The Blind Date is the Daughter of the Gods

Chapter 98

Chapter 98: This Is Zhou Xu’S Mercy

Chapter 98 This is Zhou Xu’s mercy

Zhou Xu started.

Although the night catcher was a little surprised, he was still very excited. He had already figured out how to dig out the opponent’s heart.


There are so many mummified monsters, none of them can be easily dealt with. The monsters here are not bad with mummies, and the weakest are not ordinary eighth-rank.

Rank 7 is useless, even if Rank 6 gives him some time, he can find a way to deal with it, but he still has the secret technique of pressing the bottom of the box.

Otherwise, how dare you be so presumptuous?

But above the seventh rank, he has not yet met, and it is said that there are very few people of this rank here.

Because the Son of Magic is still very weak.

One by one worried that the giants of magic would not agree, so he was almost invincible here.

Thank you for the opportunity given by the giants of magic.


At this point, the night catcher laughed wildly.

This is his world.

Hou Shen didn’t care about the abnormality of the night rusher, but he really didn’t want to have a conflict with the night rusher. If possible, he hoped to retreat temporarily and enter from another place.

This is the safest way.

But this Leng Touqing made a direct move, which caught him by surprise.

Really don’t feel the strength of the other party at all?

But soon he saw the halberd appear, the dark red arrogance rose, and then the fighting spirit erupted.

Rank Seven Fighter?

He immediately noticed Zhou Xu’s strength.

But even Rank 7 can’t deal with so many mummified corpses, not to mention that this person is still a soft-hearted and soft-hearted young man.

At this time, he saw that Zhou Xu was facing a monster. In his imagination, the other party would definitely keep his hands and restrain himself.

Yet the halberd waved.


slammed down, and the monster was smashed to pieces in an instant.

The interweaving of blood and flesh directly shocked Hou Chen. It wasn’t that he had never seen such a scene, but the contrast was outrageous.

“Didn’t this person just call me cruel?

His mercy? ”

Hou Shen was shocked.

Killing a wild monster in one hit was not unusual for Zhou Xu, and then he continued to swing the sky-shattering halberd, and murderous intent erupted on the halberd.

Subduing the demon is absolutely shadowy, the pace is moving, fast forward, killing one person in one step, ten steps into the crowd.

Domineering, the halberd swept across all directions, destroying monsters with one blow, and destroying corpses with one blow.



Zhou Xu accelerated his movement speed, his figure appeared everywhere, all the monsters and beasts were wiped out, and the mummified corpses disintegrated.

Boom boom boom!

After more than a dozen breaths, Zhou Xu pierced the last mummy with a halberd and faced the night chaser in front of him.

This sudden change made the night rusher a little surprised. He made preparations, but the opponent swept away too fast, and his preparations could not keep up.

Impossible, why are the seventh-rank fighters so powerful?

But this didn’t allow him to think too much, and the other party started.

“It’s your turn.” Zhou Xu waved his halberd to kill the opponent.

“Wait a minute, I can surrender, I can work for you, here I have the best”


The    halberd smashed down, smashing the night chasers to pieces.

Zhou Xun felt a little uncomfortable when he received the halberd:

“Begging for mercy will increase my psychological burden.”

has already started, so don’t go back on it halfway through. It has a beginning and an end, and it’s good for everyone.

There is no psychological pressure at all.


Zhou Xu closed the halberd and glanced back, looking at Hou Chen.

This sudden glance made Hou Chen take a step back.

“Your method is too cruel. Next time, if possible, I hope you can kill the monster with one blow.” Zhou Xu said.

“Ha.” Hou Chen oozes cold sweat on his forehead, accompanied by a smile:

“It was nauseating the next time. Thank you for reminding me, I won’t be so cruel next time.”

So this is his mercy?

For a time, he felt that this person was a little scary, and a seventh-rank fighter could seldom kill monsters and mummy like this on his own.

What kind of Rank 7 has such combat power?

The dark red power, the dark red Fang Tianji, has a terrifying fighting intent.

is cruel.

Hou Shen recalled for a while, the dark red represents the

To reach the heaven-shattering demon body.

The Holy Son of the Demon Dao, who cultivated the demon body, suppressed the same age, killed people like numb, and looked down on the world.

For a time, Hou Chen felt that everything could match the person in front of him.

So what he thought Lengtouqing just now was actually the son of the giant of the devil, the son of the devil?

And the dark red sky-shattering demon body, is this really something that a seventh-rank fighter can have?

The real color of the Demon Body is dark red, but it needs to be cultivated to the realm of perfection.

For countless years, only one person seems to have done it.

Now another one has appeared, and it is still a dark red of the seventh rank.

“The rumors are all true. Is it possible for such a person to be pulled down from the altar?”

Hou Shen felt that his previous thoughts were a bit stupid for a while, and behind the seemingly random things on the other side, there were all kinds of cruel things.

It is normal to be killed by the opponent in the next moment.

He suddenly regretted walking with this person.

“Master, I’ll bury them all.” The Earth God Dog called immediately.

Then the earth **** dog digged a few times on the ground, his paws stretched in, and the ground began to surge.

Those mummified corpses, monsters, and night chasers were all dragged into the ground by the earth.

Finally successfully buried.

“Big, the **** dog of the earth?” Seeing the opponent using the power of the earth, Hou Chen suddenly came to his senses.

Now he was sure that the “kind” person in front of him was really the Son of Magic.

Where are the people from the twelve Ming Lingmen.

For a while, he began to worry, for fear of causing some trouble, so how can the Holy Son of Demon Dao not do anything to him?


What if the other party thinks they look down on him?

Those who repair the celestial demon body are a little distorted in their thinking.

The Holy Son of Demon Dao obviously also has it.

So you can’t leave rashly, so what should you do?

It is useful to highlight yourself, but it is not very useful, at least not more useful than this holy son, so it is the safest.

Humble and tolerant.

“Are you going to keep going inside?” Zhou Xu’s voice came over.

“Of course.” Hou Chen did not dare to refuse, and greeted him with a smile:

“My fellow Daoist’s strength is really impressive. My strength is average, but my detection ability is good.

If you encounter any strange places or things, you can help fellow Taoists to explore.

I hope fellow Daoists don’t dislike it. ”

Zhou Xu looked at each other and felt that it was fine.

It is much more convenient to have a knowledgeable one.

“It’s at the gate.” Zhou Ningyue stood at the city gate and looked at it:

“There seems to be a lot of people behind, and the mummified corpses will be handed over to them.”

At this time, behind Zhou Ningyue, a large number of mummified corpses were trapped in the formation, which was a confused formation.

They couldn’t get out of the formation at all.

It is easy for Zhou Ningyue to deal with these things that are not very wise.

There is no difficulty, no matter how many you come.

She doesn’t even need her flaming gloves.

“Sister Yue, be careful when you go in, there’s a scary kid behind the door.” Qiu Qian said, staring at the half-covered door.

At this time, there was still only a gap in the door, which was the same as before the door was pushed yesterday.

I don’t know if it was because the dream was not affected, or if it was closed by that kid.

“Well, then you can open the door.” Zhou Ningyue took out the winter jujube and ate it. When she bit it, she suddenly thought of something:

“By the way, you are holding this, your status is special, and this place is related to gods. If gods really live here, you may be arrested.

This allows me to move rescue soldiers to find you. ”

After saying that, Zhou Ningyue took out a small colorful gravel.

“What is this?” Qiu Qian asked curiously while holding the stone.

“I don’t know. My father gave it to me. It’s useful to take it with me sometimes.” Zhou Ningyue shrugged.

The things that daddy gave must be used to save lives.

“After entering, there may be changes, so be prepared.” Zhou Ningyue said.

“Yeah.” Qiu Qian nodded.

She naturally understands that it may be okay for other people to go in, but she is the one who was called, and someone wants to see her.

The opponent outside the city may not be able to reach it, but it is hard to say in the city.

At this time, Qiu Qian took out the bricks and began to push open the city gate.


The door was pushed, and the sound came out.

When the door opened to a certain point, a dead face suddenly appeared.

This time Qiu Qian didn’t hesitate at all, and called out a brick.


A brick knocked the opponent down to the ground, then she stepped forward, grabbed the kid by the hair, pressed it on the ground and continued to shout.



“Ah, ah, ah!”

is that kid screaming.

After a few pats, Qiu Qian let go and looked at the female corpse on the ground.

Upon closer inspection, it was a young female corpse, about sixteen or seventeen years old.

She lay on the ground and climbed to the corner of the door, squatting in the corner, and a faint voice came out:

“Huan, welcome, I, I am a closed believer here.”

Qiu Qian: “.”

Zhou Ningyue looked at Qiu Qian and said:

“The goddess of the devil, it’s so cruel, she’s just a gatekeeper. She wants to welcome you when she sees you coming. You beat her again and again.”

“Sister Yue, eat boiled rice tomorrow.” Qiu Qian put away the brick and spoke calmly.

Zhou Ningyue: “.”

Then Qiu Qian looked at the closed believer in the corner and said:

“Hey, are you wise?”

Hearing the question, the believers who closed the door secretly glanced at Qiu Qian and Sister Yue, then turned back in fear, and squatted there without saying a word.

“Let’s go and have a look first.” Zhou Ningyue took a cracked blue tee and placed it beside the closed believers and said:

“I will send you to eat, remember not to waste it.”

Qiu Qian and Zhou Ningyue continued to walk inside.

They came to the fresco. The pattern here has not changed in the slightest, and the sword on it is still alive.

Zhou Ningyue looked at the fresco, but there was nothing to gain, then she grabbed the hilt of the sword lightly and wanted to pull out the sword.

As soon as he started, he felt a force repelling her, as if it was about to attack.

This forced her to let go and fall back to the ground.

“It doesn’t look like an ordinary sword.” Zhou Ningyue looked up at the sword and said.

Qiu Qian also jumped lightly and grabbed the sword.

However, the power she felt was stronger than Zhou Ningyue.


Invisible power erupted, knocking Qiu Qian back.

Qiuqian landed, a little surprised.

“This sword is stabbed in the position of the gods, it must not be easy. We can’t pull it out, let’s go inside and take a look.”

After saying that, Zhou Ningyue began to bypass the mural and go inside.

Just when they were about to leave the fresco, two hands suddenly stretched out from the fresco.

Pale white hands with imprisoning power.

Zhou Ningyue and Qiu Qian immediately started, but the opponent’s strength was strange, but they grabbed their arms in an instant.

“I caught you.” A cold and harsh voice came from the stone wall.

“Remember not to lose things.” Zhou Ningyue shouted.

means don’t drop the thing just now.


Before Qiu Qian could respond, the two were pulled directly into the stone wall.


Only a few green teas that Zhou Ningyue had not had time to eat were left.

Seeing that no one was there, the believers who closed the door carefully reached out and took the green tea that Zhou Ningyue gave her, and ate it.

then got up and closed the door.

Waiting for the next welcome.

(end of this chapter)

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