The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 1235

Chapter 1231 Takamachi Naha is just an ordinary woman

My name is Takamachi Nanoha, and besides being able to do magic and being possessed by strange things, as you can see, I am a very ordinary woman.

I have a favorite person, he is both my brother and my husband… Well, although he has done the kind of lustful things that can only be done with my husband, but to be precise, we are just lovers now. Maybe you will become a real couple in the future… No, I think it is definitely possible.

With my favorite brother, my best friend Fett and Hayate, and my adopted daughter Wei Weiou, I believe I will have a happy family in the future… I will probably add Alisa and Suzuka. , Alas, he is such a man of love, why do I have a soft spot for such a man?

Even if someone asks me, I can’t answer, because if you like it, you like it.

Happy leisure time always flies very quickly, although due to various reasons, our vacation time has been extended from one week to one month, but even so, this happy month is nearing its end.

If I want to return to the Space-Time Administration tomorrow, Fett and Haifeng are a little bit reluctant. Of course I am the same. After all, we have to work after we go back. It is impossible to enjoy life as carefree as we are now. But now that I have become the magister of the Space-Time Administration, I will not regret my future, because there are too many dangerous existences in this world that can threaten people’s daily lives, and someone must stand up to protect…Although I don’t know me Whether there is the ability to protect everyone, but someone expects, I will work hard, Fett and Hayate must think so.

It’s great, no matter how hard I work, I won’t be alone if I have someone to accompany me on this road.

I decided long ago that whether it is the peace of the world or my most important people, I will do my best to protect it. For this reason, no matter how powerful the enemy is, I will not be afraid.

In the evening, after everyone had dinner, just as Fett Hayate and the others began to pack and salute to prepare for tomorrow’s return, my brother called me out of the house, enjoying the cold moonlight while in the quiet streets. Walking side by side.

Along the way, my brother hardly said a few words, just walked silently, showing a somewhat thoughtful expression from time to time… It’s really strange, such a brother is really abnormal, if it was the past, he would definitely say something To tease me, even stubbornly treat me, and then when I can’t stand it, he drags me into the grass to do H.

Over the past month, my lustful and carefree brother will let me play field battles with him from time to time. Of course I didn’t want to be so shy at the beginning, but my cunning brother always used various methods to make me fascinated Stupefied, and when I woke up, he had already succeeded…What a badass!

And it’s not just me, Fett and Haifeng often suffer from this kind of suffering. What a bad man, why do you like this kind of thing… Well, although it is really comfortable.

When my brother asked me out before, I thought he wanted to fight with me again. Although I didn’t refuse, I secretly made up my mind that I would never let him succeed this time, but… now it looks like this It seems that my brother doesn’t seem to have that kind of thought, which makes me relieved.

That’s right, it’s fine to do this kind of thing at home, why should you run outside? How embarrassing if someone sees it.

However, since it’s not a field battle, what exactly does my brother want to do after asking me out?

“Oh, what a coincidence, this seems to be where we were talking for the first time ten years ago.”

I suddenly heard my brother’s voice when I was distracted, and the tone was the same as usual, but still so frivolous. In this case… there shouldn’t be any problems, right?

I looked in the direction my brother was pointing, and saw a bench near the sea, which immediately reminded me of what happened ten years ago… That night in the mood of looking for Fett, I met my brother, and then Sitting on this bench and talking a lot, not only let me know that I have the ability to predict the future, but also taught me a lot of things.

Ten years have passed. Time flies so fast.

Then, we sat down on that bench, feeling very nostalgic, as if we were back ten years ago, maybe… I already liked my brother at that time.

This feeling made me involuntarily leaning on my brother’s shoulder, and my brother was also holding my hand and gently stroking my hair…Really, he was a little different in normal times.

However, whether it is a lustful brother or such a gentle brother, I like it.

“Nayha, do you believe me?” My brother’s voice rang again.

“Of course.” Although I don’t know why my brother asked, I answered immediately. Even such a cunning brother would sometimes say something stupid…really, do you still need to ask about this kind of thing?

“But, I don’t believe in myself very much.”

“Huh?” What does this mean? I raised my head and looked at my brother, and found that he was just like me, looking up at the stars in the sky, but is he really looking at the stars? I think he is looking at something farther away.

“Look at the stars in the sky. Seen from us, they are the kind of things that glow, like little night pearls. But in fact, they are the same as the planet we live in. It is made of mud, and how can the mud shine… They use their appearance to deceive those who don’t know them. They are liars through and through.”

“Is there such a saying?” My brother said something that a fool would say like a fool, and I responded to him like a fool. It was a weird argument.

“Yes, whether it is their original intention or not, their existence does deceive a lot of people. Recently, whenever I look at them, I think of myself. In fact, I am almost like them… with hypocrisy, hypocrisy The existence of this deceives those who don’t know me.” My brother showed a wry smile on his face.

“Isn’t my brother a human being, but a monster?” I was suddenly taken aback.

My brother suddenly squeezed my face, “Of course it can’t be, fool.”

I forcefully broke free from his devil’s claws, pouting and said unhappily, “What, it’s obviously my brother who said it, saying that your appearance and existence are all false.”

I can’t imagine that I would make such a coquettish posture.

“Although I did say that, it was not what you meant.”

“what does that mean?”

“Yes…” My brother opened his mouth with an expression of hesitation, and in the end, even though I asked in every possible way, he never told me the reason, just looked at me with nostalgia and said, ” You will know one day in the future. I only hope that at that time, you don’t hate me.”

stupid stupid stupid! How could I hate my brother!

“No matter what happens, I won’t hate my brother.” My brother’s expression and tone are really too strange, and what he says is very unreliable. I don’t know how to respond. Tell him the true thoughts, but…please, don’t look like this, please become that lustful brother with no lower limit, as long as you change back, even if you let me accompany you to do it in this place.

I think this way, maybe it’s broken, but this is indeed my true thought. For me, there is only my brother who has no face and skin and always thinks about doing **** things with me in his mind. It makes me feel at ease.

Suddenly, there was a suffocation in my chest, and I found out that my brother had hugged me tightly in his arms, very hard, as if he wanted to melt me ​​in his body completely, a little breathless.

“Thank you, Nanoha.”

Why do you want to thank you? Isn’t my brother the clearest mind, such a brother is too strange!

“Brother, are you… crying?”

Suddenly, I seemed to hear the sound of sobbing.

“No, it’s the tide.”

Liar, brother, you really are a liar.

My brother lied. Although he said he didn’t cry, I still heard the choking feeling in his voice, which made me feel uncomfortable inexplicably and also felt heartache.

How could a person like his brother cry? Even if he really cried, it was probably when someone dies from me or Feite Hayate… Now everyone is fine, why are you crying?

“Brother, let’s do it.” I broke free from my brother’s arms and said, “I want it.”

Of course it is impossible for me to have any physical desires in such an atmosphere, but I really don’t know how to comfort my brother. All I can do is probably only use my body to bring him happiness… If this can make my brother change back. The original state, no matter how many times I do it, I am willing.

Then my brother hugged me again, kissed my lips vigorously, sucked my saliva, almost fainted from the kiss, but when I thought he would push me straight down like this, my brother was loose Hand, said in a tone that I could not understand: “Naba, please believe in yourself. You can not believe me, but you must believe in yourself anyway. Don’t forget under any circumstances, you must can do!”

I don’t know why my brother said this or what he meant, but what I can finally feel is: at this moment, my brother is being tortured by a pain that I don’t understand, and he doesn’t want to tell me. , He just pinned his hopes on me, ready to face the pain alone.

selfish! It’s so selfish, brother!

He is bothered and lascivious. I think about doing **** with girls all day long. I like to tease and bully the bad brother, but selfishly want to take it alone. Such a brother, I…the most annoying!

With an unspeakable mood, I don’t know how I returned home. Even when I returned to the Space-Time Administration the next day, I was still immersed in this unspeakable mood, thinking in my mind. The only thing is: that night, looking at the distant starry sky, with infinite nostalgia and reluctance in his eyes, as well as the painful face of his brother who said goodbye.

What I didn’t know was that the conversation that night was the last conversation between Takamachi Nanoha and my favorite and most important man named “Lin Luo”, who is both an elder brother and a lover.

The temples.

Luo Tianyi has been standing at Yunxiao for nearly a month, without eating or drinking, without saying a word, looking at this world that will never usher in the night, standing quietly like a stone statue until that The girl named No. 36 came to her again, and she got out of this state.

“Tianyi, you shouldn’t stop it this time.”

“Have you really decided?”

Two voices came from Luo Tianyi’s mouth, the first one was deep and full of magnetism, but revealed endless vicissitudes, and the other was gentle and sweet, but with a touch of sorrow.


“No regrets?”

“No regrets.”

“Are you willing?”

“Not reconciled.”

“…I see, I won’t stop you.”

“Thank you, Tianyi.”

“Don’t thank me, I just hope… you don’t give up.”

Immediately, the gentle and sweet voice was completely immersed, and Luo Tianyi turned around and looked at the girl in red, who was standing on one knee and kneeling in front of him, and said: “No. 36, your sisters are about to wake up. ?”

“Because of the master’s help, their strength and sanity are recovering. It is estimated that they will be able to truly wake up in at most one cycle.” 36 replied.

“That’s good.” Luo Tianyi nodded, and then said with emotion, “I really didn’t expect that we, who were originally hostile, would come together in this way, and you will return to this world in this form. Probably you are also troubled.”

“No, I think it’s good.”

“Really, let you follow an incompetent person like me, really wronged you.” Luo Tianyi sighed.

Hearing these words, No. 36 got up, no longer the kind of subordinate looking at the superior, but looking directly at Luo Tianyi with an equal look, and said: “You worry too much, no matter what kind of relationship we had in the past. , That is already a kind of past, now I only survive as the 36th, since you need me, then I will fight for you, there is nothing else.”

“You… are really free and easy.” Luo Tianyi smiled indifferently, and brushed his shoulders with her. He just walked halfway but stopped, and said without looking back, “I’m going to go and finish. The last thing I want to do, will you stay here to take care of your sisters, or go with me?”

No. 36 followed without hesitation, “I have the responsibility to protect you.”

In the few days after returning to the Time and Space Administration, apart from the presence of Alisha that made the atmosphere a little noisier, and the celebration of Dalin’s return from duty, almost nothing commendable happened. Everything was calm, as if there would never be war in this world.

But there are only two people whose moods are not as calm as they are on the outside. One is Lyrical Nanoha. The conversation with Lin Luo that night kept her caring very much. She always felt that something bad would happen, and was cautious every day. . The second person is Lin Luo, but no one knows his inner thoughts.

Then, in this atmosphere, one night, the Space-Time Administration headquarters sounded the most advanced alarm in history, and less than ten seconds after the alarm sounded, all the technological magic systems were paralyzed, and I was immersed in the end of my dream. The people in is still asleep, but the awake people fall down one by one.

In just a few minutes, although no one died, except for Lin Luo and Nayha, everyone seemed to have been hypnotized and could no longer wake up.

“Brother, what happened?”

Nanoha, Fett, Hayate, Alyssa, Suzuka, and Hayate’s guardian knights, these awake people met Lin Luo at the fastest speed, and asked nervously.

Lin Luo smiled slightly, “Don’t worry, I’m already prepared for this day.”

In the voice, Lin Luo waved his hand, as if changing the world. With his movements, the time-space administration that everyone was familiar with had disappeared in front of them. They were in an inexhaustible void, and the yellow sand was all over the sky. The night has also become a bright day.

Although such a change surprised Nayha and the others, what she surprised them even more was the huge army that followed… She saw countless black shadows rushing towards them from the other side of the sky like locusts.

“It’s them!”

Everyone’s complexion suddenly changed, and these dark shadows will never forget them, because three years ago, it was because of the appearance of these guys that the Space-Time Administration was destroyed, and Nanoha and the others also faced death several times because of this.

“These are the abyssal demons. With the arrival of a certain big man, they were pulled out of the cracks of the world and used as guns. In order to make it easier for you to fight, I prepared this inner world in advance. Here you can truly Full of full power, there is no need to worry about your power threatening the outside world.” Lin Luo explained.

“Brother knew they would come?”

“That’s it.”

boom! ! !

Just as several people were talking, the Abyss Demon Race on the opposite side had already flown to the front, and launched an attack without saying a word, and endless gunfire shot at them.

However, as a faint light curtain flashed in front of everyone, all attacks were blocked.

“Sorry, your attack couldn’t even touch my clothes and feet.”

Lin Luo looked at them as if looking at ants, then turned to look at Lyrical Nanoha and others, and solemnly said: “I will leave it to you here. Do what you want to do as much as you want, trust me and trust you. I can see hope as long as I believe it.”

“Brother, how about you?”

“I, it’s time to end up with that big man.” Lin Luo raised his head and said in a deep voice.

In the next moment, his figure disappeared in front of everyone.

Although there are many things to ask, obviously there is no such time at this moment. Everyone looked at the abyss demons on the opposite side, and a flame-like warfare emerged.

“Heart of the rising sun, go all out.”

When the voice fell, Lyrical Nanoha’s blasting mode had already been activated.

Next, the real high energy is coming.

Chapter 1232 Since everyone is dead, then everything is ruined…by Lyrical Nanoha!

8,000-character chapter with high energy at the back

Nanoha’s magic device, Heart of the Sun, has many modes, normal standby mode, speed meteor mode, bombardment mode, explosive Fengxia mode, enhanced dome mode, upgraded Xinghuang mode, and far and near. The omnipotent, almost all-around artillery mode, in this mode, the melee ability that Lyrical Nanoha originally lacked has also been fully compensated for.

Although under normal circumstances, Nanoha uses standby mode and Xinghuang mode. After all, Xinghuang mode can limit her magic power. Even maintaining the lowest level of output can make her invincible, so the first few have defects. , And the latter model, which is similar to the human-shaped Gundam, is hardly used.

But in addition to these, Nanoha has an ultimate mode that condenses all the advantages of the above seven modes, and greatly strengthens all of these advantages, that is, the skyrocketing mode she uses at the moment.

This mode, Nanoha was only used in the battle with the Abyssal Demon three years ago.

After the explosion of the sky mode, Nanoha’s original work clothes became a set of blue and white magic protective clothing. Compared to ten years ago, the skirt of this suit was longer, until the toes were bare, and a pair of white was worn on the feet. Magic steel boots. From top to bottom, there is a blue and white separable long round shield on each of her shoulders, but although it is a shield on the surface, it is actually a dual-purpose armed machine for offensive and defensive purposes. In addition to automatically generating position protection, the inside Swords for close combat are also hidden inside.

Then Nanoha is holding a huge assault cannon in her hand. Not to mention, the size of the muzzle alone is enough to make people sweat. Down, there are two protective armors on both sides of her waist. , But the most terrifying thing is the staff of the Heart of the Rising Sun. I don’t know how Lyrical Nanoha has changed it. The staff that had to be held in his hands has been split into twelve floating cannons over a meter long. Wrap around her side up and down.

If the previous Nanoha was just a magical girl holding a staff and shooting a cannon, then she in the sky-blast mode is a complete human-shaped Gundam…Of course, even the real high rise is estimated to be only fighting power in front of her. There are only five scum.

Then, facing the countless abyssal demons, the humanoid Gundam Lyrical Nanoha attacked without fear. She did not have a variety of skills, nor did she walk with coquettish style. She just carried the cannon in her hand and carried twelve floating doors. The cannon rushed straight up…It was like a tiger rushing towards the flock. When the gunfire started, the vast expanses of the abyss demons disappeared from the map.

Almost at the same time, other people started their battles, and it was Fett who rushed into the enemy line first.

Although Fett is essentially an almighty magister, whether it is shooting magic, melee magic, search and wide-area magic, she is not as good as she is. After focusing on strengthening her best field, she is now Is completely incarnate as a ship slayer magister.

Wearing a tight black combat uniform, wearing a black cloak, holding a half-meter wide and three-meter long stretchable golden ship sword, hundreds of golden long swords put out a sword net around her, golden In the hair dancing room, she had already reached the concentrated area of ​​the Abyss Demon Race through teleportation magic, and then…like a world-destroying sword formation descending from the sky, with hundreds of golden long swords and ship-cutting knives flying, the Abyss Demon The number of clans is rapidly decreasing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Immediately afterwards, the two guardian knights Vita and Signum also rushed to the abyss demon on their left, one holding a hill-like hammer and the other holding a long sword burning with blazing flames, shouting vigorously. In the sound, it was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, unfolding a terrifying massacre.

The Abyss Demon Race that struck from the right was blocked by Alisa and Suzuka. After continuing all the abilities of a certain legendary wizard with the ability to kill the gods, after ten years of development, Alisa’s strength It can only be described as horror. With the sound of the spell, the magic of lightning and flames intertwined, and from time to time there will be a loud roar of dragons, gorgeous and magnificent, powerful and shocking, making people breathtaking.

As for Suzuka, who inherited the bloodline of the Night of Blood, she does not have the terrifying destructive power of Alisa, but as soon as she enters the battle state, this soft girl becomes a cold and coquettish night witch, relying on that completely unable to use the naked eye. At the speed of capture, she traversed in the Abyss Demon Race. From a distance, she seemed to have transformed into hundreds of figures. Wherever she went, she was full of blood and blood, which made people feel terrified.

Finally, the wind.

Because Hayate is a wide-area magister, although it covers a wide range and has great lethality, it needs to chant spells when releasing large-scale magic, and cannot move freely. So just in case, the other two guardian knights with relatively weak combat power do not have it. Joining the battle with the abyss demons, but guarding her side, by the way, also assisting everyone.

And Xiao Lin, who has the ability to merge, merged with Hayate at the very beginning.

So, wearing a black and white magical uniform, six black wings grew out of his back, off-white hair wearing a white hat, holding the Yetian Magic Book in his left hand, and holding a golden staff in his right. The wind was almost the same except for the hair color. Dressed Dalin, the two stood on their backs and sang together the wide-area annihilation magic that represents the gods and the end of the world-the dusk of the gods!

Regardless of the power when the magic is released or the scope of the magic, the dusk of the gods at this moment is more than a hundred times stronger than ten years ago, and the horrible magic wave that is almost like the collapse of the world has been dropped, and even the screams are not there. Before it happened, the Abyss Demon Race was turned into ashes in pieces…Just one attack, the total amount of the Abyss Demon Race was reduced by one-tenth, and this was not counted as those destroyed by Nanoha and the others. Completely surpassed the sum of other people’s kills.

Although in terms of numbers, Neha and the ten of them wanted to deal with the Abyss Demon Race, which is worth billions of dollars. It is no different from a mantis arm blocking a car, but when they really fight, the ten of them have completely killed the Abyss Demon Race. Without the power to fight back, he completely slaughtered with crushing force.

If they were replaced by another opponent, they might not be so cruel, but the Abyss Demon Race was the enemy who almost forced them to death three years ago, and after their investigation, they have long been determined. These guys are not theoretically considered to be enemies. Normal creatures, but energy body creatures that instinctively erode the world, not to mention humans, even monsters can’t even be called, dealing with such enemies, they will naturally not be merciful.

“Pick and tumble, the number is really huge, but…I won’t let you succeed!”

Nanoha drank loudly, and the twelve floating cannons shot out instantly, destroying a large number of Abyss Demon Races again… Compared to her own situation, Nanoha was more worried about Lin Luo, even if she knew Lin Luo’s The strength must be far above her, but this is not a reason to reassure her, so she must eliminate these enemies as soon as possible, and then go to support Lin Luo.

Because of Lin Luo’s interference, her ability to foresee prevented her from seeing the future of Lin Luo’s existence, but the uneasy feeling in her heart was extremely strong at this moment, and she faintly felt that if she did not go, terrible things would happen. .

Such a thing… she would never allow it!

On the other hand, at the moment when Lyrical Nanoha and the others began to fight with the Abyss Demon Race, Lin Luo had already stepped out of the magic cannon world and came to the blank area of ​​the endless world, and then he saw that it was not far away. The expected person stood in the place.

“Unexpectedly, we met so soon, my dear brother.” Luo Tianyi still held the mirror of reality as he saw before, and looked at Lin Luo with a meaningful expression.

But Lin Luo was not as surprised as the first time I saw her. He just shook his head and smiled slightly: “I thought of it a long time ago. When that guy started urging me, I knew you would come.”

“Really.” Luo Tianyi grinned noncommittal. “You are really calm.”

“Sorry, there is no surprise as you imagined it, I probably disappointed you.”

“Hehe, although calm is a good thing, is it really okay to just come and meet me like this? Your little girlfriends are facing a very dangerous situation.”

“It’s okay, those trash fish are not their opponents, no matter how many they come, it’s useless.”

“It’s really self-confident, but… I don’t mean them by the danger.”

“Oh, did you bring any other helpers this time?”

Luo Tianyi shook his head and smiled, “If I let my helper deal with them, I’m afraid they will have their souls out of the sky in a few seconds… Well, it’s not a big deal, just a little bit of the evil in this world, and by the way It enters a state of excessive self-consciousness, and it is not very powerful, at best it can easily kill the quasi-celestial rank.”

Although Luo Tianyi said it lightly, Lin Luo felt tight when he heard it… he could easily kill the quasi-celestial rank, that is to say, the lowest rank was also a half-celestial rank!

Luo Tianyi, did you send a guy of that level to his inner world?

Lyrical Nanoha and others…maybe in danger!

“Worry, do you want to go back and have a look? Don’t worry, I can let you finish the matter first.”

“When did you become so generous?”

“Because the result is the same, no matter what they do, they have only one dead end. I have always been more tolerant of the dead.”

“Thank you so much, but…I won’t go back.”

“Oh It really surprised me. I didn’t expect my dear brother to have such a cold-blooded side.”

“You are wrong, I do not go back because I have no need to go back at all. No matter how powerful the enemy is, I believe her… Lyrical Nanoha, she will definitely not lose!” Lin Luo said sternly as if he had promised. .

Luo Tianyi’s smile suddenly cooled down.

“Brother, he will die.”

“Does it mean me?”

Luo Tianyi did not answer, but stared at him with extremely cold eyes.

“You are different from last time. If you said that you had a distorted love for me last time, then all I feel now is your hatred for me.” Lin Luo stared at it the same way, sighing in his heart.

“Love and hate are only one step away.” Luo Tianyi said.

“You are right, there is no hate for love.” Lin Luo nodded and said solemnly, “Whether it is love for power, love for money, love for power, love for beauty, or Love for friends and relatives can evolve into a sin that can destroy everything around you, just like between you and me, if there is no love, how can it develop to this point, in the final analysis… love is the best Things, but also all the original sins.”

“You finally understand, my dear brother, I’m really relieved to be an older sister, so, can you go to death now?” Luo Tianyi tilted his head, with a sickly smile on his face.

“I think… the time has not come.”

“Oh, do you think you have a way to deal with me? Do you know that the reason why you survived last time was entirely because I had no intention of killing you at all, but now I have changed my mind.”

“Of course I know, but I am also different from last time…” At this point, Lin Luo suddenly closed his eyes and raised his head slightly to face the sky, then spit out three words from his mouth, “I… …accept!”

At the moment when the last word fell, suddenly, an unparalleled majestic aura burst out of his body and turned into a wave visible to the naked eye. With him as the center, it swept toward the endless world in an instant. In just a moment, countless dead stars began to glow with vitality, the world shrouded in darkness pulled out the black mist to see the sky, the withered flowers and plants rose again to release fragrance, the withered trees once again opened their branches and leaves… the whole is endless. Everything in the world was covered by a breath of life, even Luo Tianyi couldn’t help but step back under this breath, and tried his best to stand firm.

“You…!” When the breath dissipated, Luo Tianyi’s face was moved for the first time in history. He looked at Lin Luo with incredible eyes and could hardly speak.

“It’s been a long time, my sister, now…I can call you like that.” Opening his eyes and looking at Luo Tianyi again, Lin Luo’s face had a kind of confidence and pride that he had never had before, better than that. High above the omnipotent gods who despise mortals, they are also better than the emperor who sits on the throne and looks down on his subjects to dominate the world, but he does not have the arrogance of the gods, nor the violence of the emperor, but faintly reveals his integration with the whole world. As one of nature.

This is a kind of temperament, powerful but not arrogant, domineering but not arrogant, the temperament of the head of all things.

“So that’s it!” After returning to his senses, looking at Lin Luo, who had the same appearance but completely different temperament, Luo Tianyi finally understood what was going on, “Do you have the courage to come to me? , It turns out that you have already come back, my brother, should you call you… the head of the group?”

“Any one is me, you can call it whatever you want,” Lin Luo said lightly.

That’s right, Lin Luo is no longer the pure Lin Luo, but also the head of the Shi Tour Group!

“Then… what is that?!”

I originally thought that after the abyss demon clan was resolved, their battle would be over, but what I didn’t expect was that at the moment when the abyss demon clan was completely wiped out, a black energy was wrapped around his body and absorbed from all directions at an unimaginable speed. A dark and terrifying figure appeared in front of them.

Roaring, neighing, wailing, countless scalp-numbing voices sounded as the black shadow absorbed the darkness, bringing fear, anxiety, and panic… Various negative emotions breed from the bottom of their hearts.

Although the body is unknown and the origin is unknown, just looking at it like this, they feel an unspeakable tremor. The instinct of life is urging them to stay away from this existence as soon as possible!

Of course, Lyrical Nanoha and the others will not run away, but their will is indeed oppressed, and they can no longer control their bodies freely. Under the instinctive urging direction, they step back step by step, their eyes are full of horror.

Then, just when the darkness of the whole world was completely absorbed by the black shadow, the black shadow suddenly let out a sigh of satisfaction, and the twisted figure slowly stabilized, forming a complete human form with a black body and black skin. , Black hair, only the eyes and the terrifying fangs that appeared when he opened his mouth, were full of extremely contradictory paleness.

“Yes, little guys, it took me a little earlier than I expected. It’s not bad, it’s really good, such a delicious food…Wow hahahahaha!!!” The shadow opened. With both hands, he looked up to the sky and let out a crazy laugh.

“Who are you?” Naha frowned and asked in a deep voice.

“Who am I?” Soi Kage lowered his head fiercely, and stared at Neha with eyes that were ten thousand times more terrifying than the devil. “What a stupid question! Seeing the scene just now, I still don’t understand me. Save

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