis of Biggs, Murphy did not go elsewhere, but returned directly to the gate of the palace. This time he was not rejected like the unlucky marquis before, but quickly accepted. Richard’s reception, and a pleasant short conversation.

Murphy was asking for it. Naturally, he didn’t come here to use his strength to threaten and intimidate a monarch. He came up with a Lampard territory that was never lacking and the entire continent didn’t have the second fruit of the tree. Si quickly received a satisfactory response from the emperor on the “sharing” of the Academy of Magic literature.

Everything went smoothly as expected, and one fruit not only earned the papers and research reports that Clivi wanted, but also accompanied a library document-although it was impossible to include cutting-edge secrets, it also included Most of the experimental data and various studies that have never been made public can be regarded as the wealth of the “Town Court” of the Magic Academy under construction in West Sellin.

However, this mastermind with superb conspiracy and Murphy made an unexpected request: to disclose Murphys to the Gilman Empire.

Weighing again and again, Murphy agreed to this request, and Richard added a library of literature in one wave as a thank. Obviously, this nod of Murphy was as valuable to him as the fruit of the tree of Hida.

Both sides were satisfied with the result. Murphy stayed soon and got up to say goodbye-but just after walking out of the palace, he once again saw the Ingway Royal Mission wagon that he had left before parked in front of the door.

The Marquis Bigg stood stiff, and beside him, the Princess of Ingeway, who was firmly protected by four royal swordsmen.

“Why? See you again, not even ready to say hello?”

Said to be a princess, in fact, Xia Lan’s temperament is similar to that of a boy. She is a **** style, there is no unnecessary nonsense and corners, and her gesture of holding her shoulders is indeed not like what a royal member can do.

“Your name has not been consulted yet.”

Murphy stopped in a hurry, and saluted indifferently, as if meeting for the first time.

“Xia Lan.” Her Royal Highness squinted her eyes at Murphys, her expression was bad, but apparently she had not done anything excessively after seeing Murphys great, but said indifferently: “I didn’t expect a dragon knight to come The Gilman Empire is dealing with the royal family, how? Byzantium is ready to establish a friendly strategic alliance with Gilman?”

Murphy shrugged, apparently without comment, in fact he did not plan to talk to the princess, although he did not plan to put on a “dragon knight high”, but he really does not have time to say anything here nonsense.

When Xia Lan saw Murphy’s attitude, she was usually humble and never looked at other people’s faces. In fact, she was also not angry-the other party was the guy who beat the angel’s neck to the death, and became a victim of political marriage. It’s normal for a girl to be uninterested, so she wanted to say something, she sighed slightly, shook her head, and didn’t mean to talk to Murphy again.

The scene was not embarrassing, Murphy nodded and prepared to leave, but the guards came to the gate of the palace at the moment and announced the order to allow Princess Xiaran to enter.

Murphy did not turn back to ignore the princess, and walked to the Gilman Empire’s First School of Magic to receive the document he needed, while Princess Xialan, facing the fate of her marriage, bowed her head slightly and looked away slightly, Turned back into the carriage.

The two passed by.

When she came to the Gilman Empire, she was completely “escorted”. Princess Xiaran had a complicated and abnormal heart at the moment. Her only thought about the dragon knight was “envy”-envious of his strength and absolute freedom to be proud of any authority, envy He can disregard fate’s arrangement and can decide all routes by himself.

Isn’t this the reason for every human being who wants to become stronger?

But life is always full of drama, why does Murphy, envious of Xia Lan, not have her own troubles? From the point of view of Morpheus who turned around and left, everything that man has is the result of his own efforts, just like a coin tossed, the moment when the dust settles, no sigh is of any use whether satisfied or not.

Murphy, who did not look back, came straight to this magic academy on the edge of the Gilman Empire capital. The architectural layout here is still as rigorous as ever. Standing in front of the academy, he walked into the academy without any obstruction, and immediately The master who had learned the news led to the central magic tower of this college.

Seeing the fluctuations of the elements here carefully, Murphy suddenly frowned as he moved along the straight path.

In the eyes of Murphys, all the mages walking along the way are not the faces seen by ordinary people at the moment, but a color image composed of various elements. Each person has the ability to control the elements and the power of the crystal wire. There are different colored areas, whether it is a student walking on the college path, or the teachers and guards behind the walls in the tower, they also have a panoramic view in Murphy’s perception.

But just a moment ago, a breath that made Murphy feel extremely uncomfortable flashed away, and there seemed to be a little dark green light drifting across that moment in the field of vision.

“Dear Lord Murphy, Dean Ferguson is waiting for you inside.”

The leading mage stooped to signal Murphy to enter the tallest central office alone. He was stunned and wanted to capture the breath again, only to find that the other party had disappeared. The vigilant did not think that what he had just felt was Illusion, he has absolute confidence in his own strength, so even at this moment, even if he stepped into the dean’s office, Murphy had already raised twelve points of vigilance in his heart.

“‘Dragon Knight’ Murphy? Windsor, welcome to the Khakis Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry.” The old man known as Dean Ferguson is a Grand Magister level, similar to Sunderland, but Murphy is not afraid Xiaowan, these old guys who have studied in a certain area for most of their lives, he respectfully saluted and said bluntly: “There is literature on the “energy-drawing circle”, I think His Majesty Richard has explained the situation to you.”

“To be honest, I didn’t expect you to come so soon–“

He just received the news a few minutes ago and smiled politely, then reached out and picked up the thick and thick parchment stack, and handed it to Murphys, “but obviously we Gilmanians like people who are efficient , The information is here, if you have any questions, please come to me at any time.”

At this time, Murphy should smile and meet with his hand, but at this moment, Murphy did not even raise his hand-because he suddenly frowned and looked at the wall on the left side of the office.

The neatly stacked bookshelves and meticulous crystal nuclei are arranged clearly in accordance with the size and energy distribution. The wall in the office of the dean in front of me does not seem to have any abnormalities, but it makes Murphy stare for a moment like an enemy.


Dean Ferguson didn’t have time to finish his speech, and found that Murphy appeared in front of his back, and a palm was already on the side of his neck-behind him, Murphy’s cold voice whispered: ” Gilman’s Academy of Magic prohibits the study of abyssal spells?”

The somewhat stunned Ferguson, who was asked by Murphys, did not panic, but raised his palm slightly, indicating that he would not resist-he knew that Murphy’s strength was really to kill himself without even a second finger However, in the face of his question, the old dean replied: “It is not just the Gilman Empire, all countries on the mainland explicitly prohibit the practice of any abyssal spells. If…you notice something unusual, I would like to change A safe way to talk instead of using this method.”

Ferguson said smoothly and easily, but his heart was also squeezed with sweat-no one knows what kind of temper is the “Dragon Knight” for the first time, no one knows, it is really no place to just kill himself, but fortunately, Murphy It seemed that he was overreacting only because of some memories. He almost immediately realized his recklessness and slowly took a step back and said: “I will not apologize for the behavior just before you give me a reasonable explanation… “

He narrowed his eyes and continued to stare at the wall of the dean’s office, whispering: “Because… I feel something different.”

What is the deep breath?

I am afraid that humans who have not traveled to the abyss will not understand what it means-things like crossing the plane happen extremely frequently in Murphys, but for other humans on this continent, “plane crossing” is basically Is a myth. Ferguson didn’t understand where this kind of breath was naturally normal. Murphy stared at the dean’s eyes for a long while, and finally seemed to confirm his judgment, adding: “I didn’t feel this kind of breath on your body… So, can you tell me what suspicious mages are doing experiments in the college?”


Ferguson shook his head. “There are hundreds of mages in the academy conducting various experiments every day. You say suspicious…I don’t understand what you mean.”

“No… it’s not a simple experiment.” Murphy closed his eyes slightly, capturing the eerie breath that flickered away. “A spell that requires a narrow and closed space… Element isolation must be very effective. And must be done every once in a while—”

“So, I think I will give you a smaller range.”

Ferguson pointed to the wall that Murphy had been staring at, “On the other side of the wall is a laboratory that can absorb elemental fluctuations, but the authority is extremely high, and only a few of my students are qualified to use… so , Can I think that you suspect my students are secretly studying abyssal spells?”

The old mage’s face is very serious, obviously this is related to the reputation of a dean of the magic school-and the Gilman Empire is a country that attaches great importance to this “reputation”, so any answer by Murphys may cause this Dean’s next career.

“Until everything is confirmed, I won’t make a judgment.” Murphy was no longer the child who didn’t understand human relations at first, nodded: “But I need your cooperation.”

Although Dean Ferguson was worried about his academic reputation, he was obviously not afraid of the results of this fact. Without a word, he walked out of the office and turned to the laboratory, just reaching out to lift the door locked by the magic seal , But Murphys gently pressed his arm.

“If everything is as I expected, then don’t fight the snake.”

He raised his hand, and ten high-level magic seals opened silently, but did not emit any fluctuations-at the time of Dean Ferguson’s shock, Murphy had already walked into the laboratory with a long and narrow corridor, silent Appeared in front of the closed door inside, patted with a palm!

This laboratory built to isolate all elemental interference has a thick and heavy pure metal gate with more than twenty magic circles painted on it. Even the big magician needs at least half a day. It can be cracked, but all this is in front of Murphy’s palm…


The curved and deformed facade broke the solid latch, and without a word, Murphy kicked the door that had been completely useless, and stepped into the laboratory… and as soon as he entered the door, two figures appeared in front of him.

What surprised Murphys was that he and one of them had several ties. Karl, who had satirized Murphy at the Byzantine event and was finally thrown by his neck and flew away, was lying in the center of the laboratory. On the platform, there are traces of dark green… On the side is a little guy who can’t see his face, holding the same dark green dagger, it seems that he has just done something.

“this is…”

At first glance, Murphy recognized that Carl was actually a magic pattern that he had forcibly erased with his soul power during the game. Obviously, nothing in front of him needs to be said.


The hunched guy asked aloud, as if he didn’t seem to doubt Murphy’s identity at all. His tone was gloomy, and the dagger in his hand was pointed at Murphy, “but…you’ve arrived late–“


The guy who painted Carl’s magic lines found the flower before his eyes, and a huge slap fell on his face. He flew up and down three or four times and fell to the ground!

He hadn’t recovered yet, and the palm of his hand had already squeezed his neck, lifting him from the ground effortlessly…

“Who are you? Why do you use abyssal spells?”

Murphy narrowed his eyes and looked at the guy in front of him-but the other party suddenly laughed, his expression very strange and dangerous, and then disappeared into the hands of Murphys!

Without waiting for Murphy to understand how the other party did this, Karl, who was lying motionless on the platform, suddenly sat up and kicked to Murphy without a word!

He instinctively raised his hand to the file, but found that when the palm touched the other side, he felt an indescribable strange power, which made Murphy instantly decide to avoid the attack-he twisted back and watched Carl’s body radiate. Out of black smoke…

“Ha-Murpheus, you will eventually pay for your original behavior!”

There seemed to be nothing else in Carl’s mind, and his voice also changed, becoming sour as if his throat was clogged with something — but his strength, covered with a dark green magic pattern and smoldering smoke, suddenly suddenly exploded. The attack between waves made Murphy feel urgency.

The originally undetectable abyssal breath became a volcanic eruption because of Karl’s sudden awakening, and Murphy only felt that there was a lord from the abyss in front of him… the lord?

He immediately remembered the scourge master Gad, who was crucified on the Horn of Solanda, because the breath of Karl had basically lost the qualities of human beings and was still changing rapidly!


After the iron fist was swept through, Carl didn’t care about the narrowness of the surrounding environment. Every attack went straight to the point, obviously without reservation, and Murphy had to desperately block the opponent’s terrible attack, but he touched the opponent’s fist and swept it. The coming elemental waves immediately caused an unimaginable burst of terror in this enclosed space!


The thick walls have strong anti-impact effects, so the impact after the burst almost spewed out in front of the only door-and Ferguson, who just wanted to come in to check the situation, was unable to dodge and was blown out by air. !

At this moment, Murphy didn’t care about anyone at all, he could feel… this guy who punched himself backwards was no longer the same Karl as the game…

His power is so powerful, but the mixed atmosphere has completely exposed the other party’s “abyss” identity!

That is to say, the guy in front of him has not been a pure human being, but has become a kind of creature on the plane of the abyss…or a certain lord!


“Karl” raised his finger to Murphys, several spear-shaped green phantoms struck in front of Murphys successively-the shield of the condensed elemental energy under the control of Murphys tried his best to resist the storm of the other side The general attack, and he took a step forward, shot the “” thrown by the opponent and threw a backhand with a blue elemental arc blade as a counterattack!


Carl dodged in the narrow laboratory, and the arc flying over his body hit the wall, causing the thick wall that could withstand most of the impact to burst apart-the sound of cracking In the middle, half of the wall exploded into powder, directly exposing the view outside the tower!

Seeing this scene, Karl didn’t stop his body. Once again, the backflip disappeared in front of a huge rift, and he jumped down a few tens of meters high tower. The sound of “Boo” fell to the ground, and then stood in the empty square. He looked up at Murphy.

At the moment, his eyes were completely dark with the place where the eyes were supposed to be, and it was extremely terrifying in the sun. His body flashed with a bright green magic pattern, like some kind of viper that was going all out to attack. …And facing the college students who were surrounded by unknown, he didn’t even look at it but waved his finger to the surroundings!

The two beams of light hit the surrounding buildings, and then brought up a skyrocketing explosion-where ordinary students can resist this sudden attack? In an instant, the fragments of countless students’ bodies were scattered at the feet of Karl with blood, but this scene made “Karl” with a strange smile on his face excited!

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