The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 2085

Chapter 2084 Xiaoyu, I pain 18

Nanxun eyelids lift


Xiaohong immediately

“That is when I take the stone from my head, the stone is getting bad.

At a point, you will kill Su.

I saved it! ”

Xiaohong emphasizes the word ‘I’.

Oh, how big it is.

If it is not it, Su Tao has not been allowed to suffer from that stone early.

Xiaohong chatted in the South.

The sight of Su Tao fell on the woman on the grass.

Nanxun paint black scorpion sweeps the Su Tao, there is a lot of

“I heard that the abyss magic domain has a new respected master.

Can you have seen it?

Is that the name of the name? ”

One mentioned, the person sitting behind the crafts on the grass.

The eyelashes are trembled.

The people above the straw open their eyes.

Su Tao nod


He gave a ambiguous answer.

The voice fell, he heard the excitement of Xiaohong.

“Smoke! You are awake!”

The woman on the white grass is not the Soviet smoke.

The South is looking back and glanced.

She relies on the back of the throne

“I called you a thousand years, it is not as good as the man’s news.”

The south bite bites a fruit.

Hey, this is what kind of love story.

Soviet line is in the south, the sound is faint

“I gotta go.”

Nanxun waved.

Keep up

“Don’t forget, you owe me, you must go.”

The Su smoke is nodded.


Soviet hood went to the door of the dungeon.

Xiaohong rushed to the arms of Su smoke.

It’s a few times.

Also give the red clothes woman to send something.

That woman does not allow it to go in to find smoke.

Every time I will defraud it, it will give to smoke.


Su Tsukou

“Are you recovering?”

Su smoke has not spoken.

The south of the south hooks the lips

“What is this saying, I took it out of the soul, and I still had a knife.

It is not bad to breathe. ”

One thousand years.

Dragging this broken body to find a man.

I think it is incredible.

Again again.

this love.

I thought about it, I bite a fruit.

Su Tao shouted, he looked at Soviet.

Su smoke looked up and saw a blue bead appeared in her.

“It’s here, there will be no things.”

Su Xun listened, the brow gradually released.

Su smoke will never deceive people.

He believes her.

Blue 7 appeared, the throne sitting in the south, turned into a black bead.

It’s so fast in the South, or this is to be gone by this bead.

The black beads exude a faint ray.

Then a hardening beads around the blue.

After that, the two beads are lingering, attached to the circle.

The south-skinned scorpion stares at the beads.


The words were open, and I was still lazy to talk about it in a second.

The next second is gloomy seems to be the same at any time.

Black beads.

Immediately returned to the side of the South.

Soviet three people plus a blue beads left.

In this big dungeon, there is only one person in Nanzhao.

Black beads change, turn it again into a thorn throne.

Nanxun is black, and the hair is disconnected.

Taking her as a round, a long thorn is opened around.


She bites a fruit.

This is fixed in the picture.

It is like this.


After the Soviet Union left, the Soviet Union did not return to the nine heavens, but directly went to the abyss magic domain.

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