The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 72 - Fierce battle at sea (five k)

[Seeking red ticket! Monthly pass! 】

This situation made Captain Pierre immediately alert, because the distance was too far, and even with the bronze telescope, it was impossible to see where the flag of the fleet belonged to…but the only thing that could be seen was… this one The number of fleets is comparable to the Byzantine fleet!

There is usually only one situation when the offshore fleet meets-confrontation, or passing by or directly exchanging fire. Byzantine warships are famous on the mainland because they have an offensive ship that other countries have never imagined-a fire-breathing ship. This kind of ship is small in size but travels very fast. Compared with the longbow, catapult, and crossbow. Ordinary ships of attack means, these fire-breathing ships can reach the enemy in extreme time, and use the flame to close the enemy ship into the sea of ​​fire and sink.

The battle at sea is also the stage of the magician. The long-range attack also requires the magician to calm the scene. So when the two fleets began to approach each other in a battle-ready posture, the two sides were each shot by the magician at a distance of thousands of kilometers. signal.

A huge double-headed eagle logo appeared above the ship, representing the official identity of the Byzantine fleet, and the light yellow light that bloomed meant “friendly” and “will not actively attack”-and after a few minutes, the opposing fleet A similar pale yellow sign was printed.

This is enough to let the captains of both sides breathe a sigh of relief at the same time, and to avoid a war in the unfamiliar sea is the most desired result for them at present, and after confirming that they will not attack each other, Captain Pierre is also clear The identity of the other party: Ingeway Imperial Fleet.

The official fleet is easy to speak, but after taking a look at the map, Pierre felt that it was too weird to meet the fleet of the Ingewe Empire in this place-because it is too far away from the Ingewe Empire. The other party will never take this route if they are long-distance voyage… Judging from the other party’s navigation route, if they are not the same because of the storm, they have a similar purpose to the Byzantine fleet!

The fleets of the two sides gradually changed from a battle formation. Under the clear sky, the two main ships “passed by” at a distance of thousands of kilometers. The magicians of the two sides once again released a courteous magic signal, but it was at this time that the entire An unimaginable giant wave suddenly rolled up on the sea!

No one could see where the waves came from, but suddenly found that the surrounding water suddenly shook, and then came the huge waves that were coming in a flash!

Seven meters, this is the height of the waves.

The two fleets were almost twisted and twisted by this huge wave, and then the rotating vortex that followed kept the direction of the ship completely out of control. Ships that attempted to stabilize the wind by windsurfing did suddenly find that… The sea surface suddenly…stopped.

“this is…”

Various visions stopped the busy crew and the captain for a moment, and the first officer standing on the side of the ship shouted suddenly. Captain Pierre turned his head, but he saw the sea in the center of the two fleets. Suddenly a… vortex appeared.

At this moment, the crew with some knowledge are like falling into the ice cave.

They have all heard of the ancient rumors… Those deep-sea beasts never like to be disturbed by humans in their clean territory, and whenever they surface, the sea will be the first to see a huge vortex that devours everything. The prey is included–

“Magic! Investigate the situation!”

Captain Pierre immediately shouted to the magician beside him, his fingers clenched the bronze telescope tightly, and stepped over to the ship’s rudder. The boat drifted helplessly like a drowning in the violent waves-there was no breeze around, and the oars of the crew on the bottom of the boat could not keep the boat in the ideal direction in the waves of waves. …

It seems that the entire fleet can only passively greet this scene like a natural disaster, but obviously, neither the Byzantine nor the ships of the Ingeway Empire are willing to greet the fate of destruction. The giant crossbow used in the attack has already been wound. The mage prepared in the attack position and collectively aimed at the vortex that was growing in the middle of the sea!


There was a sudden loud noise. The whirlpool was thin and a stream of water rushed straight into the sky. The rumbling sound was deafening like a waterfall, with a height of hundreds of meters, and then the diameter expanded to nearly one kilometer of the vortex Suddenly a dark figure appeared in Zhong!

Three huge heads suddenly protruded from below sea level toward the sky, each of which was the size of a small cargo ship-its body was hidden in the sea water, and it could not see the size, waiting for the crossbow and the mage to aim at it for anything. Attack, then each head has roared around… And with its powerful dragon chant, each head-aligned ship was subjected to a violent impact in an instant with an invisible force, Like being hit by the hull of an invisible sledgehammer in the sound of a burst burst!

The ship hit was not only badly damaged, but all the crew members, regardless of their strength, were directly stunned by the sound wave-even including the four a-class sword masters and “.Victoria” on the “Victoria”. The princess they protected.


A ship attacked by the three-headed dragon was less than 100 meters away from Pierre’s main ship. He watched as the largest Byzantine warship broke the keel directly during the invisible attack and began to leak and sink. …The angry captain immediately chose to fight back—in an instant, hundreds of giant crossbows with a range of 300 meters launched an attack on these three-headed dragons, and there were more than thirty of them projected in parabolic form. Pyroblast”!

In this sea where the waves are constant but there is no breeze, the Ingeway Empire also chose to attack-and just before the overwhelming huge crossbow arrows and spells were about to attack the three-headed dragon, the other party bowed its head and drilled straight. Under the sea!

Its huge body brought a huge bulge while swimming on the sea, quickly evading the attack of hundreds of giant crossbows and spells, and instantly came under a ship in the Ingeway Empire, the moment of looking up Actually it crashed into the sky!

The unmatched power made the original ship with a depth of six or seven meters deep into fragments that flew into the sky. Numerous crew members screamed and fell into the water, and were swallowed by the huge dragon head…

Blood stained the sea.

The slow-moving ship can’t stop the rampage of these three-headed dragons. The name of the “sea monster” is indeed as horrible as the rumors. The crew can only pray for it to leave as soon as possible except for the giant crossbow to aim at this big guy There is no way to resist this game-like attack!

The attack efficiency of the three dragon heads is too high, because of the previous vortex, the two fleets were shortened indistinguishably from each other, and the **** three-headed dragon actually overturned six Ingeway. The empire’s ship then turned its target to the Byzantine fleet, which attacked more spells. Its speed was so fast that it was aiming at the crossbow arrows that were four or five hundred meters away at the previous moment. When it was too late to buckle hair, the entire deck was spinning in a crackling sound…


No one can stop the dragon’s footsteps-the attacks of the wizards occasionally hit, but found that the fireball left only a faint black mark on the surface of its body and had no effect, only some. The effect of the crossbow arrows cannot be aimed at because of its haunted movement speed.

“damn it!”

The steering wheel has almost lost its steering effect, because the waves brought by these three-headed dragons can’t even make the ship move forward, not to mention what to aim at the ups and downs of the sea-“condensing the wind element, let the ship move stand up!”

He reluctantly ordered to the mage on the ship, but obviously this requirement is too exaggerated-how many mage can control the wind element at the same time to make a huge ship that is turbulent in the waves sail backwards? !

But as soon as his words fell, the canvas on the mast beside him was suddenly blown by a sudden strong wind!


Almost instantly, the sails of all nearby ships were blown by the strong wind, and the ship immediately regained control. Captain Pierre, who was holding the rudder, immediately ordered the entire fleet to get rid of the glue. He turned his head and tried to find The figure of the sea monster that had just crossed the port side, but it was a sudden glimpse of something in the air…


There was another roar that sounded through the sky, and the three heads of the three-headed dragon protruding from the water launched an attack once again, and the sea was twisted. It was the main ship where Pierre was aimed!

“To suffer!”

It was too late to make any protective measures. He watched the sea in front of him suddenly split like a white track, but the loud noise of the invisible impact hitting the hull did not appear until the hull suddenly A meal–


A condensed conical shield suddenly appeared on the side of the hull, which actually blocked the terrifying impact, and the seawater around the hull suddenly rose to the sky… The salty seawater wet the crew and the ship Senior and first officer, they stared dumbfounded in front of them, their jaws were shocked by the scene that was happening in the distance.

In front of their eyes, the sea surface suddenly changed, and the three-headed dragon with its mighty wind suddenly flew out of the water-everyone saw its finned limbs and smooth and huge body, but this guy’s The posture is obviously not what I want to jump out of the sea it depends on…

Because its movement is completely a posture of being thrown back by something.


The huge three-headed dragon fell into the water is totally the feeling of being photographed on the surface of the water. One of the three huge heads was almost broken off, and the other two heads showed a fierce but slightly confused expression, looking around. , It doesn’t seem to understand why he is so… And just when it just fell into the water, the whole body was seized by an inexplicable force.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of light flashed over the body of the three-headed dragon-even a scene contrary to common sense appeared in front of everyone… This horrifying sea monster that had just destroyed more than 20 ships Was suddenly thrown into the air, as if something was pulling it up, and at the same time, a bigger figure appeared in the sky…

Hydera spread its wings, and it was bigger than the three-headed dragon. It swept across and flew over it like a giant eagle hitting a hare, while leaving several huge wounds!

The azure blood spewed out in an instant, but it didn’t mean to fall into the sea when it was suspended in the air. It was actually that after a circle, Hydera hit the body again, flying across the air for tens of meters Only then fell to the sea!

But this is not the end. After Hydera swooped from top to bottom, the three-headed dragon who was too late to recover from the vertigo was hit into the sea by the sound of the six-headed Hydera falling from the sky. The elemental explosion once again set off huge waves, making the surrounding ships a bump…

The severely injured three-headed dragon never floated after sinking into the sea, and the huge six-headed dragon re-flyed in the air with the help of elements, hovering over the entire fleet, as if it was always alert to the enemy’s sentry .

For this scene that seems to appear in the epic, only the Byzantine soldiers first responded to who had just done the thing-the dragon knight Murphy will inform the crew of the operation early in the morning. At this moment, the giant The emergence of dragons is naturally a simple proof.

The surviving crew cheered the name of Murphys, and morale immediately picked up. In contrast, the ships that were destroyed by the Ingeway empire were the first to be destroyed. The ships that had been destroyed could only allow the wreckage to drift away, while the remaining ships were urgently salvaging The crew-the original sea with huge waves calmed down completely after the three-headed dragon disappeared, but before the small rescue ship was dispatched, there were floating “life rafts” condensed by countless elements near all sunken ships on the sea. The crew soaked in the icy seawater were able to escape.


Murphys, with Ashcandi and Andalil landing on the deck of the Byzantine main ship, looked very strange. His eyes kept staring at the undissipated blue blood, and he came to Pierre after thinking for a moment. In front of the captain, he said bluntly: “This is Murphy? Windsor. I will assist you by His Majesty’s order—”

“With the assistance of the’Dragon Knight’, it is the pride of our seventh fleet.”

Pierre’s marching ceremony, and Murphy, who was born at the Cauchy Cavalier Academy, also returned salute, but before waiting for them to say anything, Hydera swooped down again, releasing six bright lights at the sea a few miles away The ball exploded into a large wave of water.

Obviously the three-headed dragon did not receive enough lessons.

“How can Ingrid’s fleet appear here?”

Murphy didn’t care about Hydera’s meaning and asked, but apparently Pierre couldn’t give any answer-for this, Murphy frowned and looked at the three command-type main ships in the distance. Two of them were destroyed. The Ingeway Empire Fleet, striding to the ship’s side, said without looking back: “Priority rescue, gather formation, stand by.”

Immediately he flew straight into the air, toward the main ship of the Ingeway Empire, but Murphy flew in the air suddenly felt a very familiar atmosphere, he turned to look at the sunk half One of the main ships of the fleet, the “Victoria”, appeared clearly above the raised stern, but the ship had reached the final stage of sinking, leaving only one fifth of the hull on the sea Above, if it is not calm at the moment, I am afraid it has already become a pile of discarded debris under the sea.

But Murphy turned suddenly in the air and landed directly on the stern that was about to sink to the bottom of the sea. He punched the solid hull and jumped into the icy water…

In less than half a minute, the hull of the ship disappeared above the sea surface, and when several surrounding Masters of Ingeway found out that their princess still did not appear on the life raft, the sea surface suddenly burst into light. Then the position where the bubbles were blowing because of the shipwreck suddenly exploded-the mist of the sky made the rushing masters drenched-the figure of Murphy jumped from below the water surface, and the chain of condensed elements was born from the water surface. Five people pulled out underneath, throwing them directly onto the deck of the remaining main ship.

His clothes were basically not wet because of the element barrier, but the few people lying on the deck were completely soaked by drowning. The reason why Murphy went down was these few people, not the other crew members. Because of the identity of these people…

Four a-level sword masters, and the Princess Xia Lan who has seen both sides.

………………………………………….. …………………….

In the evening of the same day, the Ingeway fleet and the Byzantine fleet were extremely rare to form a fleet at sea. At the same time, the commander of the Ingeway Empire was invited by Murphys to participate in the Byzantine “Lion Heart”. More formal dinner.

The atmosphere on both sides is not too warm, because the accident during the day caused the death of a total of nearly two hundred people and the sinking of 21 ships. Commander Pierre and Captain Pierre of the Ingeway Empire were a bit miserable. The feeling of words is almost stuffy, drinking rum.

So the real focus of this dinner was focused on two people-one was the dragon knight Murphy who saved the two fleets, and the other was the Princess of Ingeway saved by Murphy. Xia Lan…Of course, this romantically sounding heroic rescue beauty actually brought unimaginable confusion to some people.

Ashcandi and Andaril sat in the corner very quietly and did not disturb Murphy-and the latter was frowning and looking at the pale princess Charlene who was recovering from the coma, waiting The other party’s answer.

“I have always been a bad guy, haven’t I?”

Princess Xia Lan unconsciously shook the wine glass in her hand, her eyes were a little confused, “Mother asked me to marry Gilman, I tried to resist… And your presence makes the marriage impossible, I thought I was lucky, but who Know now…huh.”

“So you are once again the object of political marriage? It’s pretty depressing to say.”

Murphy said while holding down the princess Charlene’s action to continue pouring wine is easy to say, although I am very curious about the direction of the Ingeway fleet, but I do not want to rely on Ways to get answers. “

“Answer? The answer is very simple, and it is in front of you.” Xia Lan did not conceal his intentions and bluntly said bluntly: “Winach, the Hasselblad of Balice is handing those charts to you. After that, he naturally understood what Byzantium would do. He simply handed over these things to Ingeway as a bargaining chip for establishing diplomatic relations. He certainly hopes that we will contain Byzantium’s power, right?”

Murphy was a little bit uncomfortable. Princess Sharan said so many “confidentialities” all at once, but obviously it was an indisputable fact that there was a conflict of interest between the other party and Byzantium, but now it is simply not the right time to discuss this issue-after the robbery The coexistence of the rest of the life and the crisis prevented the two fleets with the same destination from daring to cause war on the sea surface where sea monsters infested.

“I am now representing the Byzantine position, not myself, you have to be clear about this.”

“Oh? You are the dragon knight, the dragon knight Murphys, a powerful guy who can let all monarchs recognize their identity, do you want to be the emperor’s pawn?”

Xia Lan seemed to be a little bit unkempt because of drunkenness, “hehe… where is that guy who is so strong that he ignores any rules?”

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