The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 147

Chapter 146 Pushing it on the shelf means not lettin

“Hey.” With a little excitement, the girl took a big step, stepped over the small water platform, and then looked back. Although there was no expression on her face, her tone was somewhat confident, “Look at it. , I would not fall without you.”

“…” Lin Luo was quite speechless, looking at her completely speechless: Please, it’s just a small ditch 30 cm long. If you can still fall, I will just buy a piece of tofu and hit it to death.

Although Lin Luo held Lei before, avoiding her misfortune, she did not have any thoughts to change her mind other than a thank you. She still insisted on going to the Airudi Garden alone. For this, Lin Luo Can’t stop it either.

However, can he rest assured that Lei will go alone?

joke! If this confused guy wandered around in the mountains, it would definitely be much more dangerous than walking in the nest where the twenty-seventh ancestors gathered.

Not to mention the poisonous insects and beasts in the mountains can gnaw her away, nor whether she can find food and drink in this mountain. Just watching her walk, she has to beat her twelve points, so as not to lose her. I accidentally fell into a ravine, or tripped over a branch…

“Don’t go any further, you will hit a tree…” Five minutes later, Lin Luo reminded listlessly.

“Hey…” Lei walked around the tree.

“There is a swamp ahead, please turn left for sixty degrees…” Three minutes later, Lin Luo sighed and reminded again.

“Hey…” Lei turned a corner.

“Idiot, that’s a hornet’s nest, don’t step on it!” Two minutes later, Lin Luo reminded in a panic.

“Hey…” Lei stepped across the hornet’s nest.

…… The strong and brave girl, under the guidance of the prophet, surpassed one after another hardships one after another, and overcame one after another. In front of my eyes, hope is under my feet, girl! Come on—Hello everyone, I’m the girl book girl, a reporter from the Express for Girls’ Contract, and I’m making my debut, so please give me more advice…

“Damn! You dead hornet, dare to run wild on Brother’s body, you are seeking your own way of death!” A minute later, Lin Luo let out a furious voice.

Lei turned her head conditioned, and saw that Lin Luo was being attacked by a large group of wasps at the moment, densely packed with humming sounds. Looking at Lin Luo, who was in a hurry, she kindly reminded: “You have to be careful when you walk. You have stepped on a hornet’s nest now.”

“…” Lin Luo almost vomited five liters of blood, you’re a natural daze, I will step on the hornet’s nest, whose fault is it? If it wasn’t for taking care of you to help you see the way, I was so sad, would I not see the other hornet’s nest in front of me? !

“Wu Shuang Ba body open for me!!” Depressed to the extreme, Lin Luo could only find another way to vent, he opened his arms fiercely, a breath of king…Ah no, it was a burst of blue and white electric current. In an instant, a group of hornet buzzing around him turned into a bee secret.

“Wow!” Seeing this astonished scene, Lei exclaimed in a low voice, with a rare exaggerated expression on her face.

After solving the huge hornet army, Lin Luo walked quickly to the girl, staring at her condescendingly. The girl blinked her eyes and stared at him blankly.

Three seconds later, she yawned and rubbed her eyes… seemingly sleepy.

“…” Lin Luo was completely defeated, and the domineering spirit instantly disappeared without a trace, as if a poor son-in-law went to see his mother-in-law, with a bitter face, “I said, you are going to leave like this. Where are you going?”

“Aidiru Garden.” Lei’s answer is still so simple and clear, hitting the core directly.

Lin Luo was already unable to spit out, and the killing power of this girl’s words was really different, sharp and domineering. Although he is not a brain-disabled person, he will inevitably be killed some IQ.

“Don’t follow me anymore, go do your own thing.” Lei persuaded.

“…” If I do my own thing, can you still stand and talk now? … Lin Luo found that it seemed that he could not communicate with her normally for the time being. In that case, if you toast if you don’t eat it, then I will give you fine wine, and if it doesn’t work, I will give you hard!

Crouching down, Lin Luo pointed to his back and commanded: “Come on!”

“Huh?” Lei tilted her head, with question marks all over her face.

“Do you want me to carry you or hug you? Choose one yourself.”

“No need, myself…”

“choose one!”

“…” Lei can see, the other party’s tough posture, if she doesn’t choose one, she’s afraid that she won’t be kind, “back.”

“Well, very good.” Lin Luo nodded, and then he felt a soft body leaning up, and the warm softness on his back…Forcibly dispelled the rippling feeling, Lin Luo held his hands in both hands. She held her knees and stood up.

Lei leaned her head on Lin Luo’s shoulder, and the breeze blew, a few strands of aqua-blue hair fluttered in the wind, sliding across Lin Luo’s face, bursts of elegant and delicate fragrance came from the spontaneous tip of the wind, like a spring breeze… Surprisingly, although he had zero-distance contact with the girl, at this moment he couldn’t have a trace of desire in his heart, only the touch of warmth and comfort.

Lin Luo smiled, but he didn’t expect to cultivate his sentiment even with Lei on his back. What should I say?

“Strange person…” The girl said softly with her eyes half closed.

Lin Luo was taken aback, then turned around and asked, “Huh? Lei, did you say anything?”


“Really…” After saying, Lin Luo didn’t care, and walked forward. After walking for a while, I suddenly heard the gentle and even breathing sound from my back, and turned my head subconsciously, only to find that the girl had closed her eyes…was asleep.

“…” Lin Luo was speechless, did not sleep enough after sleeping for five hundred years?

Of course, he also knows that Lei’s sleep function is different from that of humans. As a holy war angel, her way of replenishing energy is to sleep. Even if she doesn’t eat or drink, as long as she has enough sleep to sleep, she can still live.

As for whether you will feel hungry if you don’t eat, that’s not something Lin Luo knows.

… Using the non-positioning space to jump, Lin Luo didn’t know where he jumped, but it is absolutely impossible to leave Germany for a hundred kilometers.

While thinking about walking, I don’t know how long it took. Although Lei’s body is not heavy, at most about 70 kilograms, he will not feel strenuous at all with his current physical strength, but he is still human after all. Water is necessary, and when the day is getting brighter, I am a little too hungry to walk.

“It looks like I have to find some food.”

Lei was still sleeping, and there was no sign of waking up. Lin Luo didn’t want to disturb her either. He found a relatively clean stone. It took a few minutes to bake the cold stone to warmth, and then gently placed Lei flat on the stone. After thinking for a while, afraid that she would catch a cold, the coat she was wearing also took off and put it on her body.

After all, it is now approaching winter, and the morning at the end of November is still relatively cold, especially in Germany.

After doing all this, Lin Luo went looking for food alone. Of course, he didn’t dare to go too far in order to avoid accidents. He just wandered within a hundred meters nearby.

For about half an hour, Lin Luo came back with two Xueyun chickens and a few fruits in his hand. He found that the stone on which Lei was lying had become a little bit cooler, and once again activated his ability to bake it to warmth.

Then he walked aside…Roasted snow chicken.

The scent of the snow chicken after it was cooked seemed to attract Lei. She gradually opened her eyes and woke up. She sat up and rubbed her eyes with her hands, her face blank… Every time this girl woke up, she would have a certain period of confusion. .

“Wake up, do you want something to eat?” Lin Luo shook two fragrant snow chickens in front of Lei’s eyes, and said with a smile.


“The food you are eating, aren’t you hungry? I just smelled it. It should taste good.”

Lei shook her head.

“Hmm…Would you like some fruit?” Lin Luo didn’t force her, but picked up the fruits on the ground. “Although I don’t know what the fruits are, I just tasted them. It’s not poisonous, and it’s delicious.”

Lei glanced at Guoguo and Snow Rooster, instead of reaching for them, she looked at Lin Luo, with a hint of doubt in her tone, “Why?”

“Huh?” Lin Luo didn’t know why.

“Why help me?”

“Well, there are many reasons for this, and some things are inconvenient to tell you…” Lin Luo is somewhat embarrassed when it comes to this, although the favorability system is not determined by him unilaterally, but requires the mutual trust of both parties. It’s not that kind of game-like hypocrisy. But in any case, most girls will not be happy to hear this, especially a delicate and fragile girl like Lei.

“But I still want to tell you one thing…” Putting down the food in his hands, Lin Luo put his hands on her shoulders, and solemnly said: “Lei, the reason why I help you is not because you are the Qihuang Treasure Tree. , Not because you are Mezzalans, just because you are Levry, understand?”

“Because I am Levli…” Lei Shen thought for a while, and finally shook his head, “I don’t understand.”

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, you’ll know later.” Lin Luo didn’t care when she said that, and put the fruits in her hands, “Eat a little bit, even if you are not hungry, eat something. It’s good to pass the time.”

Then, Lin Luo sat next to her and ate the snow chicken alone, while Lei hesitated for a while, and finally stuffed the emerald green fruit into her mouth, just as soon as she opened her mouth, “So sour!”

She wrinkled her cute nose and her entire face was twisted.

“Well, the acid is a bit sour, but it refreshes.” Lin Luo said with a slight smile.

“Woo…” Although her brows were frowning, Ke Lei still mustered up the courage to take a few pills, but her expression was no different from the poison test.

Seeing this scene, Lin Luo felt very interesting and very warm.

“By the way, Lei, why are you going to Ediro Garden so persistently?” Lin Luo asked suddenly while eating.

“I won’t tell you.”

“…” Hey, you answered too quickly, at least you have to think about it to give some face.

Hearing this answer, Lin Luo was somewhat depressed, just about to say something, suddenly, a cold voice came from behind.

“Tsk tusk, I’m so lucky to be able to meet humans in this place!”

Lin Luo’s face changed suddenly and he turned his head abruptly. When he saw that person, his whole body was cold, and he felt as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake, even his hair was going to stand up!

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