The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 80

Chapter 78 When science and magic are about to coll

“Then Tosaka-senpai, how did you come into this world?”

“Uh, this…this?” Tosaka Rin showed embarrassment, and seemed a little hard to tell.

“If I’m right, Tosaka-senpai should be a magician, right?”

Rin Tosaka looked surprised, “How did you know?”

Lin Luo smiled and said: “The Tosaka family is a famous magician with a long history. This is not a secret, at least in the eyes of the people in the industry.”

“Are you also a magician?” Tosaka Rin couldn’t help asking.

“That’s not the case. Although I have a relationship with a magician, I don’t have the talent to be a magician…” Lin Luo sighed, deliberately making a sad and disappointed look. I still remember the Holy Grail War a year ago.”

“Do you even know about the Holy Grail War?!” Rin Tosaka was really shocked now, and after looking at Lin Luo’s face for a long time, he finally waved his hand and said like giving up, “Ah, forget it. Now that you know everything, then I have nothing to hide, and it’s still in this strange world… Now, how much do you know about the Holy Grail War?”

“Almost all know, the seven magicians and the seven heroic spirits made a contract to fight for the Holy Grail. In the end, those who are alive can get the Holy Grail, and then realize any wish of the winner… That’s probably the way it is. ”

“Sure enough, I know it clearly, so it’s easier to explain it.” Tosaka paused and stretched out a finger, “I don’t care about him for the first four Holy Grail wars. I came here. Before the world, the Fifth Holy Grail War had already begun. Just when I was about to summon Saber to be my SERVANT…something happened suddenly when the ceremony was halfway through, and a strange and powerful force prevented the ceremony from proceeding. Then I fainted, and when I woke up, I was already in this world…”

At the end, Lin complained in a low voice, “Really, I have been preparing for this moment for ten years. Why did an accident happen at that time? If such an accident does not happen, I will definitely be able to summon SABER. .”

Don’t worry, even if that kind of accident doesn’t happen, you can’t summon Saber. You, a genius who dropped the chain at a critical moment…Listening to Rin’s resentful voice, Lin Luo really wanted to tell her.

“But, it’s really weird…”

“Strange? Why is it strange?” Lin Luo was taken aback.

Tosaka Rin stretched out his right hand and placed it in front of Lin Luo’s eyes. There was a vague engraving on the back of her smooth hand, but the engraving was too light to see its shape at all.

“Since you know everything about the Holy Grail War, do you also know this thing?”

“Ling Shu?” Lin Luo frowned.

“Yes, it’s the ritual spell.” Rin Tosaka nodded, his eyes filled with puzzlement when he spoke. “Although the summoning ceremony was forcibly interrupted, the ritual seemed to have taken effect at that time. This ritual appeared. My hand, but the SERVANT about me never appeared…”

“Could it be that you also summoned in this world?” Lin Luo couldn’t help asking.

“Of course, since the Lingshu has been obtained by me, it means that the Holy Grail has recognized my qualifications, and I can summon SERVANT no matter where I am, but I tried it several times… sigh.” He sighed heavily and looked lonely.

“…” Lin Luo is relatively speechless. He probably knows more about the Holy Grail War than Lin. This world has no spiritual veins, how can he summon SERVANT?

“And this world is very dangerous, even a genius magician like me almost died several times.”

Genius magician? You are really narcissistic, although everyone knows this, but there is no need to say it yourself… Lin Luo couldn’t help but vomit, but the second half of the words made him frown, “You said What does it mean to almost die several times?”

“It’s just when I came to this world. I was first besieged by a group of unexplainable bad boys. Really, they were obviously weak people. I didn’t even know them, but it seemed like I was their father-killing enemy. , Attack me without saying anything, are those guys idiots?!”

Rin Tosaka said angrily, as if venting the long-standing resentment after coming to this world, “After sending out these bad boys, within a few days I was targeted by seemingly powerful people. Those guys will Using some strange abilities, I didn’t know much about the world at first, so I didn’t know that they were superpowers, and I was almost killed by them several times…”

After listening to Rin Tosaka’s account, Lin Luo understood a little bit and said, “I think the guy who attacked you at first should be an incapable organization.”

“The incompetent organization?”

“Well, to put it bluntly, it is a group of ordinary people who are full of envy, envy and hatred for those with superior ability. At the same time, they are inferior and unwilling. Those who want to be capable but don’t have that talent, so they gather together and often attack the single capable… …Probably, when they don’t intend to see you, they will attack you as a capable person.” Lin Luo explained.

“Huh? Ordinary people shoot at superpowers? Really idiots!” Rin Tosaka thought it was incredible. Superpowers in this world are like magicians in her world. It’s hard to imagine that ordinary people will be magical The teacher challenged, that is simply seeking a dead end.

“Each world has its own rules. Existence is reasonable. Although it is a group of nasty guys, it is also a group of poor people in a certain way.” Lin Luo sighed.

“Oh, forget, I wanted to trouble them. I didn’t even have any interest in hearing what you said.” Rin Tosaka sighed, and then asked, “What about the other group of people? The world seems to know it well, so I should know some details.”

“According to your description, the other group of people should be truly capable people. If I guess correctly, it is probably the dark part of this city…” At this point, Lin Luo felt a little heavy in his heart.

Rin Tosaka appeared in this world. Regardless of the process, it has been more than half a month since she came here. It is absolutely impossible to hide from the Hanged Man. An unidentified magician came to the academy city, no matter what, it is impossible not to be noticed.

Although it is said that the ability to defeat the magician may cause war, but to put it bluntly, it is only possible, and Rin is not a magician in this world. With the magical powers of the hanging man, it is impossible to find out the true identity of Rin. Next, it is absolutely impossible to let it go. It seems natural to send Anbe to attack her… But then again, with Rin’s strength, she is really at a loss for being able to survive in Academy City for half a month.

Rin’s overall combat power is only B, while Mikoto’s overall combat power as a superpower is A. The difference is a big difference, and Rin’s combat power is only about LV4 when converted. Of course, magic and superpowers are fundamentally different. It is difficult to make a correct comparison between the two, but in terms of Rin’s combat power, there is absolutely no chance of winning against LV5.

At present, there are four Anbes in Academy City, and the Hanged Man can control at least three. Two of them have LV5, and the other has high-end weapons even though there is no LV5 superpower… How, Rin has no chance of winning. She can stand firm up to now, probably the Hanged Man has no plans to kill, right?

Thinking of this, Lin Luo suddenly remembered a word.

What’s the matter… When science and magic collide, the story begins!

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