The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 87 - The light in the disaster

> Thanks for the monthly ticket of [1029]! I have been in Cavan recently. Sometimes my mind is empty and I can’t even write it at all. The plot control is not ideal, but I hope my friends will continue to support it. WwW. NgWeNXuE. M

I am adjusting the time. I have a lot of things at home during the New Year. I can advance in advance every day.

In the face of the scene in front of him, Murphy was a little shocked in his heart-the opponent’s strength was completely suppressed by himself, but he suddenly thrown two spells that are completely beyond his level. One is to call the unfathomable strength. The monster in the sea is a “coral shield” that even feels powerful resistance…

Obviously, the other party’s reliance may exceed Murphy’s imagination.

In front of him, the giant in the sea summoned by the six-armed naga spell lifted the trident in his hand. It looked like an enhanced version of the naga warrior. The thirty-meter high hill-like body was composed entirely of blue water, and the heart The faint light flashing in position, but covered with armor-like element armor, the moment it lifted its arm, a swift wave of light hit the Murphys!

“Tide Strike”!

Although this guy is not the powerful presence in the sea who is really named Azrodin and has the title of “Tidal Lord”, it is a real projection of the other party-the strength reaches 15 levels, although the level is much lower than Murphys, But it is a disaster for the entire Deer Port!

The attack of raising his hand was blocked by Murphy with an elemental shield, but then his arm swept the trident directly across a port building, and even directly drove an Augustus tonnage into the top ten huge freighter. It flew directly into the air, and the “tide strike” thrown with the other hand directly made this cargo ship become a lot of fragments!

Murphy naturally did not take this level of opponents in his eyes. He raised his hand to condense a soul fireball and threw it at the other side. The six-armed naga in the distance immediately used a “Neglect of the Sea King” level of more than fifty. The single shield took the lead in front of the sea giant, but it is obvious that Murphy’s powerful strength is perfectly reflected at this moment, the fire burst, and even with the other party’s shield and the sea giant behind it directly exploded into It’s bad!

Turning his head, Hydera’s body emerged from the dark night sky, one swooped toward the Naga Masters, six heads suddenly blasted a large elemental bomb, and instantly made a powerful `Mage Chicken Flying Dog Jump , And the six-armed naga seemed to be deterred by Hydera’s volume, but in a hurry to fight back, he was instantly inferior because of the long-range bombing that Murphys also began…

This seems to be the scene that should appear. Murphy, as a 34-level strongman, will never be suppressed by more than forty naga mages. The indiscriminate bombardment of him and Hydera immediately made the sea surface red with blood Those Naga warriors who wanted to besiege could not be approached even at a distance of 100 meters and were bombarded into pieces. Hydera’s extremely defensive dive made the morale of these guys who had just rushed out of the sea collapse.

Obviously, this person alone blocked the other army directly on the beach of Lukang.

But the other party’s commander seemed to be breathless when he was tired of parry.


The adjutant beside Fahna was reporting the current offensive situation to her in the language of the Underwater Kingdom. In general, everything was good-of course, except for a strong human and a dragon blocking himself on the front.

Her six arms are not burdened at all by her slim and slender body. A snake hair is looking around at this moment with vigilance. They are the “elemental warning” of the six-armed naga, which is abnormal for all the abnormal breaths in the air. Sensitive, compared to the five senses of humans, these snake hairs are simply “radars” in all directions.

And Fahna itself is the palace magi of Cruz, the kingdom of the Naga under the sea-this title sounds like the royal mage of the ancient Siga Empire, but in fact her status is indeed so lofty, as a female The most respected master of the Naga Empire, she is in charge of the offensive commander at this moment…

Even though he was unwilling to carry out such a mission from the bottom of his heart, this powerful six-armed Naga loyal to the royal family still meticulously came to the sea and even the coast where the Naga rarely stepped on, carrying out this horrific raid.

The kingdom of the sea is vast, but it is generally occupied by three major races. The first is the mermaid that Murphy has encountered-this is also the most racially classified and most complicated line, with fifty in the sea of ​​the vast world. The six kingdoms, with constant disputes but never set foot in land; secondly, Naga, with the ability to set foot directly on land, but because of ancient curses, it must be a powerful fighting race in the deep sea, with distinct levels and high unity, and almost no civil strife; and It is a true pure-blood sea dragon family. Those three-headed dragons that Murphy saw before are not called pure blood at all. Even the word “Yalong” is barely in the sea. It can only be called a dragon blood lineage. Behemoths, and although the real dragons are scarce compared to mermaids and naga, they still occupy one of the three dominant positions in the sea by virtue of their strength to the extreme.

It was the Naga Kingdom that attacked the land. The reason why the Naga was cursed to survive in the deep sea was precisely because it had invaded the land and suffered the punishment of the gods. It was ordered to live forever in the dark and the pressure of the deep sea so much Shallow resources have been seized by mermaids, but this has created the Naga’s indomitable firmness. Her Majesty’s order is the whole meaning of her life. The loyalty of the Naga family can make all humans ashamed, when Her Majesty’s order is given Fahna had no room for rejection, but when she actually came to the land, she found that the situation was a little beyond her imagination.

As the most awkward caster of the Naga clan, who is a little awkward in the middle of the sea, she finds that humans are fragile.

A fifty-seven level ban curse “The Doomsday Tsunami” directly flooded one-fifth of the territory of a core city. Even if it was a sneak attack, the smooth progress in the army shows that humans have not yet made strong and effective resistance. Almost directly crushed by the powerful Naga Border Guard.

However, the appearance of Murphys made her instantly cold, and the powerful strength of the other party put the entire Mage and Attacking Legions under tremendous pressure, which also made her immediately use the two pieces of Her Majesty Queen of Cruze to hand to herself Two kinds of treasures-one is the coral shield, and the other is the “call pearl”.

Although these two things saved Fahna’s life, the ensuing events shocked her anomalously-the creatures that summoned pearls belonged to the “Ancient Giant” hidden in the sea and unknown!

“Commander, the second batch of reserves is ready.”

The words of the adjutant reporting the war situation sounded in his ears, making Fahna look a little dazed.

The commander had a complex look at the flanking sea, where the guy who had just summoned and struck Murphy seemed to be hiding under the sea, and there was no movement.

Thinking of the sudden disconnection of the spiritual link that just summoned Pearl, Fahna felt an extremely unknown feeling. She raised her hand and cast magic so that Hydera and Murphy’s targets were no longer aimed at the Naga soldiers, and they ordered— —

“Set up a defensive formation and let the three squadrons of the left wing immediately shift to give way to that position!”

Her command was methodical, and as the order was conveyed, three squadrons of Naga warriors with about two thousand people on the left side of the sea immediately spread out. Murphy’s mad bombing caused them to lose their original Offensive formation, but these soldiers did not panic, apparently all battle-hardened veterans.

And the next moment they just vacated an area in the sea, there was a heart-pounding wave…

It was like a heavy heartbeat that made everyone’s breath stagnate.

Even Murphy, at this moment, there was a momentary stunned spirit because of spiritual shock…


Suddenly the sea surface exploded completely, just like someone threw a powerful explosive ban on the bottom of the sea, the azure blue water suddenly appeared gasification, and the whole sky showed a white snow in the sound of the blast-that is Unimaginable water vapor and scattered seawater.

And with this amazing explosion, there are countless black tentacles lurking in it…

They were the culprit of Murphys who was shot down from the air before. As soon as they appeared, they caused the alertness of Hydera and Murphys. One person and one dragon immediately began to attack with maximum fire power without hesitation. The violent explosion broke There are countless tentacles, but the other party’s tentacles are endless, and within almost three seconds, they silently surrounded Murphys and Hydera who came to support from the shore.

“damn it.”

The elemental attack made by Murphy in this situation can level a castle every time, but before these countless tentacles, it is as powerful as a fireball thrown by a primary magician!

He felt the terrifying breath approaching at his feet, and immediately caused Hydera to climb up, but not to wait for Murphy to climb high, and the explosive tentacles in the blink of an eye trapped the two of them like a prison cage, dragging them instantly. Into the sea…

“I hope that your majesty does not have such a plan because of it.”

In the distance, Fahna frowned, looking at the tentacles that pulled Murphy into the sea, with a disgusted expression.


Andalel gritted his teeth, and finally lowered his head to tear off the robe that was inconvenient for running. At the same time, he threw away the veil, tied his thin waist with the ripped cloth, and suddenly moved towards Byzantium The mission station ran away.

Although her physical qualities are not as good as those of the swordsmen or knights who exercise all the year round, but because of the relationship with the soul contract of Murphys, the increase in physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people’s imagination. The teacher is extremely confident in his brute force or physical strength, but at the moment it is no less than the guys who rely on strength to eat. The wings behind her suddenly flick, and with the help of the recoil of the light stepping on the roof, the whole person swept in the air A dark blue arc.

The station less than one kilometer away was almost instantaneous under the straight flight she ignored the terrain, but the current situation of the station is not as optimistic as expected-although the huge wave has already disappeared into a powerful wave when it arrived here , But because of the confusion of countless debris, the dark and dirty water wall is more than two meters high. It directly destroyed the fence at the entrance of the hotel and the wooden wall of the entire first floor. Fortunately, the main beam and the pillars of the foundation are extremely strong. The entire hotel did not collapse.

But as to whether there were any casualties inside, Andalil could not confirm at all-she had not experienced a similar situation. This kind of natural disaster that only appeared on the seashore was for her who had lived in the ancient Siga Empire and had not seen the sea. It is completely unknown.

But it was important to save people. She stood on the roof of the only tailor shop standing next to the hotel, raised her hand to the sky, made a gesture of prayer, and then followed her movements. Several rays of light shone on the ground. Above the water, five flat boats shimmered with light.

The shape of this flat boat is not like any imperial ship, because its image is directly derived from the high-end existence of the plane of heaven. If there is a similar place, it is those who have portrayed the ancient shiga empire shrines and carried the good people to heaven. The ship of the extradition of people-As Andalil waved their hands, these small boats called “salvage boats” actually started to travel in the sea water, as if they had the wisdom to follow the breath of the survivors in the water. At the time of the tsunami, many people were submerged because they were unprepared. At this moment, they either choke a lot of sewage or were comatose due to a violent impact. Some of them floated in the water, and some were pressed under the rubble and sewage by debris. But now without Andalil reaching out to help, these flat boats came to the top of the survivors themselves, and a string of light beams stretched into the water to salvage those who were unconscious or seriously injured.

The small boat cast by Andalil has a “healing aura”, and people who touch it are treated with obvious effects. As the survivors continue to recover their strength and vitality, they immediately start on the boat after the initial shock. To rescue others-and the Byzantine envoys were lucky because they lived on the second and third floors and escaped a disaster. At this moment, seeing Andalil use magic to help the residents. Of course the sailors of the Byzantine empire rushed from the hotel. come out.

Their water is far better than ordinary people, and in the face of this natural disaster, even if they are not the same country and the same nation, they have voluntarily undertaken corresponding obligations because they are all human beings. Naval Captain Pierre made his sailors into four teams without any nonsense to spread out to rescue refugees, but he jumped into the water and somehow copied a bundle of cables from where he jumped into a “redemption. “The boat” led the healed civilians to the distance, and he did not forget to turn back and stalk Andalil: “My Excellency, is there anything to the north!”

“An army is landing and attacking from the coast. Murphy told me to tell you it’s best to take people to the south!”

Andalil remembered the scene that Murphy had just seen himself. Obviously the enemy would not let go of any lamb-like civilians. She pointed to the north. “There should be safe. The tsunami may come again at any time. I can’t keep it here!”

Pierre spent twenty years in the sea in his life. Of course, he knew that the tsunami could not be completed in a wave. Even if the powerful magician cast spells, the consequences of forcibly changing the tide will never end easily. He has no nonsense. After a military salute, he turned around and commanded the two adjutants to rescue the civilians, and the interpreter took responsibility for shouting orders to the civilians, and the rescue was carried out smoothly.

Andalier’s heart beats a little bit faster. This is her “first time” to complete some of the previously seemingly “incredible feats”—the magician used the magic arts for nothing, but when she really used her long practice When using magic to save the lives of others, the inner feeling is completely different from using magic to attack others.

Without stunned for a few seconds, Andalil immediately turned to the west to spread his wings and glide away-she understood that only five “salvation boats” were simply a lot of money, but at this moment she could not wave to save the city Refugees can only work hard.

As for why this is so, Andalil is not clear. She is the simple girl who prays silently in the temple. She has no knowledge of the title of “Queen of Pain”. She has fallen into the abyss of hope “to remain youthful”. In the experience of following Murphys completely changed. UU reading

As a sacrifice, as a believer in the goddess of wisdom Mar, cherishing life is the bottom line of the heart.

She did not save people separately because of her distinguished status. Both the beggars and nobles walked along the way and were dragged out of the water in the light. What she did not know was that she accidentally rescued a circle along the noble area. She has rescued 20% of the dignitaries in the entire upper level of the August Empire from disaster.

The divine art continued to shine, but Andalil’s heart gradually changed from the initial tension and confusion to calm-this way she witnessed countless dead bodies floating in the water, and saw the hasty escape escape regardless of the surrounding injuries The cowards of the authors saw the villain who was searching for property on the corpses of others while they were in chaos, and saw countless heroes who spontaneously organized to rescue them.

At this moment, she discovered that the people’s heart under the original crisis was far less simple than she had imagined. Ordinary and great, not highlighted by her own strength, but related to action-at this moment she exhausted With all his strength, the power from the deity is projected in this mortal world. From the departure of the mission to half an hour later, Andalil has summoned more than eight hundred search boats with light, saving thousands of lives, She even forgot that if she could not use so many magical skills according to her previous strength…

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