The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 1164

Chapter 1160 this

In the middle of the night, the full moon was in the sky. Under the bright moonlight, two figures stood face to face. One of them was a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy, wearing light casual clothes, smiling with his hands on his chest, and the smile was faintly revealed. A bit wicked, he looked like a demon gentleman.

The other was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, dressed in black and revealing clothes, with a faint trace of fear on her solemn expression. Her body trembled slightly, and the slight sweat came from her. The black silk worn next to the body oozes out, exuding an elegant but intoxicating fragrance.

These two people are Lin Luo and Karen.

Although Lin Luo didn’t put eyeliner on the entire Fuyuki City, as early as the beginning, he let Shemei Maruwen monitor several more important places, such as the temple church and Liudong Temple… As a crow tengu, Maruwen can control all the crows in the world, making them her envoys and eyes, so as to get the information she wants, and with her concealment ability, she can hardly be discovered by anyone.

Therefore, at the moment Karen went out, Lin Luo got her whereabouts from Sheming Maruwen, and then pursued it, and deliberately exposed her aura while approaching Karen, luring her to discover that she was…the last The result was as perfect as he expected.

Karen only thought she had found her prey, but she didn’t know that she was the prey that fell into the trap!

I guessed it was correct. This demon really started to act. His temperament was completely different from the last time he saw him. He was full of evil and chaotic aura. He was a very strong demon… Karen looked at Lin Luo on the opposite side. , Thought to himself, feeling somewhat nervous in his heart.

Of course, this tension is not because of fear, but because this is her first formal extermination. As for the feelings of fear and fear, she won’t have any feelings, let alone the demon in front of her, even the first one before. Four Demon Kings, she never felt any fear.

Even the fear and tremor that she showed at this moment were just her disguise, but the purpose of disguising was not to make the other person despise herself, but to stimulate the other person’s desire.

Demons are the kind of evil creatures that base their happiness on the suffering of others. They are powerful and terrifying, addicted to murder and adultery, and do almost every evil. Especially in the aspect of adultery, the number of women persecuted by demons is countless. In addition to the demons themselves are fornicating creatures, the more important reason is that demons can absorb the magic power they need through **** with women, and let them Become stronger.

In fact, this can be regarded as a kind of supplementary devil in an alternative sense, but being deviled between magicians is beneficial to both parties, and this kind of devil’s behavior can only bring their own benefits. As for women who have been raped by the devil, Ninety percent will be drained of vitality and die, even if a few survive, they will become very short-lived.

But Karen is different. She has the media quality of being abused. This type of physique is a deadly poison for the devil. If the devil invades her, instead of supplementing her magic power, she will be killed! No matter how powerful the devil is, it is meaningless in front of this physique, because the nature of this physique is that it is strong when it is strong.

Of course, there are also female demons. Female demons and male demons have almost the same persecution goals, except that they do not have any difference. It’s just that because Karen is a female, only male demons can be dealt with… Female demons It needs other exorcists, or like her, men with the media qualities of abused spirits to deal with.

In short, a pretty young girl walks alone on a deserted street at night. With such delicious food, if the devil encounters it, she will never let it go, especially when the girl gradually changes from fear to despair. Emotions are also the best seasoning for demons.

Therefore, with Karen’s disguised posture at this moment, coupled with her extremely revealing dress, most demons will be hooked, even if some cautious demons suppress their own desires because of her identity, it is useless. Because her body contains a special potion, this potion can let her release a fragrance when she sweats, which greatly stimulates the devil’s libido and makes the devil lose his mind.

And most importantly…she is still a virgin now!

For demons, there is nothing that fascinates them more than virgins, because the magic power obtained from virgins will be more than that from non-virgins, and it is the purest feminine magic power… theoretically, an ordinary A low-level demon can immediately evolve to a middle-level demon if it **** the magic power of a virgin. If the virgin is still a magician or someone with special abilities, even a high-level demon is not a dream.

Therefore, although Karen could feel that the demon in front of her was the kind of high-level demon, she had no doubt about her attraction to him.

“Your body… seems to have a strange smell, Miss Sister.” Lin Luo did not disappoint Karen. When there was only despair and fear on Karen’s face, he walked up and stretched out his hand gently. He lifted up Karen’s chin and said frivolously.

Now that he came to meet this “date”, Lin Luo would naturally cooperate with the trick.

Karen’s body was trembling violently. Under Lin Luo’s oppressive aura, she couldn’t move at all, as if she had been scared to speak. The sweat oozing from her body made her bare skin appear more shiny. Fresh and tender, exuding a thrilling charm.

And the elegant fragrance that surrounds the two of them also makes the atmosphere even more emotional.

Finally hooked up…Looking at the faint desire and intoxication on Lin Luo’s face, Karen’s heart had completely different emotions from her face. At this moment, she didn’t need to do anything anymore, as long as she was quiet. Just wait for the other party to violate yourself.

Although the effect may be better if she resists a little bit, it is not her duty to fight, or she is not good at fighting at all. Whether it is magic or physical skills, she is below the level. What she is good at is detecting and expelling demons. …Of course, she will be a little bit mentally attacked, but because of the physical relationship of the abused spirit, her body is very weak, and she often has to rely on drugs to maintain it. Therefore, it is generally not a last resort. She does not let it. He entered a state of combat.

It’s just… I don’t know why, looking at the young man who was too late, she felt an inexplicable anxiety in her heart, always feeling that something was wrong.

Maybe this demon is too calm and gentleman?

In Karen’s impression, demons are cruel and rude creatures. If she really arouses desires, they will probably rush to her with impatience, and then violently assault her. Where will it be like now.

Of course, even if Karen has a prejudice against demons, he still understands that high-level demons are different from low-level demons. Just like the dead and the twenty-seventh ancestors, although they are both blood-sucking species, the low-level dead are just some blood-sucking animals without wisdom and thoughts, which are unsightly, but the twenty-seventh ancestors are different.

Whether it’s Merlin Solomon who is associated with the church, or the black-winged male and white-winged male who are enemies of the church, they pay special attention to their own image, or are as domineering as a king, or as graceful as a gentleman, or as Princesses are generally noble, and some ancestors even call themselves artists.

The higher the status and the stronger their strength, the more cultivated their manners will be.

Therefore, Lin Luo’s actions at the moment, she is not incomprehensible, but because of this, she does not understand even more, why is the anxiety deep in her heart?

Karen couldn’t figure it out, but she wasn’t a **** person, and she didn’t believe that there would be any problems in such a situation, so she didn’t think about anything at all, and closed her eyes in “despair”.

Lin Luo is now playing a demon, and he is still a demon who has aroused sexual desire, so he did not hesitate, immediately bowed his head, kissed Kalian’s soft lips heavily, and then stretched out his tongue to pry open his teeth. , Got into the girl’s mouth and looted wantonly.

At the same time, Karen’s body was also held tightly in his arms, and his hands wandered back and forth between the girl’s back, buttocks, chest, lower abdomen and thighs, stroking this weak and boneless body.

Karen never thought it would be a pleasure to be violated by a demon, let alone feel pleasure when being violated, even if the demon is a gentleman, but now she finally realized how wrong her original idea was. , Because under Lin Luo’s offensive, her body has already felt instinctively…Because of the media quality of the abused spirit, although her body looks fine on the surface, in fact many functions have been lost, such as the right The eyes cannot see, the sense of taste is thin, and the sense of touch is dull.

However, at this moment, her instinctively dull touch has become unusually sharp. Every kiss and every touch by Lin Luo makes her feel a strong impact, and what makes her unacceptable is…her tongue, her ‘S hands unexpectedly began to respond without his control.

This is so strange!

Karen couldn’t understand what had happened to her at all. This unexpected change made her instinctively want to escape from here, but at this moment she couldn’t use any strength and could only be at her mercy.

The next development was the same as she expected. Lin Luo pushed her body to the ground, pressed it down heavily, and then put her hands into her clothes, wantonly invading her body, and she could only close her eyes. Bear it, but when she felt Lin Luo’s hand pressing on her private parts, her body trembled suddenly.

Slowly opened her eyes, her blurred vision made it impossible for her to see the face of the person pressing on her. She could only rely on the memory to reflect that handsome face in her mind, and her mood became extremely at this moment. complex.

Although she has already accepted the identity of “using weapons against the devil”, she also knows that once she accepts this identity, from then on, she will be violated and raped by countless men possessed by demons, doing work like a whore. In this regard, she did not resist too much. Because she understands that the destiny of a person is determined from birth, and even if she is unwilling, her destiny cannot be resisted. If that is the case, why bother to do something extra.

Moreover, she didn’t have any dreams like ordinary girls, and she didn’t have any desires in her life without worry, so it didn’t matter what she did.

She has always thought this way, but now, when it is time to be violated by the devil, why is it so uncomfortable in her heart?

At this moment, even Karen herself didn’t notice. In her blurred eyes, two lines of tears were already shed, and there was only one thought in her heart: if… if at this moment, this one that is pressing on her Men are not demons, how good that would be.

However, after discovering this thought of herself, Karen could only close her eyes and smile helplessly in her heart. The devil is a devil, and nothing will change. After all, she can’t resist her destiny.

“Are you thinking, if I am not a devil, it would be fine?”

However, at this moment, a voice rang in Karen’s ear.

Carlene was shocked and opened her eyes suddenly, and found that the person who was speaking was Lin Luo, and looked at her with a smile. Not only had she stopped invading her body, but even the evil devilish energy had disappeared. .

“You…?!” Karen was completely stunned, completely speechless.

Lin Luo took a moment to calm down, rolled over and walked away from her, then tidyed up her messy clothes a bit, and said, “How about being violated by someone you don’t like, isn’t it so comfortable?”

“Why are you…” Karen looked at him in shock.

“You want to ask why I can resist your temptation?” Lin Luo smiled with a calm expression, “If I said, I was not tempted by you at all, do you believe it?”

“It’s impossible!” Karen exclaimed. Although this is the first time she has dealt with demons, she doesn’t doubt her ability at all. She believes that no matter how powerful the demons are, she can be tempted by abused spirit media. … Only she herself understands what this physique represents, that is the deadliest and most irresistible temptation!

“There is nothing impossible. All the temptations you use are aimed at demons, so they only work for demons…Of course, I don’t deny that it’s also useful for men, but if you want to seduce me, it’s not enough. “Lin Luo smiled and stood up, turning around, “You should feel it, I don’t have a devilish energy in me, there is no demon you think there is at all.”

“You…” Karen had a stunned look, but she couldn’t say anything with her mouth open. She didn’t ask until after a while, “Who are you?”

Of course she could feel that Lin Luo was not a demon, but just an ordinary human, because the spiritual barrier in her body had completely disappeared, which meant that there were no demons around her.

but! This is what makes her most incredible.

People who will be possessed by demons can’t get rid of demons by their own power. Without the help of exorcists, they will only die or be replaced by demons. Just a moment ago, Lin Luo was still possessed by a demon, but why did the demon disappear at this moment? And still during the temptation by her.

She couldn’t imagine this kind of thing beyond common sense.

“It doesn’t matter who I am, what is important is what kind of person you want to be?” Lin Luo asked rhetorically.

“I…” Karen was at a loss for words.

Lin Luo continued: “You are very similar to a person I know. Although you are engaged in different professions, you have similar behaviors… She believes that it is her duty and responsibility to save the country and protect her country and people. So she put everything aside from a human point of view, but dealt with things like a machine, no matter what she did, she would not bring emotions. And you are the same, if she is a machine, then you are Puppets, who are involved in everything about themselves by the fate that does not exist at all, ignore their true thoughts, do not resist or refuse. Because they are different, they cannot choose the way of life of ordinary people. The destiny follows this arrangement. Fate away…Do you know what you are called for with a character like yours?”

“…” Karen was silent.

“It’s Secondary Two!” Lin Luo replied, “You are both Secondary Two, but she still has goals, but you don’t even have goals. You will only follow the crowd. Of course, whether it is you or her, if you continue to go like this Going on, there is only one final result, and that is self-destruction!”


“If you think that doing a weapon against the devil is something that can make you happy, then I won’t say anything, but if you have realized what you really want… you still have time.” Here, Lin Luo turned around and waved his hand, “That’s all I have to say. The next choice is your own business…bye.”

After speaking, he stepped away, leaving Karen sitting on the spot in a daze.

Seeing Lin Luo’s departure, Karen’s head was in confusion, unable to think at all.

But at this moment, Lin Luo’s voice floated from a distance again, “Oh, yes, if next time you hug me as a woman instead of using a weapon against the devil, I will treat you well.”


After sitting in silence for a long time, Karen didn’t understand what happened all the time. If Lin Luo said that he is not a demon, why does his body feel sensitive to it? But if it is a devil, how did he get out of that state? And with his calm words, it seems that he has never been possessed by the devil, but he controls the existence and disappearance of the devil himself?

After more than ten years of exorcism, he knew that Karen had never heard of such a situation.

However, it was not this that puzzled her most, but…why did this man do these things to himself?

Karen, who couldn’t sort out her mind at all, only knew one thing. Tonight, she was completely manipulated by that man, whether it was mental or physical!

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