The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 22

Chapter 20 Name this thing a miracle!

“Anyway, in this situation, let Sister Pao wake up first before talking.” Lin Luo sighed, and had no time to greet Liu Ziwen and his family’s women. He leaned down and gently patted Meiqin’s face to try She wakes up.

“Mikoto, wake up.”

“Sister Cannon, wake up…”

“My sister, Heizi, I… Heizi, I am already hungry and thirsty…”

“My uncle is Yuriko Lingke, one party is passable, hahahaha…”

“Your place (mythical beast is here), the girl will be broken by me, the friendship is broken by the spear…”

“My sister… Misaka can’t bear it anymore, Misaka 10086 drools.”

“Mikoto, Sister Pao, Sister Sister, Tsundere Pao, Bilibili… The little brother calls you sincerely, anyhow, you will respond mercifully to me.”

“There is no reason…” Lin Luo frowned as she looked at Mikoto, who had no signs of waking up, and said so ridiculously that she didn’t even wake up yet. It really doesn’t give a lot of face, “I don’t know the truth about Sister Pao. What’s the matter, is it a mental attack? If you can see it…”

Speaking of this, Lin Luo suddenly lit up and slapped himself hard, “I’m so stupid! Really!”

Lin Luo wondered if he was mentally disabled, and even forgot to use the book of contract to check Mikoto’s attributes.

Name: Misaka Mikoto.

Race: human.

Status: Weakness (collapse).

Strength: 1

Physique: 1

Intelligence: 1

Attack power: 1

Spiritual power: 1

Vitality: 600

“…” Looking at the current attribute column of Sister Pao, Lin Luo felt extremely painful. What’s the matter with this dying state? Mandatory suspension of a little HP?

The world is collapsing, human beings are collapsing, will the state even collapse for the gods? Obviously dying, is the vitality of the **** horse or full value?

Well, there are too many slots, Lin Luo doesn’t know where to go!

But… the vitality is still full, it shouldn’t die, right?

This made Lin Luo let out a sigh of relief, but at this moment, the owner of the petite body beside him suddenly let out a painful cry, and his whole body trembled violently.

“This is…” Lin Luo immediately raised his heart again, and hugged the girl tightly in his arms, “Mikoto!”

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…!” There was a sharp sound from the girl’s throat, and her peaceful sleeping face turned out to be very hideous now, her face was full of anger, pain, regret and other negative expressions.

“This…what the **** is going on?” Lin Luo was shocked, and then he found a faint white halo rising from the left side of Mikoto’s chest.

“Warning! The current World Heart host Misaka Mikoto’s mental power is abnormal, causing the collapse of the good heart, and the host’s fit with the World Heart is seriously reduced, currently 80…79…78…”

Before Lin Luo came back to his senses, a reminder of the book of contract came in his mind, and then a series of warnings: “Warning! When the host Misaka Mikoto’s fit with the heart of the world drops below 50, the heart of the world Will leave the host, and the host Misaka Mikoto will die…”

“Warning! Host Misaka Mikoto’s fit with the Heart of the World has fallen below 70, and the book of contract has entered a state of emergency repair… Repair cannot… Repair cannot…”

This series of warnings caused Lin Luo to completely lose his square inch… the fit dropped? The heart of the world is breaking away? Mikoto will die? …What happened to this TMD? ? !

“Mikoto! Cheer up, you bastard! … Damn, what’s going on!” Lin Luo hissed.

“Warning! Host Misaka Mikoto’s fit with the Heart of the World fell below 60, 59…58…57…56…”

Only 6 points left! Powerless? Lin Luo felt desperate.

However, Lin Luo was slightly surprised that when the fit dropped to 55, it didn’t drop rapidly, but hovered between the three values ​​of 56, 55, and 54. It seemed that Mikoto’s spirit was also struggling, but The situation is still not optimistic!

Do something! Must do something! But… what should I do?

Lin Luo felt deeply his powerlessness.

“The Book of Contract perceives that the current host spirit of the Heart of the World is in a state of urgent struggle. The current state cannot be repaired. The second plan will be implemented. The contract owner has two choices…”

There is a way!

Hearing the voice of the book of contract, Lin Luo immediately refreshed and listened carefully.

“The first option is to enter the spiritual world of Mikoto Misaka, the host of the heart of the world, from the contractor, and sign the contract with the heart to restore everything to normal… the system calculates the success rate of this plan is 5%. If it fails, be kind. The heart will collapse completely, and the contractor will die in 25 days.”

Only 5%? Lin Luo was taken aback, and then heard the second choice.

“The second option is that the deed will personally extract the good heart from the current world heart host, and find a second host that fits more than 80 with the good heart within one month, and act as the good heart and the second host. After the agreement, the contract owner can sign a contract with him instantly… The system calculates that the success rate of this plan is 95%.”

“This…” Lin Luo’s body trembled fiercely. There are two choices. One has a very low success rate and the other is almost impossible to fail. Everyone will know how to go first, but… Is it necessary to give up Mikoto?

If you choose the second one, Mikoto will undoubtedly die!

But if you choose the first one, 90% of you will die!

“At present, the spiritual power of the host of the Heart of the World is on the verge of its limit. The system calculates that the good heart will completely collapse after 30 seconds. Please make a choice as soon as possible. The system recommends the second choice.”

Ahhh! Is there only 30 seconds left? It seems that there is really no way. Indeed, a 5% success rate is almost the same as failure. Which choice seems to be clear.

There is no saint in this world, no one would choose to die for the lives of others, and some would just trample on the lives of others to get themselves alive… This is normal, after all, people are selfish, even if they like it, even if Whether you are in love, yourself is always the most important thing. How can someone be so stupid and give his life for others!

“The current remaining time has 20 seconds left…”

Haha! It can’t be that stupid, this is not a fairy tale, how could there be such a person in reality!

Well, if there is any… such a stupid person, then I must take a look.

“The current remaining time is 10 seconds…”

If there is, it can only be said to be a miracle, um… it can only be a miracle.

“The current remaining time is 5 seconds…”

But if there is a miracle…

“The current remaining time is 1 second…”

“This miracle can only be created by myself!”

At the last second, Lin Luo made his choice without hesitation!

Then, he felt his head dizzy, his consciousness seemed to be absorbed by a huge vortex, and when he regained consciousness again, he suddenly found that he was already in a pitch-black environment.

There is no light, no hope…there are only boundless darkness and…despair!

“This…is Mikoto’s spiritual world?” Lin Luo was stunned. He was shocked. He couldn’t think that Mikoto’s spiritual world would be so dark. What was she going through?

“It turns out… everything was caused by my sister, Misaka was made… Misaka was killed… all because of my sister…”

At this moment, a girl’s voice suddenly came from her ear, and her tone was full of resentment. Lin Luo fiercely looked towards the voice…a naked girl floating in the darkness, short brown hair, beautiful face, slender figure… it was Mikoto!

No, it’s not right!

Soon, Lin Luo discovered that this girl who resembled Mikoto was not Mikoto, to be precise…it was a sister Misaka!

Military production clone of Misaka Mikoto!

“Why is Sister Misaka here?”

Before Lin Luo could react, there was a shocking scene in front of him. I saw that sister Misaka’s original smooth skin suddenly cracked, a large amount of blood poured out from the cracked skin, and the whole person was stained. Adults.

“So… it was my sister who killed Misaka!” The girl’s voice was full of endless resentment and hatred.

Then, her two hands grabbed into the darkness, and a figure was pulled out, that was… the real Mikoto!

“Yes, it was all caused by my sister…”

“Because of my sister, Misaka will be brutally killed…”

“Sister-sama, do you know? How painful Misaka people are…”

“My sister, why do you treat Misaka like this…”

“My sister, it would be nice if you didn’t have you…”

Almost at the same time, one, two, three… Dozens of Misaka sisters appeared in an instant around Mikoto. They were also bloodied and scarred, pulling Mikoto’s body crying and wailing.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! It’s all my fault, it’s all my fault…” Mikoto didn’t dare to resist, she curled up and let her sisters pull her, almost desperately exclaiming.

“This is…” Lin Luo felt that her hands and feet were chilling, and now Mikoto was completely lost in the evil she had created. She was already unable to extricate herself, and she was being destroyed by her own imagination!

Lin Luo could see that on Mikoto’s left chest, the pure white heart of the world was gradually being blackened, and the sin created by her…

Is this the nature of collapse? Is this the reason for the reduced fit?

Lin Luo finally understood, and his heart was extremely depressed. The cry of Misaka’s sisters and Mikoto’s desperate struggle made him unable to bear it anymore!

“This idiot!” Lin Luo rushed forward, squeezing the Misaka sisters away, then grabbed Mikoto’s shoulders and squeezed tightly, “Misaka Mikoto, you idiot, give me a clearer mind!”

“Lin…Brother Lin, why are you here?” Mikoto heard this voice suddenly, raised her head subconsciously, and suddenly surprised when she saw the person in front of her, “This is clearly mine…”

“Yeah, this is your spiritual world, right? I know, so I came in!”

“How is this possible! How can you enter my spiritual world?”

“Nothing is impossible! About why I appeared here, why you suddenly lost in your own spiritual world, these are not important! Now I only want to know one thing…” At this point, Lin Luo suddenly shouted He asked, “Do you really think so? Do you really think so?!”

“What…what?” Mikoto obviously couldn’t understand Lin Luo’s words.

“They!” Lin Luo pointed at the sisters next to him, “Do you really think they blame you? Hate you? Do you really think you are inexcusable?”

“When…Of course. I killed them. I killed more than 10,000 lives. People like me…how can they be forgiven.”

“Have you seen it with your own eyes? See them hate you in their eyes? Have you heard them with your own ears? Hear their grieving words with your own ears? These are just your imagination, right!”

“Imagine something…” Mikoto struggled, “Even if they didn’t see it with their own eyes, even if they didn’t hear it with their own ears, how could they not feel hatred because they are suffering so much.”

“Yes, they are indeed suffering tremendously, but…” Lin Luojia said in a heavy tone, “When people live, they naturally experience joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. You see their sorrow and feel their anger, but why don’t you see it? How about their joy and joy?”

“Joy? Joy? How could there be such a thing… They are being killed, they are being killed every day, every day, and there are different ways of death, living so painful…”

“Even in such a painful life, there are joyful things that can happen…Standing alive in the sun dazzlingly, feeling everything in life, from scratch, isn’t this something to be happy about?”

“It’s different, it’s different! The life created to kill, how can you be happy to live like that… So, they must be full of resentment towards me, the culprit.”

“I said, this is just your imagination. If the imagination can become a reality, then I imagine that all people in this world are my slaves, and all wealth belongs to me. Isn’t it possible that such an imagination Will it become a reality?”

“This…this is totally different…”

“There is no difference, it’s all the same, you are bound by your own imagination, so… wake up!”

“No, that’s it, they must be resenting me.” After saying that, Mikoto struggled violently and snarled at Lin Luo, “What do you know! You don’t know anything! Everything about me, about them Everything about it is basically… Why do you assert that our lives will be full of joy! You don’t know anything at all!”

“Of course I know, I know everything, my sisters, you, and the experiment, I know everything, so don’t bear these sins on yourself anymore.”

“Why… why? Why do you know these things?” Mikoto raised her head suddenly and looked at Lin Luo incredulously.

“Because this is your spiritual world, our spirits are fused together at the moment you come in, so I can know everything about you.” Lin Luo couldn’t tell her the truth, so he could only say that.

“Is that so?” I don’t know if Mikoto really accepted this reason, her tone is full of sadness, “Since you know all of this, you should also know how unforgivable I am, because of my innocence. That’s why so many sisters died.”

Lin Luo shook his head, “We have a saying in China that good intentions do bad things, not evil. Your starting point is good, it is to help others, although you are indeed responsible for the current series of tragedies, but it is not you. It’s wrong, it’s only the researchers who are wrong! If you really feel that you are guilty, then use your power to rescue the sisters who are still alive and pull them up from hell. This is what you should do. Well, instead of just waiting for death here!”

“Now I… I don’t have the qualifications to help them at all.” Although still struggling, I can clearly feel the shake in her heart.

“Qualifications and other things don’t need anyone to give, just do it if you want.”

“Do it if you want, but…”

“Sisters are living in pain, and even then they are still working hard to live, even if they will die in the next second, you can feel it, the first sister you met, isn’t she so vivid and dazzling? !”

Lin Luo said loudly, and after hearing these words, Mikoto’s gray eyes suddenly flashed brightly.

“Why are the sisters working like that? It can’t be for experimentation, they are to live! So you have the responsibility to help them, let them live a normal life, if you die here, then who Will you help them? That kind of you will be resented by them, right?”

“but I…”

“Don’t say anything, but if you want to do it, do it. If you feel guilty in your heart, you will spare your life to protect them. If you feel that a person’s power is not enough, you will seek help from your companions. You can say anything about helping me. Right.”

“Protect? Help? I…really okay?”

“Of course it’s okay!” Lin Luo made a firm decision.

“But, no matter how hard I try, with my strength…” Mikoto’s tone was filled with deep despair…but it was not hopeless.

“Then try again, don’t be sullen in a place like this, don’t deceive yourself and others, do it again!”

“!” Mikoto’s eyes widened, because of this sentence…

“You can’t do what you say yourself?” Lin Luo looked at her with a smile, and stretched out his hand, “This time you are not alone, we will… come back together!”

“…” Mikoto’s body trembled slightly, she looked at Lin Luo in shock, and at the hand that Lin Luo stretched over…hesitating.

Lin Luo did not urge, but looked at her quietly.

After a while, as if she had exhausted all her strength to make up her mind, Mikoto stretched out her hand and held it tightly, with the brightest smile on her face.

“Well, come over again!”

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