The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 1176

Chapter 1172 Straight to death, can it really kill ev

Although Xiao Tianran is only an angel projection of Venus UO, its intensity is far less than that of Zhu Yue and Mercury Spiders, the two UOs who are in their own form…Well, if you put aside her, her murder is even more terrifying than biochemical weapons. The Divine Comedy, and the instinctive shocks of higher life forms, are not much different from ordinary human girls who have no power to bind chickens, but her subtle healing power is unexpectedly pleasing.

In just a moment, under the touch of her hands that exuded holy light like angels, the bodies and spirits of the people who had been hit hard by the Divine Comedy of Murder quickly recovered.

And Xiao Tianran, who had done all of this, seemed as simple as drinking her saliva…Oh, by the way, she was hungry again.

From this result, Lin Luo has reason to believe that her healing power needs food to recharge… No wonder she is a big foodie, like Luo Tianyi, she can’t sing without eating.

Now, Aozaki Aoko and others no longer have doubts about the identity of the little natural “angel”. After all, they have rescued those who were almost killed by themselves intact. This unscientific existence itself is already very contradictory. , Don’t talk about angels, even if someone says she is Almighty God, that’s not surprising.

And after discussing for a while…or rather, after a brutal refutation of the Fourth Demon King, Lin Luo also got up and said goodbye. With the identity of the “Holy Grail War Investigator”, his waist can also be straight, and finally he doesn’t need to be treated as a waste.

However, when Lin Luo walked to the door, two ritual voices came from behind him.

Lin Luo looked back and found that Liangyi in a kimono was walking towards him.

“Is there a problem?”

The two rituals nodded slightly, a hesitant look flashed in their eyes, “I want to talk to you about something.”

“Oh, let’s go for a while.” Lin Luo didn’t ask why he didn’t say just now. He nodded and agreed, and then let Xiao Tianran go back by himself and walk on the secluded path with the two ceremonies.

On the way, Lin Luo didn’t say anything, just walked without saying a word.

The two ceremonies seemed to be hesitating, but she opened her mouth several times but she never said what she wanted to say, with an expression of hesitation. It wasn’t until nearly a third of the way that she said: ” Have we met somewhere before?”

“Is this what you want to ask?” Lin Luo asked back.

“Well, when I first saw you, I felt as if I had seen you somewhere.” While speaking, the two ceremonies looked at Lin Luo with a thoughtful expression.

Lin Luo smiled freely, “Perhaps, but I shouldn’t have communicated with you.”

He didn’t say it clearly, but he didn’t lie. In fact, even if he didn’t have the battle with the first evil king, he would not be unfamiliar with the two rituals, but even with that experience, he and the two rituals were just seeing him. On the one hand, without even saying a word, there is no exchange.

After listening to the two ceremonies, a disappointed expression appeared on his face.

Just four years ago, it was because she didn’t even know what happened, but looking back now, she seemed to be involved in a terrifying battle at that time. She was stabbed and was on the verge of life and death until the moment she recovered and woke up again. Two years have passed, and she has been lying in the hospital for two years.

Because of that incident, not only did she lose two years of time, but even the second personality in her body also disappeared. However, I don’t know whether it was a blessing or a curse. After wandering from the edge of life and death, she also gained enough. The eye of death that kills anything that is alive.

Or it was a curse, because she was not happy because she had obtained this ability, and there was only the disobedience that was different from ordinary people, and the aversion to non-human beings.

At the moment she just woke up, her mental state was very unstable, and her will was depressed because of the disappearance of the second personality. She knew very well that she should have died originally, but in the end it was the second personality who died on her behalf.

During that time, she met Aozaki Orange who appeared as a psychologist. With the help of the other party, her spirit gradually stabilized, and at the same time she mastered how to live with the eye of death, so she simply joined. Cangzaki Orange’s things… can’t be said to be a reward, it’s just that the place allows her to live like a normal person, at least don’t worry about what trouble the Demon Eye will cause.

After nearly two years, she has now fully adapted to this kind of life, and even though she is still sad about the disappearance of the second personality in her body, she also accepts this fact…but!

She still couldn’t let go of the scene four years ago.

She didn’t know what was going on at the time, and she didn’t know where it was, because everything came too suddenly, in such a moment of effort, she had stayed at home and rested and suddenly came to a completely unfamiliar place. Before she could react, the sharp weapon had penetrated her body.

At that time, her consciousness and body were close to the edge of collapse, and even now she could not recall the specific situation, but vaguely she still remembered… At that moment, she was held in the arms of a man until she lost Consciously.

From what Aosaki Orange said later, she was in very bad physical condition. Not only was her abdomen pierced, but her internal organs were almost completely destroyed. If it were an ordinary person, even ten lives would have died, but she was Survived miraculously…Although it caused two years of deep sleep.

But the two rituals are very clear that the reason why I can survive is not a miracle, but because of the strange man.

Even in the state of confusion at the time, she vaguely remembered that it was the man who threw something to herself, sustaining her near-death life, and…the man never let go of the hold at the time. Her hand was also the only trace of security she felt in despair, and it was precisely because of that feeling that her consciousness would not collapse.

She never talked about this to anyone, even if it was to Aozaki Orange, but she didn’t plan to go on in a muddle. For these two years, she had never given up looking for the original thing. The truth, and never gave up looking for the man at the time.

She knew that the reason why she joined Cangsaki Orange’s office to get in touch with the mystery and darkness of this world is also a reason in her heart to explore the answer four years ago.

However, after walking in that mysterious world for two years, she couldn’t find any clues.

Until the encounter with Lin Luo a few days ago.

Although she couldn’t remember the appearance of the man at the time, after seeing Lin Luo, the vague memory suddenly became clear. Although it hadn’t overlapped with the man at the time, there was always a familiarity in her heart. a feeling of.

Intuition told her that Lin Luo might have something to do with that person back then.

However, Lin Luo’s answer at the moment completely shattered her guess…Even if she didn’t remember, but such a major event, if Lin Luo was the person who was originally, she would definitely not forget it.

And since Lin Luo had no impression, he couldn’t be the same person back then.

Thinking of this, the two ceremonies couldn’t help but feel a little frustrated, and didn’t have the mind to continue walking with Lin Luo, just thinking of saying goodbye, and suddenly heard: “Want to fight?”

“Huh?” The two ceremonies were taken aback for a moment and saw Lin Luo looking at him.

“Fight?” The two ceremonies are a little suspected that she had heard wrong, although she did not despise Lin Luo, she could survive the holy grail blackened by the evil of this world ten years ago, and she is still brave ten years later. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Stepping into the Holy Grail War, even with a terrifying angel around him, such a person will definitely not be an ordinary person.

But as far as strength is concerned, Lin Luo is now at the level of an average fighter, and even a bunch of gangsters can’t be settled. In this way, he has to fight her… Isn’t it too much?

Seeing Liangyi’s puzzled expression, Lin Luo smiled and said nothing.

“Are you serious?” the two ceremonies asked uncertainly.

Lin Luo nodded and said with a smile: “Of course it is true, or do you think I dare to step into this Holy Grail War, is it really just courage, or do you have angel bodyguards?”

After speaking, Lin Luo stretched out his hand, and then in an instant, the surrounding environment instantly turned into a vast expanse of whiteness, and the flying snowflakes fell from the sky and sprinkled on the two of them.

“This is…” The two rituals suddenly changed color, and the eyes were full of shock, “Intrinsic barrier?!”

With such sudden changes in the surrounding environment, there is only one ability in the cognition of the two rituals, which is the inherent barrier. However, Lin Luo does not have any magic power, how did he use the inherent barrier?

Lin Luo looked around, and finally stayed on the face of the two rituals, and smiled freely: “Isn’t the inherent barrier…Although it is not impossible to say that.”

“Eh?” Lin Luo’s words moved the two ceremonies again, isn’t it an inherent barrier?

No, Utopian manifestation is a subspecies of the inherent enchantment, an ability that is infinitely close to magic. If Lin Luo is currently casting a non-inherent enchantment, then it can only be the manifestation of fantasy… true magic!

But doesn’t this mean that he is more powerful than he had just imagined? !

The two rituals could not conceal the shock in the heart at all. After all, a person who had no magic at all, unexpectedly used the highest-level ability of Utopian Realization, and the impact was too great.

“You should be a little interested now?” Lin Luo asked with a smile looking at the two ceremonies.

interest? This is more than just the level of interest!

The two ritual thoughts, at the same time they took the dagger they carried with them in their hands, and then calmly said: “Do you really want to fight? My ability is only to kill the evil eye, but what I kill is impossible… at least the creatures cannot Resurrected.”

The two rituals originally wanted to say that nothing can be restored, but they immediately thought of the battle with Yaomeng half a month ago. That unkillable Louguan sword had already made her embarrassed to talk about it.

“It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t make any sense if the devil’s eye can’t hit it.” Lin Luo said casually.

“Okay.” Now that these words have been said, the two rituals also felt that there was no need to hide their clumsiness, and it was also a good exercise to compete with opponents who possessed fantasy realization, and immediately nodded.

When the voice fell, her straight death demon eyes had been opened, and under her pair of demon eyes, any enchantment was a cloud, and as long as it was cut down, the enchantment would disappear in smoke. Although so far, she has not cut the inherent barrier and the realization of fantasy, but!

Utopian realization is to put it bluntly, it is to make the self’s will be directly connected with the world, and to change the world into an environment like imagined…that is, to actualize the things depicted in the heart, and to emerge from nothing. However, what it can interfere with is only nature after all, and it cannot affect her, let alone her straight death eye.

Just like tables, chairs and stones, there are dead lines for non-life, and fantasy realization also has dead lines. Even in theory, as long as she is strong enough, even the dead lines of the world can be seen.

The two rituals were so convinced, but when she looked at her straight death demon eyes, she found that there was no dead line in the world she was in. The only ones with dead lines were… herself and Lin Luo on the opposite side!

Can’t we directly attack the realization of fantasy?

The two rituals were slightly stunned, but they did not lose their calmness, but they were a little confused about what to do next… Because her ability is a one-shot kill type, even if it is only lightly touched, it will affect the other party. To death, this kind of ability makes her only a killer, so things like learning from each other will be very troublesome.

“Hesitating before the war is not a qualified fighter.”

At this moment, Lin Luo took the lead in attacking, making a straight fist without any dexterity, with little strength and slow speed, but when the two rituals noticed, the fist was already in front of him, and then it was huge. The wind of fist lifted up and blew her away in an instant.

“If you think that you can threaten me by death, it is too naive. I still say that, the attack that can’t hit, no matter how gorgeous it is, it is useless.”

The two rituals were in mid-air, and the terrifying fist wind made her unable to open her eyes. However, before she was relieved from this terrible state, Lin Luo’s voice rang in her ears again, and at the same time there was that Warning signs of danger.

Is this for real? !

Although I don’t know what kind of attack Lin Luo did, but at this time, the two rituals felt like they were walking on the edge of death. This kind of dangerous consciousness was simply more terrifying than facing Flandreau.

I can only get on it!

Suddenly, the two rituals no longer kept their hands, and his eyes suddenly opened. Lin Luo’s figure has not been seen yet, but he has seen the death line swaying in front of his eyes, and instinctively swung a dagger to cut it.


Lin Luo easily escaped the slashes of the two rituals, clasped her right hand on her arm, and then gently shook it forward, with an instant bang, and the body of the two rituals was heavily smashed into the snow.

“How about it, do you still think you need to be merciful?” Lin Luo said, standing in the air, looking down at the two ceremonies condescendingly.

Standing up from the snow, the two ceremonies looked up, and they were speechless.

Show mercy? Maybe the other way around.

Although it was just a fight, she knew very well that the person who was really merciful was Lin Luo, and if Lin Luo was willing, she could easily take her life just now.

I’ve lost my eyes, I’ve all lost my eyes!

The two rituals looked at Lin Luo, reminiscent of Qingzi and Orange’s name for him as trash not long ago, with only a wry smile…If such a person can also be called trash, then there is no one in this world who is not trash, he— —It’s more powerful than the heroic spirit!

At this moment, the two rituals have fully recognized the strength gap between the two sides, and they no longer have the innocent thoughts they had before, fighting with all their strength.

It’s just that, no matter how hard she uses her full strength, she is still as weak as a baby in front of Lin Luo, unable to keep up with speed, physique, and strength, and the eye of death that will kill…Don’t mention it.

And Lin Luo didn’t seem to be merciful. The successive attacks made the two rituals a bit unable to stand up in just a few moments. Although there was no serious injury, there were multiple fractures.

This situation reminds the two rituals of cats playing with mice… When a cat is catching a mouse, it never eats the mouse immediately, but teases it first, and then stops talking until it gets tired of it.

Of course, the two rituals did not feel that Lin Luo was teasing herself, but more like a kind of instructional battle. Many flaws that even she herself did not realize were revealed by Lin Luo after the battle.

The two ceremonies can clearly know that their horizons are gradually becoming wider.

That’s right, in fact this is just a guiding battle, because the strength of the two ceremonies is too weak.

Although the two ceremonies are extremely strong from the public’s point of view, how are they actually? Now that the twenty-seventh ancestors and UOs have appeared continuously outside of the ordinary people, with the physique of ordinary people and the physiques of ordinary people in the two rituals, as long as the twenty-seventh ancestors do not commit two, what advantage can she take ?

Therefore, Lin Luo believes that it is necessary for the two rituals to realize what is the real power!

That unique power that exists in her body but has not been discovered by her!

“I want to go through the contest just now, you should have understood that the attack that missed the hit is useless, then…” Standing on the opposite side of the two rituals, Lin Luo smiled mysteriously, “Next topic I want to teach When the time, the hit attack can work!”

Hit the attack?

The two rituals were taken aback for a moment. Before she could react from these words, Lin Luo had already rushed forward with electric shots.

For Lin Luo’s speed and strength, the two rituals have already fully understood, so she stabbed the dagger without hesitation, but… she thought she would miss again, but she was completely stunned in the next second.

Because Lin Luo didn’t dodge, but slammed straight into the dagger.

The sharp blade of the dagger really stuck in his palm, cutting his death line.

“As long as it is alive, it cannot be killed without the eye of death. Can this argument be overturned now?” Lin Luo stretched out his other hand and took the dagger from the two ceremonial hands that seemed to have been petrified. A calm and calm expression.

The two rituals stared wide-eyed and couldn’t say a word.

Obviously hit the death line but unscathed, this kind of thing… this kind of thing…

At this moment, the worldview of the two rituals was completely overturned.

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