The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 71

Chapter 71: Schoolgrass Boy Leader, A Little Sheet71

Su Smoke blinked her eyes. She didn’t think about it.

So silent.

There is a slight irritation between Kang’s eyebrows. What is more angry than this silence?

Pinch her chin and force her to look at herself.

“You don’t want to marry me? You don’t like me or want to be with me?!! ”

Su Yan, you’re stunned


He listens. He’s on foot.

“Do you like being with me? ”

Su Yan listened to his question and thought about it.

She doesn’t really like to be with anybody.

But if it’s hard to pick one, and that person is Kang Yan.

Then she can accept, not reject, even like a little.


She answered honestly.

This answer finally made someone happy and their face no longer looked so ugly.

Kang Yan didn’t hesitate to say anything.

“If you like it, then marry me sooner or later. ”

The tone is firm and direct.

Su Yan Glutinous


I just said one word, and that guy made me ask.

“Wouldn’t marry me? ”

“Uh… yes. ”

“That’s about it. ”

Jiang Yan listened, his eyebrows moved, and the frustration finally disappeared.

A hand held Su Cigarette in his arms.

Hana stayed in her earrings and listened to the two of them.

What makes her think… that her host was somehow deceived?

In three or two words, someone tricked you into marrying him?

However, Xiaohua has limited intelligence, and just listened to what she said in her ear, as if it made sense.

You can’t make a mistake.

Xiaohua thought about it a long time later and whispered

“Host, the man’s wish is to have you ”

Just talking and not seeing the look on her face can hear the gossip in her mouth.

After Su Yan was silent for a long time, she looked at Kang Yan.

Then he reached out and grabbed his hand gently.

Soft way with a light smile and a serious, soft voice.


Kang Yan heard the solemnity in her words.

Yet time has come to understand that she is answering him very seriously.

The discomfort in his eyes quickly dissipated, and the next second, he pressed the person directly onto the couch.

He kissed Su Smoke’s lips. His breath was deep.

“Next year. Eighteen, right? ”

Su Yan thought about it.


Put pressure on her arm, put the whole possession thing under her, sigh softly.

“Growing up, you can’t do things, you can do things. ”

The voice mumbled. I don’t know if I was talking to myself or Su Yan.

Su Smoke understood, but it was a little flower.

“Ahhh!!! Shame. Shame. ”

Little flower in that tone, like an old driver.

Although IQ is not very high, this little yellow book reads a lot…

Otherwise, how can it be that Kaoruhei is just a hint, and Comrade Xiaohua is enlightened?

· · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Time flies and three years flies by.

Su smoked sophomore year.

Due to Su Yan’s fall and fall of the booming pavilion Yuli, and because of the direct breakdown of the National Chemical Competition into the X-ray, she became a popular figure.

She has a good personality, beautifully grown, and an equal level of academic achievement. Such a young girl, there are also a lot of people after her.

One day, just after the morning lesson, the class was ready to leave for lunch.

As a result, a man suddenly stood in front of the podium and did not know where to find a bouquet of flowers.

Her face was red and she was nervous.

“Su Yan, I’ve loved you for a long time, be my girlfriend! ”

When he said it, he knelt directly in front of Su Yan.

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