The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 1243

Chapter 1239 The essence of the heart of the world, a

Mingjie, the city of the sky.

This day was very lively. Except for Haruhi Suzumiya, Hatsune Miku, and Luo Tianyi, all the hosts gathered together. It can be regarded as the first host gathering in history. In addition, there are also some tour groups. Hong Ling, Yiren, Xueyin and Yaoyao…beautiful, mysterious and powerful.

But so many people gathered together, but there was no festive atmosphere, and no rivals were jealous when they met. Everyone except Yiren had a solemn expression.

And the one who presided over this rally is undoubtedly Hong Ling.

“What kind of situation is the current situation? I think everyone has already understood it. I will not repeat it. As I said before, the most important thing for you now is to master the power of the heart of the world, but before that , You still need to understand some things, that is… what the heart of the world is!” Hong Ling looked at the crowd calmly, criticizing.

“The heart of the world was transformed by the ancient powerhouse, isn’t it like this?” Mikoto asked.

Hong Ling nodded and shook his head, “You are only half right. The heart of the world is indeed transformed by the ancient powerhouse. For example, it caused us to obstruct No. 36 not long ago. She is one of the sixth group of world hearts. The avatars in this era… are different from you, because the host of the sixth group has all died, so they are directly awakened to the heart of the world without going through the host, their strength is far higher than yours…”

“Wait! You said this as if we were all superfluous.” Tosaka Rin said dissatisfiedly.

Hong Ling smiled slightly, “Hehe, although it looks like this on the surface, the actual situation is not like this. Let me tell you first. First of all, let me introduce myself to the identities of these people.”

Pointing at Yao Yao Xueyin Yiren and the others, Hong Ling said to the crowd: “Presumably everyone already knows that these four of us belong to the Shilu Group organization. There is actually no big deal about the nature of this organization. An ordinary small group, just because the group’s strength is strong enough, and by the way it eliminated some characters like the evil devil, and did a few things to save it, so it was gradually pushed to the altar…Of course. A long, long time ago, there was also a prophecy saying that we were twelve pillars or something, and then we became heroes as prophesied, worshipped by countless people, but as far as we are concerned, we never put these Keep things in mind, because the meaning of our lives is not for praise, but for freedom.”

Although Hong Ling said lightly, with a nonchalant tone, the demon monsters also looked as usual, but everyone who has a little understanding of them knows that what Hong Ling said at this moment is not something that can be ignored, so it is also Without interrupting, everyone listened attentively.

Hong Ling continued: “After gradually becoming a hero, countless strong men came here. Although we did not intend to expand the organization to rule the world, after all, in some battles in the past, most people have helped us a lot. He’s busy, and there are some powerful beings born indirectly because of our relationship, so it is not convenient for us to refuse, so the original time tour group with only twelve members has also grown, such as the destiny and the way of heaven that you know , And the acting gods of God War, are all our former subordinates.”

“Huh?!” Everyone was shocked upon hearing this.

“Really… it’s amazing. I thought that the acting **** was your opponent or something.” Mikoto said incredulously. If it weren’t for Hong Ling’s own words, she would not believe it. Those seem to be omnipotent. The Acting God, turned out to be just a subordinate of Shi Zhi Ji Tuan, then… how powerful is Shi Ji Tu Tuan?

Although she has reached the half-step Tianchuang, she does not think that she can compete with the acting god.

Even Mikoto thinks this way, so naturally others don’t need to say more.

Hong Ling was indifferent, and then said: “Although we have accepted almost everyone who wants to follow us, so that the power of the Shizhi Group can spread throughout the endless world in an instant, as far as we are concerned, the members of the Shizhi Group are still There are only the first twelve people, we live freely, don’t want to be interfered by others, and have no interest in changing the fate of others, let alone being the master of the world to control everything.”

“Why? Obviously there is such a powerful force, is there no ambition at all?” Altluci asked inexplicably.

Hong Ling shook his head and smiled bitterly, “Ambition… I’m here to ask you, when you can get almost everything you want with your own power, what kind of ambition do you have?”

“…” Alte Luci was speechless, indeed, fame, strength, eternal life, desired lifestyle, almost everything is possessed, what else is needed?

“This… seems a bit sad.” C.C sighed.

sad? Is it really sad?

After hearing C.C’s words, everyone instinctively thought that although they hadn’t reached the realm of Shi Jie Tuan, if you think about it carefully, there is no ambition, no desire, and no pursuit of life. There is indeed only a sad life left.

At this time, Hong Ling said again: “Of course, we are not completely without what we want, but what we want most has never been able to regain. It is this kind of regret that gives us enough motivation to continue to survive. Probably…this is also the reason why there are sometimes tour groups.”

“Time Tour Group?” Yakumo Zi frowned and suddenly said, “In other words, everything you want is stuck in the past, such as relatives and friends, so the name sometimes tour group is called because In your heart, you all want to be able to go back to the past and bring what you want to the future, right?”

“That’s correct, but this kind of thing is impossible.” Hong Ling smiled and said, “Although the strength of each of us has indeed reached the point where it can distort the timeline, it can change the past of most people. In the future, it is impossible to change one’s past, because such an approach is a complete denial of oneself. Even if it can succeed, it will only cause greater tragedy.”

“Healers don’t heal themselves…” Hui Ye said with emotion.

“That’s it, trying to change our past is the most stupid idea. Therefore, although we hope so in our hearts, we will never touch this taboo.” Hong Ling nodded.

Hearing these words, it is undoubtedly Altria that has the deepest impression. Not long ago, when the Lunar World merged with the Ming Realm, Altria of the heroic spirit and Altria of the host became one again. Although the separation a thousand years ago was not to change the timeline, the essence was From the above, why not want to change the past, at least that is what Altria, a hero, thinks.

Of course, she has completely abandoned this stupid idea.

Living, you can remember the past, but the direction you can see and your steps can only be the future!

“Obviously, I want to tell us the nature of the Heart of the World. Until now, I only talked about the Shiji Tour Group. So surely, the Heart of the World must have a great relationship with you, right?” Without too much sadness, the wind sees Youxiang. Asked.

“Yes, as you know, the four of us were ranked third, fourth, fifth, and twelfth seats in the time tour group, but in fact, you have already contacted half of the members… Long ago, the first and second seats, that is, the commander and deputy commander of the brigade, had a deep relationship with you.”

“Who is it?” everyone asked instinctively.

“It’s Lin Luo and the book of contract.”

“Uh!” Although I was more or less aware of it before, everyone couldn’t help being surprised when they heard this answer, and the expression on their faces became extremely complicated.

Hong Ling glanced at them and continued: “Lin Luo was the head of the tour group at that time, and the book of contract was something he created. Although I don’t know the specifics, through my calculations, roughly It should be like this: He wanted to do something, but couldn’t rely on him to do it, so he had to reincarnate himself, but before that he created the book of contract, something that can be specifically aimed at the heart of the world… …In fact, the God battle you participated in was also arranged by him before his reincarnation. The purpose is to collect all the hearts of the world.”

“Why do you want to do this?” Shana asked with a frown.

Before Hong Ling could answer, CC said, “This is not the question that should be asked now. What I want to know is, why do you think that the book of contract was created by him? If I am not mistaken, the book of contract is right. The Heart of the World has the ability to suppress it, and it is reasonable to use the Heart of the World to collect it, but you just said that he cannot do this with his own power, and the things he creates will not be stronger than him, so For one thing, this is contradictory.”

“Hmph, I really deserve to be the host of the Wisdom Heart, and I immediately caught the key point.” Hong Ling cast approving eyes, and then explained, “This is also the focus of what I want to say next, listen carefully. ……Although the powerful enemies we encountered in the tour group are innumerable, the only real threats to us are three times. One of them is sin karma, which killed our deputy commander Qiqi and at the same time let our The head of the regiment endured endless torture. The second was the Holocaust Holy War, which wiped out our entire army, leaving only a single seedling of the demon. The third is the attack of the Heart of the World!”

“Attack of the Heart of the World?” Everyone was taken aback.

“That’s right.” Hong Ling nodded. “Although the attack of the Heart of the World did not cause us substantial losses, it is the most difficult battle for us. If there is no fierce battle with the Heart of the World, Maybe our time tour group will not be destroyed at all.”

“What the **** is going on?” Jianshan Huangquan asked impatiently.

Hong Ling looked at the puzzled expressions of the crowd, and said calmly: “The heart of the world, as the name suggests, has an inseparable relationship with the world. It should be the center or heart of the world when you look at it literally, but so If you think about it, you are wrong. In fact, the heart of the world is the world… it is an endless world!”

“What?” Everyone’s complexion changed suddenly.

“Wait, that’s not right!” Mikoto stood up and said instinctively, “There is only one infinite world, the world we live in, but the heart of the world has forty-nine, and the endless world is fine now. Yes, this… why the heart of the world has become an endless world again?”

Hong Ling stretched out her hand to indicate, “You should be familiar with the concept of parallel world, right?”

Everyone nodded, suddenly thinking of something, “Could it be…”

“That’s it.” Hong Ling nodded. “Although from the perspective of our understanding, there is only one infinite world, but from a macro perspective, the infinite world also exists in plurals, but there are other We can’t reach the endless world at all, even with the strength of Tianwaitian, because the two are not in the same line at all, and they are areas that cannot be crossed at all.”

“Then, with the development of the infinite worlds, unexpected changes have taken place in forty-nine infinite worlds that we don’t know…seven of these infinite worlds, they have absorbed the human virtues, such as Courage, loyalty, kindness, etc., and then evolve from it to become the incarnation of an absolute character. Then because this kind of character is absorbed from human beings, after the evolution, these seven infinite worlds Exists in a human posture.”

“Have you ever dreamed of it? In your dream, you saw someone shattering the entire infinite world with a palm?” After seeing the crowd nodding, Hong Ling shook his head, “It’s a pity that I have never seen such a person. However, even Qiqi with the strongest combat power is difficult to do. In fact, the person you saw did not break the endless world, but in the final stage of evolution, the entire endless world It’s just integrated into one’s own body.”

“This kind of thing…” Hearing this, everyone was in a cold sweat.

“Why is the mystery of the Heart of the World so high? Why can the Four Great Wars of the Heart of the World solve all the mysteries in the world? This is the reason. The infinite world contains all the mysteries, and it is derived from the infinite world. The strong man can do this naturally.” Hong Ling said of course, “The more important point…because the infinite world can only absorb one kind of virtue, so for the strong man after the transformation, she represents her. Absolute incarnation of the kind of character that you have absorbed. For example, the kindness that Mikoto represents, in essence, evil is the object you must eliminate.”

“It turned out to be… like this.” Hearing this, Mikoto finally understood why she would have a sudden change when Xingyue World faced the evil of this world. Obviously, at that moment, the absoluteness of the kind heart was activated.

“Then another heart of the world…”

“The same reason.” Hong Ling nodded slowly. “The second group of world hearts absorbs human beliefs, such as the kingly information, such as the belief in hope, and the belief in the pursuit of extreme martial arts, etc. This group is evolving. After that, it also exists as a human body. Then the third group absorbs the seven primary colors of the world, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. They exist in their own colors. The fourth group absorbs unsolvable mysteries, such as Space, time, life, etc., they exist with this mysterious nature. The fifth group absorbs the elements of the world, light, dark, wind, water, fire, earth, and chaos. They exist as elemental bodies. Sixth. The group absorbs the nature of various phantom beasts, such as dragons and phoenixes, and they exist in this phantom beast posture. Then the most crucial seventh group… what they absorb is the uncertainty of the world. Such as the future, fantasy, and miracles, because they are uncertain, they are the most special.”

“These seven groups of world hearts represent seven different big concepts…Well, you should not be unfamiliar with the concepts, but in order for you to understand the terrible concepts more accurately…” At this point, Hong Ling suddenly Raising his hand, a pinch of sparks on his fingers burned slightly, and then asked everyone, “What is this?”

“Fire.” Everyone said in unison.

Hong Ling nodded, then stared, and asked again: “What is this?”

What is surprising is that at this moment, everyone looked at the flame with blank expressions in their eyes. After a long time, they answered intermittently: “Light?”



“Isn’t it water?”

“I have never seen it before…”

Hong Ling urged Shan with a smile, and instantly a flick of his finger, and the sound rang, everyone seemed to have returned to their IQs, with shocked expressions on their faces, “How could this be?”

Hong Ling said calmly: “This is nothing strange, because just now, I forcibly erased the concept of fire as you know it. That is to say, in your cognition, there is no such thing as fire anymore. In this way, you will take fire for granted as something else…this is the terrible concept!”

Everyone was suddenly stunned, but they were not surprised, “Then, the concept of the heart of the world…”

Hong Ling extinguished the flame in her hand and said: “Although the same concept, the content is completely different. The concept of fire I just demonstrated to you just now is just the basis of the concept and does not have much influence in essence, but the heart of the world is They represent absolute concepts, they don’t need to exist in opposition, only their own uniqueness is a unique existence.”

“This is the scary place, because they are unique, so no matter if it is the opposite or the opposite of them, they are all objects that they must eliminate. The absolute existence causes absolute destructiveness. Then, the more terrifying point , Because the endless world itself has the attributes of immortality, even if it is shattered, it will gradually recover, so the forty-nine powerhouses derived from this have indirectly become immortal existences. In the true sense it cannot be erased!”

After speaking, Hong Ling looked at the crowd and said solemnly: “Do you understand now? The essence of the heart of the world!”

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