The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 69 - Emergency notice (five k)

【Five Thousand Words, Ask for Monthly Ticket! Thank you for your support! 】

When Murphy came to the Royal Palace of the Gilman Empire again, he was tired and changed a robe borrowed from the academy, but he heard the sound of Argument between Her Majesty Richard and the Princess Xiaran—

“Since you are unwilling to engage in this political marriage, why did you promise to do it now? What are you doing to humiliate the Ingeway royal family now?”

“I have two answers to answer you, but I find it is the safest way to not answer this question-if I do not answer, as a royal princess, you can still have a “poor” impression of the Gilman Empire, but if I said, I am afraid that the two empires will go to war tomorrow.”

“Who can I explain to these mysterious words?”

Princess Xialan’s temper is not small, she even has no fear of confrontation when facing an imperial monarch. According to common sense, the “victim” used for political marriage does not have any say at all, but it seems to inherit Ingeway The strength of Queen Elizabeth, the current monarch of the empire, the strongest female member of the royal family stood in front of the lord of the Gilman Empire and questioned the other party’s dishonesty with a loud voice.

The Gilman Empire has been known for its people’s honesty and trustworthiness since ancient times. Perhaps it is because of this concept that has been followed for thousands of years. The explanation-this made Murphy standing outside the hall a little puzzled.

What did Richard think?

Who knows he got the answer to this question right away-the Gilman Empire monarch still said frankly: “Political marriage seems to be the only way to form an alliance. I promised it was completely forced by the situation, but now I The reason why I don’t want to finish it this morning… is because I found that things were not as urgent as I thought.”

“It has something to do with urgency or not? Political marriage is a matter of time. I didn’t come here because of my…mother–giving me as an item to this country?” Princess Xiaran seemed reluctant to talk The Queen Elizabeth had too many, “What’s the effect of your delay?”

“To be honest, there is only one left in the royal family who can be married to you…” Richard sighed, “My third son Charles.”

There is no need to say more. Prince Charles’s head injury caused by a horse falling half a month ago has been passed on as a joke in the upper social circles of the Ingeway Empire-but this “joke” is for Princess Xialan. At that time, I am afraid that no royal member of Ingrid could laugh.

The princess of the assassin was stunned by Richard’s words-now that the matter is clear, Richard is not deliberately neglecting a royal princess, but there is really no other way…rather than letting her know the truth It is better to use the “cold” way to let the princess “retreat from difficulties”. From a strategic point of view, the effect of political marriage is to give other countries a warning to prove their current status on the mainland, and it happened that Murphy visited Giles and agreed to disclose the facts of his visit, which virtually reached Richard. What Germany originally wanted to achieve-so in this case, political marriage is no longer necessary, and Her Majesty Richard does not have to hesitate too much to let a good princess marry a prince who lay in bed all his life. .

There was silence in the hall, and the helpless king and the still stunned princess did not reopen the topic, and Murphy was finally able to intervene a few times. He dragged his slightly tired body forward and whispered: ” Before considering this marriage, I would like to inform something.”

He pointed to Princess Xia Lan and said: “Not only for the Gilman Empire, but also for you. I hope you can convey what I want to say to the Queen, who has never met her.”

The appearance of Murphy broke the embarrassment just now, but apparently his dignified words made the two present at the same time break away from the argument just now, and some unexpectedly looked at the guy who should not be here-just Murphy The sound of Sri Lanka’s battle was not heard by His Majesty and the princess deep in the palace, so what Murphy brought at the moment was also the first-hand news-“I had a battle in the Academy of Magic, and the news has not been delivered to You’re here, but I’m here in advance to explain something to you.”

Murphy had no intention of concealing, “The Academy suffered heavy losses, with more than 30 casualties. Dean Ferguson was still in a coma at the moment, because I had a fight with a guy who shouldn’t be here.”

In an instant the hall fell into silence again.

Murphy’s fatigue is obvious. This is definitely not pretend or can be covered up. His clothes are Gilman style, obviously not bought from shopping-as a monarch, His Majesty Richard’s IQ is definitely not low, he is almost At first glance, he realized the seriousness of Murphy’s discourse.

“What do you need me to do?”

“You almost lost?”

Xia Lan asked a very different question from Richard-from here you can see how the vision differed between a monarch and an assassin princess. Richard, who has assumed that the Murphy and the Gilman Empire have an “alliance” relationship, clearly regards Murphy’s personal safety as the first one-Master Apprentice Gilman Empire is not lacking, what is damaged by the Magic Academy is not a problem, national strength The strong Gilman can withstand these losses, but he can’t afford Murphy’s risk of “unexpected”.

Murphy gave Princess Xiaran a reluctant smile, did not answer her question, and turned to Richard: “Now the entire continent is not confronted with each other’s battles between countries, we may have to resist some Even more…terrible stuff.”

“How terrible?”

Xia Lan, who was next to him, intervened again, but this time, Murphy chose to respond.

“Some things, when you use words to describe you, you may not have any concepts–” He thought about it, reached out and gently untied his Gilmanian robe, which was not fit. “Although this is not elegant, But it is the most direct way.”

Take off the coat, and Murphy’s steely body is displayed in front of the monarch and the princess. His muscles are full of texture that only the God of War in the ancient Syca myth will have-solid but not stiff, full of explosive power. Nothing superfluous.

But this is enough to make countless women crazy, but it is covered with the scars of scars left in the battle.

Karl’s attack was definitely not as itchy as the guys at the contest, so that Murphy felt no threat. The six consecutive attacks in the field caused Murphy’s arms to be completely skinned, and the skin on the back was hurt. Most of the burning, there are even bones in some places…Fortunately, he accepted the soul power transmitted by Ashkandi and Andalil, all the wounds did not have time to expand or even left more blood to be overflowed. Soul energy wrapped and began to heal.

His Majesty Richard frowned. He was the emperor who had experienced war on horseback. Of course he knew how these wounds needed to be caused… For ordinary people, he would never care about too much, but the identity of the person in front of him ?

He is the existence of the top swordsmanship masters who defeated the various empire of the mainland. He is a ruthless man who killed more than ten angels without blinking his eyes. He is a dragon knight who made the Inquisition tremble!

Who can cause such a wound on him?

How powerful is his enemy?

It can be said that this scene alone is enough for Richard the Great to decide all the diplomatic moves of the entire empire.

But Princess Xia Lan next to her stared at the wounds on Murphy’s body, and there was something strange in her eyes-she rebelled against the political marriage, but had to compromise because of the mother’s “suppression”, because it was Ingrid. The empire’s current needs, as a member of the royal family, have corresponding responsibilities, but this does not mean that she thinks she will like any man…because she has reached the a level, she can’t accommodate those who can’t even reach her. This kind of height guy-until the strength that Murphys unintentionally showed and this medal-like scar hit her unknown weakness somewhere in the heart.

“You guys are just discussing marriage? I think what we have to deal with now exceeds the level of “marriage”, so if Her Majesty Richard has her own difficulties, and Miss Xia Lan-oh, princess-doesn’t mind , I hope Ingeway and Gilman Empire can change some other attitudes to face the possible crisis-need to be reminded that what happened in Gilman is definitely not accidental, and my level of even more powerful guy has gradually Showing their original face, preparing for battle is a top priority, because if war really breaks out, it is the brave soldiers who can really play a role in the mainland, not my so-called’Dragon Knight’.”

“I will believe what you say, but I can’t rely on your words to convince the monarchs.”

Richard understands all the information in Murphy’s discourse very sensibly and clearly. He will never think that Murphy will be a joke, and his scars will not be the result of mischief. ——Because there are already three guards passing messages outside the hall waiting for the message to be spoken in person, which is more proof of the authenticity of Murphys words.

“If possible, prepare for the worst.”

Murphy did not intend to continue to say more, “If I need to compensate for the loss, send the letter to the’night watchman.’”

He turned around and saw that Princess Xiaran, who was still staring blankly at her, was frowned upon by the strange emotion in the other party’s eyes, but he still asked: “I need to immediately inform Her Majesty the Queen to interview.”

“I-the carriage is outside.” Princess Xia Lan wanted to say something, but found herself nervous for no reason.

Murphy looked at the four a-level sword masters behind Xia Lan and said, “The carriage is too late. Would you mind if I take you back to Ingeway early?”

As soon as his words fell, the four expressionless sword masters had already taken a step forward, holding the sword in their hands, apparently preparing to stop Murphys.

Princess Xia Lan had nothing to say about this, and apparently understood that her words had no effect—because these swordsmen were not her men, but were directly affiliated with Queen Elizabeth.

“Then there is labor to clear up the situation here.”

Murphy whispered to Richard, the monarch of Gilman, and his figure disappeared instantly.


At the same time, the four slaps sounded too close together, and the four powerful royal swordsmen couldn’t even block the action, and they were slapped by Murphys on the chest. Out!

“Suddenly, if there is offense, I hope to forgive my recklessness.”

After saying this, Murphy, who appeared ghostly beside Princess Xia Lan, had already grabbed her, jumped to the window of the palace parlor, and took the princess to the sky directly.

The shield of elemental condensation appeared in front of him, and Xia Lan, who was firmly protected, only had time to cover the white princess dress on her body, and was instantly accelerated to the extreme. Murphy took the entire Gilman Empire with him. Above the capital, the popping sound produced after breaking through the speed of sound caused the people to raise their heads and look into the air, but they only saw a ghost that went far away.

Ingrid, Fording, Gilman.

The three major powers on this map were visited by Murphys one by one in two days. Because of their powerful strength, Murphys met with the leaders of these countries without much effort.

The scarred Murphy clearly realized how terrifying the guy who wounded himself in the Gilman Empire-and this crisis is self-evident for the entire continent, and now all he needs to do is to call on these years. The marching country stops the meaningless consumption…and prepares to face the real enemy.

Sounds like this is like a madman’s words-should humans fight demons and angels?

Of course, Murphy will not arbitrarily say this kind of near madness. He just very tactfully said that the enemy that the entire continent will face may not be human itself, but someone else.

He did not force any action from these powerful empires. After expressing his opinions, Murphy returned to Balice…because he knew that the power of these countries was only a question of how long they could drag in front of the army of purgatory. , Where is the real solution to the problem, he still needs to explore.

After learning that Murphy was safe from the soul contract, Ashcandi had been in his seat for a long time without any words.

Andalil, who was beside her, was also silent, her thin body curled up, and the weak two did not speak because of the excessive transmission of soul power. Time lapsed, the sunlight poured into the room from the window, and the breeze gently flipped the desktop On the book page.

“Why am I doing this?”

For a long time, Andariel suddenly made a noise, but asked such a question.

“Our hearts will never lie, this is the answer.” Ashcandi exhaled softly, trying to calm down his mood. “I don’t know what answer is in your heart, but obviously you already understand what you care about is what.”

“Most care…”

Andariel gently covered his slightly immature face, looked at the sky outside the window through the cracks of his fingertips, and whispered: “Why is this?”

When Murphy landed from the sky, he directly chose to come to the tower where Ashcandi was located.

Murphy understood that if it were not for the soul energy transmission of the two people in front of him, he could not escape from the hands of that terrifying opponent, so he didn’t say any nonsense, and he was squeezed in Ashcandi because he saw his scar At the time of lips, he had already bent down gently to embrace this bloodless selfless devoted blood family.


He didn’t know what else to say.

“I really don’t want to experience this feeling again.”

Although Ashcandi could not move his legs, he wrapped his arms around Morpheus in front of him. I am afraid that not many people will really understand this lost feeling.

But she understood that once Murphy endured countless days and nights in this mood.

I know that the reason for facing Karl’s missteps is that his Murphys did not blame anyone, nor did he mention the things that Ashcandi and Andalil might dissipate because of the transmission of soul energy. Gently release Ash After Candy, Murphy turned around and just wanted to say something, but found that Little Loli even rushed over without saying a word. After tightly holding herself, she didn’t say anything. After three or four seconds, she released it. When he started, he sat aside without a word, as if he were sulking.

Murphy looked at the young girl who didn’t look very old, but what flashed in her mind was a scene of memory obtained by her transmission of soul energy…

He found that he seemed to be touching a big mystery, and he could see its shape when he looked at it from a distance, but when he was getting closer and closer, he found that there was smoke in front of him and behind him, and he could no longer identify where the mystery came from. Origin.

Murphy once thought that he understood Purgatory–the sinful place full of smoke and struggles–but when Andariel inadvertently “browsed” those memories that should have been sealed ~www.mtlnovel .com~ He found that the so-called “purgatory” is not as simple as he thought.

Why did Uriel lead the angels to attack desperately? Why did Curtriline want to kill two purgatory lords?

What are the remaining three lords doing? Why not use these powerful forces to wipe out this group of guys that can be wiped out?

“I want to go… talk to William.”

Murphy suddenly said to Ashcandi: “The situation is a bit unusual now. The guy at the level of the abyss lord suddenly invaded the human body and fought me. This is no accident or coincidence. It seems… These guys can’t sit still.”

“This has something to do with William?”

“Why didn’t the other twelve bloodline families stay in the human plane? Where did the werewolves go again?”

Murphy sighed, “The secrets behind him are closely related to those planes, developing according to today’s situation…Although the’night watchman’ is going strong, the time left for me seems to be too little.”

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