The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 1217

Chapter 1213 A photo of the mirror of truth, turn you

Although the attributes are different from Luo Tianyi, to be correct, the head of the group should also be the kind of broken…Have you ever seen a normal person throw out the underwear he was wearing so decisively? How much courage, how negative temperament, many lower limits, and how not to treat yourself and the people around you as human beings? !

Well, Lin Luo also admitted that the fresh underwear of the head of the head is indeed a priceless treasure for some people, such as the head of the head and some fetish patients, but the cornucopia…

As soon as Lin Luo thought of this, he immediately saw that the cornucopia suddenly radiated after eating the spring underwear, releasing a more powerful force, and temporarily suppressing the projection of the mirror of reality.

Damn it! Cornucopia, what is your morals? !

Lin Luo collapsed again, what the **** is this? After throwing so many babies, I didn’t see it glowing and serving the people. The head of the head of the underwear made it so excited, cheating!

Lin Luo finally confirmed that this cornucopia is definitely not a good thing, and 80% of it is just like himself, a shameless and shameless bitch!

Although I wanted to smash this **** on the ground, then stepped on a few feet hard, and finally threw it into the sewer to see the mermaid in the sewer, but now it still has to rely on this **** to save his life, so Lin Luo can only take this The impulse was suppressed and continued to feed it.

When Kasuga saw that the effect of eating his **** was not worse than that of Hatsune’s Guangyu, the expression on his face became more excited, and he immediately took off his bra and exerted force. Throw it to the cornucopia, and then stare excitedly as if looking at something interesting.

Hey, head, stop making trouble… Lin Luo really feels speechless.

What made him even more speechless was that the cornucopia that had been suppressed by the projection of the mirror of reality, after eating Haruhi’s bra, resolutely glowed with a second spring, and once again counterattacked aggressively.

Cornucopia, you have enough!

With these two live treasures in front of him, Lin Luo almost forgot how dangerous his current situation was. His inner spit and desire erupted crazily, but when he found that there was nothing left in the storage space. When it was lost, the desire gradually cooled, and his eyes instinctively looked towards Hatsune.

Although Kasuga’s bras and **** are very powerful, they are still limited after all, because no one wears more than two **** and bras on themselves, so in the previous period, the most powerful feeding will be given. The person blocked by the projection of the mirror of reality is not someone else, but Hatsune who claims to be a collector of plane treasures.

Having traveled through countless worlds, wandering in the past and the future, Hatsune has not only left her singing voice in the worlds she has visited, but also put all the famous treasures in that world into her pockets, such as the Sage’s Stone. Things like radiant jade, seven obsidian stones, and even the ancient ark, all of them have earth-shattering power… If you pour out all the things in her fourth-dimensional pocket, even the strongest of the heavens will be scared. One jump, it’s even more Doraemon than Doraemon.

At this moment, in order to deal with the projection of the mirror of reality, she has fed most of the treasures to the cornucopia. It is precisely because of her reluctance that the three of them are still safe.

Therefore, when Lin Luo saw her tearful movement of taking out treasures from her four-dimensional pockets slower and slower, he couldn’t say anything when he originally wanted her to throw them faster.

After all, this kind of thing is really painful. It’s as if you have spent years and painstaking efforts to finally collect the ergonomic ACG of hundreds of hard drives, and then one day, someone is forcing you. Smash these hard drives with ergonomic ACG one by one, what kind of human tragedy can you imagine?

Others don’t know, Lin Luo only knows that if that person is him, he will definitely fight the opponent!

Therefore, Lin Luo fully understands Hatsune’s mood at the moment.

Therefore, when he saw that even though Hatsune was in tears and his actions were getting slower and slower, he still took out the treasure from his pocket and threw it to the cornucopia. Instead of urging, he looked like he was sacrificing himself to save the world. The Virgin looked at her with the same eyes, full of worship and admiration.

“Don’t look at me with this kind of eyes, you look at me with this kind of eyes…I…” After Hatsune noticed Lin Luo’s sympathetic eyes, the tears flowed more serious, almost even talking. I couldn’t say it, but it was probably because my heartache was so extreme that I felt angry and broke my heart. I violently removed the four-dimensional pocket from my body, then quickly took out the treasure and threw it to the cornucopia, while yelling while throwing it away. : “Promise me, I must live well!”

“I know, after this war is over, you will return to your hometown to get married.”

“The picture of your daughter is cute!”

“I know, you had a great time during this time!”

“Leave it to you here, let us go? I understand!”

“Today you don’t even care about Ashura?”

“Then, please come back!”

“You are already invincible in the world!”

“…” Lin Luo stared at her in amazement, and the death FLAG came out of her mouth, but it was not a normal pattern, what was this? Anti-death FLAG, or send death FLAG to those treasures of her?

Lin Luo doesn’t know, but he knows that the treasures eaten by the cornucopia will be converted into energy, and it is impossible to restore it anyway. In other words…if they have life, then they are using their own lives to forge them. The Great Wall of blood and tears, and the Hatsune that gave them lunches while crying bitterly and laughing, was obviously broken!

“Give me all to die! Hahahahaha!!!” In the end, in the laughter that was almost crazily broken, Hatsune violently threw her entire four-dimensional pocket to the cornucopia.

After eating so many treasures at once, the cornucopia immediately entered a state of runaway, the light was shining like the sun, even Lin Luo was flashed so hard to open his eyes, and then extremely terrifying power was released from the cornucopia , Rushing towards the projection of the mirror of reality.

After all, it is not the body, but just a projection. The power it possesses is limited. In addition, the farther the projection of the mirror of reality is from the body, the power that can be released will be relatively weakened. This projector also gradually couldn’t hold on, and began to tremble violently.

Then, just as the two forces were in a stalemate with each other, the impact of their confrontation spread in all directions. Space and time, and even some small worlds that existed in the gap, were crushed into powder in an instant, And as the spread of this shock accelerated, even the three of Lin Luo were affected.

“No, the power ran away!”

Seeing that the opportunity was not good, Lin Luo’s complexion suddenly changed, and instinctively wanted to speed up the teleport. Hatsune and Haruhi had the same thoughts as him, but they were still a step slower after all. Just as Lin Luo’s voice fell, the mirror of truth Yingying and the cornucopia completely ran away…just a loud boom, the next moment, the three of them were completely swallowed by this explosion.

When Lin Luo and the three of them fought against the projection of the mirror of reality, the three demon and demon also launched a fierce battle with Luo Tianyi. The self-rule of changing their lives against the sky makes the demon and demon have a more powerful and terrifying body than the ancient immortality of the heaven Physical destructive power, breaking the universe with one hand, breaking the sky with a single foot, and destroying the world between the hands and feet. Even the black air current that has broken the ○ ring cannot cause any harm to her body, forcibly rushing in, Torn, the domineering power of destroying the world relentlessly hit Luo Tianyi.

What space, what time, what universe, all seem meaningless here.

Smash in one blow!

Hong Ling controls the three thousand heavenly Dao, and each one is the supreme truth in the world. She has three thousand heavenly principles in one body. She speaks the law, the intention is the law, the body moves with the heart, and every word and deed has the power of destroying the world. And under her words and deeds, the Three Thousand Heavens Principles condensed into countless small worlds, then compressed into the size of a fist, and shot at Luo Tianyi like a shot bullet.

Sometimes even the explosion and destruction of the small world may affect the survival of the big world. Nowadays, these countless small worlds are hyper-compressed by her. If it is detonated, I am afraid that in addition to the endless world can be spared, even Yuan Thousands of worlds will be destroyed in an instant.

At this moment, all these small worlds flocked to Luo Tianyi, which is imaginable horror.

Yiren controls all the accidents and inevitability in the world, even if the supreme law of fate exists in her accidental thoughts, relying on this extreme law, even if she just stands there and looks at the past: see the mountains and landslides. , Watch the sea dry up, watch the sky collapse, watch the earth burst. She can see the ups and downs of the world, life and death, movement and stillness, interior and exterior, emptiness and surplus, all within a single glance.

At a glance, the world is destroyed, and at a glance, the world is reborn.

Now, looking at Luo Tianyi with all the accidental and inevitable eyes, the power that could not be seen directly with the naked eye began to affect her destiny and existence.

Regardless of which world these three people are placed in, a stomping is enough to make the world tremble and make thousands of gods and demons kneel down. Their existence is so strong that even the Yuanqian world cannot accommodate their thoughts. At this moment, the three of them teamed up to deal with one person, which was truly shocking.


As the true heart of the oldest existence in the current era, after her fusion with Luo Tianyi, both her own existence and combat effectiveness have been greatly improved. Faced with the joint attack of the three people, her expression is calm and looks Relaxed, not only did not fall under the wind, but also faintly occupy the advantage.

When the mirror of reality shone, the dazzling light instantly penetrated the body of demon and demon infinite training, and instantly melted Hong Ling’s countless small worlds. Even Yiren’s accidental thoughts were bounced back by this light and could not be invaded.

“Do the members of the Shiji Tour Group only have this strength? It disappoints me too much!”

Standing on the void, Luo Tianyi proudly looked down at them with an invincible posture.

In the surroundings, Yao Yao, Hong Ling, and Yiren are all dignified faces. Although they have long known that each other is strong, even if the three of them work together, it is difficult to obtain them, but they didn’t know that the strength of the other party was fundamentally strong. It’s not what they can fight against now.

“Damn it! If Qiqi can be here…no, even as long as Xueyin is here…”

Hong Ling’s silver teeth clenched and said unwillingly.

She knew very well that the enemy in front of her could rank in the top three even if they entered the Shijie Group, but in terms of sheer strength, only the head and deputy head of the Shijie Group, Qiqiqi, could fight her. Although due to the problems of their respective attributes, Qiqi could completely suppress her, she completely suppressed the group leader, and the group leader was able to suppress the weird situation of Qiqi.

However, it is impossible for other people, even the ten other protagonists of the tour group who were loved by the world, to defeat her alone. After all… she is the sacrificed protagonist!

In fact, in the era after July 7th, the world will give birth to two protagonists, one yin and one yang complement each other, one of them is their head, and the other is the woman in front of them, but for various reasons, she Passing on her protagonist’s destiny to her younger brother, she disappeared.

The protagonist is sacrificed, which is something that could not have happened anyway.

But this really happened. It’s just that as the protagonist, it’s not that simple to want to pass away, even if she voluntarily, and precisely because of this, with her reappearance, the turmoil of the world is only possible. It will happen in a later era, causing countless irreversible consequences.

It can be said that the world was saved because of her, but it was also destroyed because of her!

She is the true origin of all this!

Originally, if Qiqi were able to live, it would not be difficult to deal with her, but now that Qiqi is silent, their last trump card is Xueyin… At the time of the tour group, she Hong Ling and Yiren also has Xueyin and Yaoyao. The relationship between the four is the best, and the cooperation is the most tacit. If the four join forces, even if they face the leader and deputy leader Qiqi at the same time, they will have the power to fight.

But now, Xueyin has not yet awakened, and the three of them are in a low state. Both the strength and cooperation of the single player are flawed. After the other party has obtained the body of the host, it has been strengthened in all aspects, and even can be used. Most of the power of the Mirror of Truth… To put it simply, the three of them want to win this battle, and the possibility is almost zero!

The situation had been anticipated long ago, and countermeasures had been prepared long ago, but everything was ready… Only Xueyin owed it!

“If there is only this degree, then you can all go to death, now let you see the true power of the mirror of truth!”

Luo Tianyi smiled coldly, and while speaking, the mirror of reality aimed at the three of them again, dazzling bright light shining out.

Feeling that terrifying power is coming towards him, the three of them suddenly changed their expressions.

Hong Ling turned into light and wanted to avoid it, but just as the river would be swallowed by the sea, her avatar of light couldn’t stand up to the mirror of reality at all, and was shrouded in an instant. At the same time, Yaoyao and Yiren were not spared either, they were covered by the strong light one after another.

Then, a miraculous scene appeared.

Under the strong light, the bodies of the three people began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a moment, all three women who were originally graceful turned into little girls about ten years old, even The clothes on their bodies have also become baby clothes!

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