The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 92 - 0 Jun 1 shot

>Thanks to [Shimmer of the Ocean] Monthly Pass for Friends!

“Of course, you haven’t known me to escape everything-they all call me Cthulhu, and I’m used to this name… and you? You don’t know Solanda, don’t know Phillas, no Knowing Cozuhir, not to mention Muse and Sarnaga… the old guys may have been looking for you all the time, but they seem to have failed. M”

Cthulhu’s words shook Ashkandi’s pupils. Apparently the opponent was not as simple as it seemed. Apart from the terrifying power, it was even more terrifying that he possessed an ability to gain insight into Ashkandi’s identity.

“Although you were strong, now…will not be my opponent,” huge eyes looked around, Ashcandi could even see the blood on it, “I seem to forget your name ——But since you don’t want to remember, I still call your current name.”

The Queen of Red Eyes seemed to be too lazy to talk, and raised her hand straight towards the huge eyes!

This level of battle is full of murderousness even if you don’t have a weapon. At level 34, she has her own self-esteem and pride. No amount of nonsense from the other party can make her change her original intention to come here.

She came to save Murphy, not to chat with an ugly eyeball.


The blood splattered, Ashcandi was a little surprised that he raised his hand and made the opponent become scattered meat. The splattered blood in the field was sucked into the ground and the sky, and it took less than a few seconds. Let the other party leave a tattered skin-like meat.

Is this the end?

Ashcandy, who has experienced countless battles, is of course not so naive. She saw that she had drilled the huge eyes just under the ground in front of her, and the other party did not take her attack seriously. It’s your rule, but here… it’s always up to me.”

This sentence finally changed Ashkandi’s color.

Every person in the field of release has absolute “law” power in his own field, but at the moment the other party ignores his field, which shows a very simple problem-his “law” was already in place before the release Within the other party’s “rules”.

In other words, the realm that Ashcandi has now released has been shrouded in the same realm as the opponent. Naturally, this ancient beast calling himself “Cthulhu” has no worries about his own safety.

But Ashkandi did not compromise on this. She opened her arms suddenly, and the entire space was instantly filled with a terrifying and tyrannical atmosphere-without attacking the other party, Ashkandi put her own domain to the maximum extent, expanding towards the surroundings. go with!

The eyeball of Cthulhu remained calm: “Useless struggle.”

As soon as the words fell, a ray of light burst straight out of the pupils of the huge eyes and hit Ashcandi’s chest!


The violent blast is terrifying, and the seemingly insignificant ray of light is enough to be comparable to any level 50 banned spell. This level of powerful person is almost a decoration even with the four words “casting time”.

Below level 10, most people see the physical power and elemental power, or the divine power, but above level 11, if you want to advance, you must touch your own soul power-and at 34 The ultimate threshold for controlling soul power, what is behind it?

When Ashcandi was struck by the light, a thought suddenly flashed in her mind. This was her new idea for advanced after she hadn’t changed her strength for a long time.

Although she was hit head-on, Ashcandi was in her own realm, and the shelter of the law realm absorbed most of the damage for her, so that even though she flew out, she looked embarrassed, but it was not a big deal. . However, Ashcandi touched the illusory “source of power” in the collision of laws and laws.

The highest order form of force-“existence” in the ever-present universe.

Between the flashes of the aura, Ashcandy’s figure drew a phantom and came to the front of the huge eyeball, but the raised palm did not go straight through the other side, but snorted and waved a slap, patting On the ground in front of Cthulhu!


There was a muffled sound, and there were no cracks on the ground, but the entire space was violently shaken for this!


This blow didn’t seem to cause any damage, but Ashcandi used the flash of light in his mind to directly damage the “rules” of Cthulhu outside the realm!

At this moment, the power she had surpassed the threshold of the Ω-level, and it really reached a higher level, so that the first pupil of Cthuluna’s huge eyes contracted nervously.

And at the next moment, Ashcandi’s wings folded forward and shattered Cthulhu’s eyeball without hesitation. The vitreous body and the minced meat were not yet landing, and her second punch hit the ground again.


This time, the sound of something breaking sounded.

But the rule that belongs to Cthulhu has not disappeared. In the next moment, not only is it an eyeball, but almost tens of thousands of identical Cthulhu appeared in Ashkandi’s field of vision, and they aimed at the third move at the same time. The dark queen who started, once again bombarded with a purple beam of light!

In an instant, the world was shrouded in light.

Ashcandi was hit in this unavoidable light, but a layer of protective walls clearly appeared around her body. This was the last asylum in the field. She obviously understood how to deal with this guy who can’t fight or die. Not effective at all-the other party’s breath was obviously a little higher than herself. She remembered the fallen angel Kosuhir who had encountered at the gate of purgatory. The suffocating feeling reappeared at this moment.


She is not a fool who fought her head out when her head is hot. Although she gives the impression of being a person who can do things without saying a word, the real battle is often too late to have any hesitation. I am afraid that her life is completely gone-at this moment, she did not choose to use her soul power to fully block the attack of the other party, but still let herself immerse herself in the state of comprehending the high-level power and continue in a posture of breaking through a thousand troops. The wall of the “law” of the other party is torn apart.

This is already a gesture of killing one hundred and one thousand, and her determined fighting style even surprised Cthulhu itself.

If this guy can sweat, I’m afraid it’s cold sweat at the moment, but it’s probably a richer combat experience than anyone else. Ashkandi’s protective wall failed to block the thousands of rays of light. , Bursting almost instantly…

But Cthulhu’s mood in the booming sound changed again.

“Stop! You madman!”

Ashcandi still had no defense under such an attack, but jumped up, although he was injured all over the body! And when she fell, the powerful shock led by “existence” was ready again!

Cthulhu did not believe that his attack could only cause such slight damage to the other party. He even forgot at this moment that “Ashkandi” was not a simple blood family, and the bloodline she possessed was definitely not a noble human noble. So simple.


The world is collapsing, and Ashkandi’s realm almost disappears in a blink of an eye, but Kesulu’s realm has also been hit hard at the same time-the power that transcends the soul spurts out of Ashkandi’s hands, destroying this The confidence of ancient beasts.

This time, Cthulhu panicked.

Its countless tentacles swarmed to Ashcandi almost from the collapsed field almost immediately, and the latter did not evade-her robe was completely broken, a large piece of black skin appeared on the original fat-like skin, and her body was a few Called a horrible penetrating injury!

The blood flows down the limbs, but the body that should have collapsed is forcibly supported by the unyielding will.

damn it! How did she stand up to now!

Cthulhu, who was dormant in the deep sea for unknown years, could not help being shaken by this scene—what kind of will is supporting her to do such desperate behavior? A purgatory lord, don’t you know what is meant by “Mingzhe Baoshen”?

The longer you live, the more these old things understand the importance of life. No one will easily let himself fight hard without the necessary benefits. Even if there is a risk of injury, the cost must be considered. Who is Cthulhu? It was the existence of being in the purgatory plane without being inferior to any other lord. He was imprisoned in this sea for thousands of years, and he knew he could not face similar risks at will-but what about Ashkandi? In Cthulhu’s eyes, her soul is indistinguishable from her own. In this case, how can she fight her life and kill herself? !

Before it was too late to curse, Cthulhu had already made up his mind to eliminate the threat in front of him—whether the opponent was an acquaintance or an enemy, there was no “dedication” in the eyes of purgatory creatures, and the killer must not be left…tens of thousands Ashcandi appeared and stared again, but Ashcandi, who already understood that he could not penetrate the barrier, clenched his teeth, staring desperately at the wall of the law that was still not broken by his feet~www.mtlnovel. com~ It was a sudden punch, weakly knocked on the ground, angry: “Give me out! bastard!”

Where did the guy whose soul is connected to himself go? Can’t you even pull it out of the abyss?

The dark walls of law are like prison cages, Ashcandi’s shouts are abrupt and heartbroken-but there is no mercy from enemies, and a faint purple light is lit in countless pupils, Ashcandi believes in himself The next moment will be completely ashes.

Is it all over?

Ashcandi bit her lip tightly, her heart like an ant bite, but she suddenly looked down and looked at her wrist.

Cthulhu’s attack didn’t come as expected, but the shimmer of Ashcandi’s left-hand servant’s contract instantly illuminated everything in the darkness and caused an unimaginable scream!

That was the sharp howl of Cthulhu-“Temple weapon?!”

Ashcandi didn’t understand what was a Templar weapon, but the next moment, she felt that the “wall of the law” of Cthulhu started to shake suddenly!

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