The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 217

Chapter 217: Hello, Piranha 5

In the distance, it looks like this lion has been spying on mermaids for a long time.

Follow me. Su Smoke told the tray.

“Go get another one. ”

She dropped her hoarse voice and saw the mermaid shake her head gently, sighing

“Never mind.”

Su Yan looked up.

“What’s the matter? ”

Mermaid, raise your head. Your face is weak.

“I am injured and need a lot of food to supplement my strength. ”

He said obscure.

But the meaning is obvious.

A plate?

Not enough!

Su Yan stretched out his meaty claws and tried to tear his fingers.

“Two plates? ”

The little mermaid lowered her head and said nothing.

“Five plates? ”

The mermaid still won’t talk.

“Fifteen plates? ”

The mermaid raised her head slightly and looked at Su Smoke.

Su Yan finally couldn’t count his fingers.

She grabbed her own blonde hair. Seriously.

“How much do you want to eat, I’ll get you ready. ”

After listening, the mermaid seemed to be happier, revealing her white teeth, laughing brilliantly and making her heart swing.

And then the tone was light, with a little curiosity.

“How much do you weigh? ”

Su Yan hesitated,

“Uh… 300 pounds. ”

Think of the weight you just weighed this morning.

Dumb dew.

The mermaid nodded and seemed happier.

“Well, I don’t have a big appetite. It takes two meals to eat you. ”

When Su Yan listened, he lowered his head and began to pull his finger again.

So much so that I didn’t see the light flashing under the little mermaid’s inky green eyes.

Uh… is this so much to eat… a newborn cow?

Su Smoke, look at that tray floating in the air.

“150 kilos of rice, give it to eat. ”

The little tray trembled and the baron escaped.

An adult cow is about 800 kg.

Uh… if this little mermaid eats two meals a day, one hundred and fifty pounds a day… what does that mean… three days??

So care, the next seven days.

You can see the huge food, and it’s served in large plates to the little mermaid.

Never stopped.

The little mermaid uses a knife and fork and is still elegant.

Slow eating, but he eats very fast and doesn’t know exactly how to eat, basically eating a meal for an hour and a half.

Su Smoke sat in his castle room and opened the curtains just by the banks of the river.

Watch the scene of the past swinging down below.

Little Red held his big head against the glass, his head crashed into the glass, and he died arching, and he couldn’t help jumping the glass open.

“Hiss, hiss, hiss!! ”

I want to eat, I want to eat

Su Yan shot Xiaohong.

“You should lose weight.”

Pointing to the little radish cucumber tomato next to the cart.

“Vegetarian for a few days, it will be better for your body. ”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! ”

Well, yeah, you did grow too fat.

He was lying on his head, almost invisible to the king.

Probably the kind of friendship these guys get along with.

Even if you don’t understand each other’s language, you can still feel a living thing accompanying you in a dark space.

So, ever since they were able to communicate with each other, they have been able to determine feelings in the shortest possible time.

Became an ally to each other.

On the other hand, the top of Red’s head has become the longest place to stay in the Magic King’s weekday.

Isn’t it easy for the two animals to talk and communicate?

As soon as he heard that the king was on Su Yan’s side, Xiaohong slowly moved his body, and finally, his head lay on that pile of food.

Swallow the carrots down bite by bite.

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