The Blessed

Chapter 33

Before he finished, big bun sharply interrupted him, his thin face turning into liver color, big round eyes mercilessly staring at him, as if he had done kind of heinous things. Ling Jingxuan directly froze there. Dare he...let him finish?

Unbeknown to the father and sons, every word of their conversation reached the ears of the wounded man next door, and the man curved his lips, and his face showed a faint smile that he himself did not realize. In his heart, he even vaguely thought that having such a wife and children seemed not bad.

"Daddy, listen to me, you can’t live a life like that. We should learn to be thrifty. If you want to buy medicine for second uncle, I won’t oppose. But as for other things, I don’t think so. And the clothes we are wearing are still OK.”

"Stop! Xiaowen, I promise I won’t use any of your copper coins, OK?"

Big bun was still nagging. Ling Jingxuan pulled his hair, and could not take it any longer. Oh crap! He must take back the financial power! Definitely!

"Er... well, that might be fine."

The two buns were both a bit startled. Maybe being aware of his anger, big bun blushed and looked away unnaturally, while small bun was pulling Ling Jingxuan hand while looking up at him timidly. Since their daddy went back to normal, this is the first time he yelled at them. So they were a bit not used to it.

"Ahem...well, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

Seeing that, Ling Jingxuan cursed himself in the heart. He pulled them to his side and made an apology. Two buns said nothing, head down, little hands tightly crossed, apparently they did not accept his appeasing. Ling Jingxuan helplessly said, "Daddy really didn't mean it. Xiaowen, I know we are poor and we should save money, but not the way like you do. People say eating and clothes won’t make us poor, but if we don’t have plans for life, we would be poor forever. Don’t we earn money to live a better life? If we don’t buy food or clothes, why would we make money? Isn’t it like putting the cart before the horse?”

He had been wanting to say these words to him a few days ago, but on thinking that he is only five years old, and afraid of poverty, he didn’t have the heart to say it, but now it seemed had had no choice, otherwise, give big bun’s characters, he would walk into a dead end.

"I know some money should be spent, but... but..."

Raising his head, big bun looked at him with tears in his eyes. "But every time I see money going out of my hands, my heart hurts like cutting my flesh."

With the last word dropped, tears held in his eyes popped out, revealing sadness that was to describe with words. Ling Jingxuan held him into his arms, "All right, all right, daddy won’t say it again. You can save money as you want. I won’t say a word.”

Finally, he lost to his own son.

ƥαṇdαs ηθνε| "Boo boo…Daddy…"

Buried in his arms, big bun cried, small bun next to them also moved over and cried holding them. Ling Jingxuan felt both sorry and frustrated, feeling as if his forehead was gonna split. He had lost to the two kids for the rest of his life.

"Daddy how about this? I'll try not to look at it when you spend money."

At night lying in bed, small bun back on to Ling Jingxuan suddenly said so, which made Ling Jingxuan more painful and even sadder, "No, we don't have much money now, and there’s not many places we need to spend money. You take care of the money. In the future we will make a lot of money. I will keep some as pocket money, and you keep all the rest, just in case.”

All in all, he still couldn't bear to deprive the only hobby of Ling Wen.


In the dark, Ling Wen heavily nodded, small face finally revealing a smile. Ling Jingxuan lowered his eyes and looked at him under the moonlight, did not say anything, just reached out his hand to rub his head. Slowly both fell asleep. About the money thing, they finally reached a small consensus, but... soon Ling Jingxuan would know something giving him headache was awaiting.

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