The Blessed

Chapter 44

"My son was all well when sent to you, but became more and more serious. You bunch of quacks! If you don't cure my son today, we will kill ourselves in front of your shop."

“Everybody, come and look! My son caught cold a few days ago and was sent here for treatment. Who knows my son’s illness becomes more serious! Boohoo…my son…”

"Sir, ma’am, shall we go in and talk? Your son indeed caught a cold, and our doctor also prescribed him a potion for it..."

"You bunch of silly quacks, now you are still defending yourselves? I’m gonna smash your shop..."

Datong town had two medicine shops. Ling Jingxuan chose the one not far from the fish market Ping’an Hall. As the father and sons approached it, they saw people it was already crowded with people, occasionally hearing the voice of crying and cursing, Ling Jingxuan knitted his knife-shaped eyebrow, he bowed their head and looked at the little red face with sweat, wondering if he should take them to the other medicine shop, but it was on the other side of the town, plus they had already wandered in the market for long, already tired and hungry, let alone two buns.

"Daddy, what are they doing?"

Small bun pulled his hand and asked curiously, blinking his eyes.

"Why care so much?"

Thinking with the bottom, one would know it should be a medical accident. Ling Jingxuan was not interested, so he also wouldn't let the buns meddling, just wanted to quickly buy the medicine and go to join Ling Jingpeng.

The small bun pouted and lowered his head unhappily. Why lessoning him?

"Daddy, I am small. How about you tell me what medicine to buy and I go to buy it?"

Seeing that his younger brother unhappy, Ling Wen held his hand tightly and looked up at his daddy.

"No, give me the moneybag. You two wait here for me. I will come out soon."

Looking at his sweaty little face, Ling Jingxuan refused his proposal without hesitation. He’d rather squeeze in through the crowd than letting his little bun to suffer.

"Hmm, all right."

Considering that his daddy wouldn’t spend money randomly in the medicine shop, Ling Wen hesitated for a moment and handed him the money bag, and silently took the small bun to the side of the shady eaves to sit down. After making sure that they were safe, Ling Jingxuan turned around and squeezed into the crowd.

"Bullshit quacks, I’ll break your sign..."

"Dude, calm down..."


ƥαṇdαs ηθνε| At the gate of Ping’an Hall, a stout man wearing shorts carrying a hoe scold ran into the shop while swearing. Seeing this, a few guys, including the shopkeeper from the medicine shop rushed up to stop him, and the woman behind him was weeping with swollen eyes, with her hair disheveled like a ghost, and not far on the ground was lying a boy that looked like about seven or eight years old on a board. No one could tell how he originally looked like, because his head was swollen like a cow, and would breathe his last at any second.

Swollen Head Fever?

Ling Jingxuan who had elbowed into the crowd wrinkled his brow. At the first sight of the boy’s symptoms, he could tell it was Swollen Head Fever, commonly known as big head plague, often seen in winter and spring, which is caused by a lack of qi of the body while wind-heat pathogenic toxin took the advantage to invade into one’s body. At first, it had no difference from common cold judging from its symptoms, if treated with common qi nurturing soup, it would make it more serious. It has stronger infectivity, belonging to the scope of the plague. The problem is, how could someone infected with it in this world?

Thinking that the two buns were still waiting out there, Ling Jingxuan decisively dropped those irrelevant thoughts in his heart, lifted his foot and walked around those people, and went straight into the medicine store, however, on one was in. He couldn’t buy a thing even if he had money now. Helplessly heaving a sigh, Ling Jingxuan headed out again. With a sweep of his eyes, he saw a man about forty or fifty years old wearing fancy robes, who should be the shopkeeper, Ling Jingxuan walked over at him without thinking.

"Boss, I want to buy some medicine."

Pulling him, Ling Jingxuan got straight to the point, but under such circumstances, who still has the mood to do business? The shopkeeper looked back and said irritably, "Go away. There is no medicine for the time being."

"I want some medicine!"

The hand holding him grabbed tighter, Ling Jingxuan repeated his words.

"What is wrong with you, man? Don't you see I'm busy? how can I be in the mood to do your business?"

Fiercely shaking off his hand, the shopkeeper yelled at him, with high voice piercing through the crowd, and those people temporarily quieted down. Now all the eyes couldn't help nailing on Ling Jingxuan, some filled with anger, some filled with doubt, but more filled with ridicule. From the beginning to the end, no one had really cared about the boy lying on the ground.

"Get out of here! I'm going to smash the sign of this bullshit quack..."

The stout man who came to himself first swayed his hoe. A ferocious fight was being on again, and the quietness caused by Ling Jingxuan was like a flash in the pan. A lot of people were waiting to see the drama, but at this time, Ling Jingxuan who got his hand shaken off ignored the incoming fight, and slowly walked beside the boy to feel his pulse, and checked his pupils and the coating on the tongue, "Cold intolerance, having a fever, red and swollen face, sour and swollen throat, including the former part of the ears and under the chine till the neck, for tongue red with yellow coating, his pulse a bit slippery, too weak, which are the typical symptoms of Big Head Plague. Keep your mouth shut if you don’t want him to die."

The cold voice seemed to carry the power of calming the heart, gentle but clear to everyone's ears.

"What… a plague?!"

"Oh my God, it’s plague..."


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