The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 1265

Chapter 1261 Dreamlike, beautiful doll in that desola

Rats… Really rat.

Because these monsters with a pair of scary green eyes are not terrific creatures. In fact, they are just mice, but they are slightly larger. As for how big they are… they are almost the same as your Huskies.

If you let the huskies lie on the ground, put on two pieces of green spectacles for it, and then let it show a grinning expression, and then you have dozens of huskies in your head looking at it with such a dress and expression You, then you should be able to feel the “horror” feeling of Lin Luo and the others being stared at by this group of big rats…Of course, the premise is that you have to have a husky.

However, although these big mice look as funny as Huskies, they are far different from Huskies in terms of aggression, and they are all exposed, revealing fierce murderous aura.

It’s just that murderous aura is murderous, but the actual combat effectiveness is another matter.

Although Qiqi is small, her combat effectiveness is unquestionable. As soon as she plunged into the darkness, her whole person turned into a white light, not only lighting up the surrounding area of ​​tens of meters, but also like a tiger entering a flock. Killing these big mice has no power to fight back, only the continuous screams.

The battle started quickly and ended faster. There was no suspense at all. When Qiqi returned to his shoulders again, these people and rats had all gone to the underworld to report…Although Qiqi was on the way here before. She has shown her decisiveness in killing and killing, but because most of the things dealt with are natural traps or something, she has never shown such a domineering and cruel side, and she was shocked to see the little one next to her.

At this time she finally realized what it means to be inhumane, and the sea is incomparable. Although she had never been soft when dealing with bandits, compared with this little teacher, it was a sky and an underground. She could not help but feel lucky for those bandits. If it was not her who shot, but Qiqi, I am afraid that none of them will survive.

However, Lin Luo reacted indifferently to the **** and cruel side in front of him. No one knew who Qiqi was better than him. To describe her in one sentence, it was: static as stopping water, and moving as thunder.

If she doesn’t take action, it’s nothing terrifying, just like a harmless little animal, and once she takes action, the opposite will only end in death… At least as far as Lin Luo knows, from ancient times to the present, in Qiqiqi He was the only one who could survive when fighting with people with killing intent.

“There should be no problems, right?” Then Lin Luo asked Qiqi.

Xiao Xiao didn’t know what Lin Luo’s words meant, but she knew that it’s not a matter of a day or two that Master likes to pretend to be mysterious, so she didn’t have the intention to inquire, anyway, as long as the matter is over, she will always know. of.

Qiqi nodded, “Judging from the breath, there should be no second batch.”

“In that case, this is probably their final trump card, tusk.” Lin Luo smacked his lips, seeming to be a little disdainful, but he forgot, if there is no Qiqi, with his less than five combat power, it is Can’t beat even a mouse.

“Here.” Qiqi got up from Lin Luo’s shoulder again, and flew ahead to lead the way.

Lin Luo hurriedly followed, Xiao Xiao also closely followed Lin Luo, although Lin Luo and Qiqiyi were full of confidence, but this girl was obviously a little worried, and she looked around vigilantly. There is no slack.

But just as Qiqi said, no enemies have appeared since then, not to mention the big rat that looked like a joke, even the white puppet that made the hairy hair before has never appeared again.

Then after walking for about ten minutes or so, the three of them came to the deepest part of the castle. At the end of the passage, there was a room. An iron door nearly two meters high was tightly closed. From the structure of the door, it should be Locked from the inside.

“Sure enough, it’s here.” Lin Luo took a closer look and nodded and said.

What the meaning of this sentence really means, Xiao Xiao didn’t quite understand, but she quickly discovered something strange… Before walking all the way, there were broken and dirty scenes everywhere, what spider webs, what moss, what was moldy. The smell is everything, it looks like no one has lived in it for hundreds of years, but this room alone is different.

Although the iron door is the same old and even rusty, it does not have the slightest cobweb and moss, and even looks a little clean, especially on the door seam. It is not completely sealed due to the age, but it can be seen clearly. Lieqiu, if she guessed correctly, this door should be opened frequently, otherwise it cannot be in this state, but… there is clearly no castle where anyone lives, why does this door show signs of being opened frequently? Is it?

Thinking of this, Xiao Xiao couldn’t help but flutter.

At the same time, Lin Luo stretched out his hands to press on the door and tried to push it a few times. Although he exerted all his strength, the iron door did not move at all. Obviously, the door was locked inside.

Qiqi got up, seeming to want to do the same, and cut the door.

However, Lin Luo stopped her in advance and said, “It’s not necessary, let me come.”

What do you mean by letting you come? You can’t open it at all, okay… After listening to him, Qiqi is not going well, Xiaoxiao slandered secretly, if she changed her, she would really be sure to open the door, but… …I don’t know what’s inside. It’s a little scary. Now that the master is confident, let him go and protect himself.

Boom! Boom! Boom…

The sound sounded, not someone’s heartbeat, but Lin Luo knocking on the door, “I know you are inside, and I think you should also know that we are outside. I don’t want to do any damage, so if you know a little bit Just open the door quickly, otherwise we will have to break through.”

Lin Luo knocked on the door while threatening.

After waiting for a few seconds, there was no response inside.

Lin Luo was not discouraged, and continued to threaten: “I am a man who can do what I say. I am in a good mood now, so I discussed it with you. If I wait for us to come in, then my mood will change. It’s hard to tell…I only count to three. If you don’t open the door, I’ll try to break through. One, two…”

Before counting to three, there was a click inside, as if the lock had been opened.

Xiaoxiao looked stunned, what is going on?

Only Lin Luo smiled without saying a word, gently stretched out his hand to push the door, and suddenly squeaked, and the iron door opened in response.

There was no light and no sunlight in the room, it was pitch black, and I couldn’t see my fingers. I didn’t know what was inside. Xiao Xiao didn’t dare to go in alone anyway.

But Lin Luo, as if treating the castle as his back garden, walked in without saying anything, raising his foot, and disappearing into the darkness…Of course, with the Qiqi on Lin Luo’s shoulders.

“Master? Little Madam?” Xiao Xiao’s face turned green in fright.

You must know that Qiqi used alchemy to turn himself into a illuminator before, and never stopped. After the door was opened, it did not illuminate the environment in the room. I won’t talk about it for the time being, but now Qiqi has entered the room. , But the room is still pitch black, as if two people just disappeared like this… How do you explain this?

Xiao Xiao was puzzled and panicked, and she was terribly afraid and worried, but after all she gritted her teeth and rushed in quickly, and then…

Then Xiao Xiao was stunned.

Unlike what she saw outside, the room where she stood was brightly lit, and the huge room was like a princess boudoir in a fairy tale, even more so… There are luxurious and beautiful beds, the whole is round, and the upper part is a fragrance. Luoding, all kinds of beautiful gems are connected in a string to make a bed curtain hung around. The curtains woven of silky dreamlike smoke cover the entire room, which looks like a cloud and mist, and in the corner of the room is a carousel that can be played by a dozen people. Then there are many other things that Xiao Xiao can’t even imagine.

Looking at these things, Xiao Xiao felt that this was not a room, but a dream country.

Of course, Xiaoxiao also saw Lin Luo and Qiqi, they were standing not far in front of him, staring at the front, not knowing what they were looking at. Xiao Xiao leaned over and looked in that direction curiously, so she saw the owner of this room.

It was not the monsters or ghosts she imagined, nor was it a puppeteer. She shrank in the opposite corner, looking at them shiveringly, with a dozen beautiful little girls in her eyes full of worry and fear.

The tallest of these little girls is only half the height of a normal person, and their body size is much smaller than that of a normal person. They just seem to be seventeen or eighteen years old from the looks of them, while the youngest is no more than fifty centimeters long, and looks much longer than the newborn Little babies are even younger, and their immature expressions seem to be only about four or five years old.

A few older girls kept the little ones tightly behind them. They seemed to be working hard to muster the courage to stare at Lin Luo, but they couldn’t hide their inner fears. Their jewel-like eyes shone. Trembling.

Although I was shocked by the sight of the room when I came in, Xiaoxiao quickly realized when he saw these girls… They are dolls, and they are also self-conscious dolls!

What made her do not understand was how did these puppets survive?

Lin Luo said to her that no one in this world has created a doll with real self-awareness. Although the legendary craftsmen made dolls with life, they all lived for a while, and she also checked it a little bit. According to the records of some puppet masters, the legend is true.

But these puppets in front of her overwhelmed her concept.

In this castle that has been abandoned for hundreds of years, there are even living dolls!

What exactly is going on?

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