The Blessed

Chapter 41

"I would like to know at what price Childe Ling would like to sell the recipe?"

A moment later, four people gathered in the box, the shopkeeper went straight to the point. Ling Jingxuan smiled and shook his head, "I only sell jam, not the recipe."

Does he think he is a fool? How would he ever kill the goose that lays golden eggs?

"I can offer you a high price, Childe Ling, maybe you should consider about it."

Frowning without a trace, Shopkeeper Zhang still wouldn’t give up.

"Haha, I know you are worried that I may sell it to others in the future, and the storage life of the jam. You can rest assured. I sell it right after it’s made. All fresh! As long as you put in an icehouse, I can ensure that it won’t go bad in three to five months, and I can sign a contract with you, stating the jam I make only sells to you, if sold to others, you can take the contract to the yamen to accuse me. What do you say?"

Ling Jingxuan was a wise man. How would he not know his worries? In fact, he had his own idea. Things would be expensive when it is rare, and if it is widespread, the price would also go down, so even if he did not say so, the other side would sign an exclusive agreement to sell it.

"All right, how are you going to sell it?"

After a little reflection, the shopkeeper agreed, but that food was so attractive, though it could only be sold in the summer, it was good enough for them to make a fortune.

"One tael of silver each jar."


Right after he said that, before the one who was gonna buy it had any reaction, two buns slid off the chair one after another, big eyes filled with great shock, especially big bun, whose little face flushed with shock, was looking at his daddy like looking at a monster. Clearly that jam was made of some wild fruit, which cost not even a copper coin, only the jar cost some money at most, now his father would sell one jar at the price of one tael of silver? Is he mad or what?

"Haha... Sorry, the first time my sons come to the market, always been nervous."

Ling Jingxuan gave an embarrassing smile, pulled up the two buns, in the place where the shopkeeper couldn’t see he quietly gave them a wink. Come on! Don’t pull the rag from under his feet! He still expected to make a small fortune!

"Haha... Never mind. Kids… So you should still have more at home, right?"

Shopkeeper Zhang gave a forthright smile, to avoid the embarrassment of the father and two sons, he tried to switch the conversation back to the main topic. A long-run business is the best. If only two jars of jam, even if the recipe was attractive to him, he was not interested in buying it..

"If you can accept my offer, there will be more of course."

In other words, if you can't accept it, there is no need to talk about the business. Shopkeeper Zhang, who was also a smart man, hurriedly said, "A jar for one tael of silver is indeed a little expensive, but it is still within the range I can accept. But the supply would be huge. I wonder if you can make enough for me.”

Each dish of Xinyuan restaurant was at least several taels or even dozens of taels of silver? A tael of silver for a jar wasn’t really expensive to him.

"How much can you possibly ask for?”

Now he got the capital for his money-making plan! Xinyuan restaurant was really awesome! However, Yuhua Mountain had plenty of wild fruit, and the jam was not necessarily made of wild grapes, but in the mountain was dangerous, so for now he did not plan to go too deep.

"To be honest, I can say our Xinyuan Restaurant is the biggest restaurant through whole Qing kingdom and we have branches through the whole country. And this dish is undoubtedly the Gospel to those who suffer in summer, now it is a big hot June day, I bet it will be popular once it’s launched, at least the near two or three months it will definitely sell well. So only this branch in Datong would at least need dozens of jars these few months. After I report it to other counties and prefectures, the amount would be much bigger, so you’d better give me an exact number."

Zhang shopkeeper looked at him and cautiously said, he had a hunch, this dish may be more popular than he expected

"Um, well, how about this? Shopkeeper Zhang, today I only took two jars of jam. You can try to sell it, if the effect is good, you can send someone to Ling Village tomorrow to pick up more from my place. I still have one hundred jars of it. And if you need more, as long as you sent a notice in advance, I can make it for you. But you know, the mature season of the fruit is limited, and that frozen desert can only be sold in summer, so I only sell for three months, until September. What do you say?"

Ling Jingxuan pretended to be rigorous, in the heart he had already laughed out loud wildly. What could be more popular than ice desert in summer? Even if he couldn’t make a lot of money this time, it's not a problem to make a small fortune.

"All right, let's sign the contract now."

The shopkeeper was also straightforward, picked up the brush and paper to write up. Ling Jingxuan read it and found it OK, then he signed his name, also leaving his fingerprint.

"Okay, here's the money for two jars of jam. Does Childe Ling need me to pay a deposit in advance?"

"No, I prefer you give me money while I give the goods on spot."

Taking the two taels of silver, Ling Jingxuan threw them to the big bun who had been acting silly there, jaws dropped.


Silly holding the silver, Ling Wen looked up at his daddy with complex eyes, voice shaking. The silver is really theirs? Is he not dreaming?


Dubbing his head dotingly, of course Ling Jingxuan knew his son's shock, but did not say anything. This is nothing at all. In the future they would earn a gold mountain.

"I guess you must be very busy. I won’t disturb you then."

Business finished, there was no need to continue to stay, so Ling Jingxuan took the buns to leave, Shopkeeper Zhang also took advantage of the opportunity to stand up, "Childe Ling, please watch your steps.”

"Please stay."

Turning back and smiling at Shopkeeper Zhang, Ling Jingxuan held the hands of the two buns and went out of the restaurant. Shopkeeper Zhang did not go back into the kitchen again before their shadows disappeared in the distance. Now he got a new dish! Of course he would launch it as soon as possible!

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