The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 1139

Chapter 1135 Until I die…

At noon on the third day after the Holy Grail War began, a nun dressed in a blue nun’s dress and a white shawl sat quietly in a corner of the church with her eyes closed. In front of her was An organ inlaid on the wall, with slender fingers pressed on the keys, emits a soft and pleasing sound.

This somewhat taciturn nun looked only fifteen or sixteen years old. She was beautiful and white as snow. Although she was wearing a simple and spacious nun’s gown, her sitting posture revealed her slender and slender figure. There is no denying it. She is a beautiful girl with no dead ends.

She has long, slightly curly white hair, which hangs quietly on her back like hers, like a scroll. Although she is not very old, the quiet atmosphere and the white hair add to her a somewhat mysterious and mature charm.

Her name is Karen Aldysia, and she belongs to the Templar Church. She is a monk who was sent to Fuyuki City by the church as a supervisor to monitor the Fifth Holy Grail War.

As the two most powerful organizations in the world, the relationship between the Templar Church and the Magic Association is very complicated. The Magic Association will not intervene in the Holy Grail War, but the Templar Church cannot ignore it. In order to maintain local order, the Holy Grail is held every time. In war, the Templar Church will send a priest to monitor and manage it.

The supervision of the Fourth Holy Grail War was Yanfeng Qili’s father. Although Lin Luo’s intrusion prevented him from dying in that war, he had already died of illness in the past ten years, and Yanfeng, as an alternate priest. Qili even gave priority to dying in the Holy Grail War. So, when he learned that the Holy Grail War is going to happen every sixty years, but this time there was an outbreak of fluctuations fifty years in advance, the Templar Church immediately dispatched it. The overseer.

The overseer was her Karen, who also served as a priest of the Church of Winterwood City. As for the priest who had served in Winterwood City for ten years, she was transferred to another place.

Although she is a substitute named by the church, Karen is not qualified in terms of qualifications or strength, and even the authority of the substitute is very small, plus her identity in the church is very embarrassing… …Even though she has a rare value, she was found to be a sin because of her background, and she has never been baptized. This investigation is only as an intern.

However, even if it is not taken seriously by the church, Karen readily accepts this task, because besides the monk, she has another identity…the daughter of Yanfeng Qili.

Of course, Karen did not want to avenge her father. Even to her, Yanfeng Qili’s father was not much different from others. The two had no father-daughter communication, let alone father. Women’s feelings, as to why she was a little bit happy when she accepted this task, she still hasn’t figured it out yet.

In many ways, Karen and her father Yanfeng Qili are very similar.

Playing the organ is one of the few leisure ways Karen can relax her mood, but she doesn’t want to show this skill in front of others, so, a moment later, when Karen heard the sound of footsteps coming from outside the church, Her fingers stopped.

The music stopped abruptly, and the sound of footsteps became clearer, and then Karen heard the voice of a man speaking, “The Templar Church…Speaking of which, this place is my first time.”

Karen got up and walked out of the darkness, with amber eyes looking at the man in the church aisle. It was a young man with a handsome face. There was a kind of smile between the brows, which made people instinctive at first sight. His heart felt good, but when Karen saw him, there was a subtle change in her expression.

She felt that this young man… there is a demon in his body!

Karen’s body is very special, and most people cannot tell who is the devil, but if it is her, as long as she gets close to the devil’s body, there will be a spiritual barrier. This is called the abused spirit media quality, or it can be called chronic demon possession. Because of her physique, she bears all her injuries as if she is injured, she senses the devil, then seduces the devil and accepts the devil’s invasion, so as to drive the devil out.

In the Templar Church, she was trained as a weapon against demons. Simply put, like a modern communicator, she betrayed her body to complete the tasks assigned above.

Karen herself knows that this behavior is no different from that of a prostitute, but she has been trained as a weapon since she was a child, and she has never thought about resisting it, but has always lived in a monastery and kept it, and has not really come into contact with the devil. . The reason why the Templar Church sent her out was probably because of this opportunity as her debut as a “weapon against the devil”.

What Karen didn’t expect was that the devil appeared so soon, and came to the church in a majestic manner, but anyway… it was her task to get rid of the devil!

“Hello.” Karen stepped forward and nodded to the boy. Although there are demons in the boy’s body, the boy is possessed by the devil. The guilty person is only the devil, not the boy. Therefore, Karen treats the boy in the same way as facing ordinary people.

The boy smiled at her, “I didn’t expect that the priest of the church was such a beautiful girl. If I knew it, I should have come here soon.”

Karen was completely indifferent to this kind of praise, and said lightly: “Did you come to the church to repent or pray?”

“It’s both.” The boy replied, and then under the leadership of Karen, he went under the statue of the church, folded his fists on his chest, closed his eyes, and began his prayer and confession.

“I repent for my sins and hope to be forgiven…I pray for peace and happiness every day in the future, and keep darkness and sin away from the world…”

Karen stood behind the boy in a posture like a boy, but she didn’t pay much attention to the boy’s words. This sudden demon slightly disrupted her pace. She was just thinking about what to do next?

It is of course necessary to get rid of the devil, but it is a pity that it is daytime. She does not wear a combat suit specifically designed to seduce the devil. Her attitude at the moment is not enough to seduce the devil, and the devil will not be too rampant during the day… if it is. In the evening, it can be solved on the spot by just changing the clothes.

“Thank you, beautiful nun, I will come to confess again next time.” Soon after, the boy bowed slightly to Karen, and then left the church under her gaze.

Karen looked at the boy’s leaving back, frowning slightly… As far as she knows, after being possessed by humans, demons can control their words, deeds and thoughts. Generally speaking, they will never be allowed to enter the church. Locally, even close connections are impossible. However, the boy just now is different. So, is the boy’s will strong enough to temporarily get rid of the control of the devil, or is the demon just recently possessed and is not enough to completely control the boy?

After much deliberation, Karen still thinks the latter is more reliable. After all, she wants to get rid of the control of the devil. It is not something she can do with her will. If this is the case, then she wants to get rid of the devil in the young man. It will be easier.

“Lancer, go and follow him.” Thinking of this, Karen called out.

Suddenly, a green figure appeared beside Karen, and then disappeared again in an instant.

Karen’s idea is very simple. Since the boy has just been possessed by the demon, she should be expelled as soon as possible. As long as Lancer monitors the boy’s whereabouts, she can take action tonight… Although she has no right to be abused by the media. Choosing the life of a normal person, it is even more impossible to fall in love like an ordinary girl. You can only do a weapon against the devil like a prostitute, but it is a good thing to give your first time to this handsome boy. Choice, at least she doesn’t hate this teenager.

Then, Karen sat down again in front of the organ and quietly played her favorite tunes. She knew that tonight, once the demon in the boy was exorcised, she would no longer have anything to do with “humans”. Nostalgia, since then, only survives as a weapon against the devil.

Until he died.

Leaving the temple church, Lin Luo walked on the noisy street, turning a blind eye to the lively atmosphere around… As he expected, this time the manager sent by the temple church was Karen. In order, Yanfeng Since Qili is no longer there, it is only natural for Karen to take over.

He simply changed his physique, and Karen’s spiritual barrier appeared. This kind of abused spiritual media really has its own characteristics. It is no wonder that the Templar Church trained her as a weapon, but it only surprised him. The thing is…Karen actually maintained his innocence, which really does not conform to the original world line, nor does it conform to the style of the Templar Church.

Sure enough, the butterfly effect he caused in this world ten years ago has changed a lot of things.

“But then again, the most bitter gun guy in the legend has begun to follow me, so who is controlling Lancer? Bazette’s words should be impossible. I don’t even have to participate in the Holy Grail War. I don’t know, even if Bazet is really not shady, it’s impossible to send Lancer to follow me, an unrelated person with her IQ… Now I’m interested in me, and probably only think of me as a demon. Karen, the possessed tragic boy.”

“It doesn’t matter how Karen became Lancer’s Master, and whether Bazette entered the Holy Grail War or not, since Lancer has started to act, it means that Karen is going to exorcise me… It’s a pity. Now, although I don’t object to the fact that beautiful women take the initiative to send them to the door, I have no interest in such unpleasant things just for exorcism.”

Lin Luo muttered to himself in a voice that Lancer couldn’t hear, and then he walked onto the subway to other cities, “Goodbye for now, Fuyuki City.”

Lancer didn’t treat Lin Luo as a dangerous person. Although he was followed by Karen’s order, he didn’t deliberately hide his figure. Instead, he pretended to be an ordinary young man and mixed in the crowd. Originally, Lin Luo came to this busy city just to wander around, but when he saw Lin Luo stepping on the subway and rumbling away, he was completely stunned.

How to track this?

In desperation, Lancer had to return to the temple church, and then, after Kallen heard from his mouth that Lin Luo had left Fuyuki City, he was stunned for a while.

Since Lin Luo left Winterwood City, her exorcism was naturally unable to proceed, making her somewhat upset. Under depression, she immediately looked at Lancer contemptuously and said: “Such a small thing can’t be done. ,waste.”

“What did you say!” Lancer suddenly became angry.

“The legendary hero is at this level, trash.”

“You poison tongue girl… don’t think you are my Master, you can insult me ​​at will!”

“Not even an ordinary person, trash.”


Lancer was so angry that he was about to catch fire, but Karen’s plain expression was like a basin of cold water, making him nowhere to send fire, and he had to admit… he really didn’t look at an ordinary person.

After leaving Fuyuki City, Lin Luo first went to Misaki City, the city where he met the Aosaki sisters ten years ago. Ten years have changed a lot, not only in people, but also in cities. The mountain where he and Sister Cangqi first met was completely different from what he remembered.

He still remembered that he was almost stabbed to death by Aozaki Aoko on this mountain. He also remembered discussing magic with Aozaki Aoko on this mountain. He also remembered that he accidentally pinched a hand on Aozaki Aoko’s flat airfield. …Fate is a very wonderful thing, and fate will not always exist. He never expected to meet Sister Aozaki again in this place, but when he saw the environment in his memory completely disappeared, he still Can’t help but be disappointed.

But this depressed mood lasted only a moment, because he already knew their exact location whether it was Aozaki Aoko or Aozaki Orange.

Arthur was very efficient in doing things. He passed the news of most people as early as noon.

And this time he left Fuyuki City to find these people.

After leaving Fuyuki City, Lin Luo immediately went to the next destination, the city where Aosaki Orange and the two rituals lived, but Lin Luo’s first target was not them, but another girl.

He hates tragedy, and he doesn’t like it to happen to those who have a good opinion of him. If he can’t stop him, he can only stand in silence, but if he can stop him, he won’t turn a blind eye, even if that person has nothing to do with him.

At seven o’clock in the evening, the cold city is completely covered by neon lights, but some places are still very dark, and it is these dark places that constantly show the ugliness of human nature.

A purple-haired girl in a dark blue dress walked on the street expressionlessly, passing through the places illuminated by neon lights, and gradually approaching dark corners… In that darkness, a dozen pairs of evil and full of evil Desire’s eyes fell on her.

The masters of these gazes are gangsters made up of some middle-aged students, also known as unscrupulous violent groups. No matter which city or country they are in, they all act as members of evil.

When the girl was within reach of them, they did not hesitate to drag it into the darkness, then forcibly pressed it against the wall, and began to tear the girl’s clothes.

The girl’s name is Fujino Asakami. As a person with incredible powers, she has been persecuted by people around her since she was a child, from strangers to family.

This persecution caused her to lose her pain and ability when she was six years old. Pain is the body’s protective mechanism. If a person has no pain, it means that he has lost the instinct to protect himself.

Asakami Fujino, who has lost the sense of pain, cannot live in common sense, let alone integrate into society. Seeing the wicked eyes and rough movements of the unscrupulous young people around her, she knows what they are going to do and what she will suffer, but she still Expressionless, let them be at their mercy.

It’s not that she doesn’t want to resist, but she doesn’t feel it, she doesn’t know how to protect herself.

She can only endure the persecution of the people around her.

But she still hurts, even if the body doesn’t hurt, but the heart hurts.

But she couldn’t express this kind of heartache with actions or words.

Seeing that she had no intention of resisting, the unscrupulous teenagers naturally became even more unscrupulous… Captured women who were alone to **** and humiliate. This is not the first time they have done this, and it will certainly not be the last. As for the humiliation. How women will feel, that is not what they will consider.

Asakami Fujino’s beauty drove their desires away. When tearing at each other’s clothing, they had already exposed their sinful work, but… before they could take any further action, they found that time seemed to have stopped. , Can’t move a single move.

Their thinking was still there, but their bodies were unable to act. They couldn’t react to this weird thing for a while, and then an indifferent voice rang in their ears, “Although I thought about it, I found her I just took her away when I was there, but then, I couldn’t find you one by one, and it was too time-consuming, so I just led the snake out of the cave.”

One of the bad boys was pressing his hand on the girl’s shoulder, preparing to tear off the girl’s clothes, but was unable to complete this action because the body was frozen. When he heard this, he saw a hand from the side. Stretched out, then held his arm and squeezed it lightly.


The next moment, that arm was crushed to pieces, all blood and meat were sprayed on his face and body, and then when he was frozen, he seemed to come back because of it. The indescribable pain made him feel heart-piercing. Screaming, lying on the ground rolling over and over.

Lin Luo suddenly snapped his fingers, and then all the right hands of the bad boys exploded, just like the original one, with screams and groans, just like purgatory on earth.

Looking at this scene, Fujino Asakami still had an expression of indifferent expression, but there was something slightly more in her eyes.

Lin Luo didn’t bother to listen to the screams of these people, and slightly straightened Kantino’s messy clothes, and then took her out, and said at the same time: “Since you like it so much, let’s die, ten times more. The five senses bonus should be enough for you to enjoy. Don’t worry, no one will bother you.”

After saying this, the unscrupulous teenagers suddenly flashed red eyes, with expressions of incomparable fear and pain, and pounced on their companions like a beast in heat…

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