The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 38

Chapter 38: Schoolgrass Man, A Little Thirty-eight

Su Cigarette licked her lips and asked softly.

“Is it fun? ”

Cheng Xingyang, listen, eyes wide open

“Never? ”


Cheng Xingyang quickly tidied up his face and finally caught a little sheep, of course you can’t let go!

“Fun, of course. Come and play with me. ”

Cheng Xingyang waved to Su Yan.

Su Yan did not get up immediately, but instead looked at the ginger flame beside him.

Jiang burned his eyelids and lifted them up. His powerful hand held her arm and stood up. He did not speak, but he had dragged Su Smoke to sit in the crowd.

Cheng Xingyang originally intended to play with Su Yan.

This truthful and adventurous game, Kang Yang has never been involved.

I didn’t expect to earn two this time. Not only did Su Smoke play, but Kang Yan also put it in.

When Jiang burned to the table, everyone’s eyes lit up.

Look left, look right.

Tonight, it’s a big show.

On both sides of Kang Yan, Zhao Yue on one side and Su Yan on the other.

As the game approached the beginning, Zhao Yuefei and Yao Yufei exchanged positions in an obscure manner.

So much so that on the left is Yao Yufei and on the right is Su Yan.

This evening, the three protagonists sat together at the table.

Cheng Xingyang touched a turntable from the side and a box of bookmarks.

Considering that Su Smoke is a novice, he made two remarks.

“To prevent someone in the middle from making it bad, so this time, let’s play the easiest way. ”

He said, “Don’t worry about it.”

“Whoever this red pointer points to, choose between truth and adventure. This box of bookmarks, on the left is true, on the right is big adventure, random smoking, fair and open. ”

After that, someone can’t wait.

“Rory, shut up. The rules are so simple. ”

Cheng Xingyang pressed his finger and grabbed the red pointer.

The pointer spins fast, and while it’s happening, he says,

“For fairness’s sake, I’m a referee, I don’t play games, I turn hands and draw lots. ”

The game was quick.

When Su Smoke saw the first boy choosing a big adventure and poured a glass of white wine on the floor, she understood the rules of the game.

The game grew more and more exciting, and even strip dance appeared, and a little fat boy took off his stripes and leaned against the door to dance disgusting.

Cheng Xingyang feared that he would continue to disgust people and hurry to wave

“Okay, okay, you’re through. Come back here! ”

Follow closely, the pointer spins again, this time the pointer stops, coincidentally in the middle of a ginger fire.

I don’t know how many sins Kang Yang caused during the week. When I saw him, Cheng Xingyang and several other boys were almost happy to jump directly.

Cheng Xingyang looked at the boys next to him.

He pretended to cough as if nothing had happened.

“Do you choose truth or adventure? ”

Kang burned, lifted his eyelids, his voice lazy.


Cheng Xingyang drew one from that box of genuine bookmarks.

And then the way.

“Excuse me, does Kang Yan have someone to like? ”

Speaking of which, the whole place was quiet and quiet, all looking at Kang Yang.

This is the time for big, bright gossip.

All the usual questions are borrowed from a brain at this time.

Su Yan was also curious and looked at Kang burning on his side of his head.

Jiang flamed his eyes and swept Cheng Xingyang.

Watching the magnificent star’s heart burst into thin air, unnaturally scratching his head away from his gaze.

Half a beep later, listen to the low voice.


Cheng Xingyang’s eyes are bright. Ask now.

“Who is it?! ”

A lazy tone, not a smile

“That’s the next question. ”

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