The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 2118

Chapter 211 Outside (Soviet, Jun Domain) 2

Listening, noise

“Despite the position of the black heart lotus in my sister, has exceeded a lot of things.”

When I met the domain, his sister’s emotions will break freely.

The mulberry is to the big tree, touching the tail that has just been growing, Youyao

“I hope that the Jun field will drown your own vinegar.”

After self-proclaimed, the mulberry looks to the thunder.

“You are willing to set your sister?”


“Also let my sister look good, I just didn’t see gentle type?”

Of course, these are not reasonable.


So calmly occupied his sister.

Tell his sister to die.

It’s not cool.

This is a long time of the primary god, don’t do something is boring, is it too saying?

The sorrow line has fallen again to the side of the body, and a white robe is cold.

The dream is holding a milk jug, a mouthful of drinking.


“What do you think?”

Dream of golden scorpion looks to the mulberry, the milk in the mouth


“Is it good or the domain?”

Dream I thought for a while.


“The blossom will be defeated by him.”

The mulberry touched his red foxet.

“I am not asking you who is stronger, is you thinking about who you think?”

Dreamball board with a face

“The Jun Domain killed the criminals, no one would be better.”

The mulberry touched his own red fox.

Talk to the thunder.

The tail of the tail, who is licking in the mouth, also stopped.

This problem seems to have not been considered in advance.


“Do you want to talk to the smoke smoke?”

“He is impossible to face the roar of my sister.”

This kind of stupid thing can never do.

After half a ring.

“Don’t worry. Isn’t there a long princess in the world?”

The mulberry immersed body moved behind.

“What do you want?”


“Does he like to chat with the princess?”

Let the princess have been talking about his sister from the jade.

Don’t you have anything?

Mulberry listening.

How do you listen to what I feel this plan?


Nine heavens, Soviet Hall.

Anzhen station outside the house

“Respecting the Lord, the princess of the death is coming, saying to see you, waiting in the yard.”

Soon, the door opened.

The flag is wearing a white.

His eyelids move, glanced at an eye



“The lady went to the palace of the main god.”

Three months ago.

Anzhen will automatically change the name of Su smoke from the girl to the lady.

Soviet smoke is not satisfied.

The Jun field is very satisfied.

Looking at Anzhen is a lot of pleasure.

The flag is leaning on the door, listening to the two words of the jade.

The scorpion is dark, I don’t know what I am thinking.

Anteenic opening

“But I have to go to the lady to notify it, say that the long princess of the death is coming?”

I glanced at him, followed by the home of Su smoke from the main door.

At this time, it is not the princess of the princess.

That is a crim, he has always been looking at it.

Just he just came out of the palace, he heard the sound from behind.

“Big fish, you can wait for a long time.”

The Jun field listened to the sound of this day.


Turned back.

The long princess of the treated, smiled and walked to the southern.

“Big fish? Your little name is so good.”

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