The Blind Date is the Daughter of the Gods

Chapter 297

Chapter 296: Can The Xu Family Compare To Our Golden Gate?

Chapter 296 Can the Xu family compare to our Golden Gate?

“Do you know this Golden Gate Master?”

Miao Tianyuan opened the formation to isolate outside prying eyes.

Naturally, he asked Yin Zhiyuan and Tianyun Yiyi.

For anyone who knows Golden Gate, everyone is surprised.

Xia Shuang also looked at Yin Zhiyuan and Tianyun Yiyi in confusion.

Anker felt like he might be about to hear big news.

“There is a high probability that it is that person.” Yin Zhiyuan looked at the golden gate owner and said unsurely:

“But I haven’t seen the hands-on, so I’m not sure if it is.

But if you can be with that little girl and sit high in the center, nine times out of ten, she is the one.

Peerless arrogance. ”

“Peerless genius?” Xia Shuang felt puzzled.

Can Yin Zhiyuan be called a peerless genius, what a terrible person?

“Worse than the little girl who beat me?” Miao Ke’an asked.

That girl is an insurmountable girl for her.

Anker felt that he was really about to catch big news, but he didn’t know if it was appropriate to send it out.

“Junior sister may not have a concept, I will give you an analogy.” Yin Zhiyuan said seriously:

“Suppose you are standing under the house and the little girl is standing on the ceiling, where do you think the peerless genius should stand?”

“Step on that little girl?” Miao Ke’an tried to answer.

Yin Zhiyuan shook his head.

“Is that standing on the roof?” Anker also replied.

Yin Zhiyuan still shook his head.

“Is that outside the house?” Xia Shuang replied out of curiosity.

However, Yin Zhiyuan still shook his head, he pointed to the sky and said:

“He’s in the atmosphere.”

People: “.”

“Senior brother, are you telling a bad joke?” Miao Kean said numbly.

But Yin Zhiyuan is not a person who likes to tell jokes, and he said it before to make his three or five-year-old junior sister laugh.

He is a very serious person.

“What my brother said is true.” Tianyun Yiyi opened his mouth to testify.

Now everyone else can’t believe it.

Tianyun Yiyi is the arrogant daughter of Tianyun Dao Sect who is very famous.

She is arrogant and convincing like a lotus flower.

“So, who are they?” Miao Ke’an asked suddenly.

And Miao Tianyuan’s brows have been lowered, if that girl is a saint, the golden door master is

“I want to see if he deserves the news.” Miao Tianyuan said in a low voice.

Miao Ke’an and Anke are both confused, so who is this person?

Luo Xiaofeng of   Thousand Shadows Sect looked at Jiao Ye of Demon Gate and wanted to laugh.

The last time he was so stupid, he was the worst at that time.

I thought I was the stupidest one, but I didn’t expect that there were people who were more stupid than him.

But the damned twelve pillars, if he had known that this person was there, he would not want to come to death.

Originally, he wanted to go down and provoke some people, disgusting these strong people, now he just wants to sit quietly.

Never go down.

He likes to see others who want to beat him but can’t do anything about him. Since meeting this person, he has never felt so powerless and hopeless.

Every time he can die at any time, but the other party is just teasing him.

Despair again and again, and face the abyss again and again.

The psychological shadow of being tortured has come out.

“Senior brother seems very happy?” a fairy asked curiously.

“No, I’m just glad that you should be low-key as a human being, everyone values harmony.” Luo Xiaofeng said seriously.

People around: “.”

Senior brother has sex?

Others stared at the bottom, thinking that this time they could see the epic battle.

A certain elder of the Xu family has few opportunities to let the people around him take a good look.

The battle of the young fourth-grade Yuanling is indeed rare.

Zhou Xun stepped on the ground, and it felt solid, so that’s fine.

“Jiao Ye at the Demon Gate, I want to test your strength.” Jiao Ye said politely.

“You’re welcome, just let the horse come over.” Zhou Xu said with a smile.

At this moment, Jiao Ye’s breath spreads, like a mountain condensing.

then gives people an invisible pressure to suppress the Quartet.

Fourth-grade Yuanling will indeed give people a lot of pressure.

Zhou Xu was also surprised, the other party’s arrogance was good.

At this time, he also became serious, and the Kaishan method was working in his body.

He stood on the spot, like a mighty mountain, like a majestic ocean.


Jiao Ye moved, he came to Zhou Xu in an instant, and slapped it with a palm.

This palm seems to be swept up with a big mountain.

Zhou Xu did not underestimate the opponent, he directly reached out and grabbed the opponent’s palm, then twisted it.


Jiao Ye’s arm was broken without warning.

Jiao Ye: “???”

When he was stunned, a fist hit him in the face.


A huge impact sound, and even echoes.

Jiao Ye’s face trembled, blood spurted out of his mouth, and his teeth flew around like bullets.

When he thought he was going to be knocked flying, the arm was pulled again, and he was pulled back.

followed by a fatal blow to the stomach.


For a while, the sound of broken bones came from the body, and blood overflowed involuntarily.

This time he was really knocked out.

However, before he could react, another person appeared behind him at some point, and an elbow hit his back.


is the sound of broken bones again.


After several blows, Jiao Ye was finally knocked to the ground.

In an instant, he recalled the days at the Twelve Ming Lingmen.

is the same.

I have no power to defend myself.

Familiar fist, familiar blow.

Familiar moments of death.

If he could survive, he would never want to challenge people in his life.

Zhou Xu knocked down the opponent with his elbow, slightly surprised and said:

“You’re pretty durable, so you can stand up.”

Yes, at this moment Jiao Ye stood up for some reason.

Not to mention Zhou Xu, other powerful people were shocked.

At this time, Jiao Ye’s health was so bad, Miao Tianyuan’s brows jumped, and he beat a fourth-grade Yuanling like this in three or two strokes.

And he can’t see any power, which is horrible.

Of course, this Jiao Ye is simply amazing. There is nothing good in his body, yet he can still stand up.

As soon as he fell, he couldn’t breathe before he stood up.

worthy of being the arrogance of the year.

“Amazing, this Jiao Ye is very good.” Miao Tianyuan couldn’t help but praise.

Yin Zhiyuan did not speak, he felt that it was not what Master thought.

But Zhou Xu’s terribleness is really the same as before.

Fairy Yunxiao was stunned:

“This is a battle of the same level?”

This is simply a one-sided massacre.

However, I have to say that this Jiao Ye is also a character, so he can stand up.

Xu Tianfeng, the third elder of the Xu family, also had to sigh that Jiao Ye from the Demon Gate is worthy of their Xu family learning.


The people of the Acacia sect were very happy to see it.

Well played.

Everyone was beaten, and they felt happy.

Sure enough, it was better not to go back early.


Jiao Ye vomited blood and stood there watching Zhou Xu.

Even if his body collapsed and the blood couldn’t stop coming out of his mouth, his expression was still calm and there was no pain.

“Aren’t you in pain?” Zhou Xu was a little surprised.

Does this still hurt? Is this guy so durable?

“It doesn’t hurt.” Jiao Ye shook his head and said:

“I vomited blood just because of excess blood. Vomiting is healthier.”

“Really? Then I’ll continue.” Zhou Xu planned to continue.

But when Jiao Ye heard this sentence, his face contorted in shock:

“Wait a moment.”

Seeing that Zhou Xu did not move, Jiao Ye vomited blood and continued:

“Your Excellency is invincible in the world, and my monks admire it very much, and I know that I am not your opponent.

After vomiting blood this time, I feel a lot better.


The blood continued to overflow, but Jiao Ye didn’t dare to show the slightest pain:

“Thank you for your action this time. My Demon Sect will follow your lead, and you are invincible to everyone present.

Jiao did not dare to compete with your Excellency again, he should admit defeat. ”

“Huh?” Zhou Xun was stunned.

This is a throw-in?

At this time, Jiao Ye looked at the magic sword Kongming on the pillar with difficulty, as if he was saying save me, or I would not let you go even if I died.

“You look a little distressed, do you want me to help?” Zhou Xu asked kindly.

However, when he heard this sentence, Jiao Ye’s soul was scared away.

He stopped staying and was forced to fly back:

“Your Excellency is joking, I’m not in pain, I’ve never even felt better.

Haha, don’t waste your time. ”

When    was halfway through the flight, the magic sword Kongming used his magic power to pick up the person.

As soon as he returned to his position, Jiao Ye was about to faint.

He stared at the magic sword and said:

“You said, did you recognize it long ago?”

“I thought you recognized it too.” Demon Sword Kongming said innocently.

“You people, you don’t have the spirit of magic, and you don’t stand up for justice.” Jiao Ye sat down and passed out.

Siyan and others on the side were a little stunned, not knowing what these people were talking about.

However, she immediately helped heal the wound. Brother Jiao Ye was injured too badly, it was too terrifying.

And there is no idea of revenge at all, and he even said that he was okay with his conscience, and he took the other side’s lead.

How is this going?

Demon Sword Kongming sighed:

“Who does the Demon Gate listen to?”

“Of course it’s the sect master, although I haven’t heard from the sect master for many years.” Fairy Siyan said.

“If the Sect Master abdicates, who will the Demon Sect listen to?” Demon Sword Kongming continued to ask.

“This is very complicated, but it is reasonable to say that it should be a magician.” Thinking of this, Fairy Siyan was stunned, looked at the golden door master who had returned to her position, and exclaimed:

“Yes, is it him?”

Then she remembered that little girl, isn’t that a saint?

Oh my God.

Brother Jiao Ye, where did you get the courage?

Seeing this, the magic sword Kongming will not say more, you understand?

The rumor of the Holy Son of the Devil is not false, everyone will die if you are not careful.

Don’t even try to live.

“Why do I feel that this Jiao Ye is not normal? He is obviously injured very badly, but he keeps repeating things like not being in pain. Although it’s amazing, it makes me feel like a stubborn child.” Fairy Yunxiao was a little curious. She doesn’t quite understand.

“I heard that Jiao Ye of the Demon Gate met this Golden Gate Master before. At that time, the Golden Gate Master asked a strong man in front of him if it was very painful.

Out of some kindness, the golden door owner decided to help the other party out of the pain. “Sister Cheng looked at Fairy Yunxiao and said:

“Guess how he helped?”

“Using healing techniques?” Fairy Yunxiao asked.

“Is it using an elixir?” Lemon Fairy asked curiously.

“Neither.” Sister Cheng lowered her eyebrows and said:

“He punched that third-rank strong man into pieces in front of Jiao Ye.”

Hearing this, everyone else was shocked, which was a little distorted.

“So, do you think this Jiao Ye dares to say that he is in pain?” Sister Cheng asked rhetorically.

Several people were speechless.

This golden door owner is a little dangerous.

This game was very fast and weird. The only feeling was that the Golden Gate and the Demon Gate were the same as playing.

This golden gate is a bit powerful.

Zhou Xu was sitting in his seat, planning to watch the others fight.

Not everyone wants to fight them.

Xu Tianfeng, the third elder of the Xu family, felt that he could not control the twelve-pillar battle.

I don’t understand what’s going on with these people at all, why is the magic door just like that?

Outside Xu Quan was already frightened, and the Son of Magic was more terrifying than expected.

hesitated, he did not remind the third elder, do this first, otherwise it will be easy to cause trouble.

Remind if there is any abnormality.

Now it works as normal.

At this time, a fairy from the Xu family landed on the ring, she looked around nervously and said:

“Xu Qingqing from the Xu family, a seventh-rank fighter, I would like to ask you a lesson or two.”

There is no weak person present, Xu Qingqing is not bad in the Xu family, otherwise he would not be here.

But others may be stronger.

Nervousness is inevitable.

“Qingqing is a good girl, even if she loses, it shouldn’t be too ugly.” Xu Quan said in the distance.

“It’s true that the people who came this time are not very weak, otherwise this girl Qingqing will win.

Just don’t know who will shoot. “Xu Juqiu was a little worried.

Because they discovered that the people who came this time were not easy.

Tianyun Yiyi, Yaoyi Tiannv, and Long Yinhong are all here.

Those are all goddesses.

Of course, all the saints and daughters of the Demon Gate have come, and they have nothing to say.

At this time, a young man from the Six Desires Realm fell into the arena, and his face had a flame mark, which seemed to be a burst of anger.

The moment he saw this person, Xu Quan frowned:

“How is he? Isn’t this bullying?”

Xu Juqiu and Xu Jutian couldn’t help but worry.

“Yan Liang from the Six Desires Realm, the Realm of Anger, is here to ask Xu Family’s Void Strategy.” Yan Liang said with a smile.

He looked at Xu Qingqing, not at all nervous.

Xu Family Void Strategy is a unique exercise method of Xu Family, and it is a kind of blood power.

Every shot has a unique void power.

Rumors are both powerful and mysterious, and after training, it will be even more earth-shattering.

“Isn’t this a bit of bullying?” Long Peng sighed to the people around him.

“How much is the host, you should give some face, but the Six Desires Realm doesn’t give any face.” Long Yinhong shook her head and sighed.

Can only wish this little girl good luck.

Yan Liang of the Six Desires Realm, a new generation of arrogance, almost unmatched in the same rank.

I am here now, probably because I want to be famous all over the world.

Xu Qingqing doesn’t know him, but she will try her best.

After    started, she slapped it with a palm, and a huge flame swept the opponent.

Seeing this, Yan Liang made a sword with his **** and split it directly.

It was only the moment the flames split, and Xu Qingqing was not seen.

Instead, he felt a threat behind him.

didn’t look back, he ducked sideways, when a sword just slashed down.

“Oh?” Yan Liang was a little interested, and didn’t give the opponent a chance to retreat, grabbed the opponent’s hand and then showed angrily.


The anger was like a volcanic eruption and knocked Xu Qingqing out.

On the way, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing this, Yan Liang chased up to make up for it.

However, when his foot just touched someone, Xu Qingqing suddenly disappeared in place.

then appeared in the distance.

She held the sword and spat out a mouthful of blood.

In one encounter, she was severely injured.

If you don’t borrow talent, you can’t escape at all.

The gap is too big.

“I see how long you can last.” Yan Liang chased after him like a gust of wind.

Xu Qingqing held a sword against him.

The    sword light only swept a few times before being shattered by the opponent’s punch.

With a    bang, Xu Qingqing was sent flying again.

Yan Liang chased after the victory again, but he was still dodged a lot, but this time he didn’t stop chasing the opponent.

After    dodged several times, Xu Qingqing could no longer activate his magical powers, and was kicked and flew out.

Yan Liang didn’t stop either, and continued to attack.


But after a while, Xu Qingqing’s blood kept spurting out, and he even fell to the ground and couldn’t stand up.

She tried to surrender several times but was stopped.

She gritted her teeth and tried to find a way, but she was constantly hit hard.

Consciousness is a little fuzzy.

“It seems that the void strategy is very general.” Yan Liang, who came over, raised his foot and stepped on Xu Qingqing’s head, and kept stepping on it when he spoke.

Immediately after, he was about to kick the opponent in the face.

A few more kicks to end this boring fight.

Only at this moment, he kicked empty.

This made him a little angry.

I thought it was someone from the Xu family who came to rescue, so I subconsciously said:

“The rules set by the Xu family, you can’t interfere if you don’t admit defeat, so you regret it?”

However, what responded to him was the voice of the pillar last week:

“What do the rules of the Xu family have to do with our Golden Gate?”

“That is, can the Xu family compare to our Golden Gate? We can interfere if we want, can you control it? Who are you?” Su Shi stood behind Zhou Xu and Zhou Ningyue arrogantly.

has a strong ability to pull hatred.

This made Ming Nanchu and Han Su look sideways, they had never seen Su Shi so arrogant before.

Su Shi gave them a white look, as if to say that you are all too weak.


Only then did Yan Liang realize that a man in golden armor was holding Xu Qingqing in front of him, and he was the one who saved the person.

Xu Ci looked at the miserable condition of the clan elder sister on the stage, pressed his anger and said to Yan Liang:

“I want to challenge you.”

(end of this chapter)

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