The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 1258

Chapter 1254 Everything is difficult at the beginning

“Hey, beautiful ladies over there, do you want to hear the story?” In a quiet open-style small manor, there are a few beautifully dressed young guineas sitting and laughing while eating small drinks and snacks. They were talking, and at this moment, a handsome and handsome young man approached them and greeted them enthusiastically.

“It’s you again, what good stories do you have today?” The ladies were obviously no strangers to this young man, and asked with a smile.

“There are so many stories, but before telling the story, let me tell some ladies today about the dream I had last night…” The boy smiled heartily, “This is a very interesting dream, roughly like this. : Suddenly a thick, big, black snake appeared, then dived into the sea, inserted into the half of the apple like a sharp sword, and then turned into a pistol and fired bullets violently into it. You know this dream represents What?”

“Ah! What a terrible dream…” The ladies blushed, smiling and cursing.

After more than an hour, the teenager completely conquered these beautiful ladies with loneliness through his powerful style and excellent ventriloquist skills, and then took a dozen gold coins and left happily. As for the identity of this teenager, of course It’s Lin Luo… Oh, don’t get me wrong. The above content doesn’t have any uncomfortable factors. Lin Luo just told a few humorous pornographic stories, enriching the spiritual world of a few ladies who don’t know what esoteric literature is, so It’s just that you get the reward you deserve, and there is no such thing as a dirty and sexually blessed deal.

Now that he has decided to become a puppeteer, Lin Luo certainly won’t waste time, seriously studying the puppet making manual given to him by the middle-aged man. Although this manual does not have anything particularly eye-catching, it is just some basic methods for making puppets, and of course it also contains some alchemy, which is really of little use to those who are already puppet masters. But for Lin Luo, a pure newcomer, there is nothing better than this.

Basics, for beginners, this is more important than anything else.

If you are an ordinary person, even if you want to master these basics, it will take a year at the earliest, which is still better. But Lin Luo was different. He had mastered all the basics in less than a week, and he was even able to draw inferences about other things.

Although the speed is a little bit against the sky, it is only natural. After all, once a strong celestial rank, he was a strong celestial celestial being in his previous life. Even if his strength is gone, his experience and understanding will not disappear, plus a doll. Manufacturing is also a part of alchemy. Regardless of martial arts, magic ways and alchemy, many places have the same goal. Therefore, in terms of the speed of progress, even if the master craftsman is compared with him, it is also the firefly compared to the bright moon, and it is not at the same level.

Once the theoretical knowledge is mastered, then the next step will naturally be practice. Here, he has encountered a level that must be solved anyway but is extremely difficult to solve, that is-money!

Although Lin Luo Yiling was a poet who wanted to support himself, there was nothing wrong with it, but it was a bit impractical to make a doll with this. The most direct problem is the materials. Even the poor quality dolls all need materials. You can’t use air to make them, right?

Then there are tools. If you want to make excellent dolls, you need professional tools. You can’t do the carvings with your nails, right? And the most critical issue is that the scarcity of puppeteers nowadays has also made these professional tools scarce. They are basically invisible in the bright market. Apart from the black market, of course, there are also some rich and nobles who have collected them.

Finally, there is the place. Making dolls requires concentration, and the most fear of being interrupted by others, a quiet and empty place is also indispensable.

In summary, Lin Luo seemed to be making rapid progress, but in reality he was struggling. In a word, no matter what you do, you want to start from scratch and start from scratch, far from being able to do it with a determination.

You can’t steal, you can’t steal, and you don’t have any business savvy. Not to mention, just want to buy the material money for making dolls, that is an astronomical figure for Lin Luo now.

And this also made Lin Luo indirectly understand why so many puppet masters sell their own puppets to the rich, because they need money! Without sufficient financial support, how can they create their ideal doll? After all, in the manufacturing process of dolls, the waste of materials is definitely countless.

This does not require practice at all, Lin Luo can know.

Fortunately, although Lin Luo didn’t have the business mind, he still found the way to come through his careful research for a period of time…It was the lady who had nothing to do that day and only knew how to chat with flowers.

These ladies have a lot of free money in their hands, but their spiritual world is extremely empty. As long as they do what they like, it is not difficult to get some money from them, such as Lin Luo’s colorful stories… a man. It is not a shame for a man to be able to bend and stretch.

In fact, Lin Luo is still a bit of ethics. After all, with his good looks and eloquence, if he is willing to sell his body to go to bed with these ladies, the money he can get will definitely be ten times and one hundred times more than he tells the story, or even just wait. It is not difficult to bring materials and tools to the door, after all, several lonely ladies have winked at him.

It’s just that he still disdains to do this kind of thing after all, it is completely different from storytelling and making money.

With dozens of gold coins, plus the money earned a few days ago, Lin Luo was finally able to buy the first batch of materials for making the doll, so he immediately rushed to the store that had been negotiated. As for the tools, because one of the ladies who listened to the story had a collection of tools for the puppeteer, he had long been taken down by his rhetoric. Although the quality is not good, with his current technology, there is no need to use the tools. If you go to the black market to buy something, it’s not a small sum, so it’s barely enough.

And the last studio, this is not a problem, it has been prepared a few days ago.

Then, just like that, I set off to the shop and bargained for more than half an hour until the shop owner was almost blue, and Lin Luo finally walked to the four residences with four big wooden frames in his hand satisfied…Fortunately, these The materials are not very heavy, otherwise he may not be able to move back alone, but even so, he will have to move quite hard.

Lin Luo lives in a place close to a slum. Although the environment is a bit worse, it is relatively quiet and the most important thing is that the price is cheap. Now, no matter what he does, the first thing he considers is money… vulgar!

In fact, he was still a little worried about living in this kind of place. After all, people living in slums would inevitably have a few hobs. In case someone wants to find money, he is really not sure to deal with it now. Fortunately, the security in this city is pretty good. In addition, he has carefully observed the escape route and life-saving measures for a few days. He has calculated in detail… Basically as long as it is not the entire riot in the slum, or Heaven is going to kill him, there is still no problem.

“Huh?” I finally came to a two-story bungalow with a few large boxes. Just as Lin Luo put down the boxes and prepared to rest before going upstairs, he found that there was a sloppy squatting in the corner next to him. A teenager, he looks about 14 or 15 years old, his clothes are tattered and his face is covered with mud. The blond hair that should have been beautiful is also curly and messy and quite dirty.

Why did the little ghost in the slum come here?

Lin Luo knew that this kid was the “next-door” resident, muttering to himself, but in an instant he ignored him, squatted down to carry the box…There are so many beggars in the world, and if you save one, you can’t save everything. It’s not a savior, even if someone is very pitiful, but now that he can’t even guarantee his own future, he has no time to help others.

It’s just that when he lifted the box to go upstairs, the young man raised his head. Unlike the sloppy outside, he unexpectedly has a pair of clear eyes, as bright as the spring water in an ancient well, and looks very comfortable. Lin Luo couldn’t help but feel a hint of concealment.

Forget it, the rare encounter is also a kind of fate, anyway, he can’t afford me much, so he should buy it.

“Hey, kid, take it.” Lin Luo immediately walked to the boy and passed the two boxes in his hand.

The teenager was probably used to the call, and reflexively got up to take it.

Lin Luo picked up the other two boxes and went upstairs. Only after walking a few steps, he noticed that the young man was still standing there with a silly expression on his face, and he said loudly, “What are you still doing in a daze? Come up!”

The young man seemed to understand something suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he quickly followed with the box.

After a while, I went to the second floor and opened the door. Inside was an empty room with almost nothing except a table and cabinet. After Lin Luo entered the house, while unpacking the box, he said without looking back: “First go to the bathroom next to you and take a shower. There is a change of clothes in it, and then come out to see me.”

The boy didn’t speak, but just nodded, then put down the box and walked into the next room, and then there was a splash of water from inside.

Not a girl, Lin Luo certainly wouldn’t pay attention to it, unpacking the box and taking out the materials inside.

The materials are very light and strong, but for safety reasons, Lin Luo is still careful, for fear that it will be a large sum of money if broken, and then I don’t know how long it will take, just when he took out all the materials intact. At that moment, a voice came from behind.

“Master, I’ve washed it.”

“Well, you’re waiting there first…Huh?” Lin Luo said casually, but he suddenly felt something wrong in the middle of the conversation.

It’s weird, the one I brought up just now should be a teenager, why is this a girl’s voice?

Lin Luo turned his head immediately, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he almost spewed a mouthful of old blood.

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