The Blind Date is the Daughter of the Gods

Chapter 421

Chapter 419: World Abyss

Chapter 419 World Abyss

“You mean you communicated with the God of Light?”

The sun **** sat high on the throne, quite curious.

“Well, the communication is quite pleasant.” Zhou Xu nodded.

Because I felt that the God of Light was a bit complicated, I came to ask the God of Sun.

He talks best with the sun god, other gods are either too powerful or unreasonable.

Especially the Snow Goddess.

She doesn’t need to talk about anything when she’s not happy, it’s suitable to be her little brother.

When the Snow Goddess is unhappy, she will lead someone to kill the other side.

What are you afraid of?

Become a **** for nothing? Can’t take this breath.

And the goddess of the earth is very Buddha-nature and doesn’t care about anything.

At most, it is because of Sister Qiu, so I will cheer up.

And she is backed by the goddess of wisdom, so she doesn’t seem to have anything to worry about.

Her death is a mystery, and the goddess of ice and snow also died after looking for the goddess of the earth.

I still don’t know who did it.

Killing God so quietly, the opponent’s strength is unfathomable.

Besides the Snow Goddess and the Earth Goddess, there is one more Goddess left.

Then only the God of Storms and the God of the Sun, and undoubtedly only the God of Sun can have a good chat.

“I remember that the God of Light is not humble, how could he have a good chat with you?” The Sun God was puzzled.

“He seems to have spoken to the Goddess of Evernight, and when he came, he gave me a slap in the face and blinded my eyes.” Zhou Xu said angrily.

“Then what?” the sun **** asked with interest.

“I cheated him out, but I didn’t expect that he would come out as soon as I cheated. He is an honest man.

and punched him. “Zhou Xu breathed a sigh of relief:

“This is comfortable, and the God of Light can speak well.”

The sun **** said with admiration on his face: “I just admire your character, well done.”

Week sequence: “.”

“But the God of Light is still alive, you can’t trap him, his appearance should have a purpose.

You want to ask him questions, he must also want to know or get something from you.

Meetings are two-way after all.

This is like you have a platform to communicate, you are good, he is good too.

So you better be careful.

Don’t be sold and still thank each other. “The sun **** kindly reminded.

Zhou Xun nodded, this really needs attention.

I am a young man in his early twenties, but he is not talented and has a full IQ.

How could    be able to beat these gods?

A few words and you may fall into the pit.

Always be careful.

After   , the weekly sequence roughly explained the content.

“He asked you to go to the historical ruins to find him?” The sun **** was a little surprised:

“It doesn’t feel good to you.

Because even if it is a historical relic, it is impossible for him to involve too much.

The place they went to is considered the abyss of the world, and the relics of history, even in the corner of the world, are part of this world.

They need to pass the iron rule if they want to go to the historical relics completely.

Of course, it is not excluded that they have entered a new realm.

Now there is only one chance left. ”

“So I can’t go?” Zhou Xu asked.

Relics of history are one thing, Zhou Xu wanted to go to the gate across the sea from the outer city of God’s Domain, where there is a certain possibility to lead to God’s Domain.

Although the goddess of the night said that it is not the realm of the gods, there is a certain possibility that it has something to do with the seventh door.

And the specific information of the goddess of wisdom can be obtained, then the possibility of opening the seventh door will also increase.

As long as it is opened, then Sister Qiu’s affairs will probably come to an end.

At that time, the gods had nothing to do with him. After all, it was the matter of the strong. What was the use of being a newcomer?

You can also work in peace and save money.

What do you do after saving money?

I don’t know, save money first.

“It’s not that you can’t go, it’s just that there is such a probability, of course, the probability is very low.

And your strength can go anywhere in this world. “The sun **** leaned back and said.

“Does the God of Light really know the origin of the Goddess of Wisdom?” Zhou Xu stared at the man above.

The sun **** thought for a while, and then said:

“It’s possible that the places they went to were really special.

Since they can return, it means that they have a new opportunity, so it is not impossible to know the origin of the goddess of wisdom.

But you’d better ask how to contact the Goddess of Wisdom, which may solve the problem directly. ”

Makes sense, Zhou Xu nodded.

If you can contact the Goddess of Wisdom, then all problems will be solved.

You don’t have to open the seventh door, just ask her what’s behind the door.

Of course, the premise is that the seventh door is really related to the goddess of wisdom, otherwise you have to guess again.

So far, all their guesses point to the goddess of wisdom.

If it wasn’t for her, then I really don’t know what someone’s means.

There seems to be no known gods with such power.

Whether it is the goddess of the night, the **** of light, or the **** of mystery, all of them are not qualified.

Only the goddess of wisdom with the most mysterious origins has such mighty power.

Especially all the gods are afraid of the goddess of wisdom, which further confirms her personality.

“The place they went to was the abyss of the world? What kind of place is that?” Zhou Xu asked.

This time, I mainly wanted to ask a question about this.

The words of the God of Light made him quite curious.

After fighting for so long, the opponent is the righteous one, making him feel a little uncomfortable.

is not a question of whether it is good or not, but the change of times, and the gods seem to be the givers.

And the world of self-cultivation is to sit back and enjoy it.

This made him feel uncomfortable, and the cultivation world still had to rely on them to survive?

is probably this inexplicable self-esteem.

“The forgotten corner, the abyss of the world, where there is boundless vastness, and where something terrible grows, that place in the age of the gods suddenly erupted.

was later suppressed, and the danger persisted.

Not a good place anyway. ‘ said the sun god.

“So the gods went to that place to suppress the danger?” Zhou Xu asked the most concerned question.

“It looks like this, but I don’t know exactly how, after all, I died quite early.” The sun **** thought for a moment and said:

“You can ask a wise man, he is the most objective, and basically what he says is not wrong.”

Zhou Xu nodded, it seemed that he had to find a wise man.

What    can count on is the treasure book.

Might be able to meet the wise from there.

Or go to the depths of the outer city of God’s Domain, and you may also encounter wise men.

“Do you think the gods have a high winning rate?” Zhou Xu was a little curious.

“Who knows? But give you some time, I don’t think they have a high chance of winning.” The sun **** said inscrutable:

“Don’t you think you are special?”

“How special am I?” Zhou Xu looked puzzled.

“Didn’t you say you’ve only been practicing for half a year?” The Sun God smiled and said:

“Have you seen anyone who started fighting with gods after practicing for half a year?

In another year, I think the gods gave up on their plans. ”

Week sequence: “.”

He thought it would not work, because the Book of the Ancients and the Ancients could not be found.

Can’t go any further without him.

Get it, can you wrestle with Sister Yue and Daddy?

After    Zhou Xu suddenly asked the sun god:

“Do you have an aisle companion?”

The sun **** looked bewildered.

Zhou Xu shook his head and sighed:

“Looks like you don’t understand.”

I don’t understand the mentality of his thinking about getting off work before going to get off work, nor the mentality of living in the two-person world with Sister Qiu and looking forward to Sister Yue’s return.

Of course, now he is still thinking about Sister Qiu.

He should learn martial arts well, how could a mere witch make him fear?

Unfortunately, most of the people I know are single, and no one understands his pain and joy.

“Go.” Zhou Xu turned his head and left.

Watching Zhou Xu disappear, the sun **** was stunned:

“Is it despised now to be alone?

But this time I pressed it right, this person can definitely change the whole world

In just half a year, the gods returned non-stop and couldn’t keep up with his subsequent growth.

The advantage must be mine this time! ”

Walking out of the gate of the Sun God, Zhou Xu came to the seventh gate.

Obviously felt that this door was different, but no matter how much I pushed it, I couldn’t pull it back.

I don’t know how to open the door.

“What will be behind the door?”

Zhou Xu began to listen close to the door, trying to see if he could hear the sound.

For a long time, Zhou Xu shook his head and gave up, hearing nothing.

But he suddenly remembered something, he forgot to ask the God of Light for the scepter of light.

Only one more entry.

Fortunately, the other party is also good at talking, and he gave the scepter.

After he put it away, he planned to find Sister Qiu.

This should be handed over to Sister Qiu, so that she can call and use it at any time.

When    went out, he saw the earth dog and Hou Shen were studying a small animal.

looks like a rabbit, but with red eyes.

“What is this?” Zhou Xu asked.

“It appeared from the altar of the night.” The earth **** dog quickly explained:

“Just came out today, we’re still checking.”

“The Night Altar is connected to the Dead Lake?” Zhou Xu asked Hou Shen.

Desolate Lake is Hou Shen’s site.

Hou Shen is a good person. Zhou Xu felt ashamed of him for helping him for so long.

“I’m sure over there, no one is bringing anything here.

And this time I used an ancient prayer, I don’t know how it got here. “Hou Chen looked puzzled.

Zhou Xu looked at it and found that the rabbit had authority.

“Let’s go, grab it for Sister Yue and let her study it.”

Hou Shen naturally has no objection with the **** dog of the earth.

The Holy Maiden is indeed more powerful, especially after seven days of support, it is even more powerful.

A lot of things with limited cultivation base can be handled well.

“Has there been any other changes in Boundary City recently?” Lu Zhou asked casually.

“I found another altar, it may be the goddess of ice and snow, but there has been no response.” The earth dog replied.

Zhou Xu nodded, as long as you open a door, an altar will appear.

Now there are the sun god, the goddess of the night, the goddess of ice and snow.

Not only that, there are often problems here, and many of them can’t find the reason.

Zhou Xu walked all the way to the high wall and found that there was actually a huge open space here.

And the soul singer is imprisoned here.

It is said that Sister Yue found this place when she got lost.

It is really hard for ordinary people to find this place, not only remote but also blocked by some stone circles.

As soon as he entered, Qiu Qian came over:

“Sister Yue is still studying.”

“How did she study it?” Zhou Xu looked curiously.

found that Sister Yue carved a lot of formations on the soul singer.

I don’t know what to do.

“I don’t know, she’s finding a way to use the power of the Soul Singer.

But it has always been said that there is one important thing missing. If you find it, then it is possible to contact the Evernight Goddess through the soul singer.

As for the means of figuring out the Goddess of the Night, she said that she could not do it in a short time.

As for the voice, it seems that we must first understand the authority of the mind. ” Qiu Qian explained.

She doesn’t know much either.

Zhou Xu gave the scepter of light to Sister Qiu, and handed the rabbit over:

“Ask Sister Yue to see if you are interested in research. If you are not interested, I will hand it over to the three elder dogs.”

The rabbit just came to Qiuqian’s hands. Sister Yue, who was drawing the formation, was stunned for a moment, and then turned to look.

After swiping, she came to Sister Qiu, then stared at the rabbit and said:

“Where did this rabbit come from?”

“It was sent from the altar of the Evernight Goddess, I don’t know who sent it.” Zhou Xu replied.

“No need to guess, it must be the goddess of the night.” Zhou Ningyue took the rabbit and came to the singer of the soul.

At this time, there was a formation on the ground, and she threw the rabbit into it without saying a word.

Zhou Xu also came over to see what was going on.

And seeing Zhou Xu, the soul singer was a little scared.

“I’m very cooperative, you can’t do anything to me, I really don’t know about my Lord.”

Her words surprised Qiu Qian and the others.

How terrible is Zhou Xu to scare the soul singer like this?

Zhou Xu was also speechless, but ignored the other party.

At this time, the rabbit’s eyes suddenly became black and white, and its eyes revealed endless black, but it seemed to contain all things in the stars.

“Goddess of the Night?” Zhou Ningyue asked.

“Your reaction is faster than I thought.” Rabbit muttered.

is the voice of the Evernight Goddess.

Actually got in touch, Zhou Xu was deeply surprised.

Sister Yue is really powerful, and so is the goddess of the night. She seems to know that Sister Yue is missing something.

“Suddenly delivered something and asked me to contact me, what do you want to say?” Zhou Ningyue asked the rabbit.

“Remind you of one thing, a **** has awakened, and this **** seems to be a little ignorant.

He hated the sword very much.

There is a high probability of going to the One Sword Sect in the world. “Goddess of the Night kindly reminded:

“This **** once died by the sword of dawn.

It’s just that the sword-wielding man is too ordinary to kill him completely.

Now he has made a comeback, although it has nothing to do with you, but there is cause and effect. ”

“Is he strong?” Zhou Xu asked suddenly.

“He was nothing in the past, but now he has gathered a lot of authority and is not weak.

is stronger than you against weak storms. “The Evernight Goddess’s voice was steady.

Zhou Xun was speechless for a while, which meant that neither of the two of them were opponents of the other.

How strong is this?

Can the One Sword Sect in the World be able to stop it?

Have to ask, don’t have nowhere to send the courier by then.

That would be a big loss.

“I want to ask you a question.” Zhou Xu thought of the abyss of the world again.

However, before he could continue, the Evernight Goddess spoke first: “I can’t answer you, whether it is the relics of history, the abyss of the world, or the position of the gods.

is the same.

About these, you need a special person to tell you the answer. ”

Week sequence: “.”

The Evernight Goddess is really like a magic stick.

“Lord, when will you take me away?” The Soul Singer asked quickly.

“You are safe there, you don’t need to worry about anything else.” The Evernight Goddess replied.

Singer of the Heart: “.”

But I was scared in my heart.

(end of this chapter)

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