The Bootlicking Antagonist Only Wants to Survive, but the Female Lead Refuses to Follow the Usual Plot

Chapter 168 He is really right

Hua Xueqing seemed to be in despair. She was like a baby abandoned by its parents.

"The Young Master doesn't want me anymore! It's all your fault!"

Lu Chengwen turned around and moved her sword away: "Calm down first, didn't I tell you to go shopping with Sister Shihan? Why are you back so early?"

"Can we keep shopping forever?"

Lu Chengwen laughed: "What did you buy?"

"None of your business!"

Lu Chengwen said: "Xueqing! That's going too far! You're my servant, my bodyguard, you have to listen to me. You should treat me with the same attitude and respect that you treat your young master!"

Hua Xueqing pouted: "But...but...but I just find you disgusting! I want to stab you to death!"

The muscles on Lu Chengwen's face twitched.

He thought to himself:

[This girl...she's so adorable! She doesn't even try to hide her thoughts, you don't have to play mind games with her.]

[She can't hide her thoughts either, whatever she thinks, she says it, and whatever she hears, she believes.]

[You want to stab me to death? I don't agree.]

Lu Chengwen said: "It's good that young people have dreams, but don't be hasty."

Lu Chengwen hugged her, speaking from the heart:

"Xueqing! Look, you've been following me for a few days now, what do you think of me?"



Hua Xueqing thought Lu Chengwen didn't understand, so she patiently explained: "I just look down on you, I think you're disgusting and perverted, you have so many girlfriends and they're always fighting, I want to stab you to death, and then stab you again, and then cut you with a small knife..."

"Okay, okay, I got it."

"Uh..." Lu Chengwen said: "Never mind that, tell me, do you think I'm handsome?"


Lu Chengwen pointed at himself: "Me? Am I not much better looking than Long Aotian? Me ugly? I... I ugly? You know what ugly means, right?"

"Of course, I know! Our young master is handsome, you're ugly."


Hua Xueqing thought Lu Chengwen didn't understand, she patiently explained again: "You're just ugly, unattractive, disgusting, I want to vomit when I see you, I want to beat you up and step on your face with my shoe, then run you over with a tractor, and then..."

"Okay, okay, I got it." Lu Chengwen could only try to salvage the situation: "Xueqing, you're still so honest, but how have I been to you? Tell me, honestly!"

Hua Xueqing's bright eyes looked at forty-five degrees, she thought for a moment: "Seems okay?"

Lu Chengwen was overjoyed: "Right?!?"

"Yeah! It's okay!" Hua Xueqing jumped up and said: "You don't even let me work, I'm not polite to you at all, and you don't manage me, you don't lecture me about things I don't understand."

"So!" Lu Chengwen said: "Are you happy following me?"



"I still want to follow the Young Master." Hua Xueqing lowered her head, then suddenly looked up again: "Lu Chengwen, tell me, if I cut your head off and give it to the Young Master, will he be happy, and then take me in?"

Lu Chengwen's mouth gaped for a while, he didn't know how to answer her.

"Xueqing! Do you want to go back to your Young Master?"


"How much do you want to go back?"

"I dream about it!"

"Are you willing to put in effort, hardship, sweat, endure pain and torment?"

"I'm willing! I'm willing!" She said, raising her sword: "Even if I have to kill you, I'm willing!"

Lu Chengwen awkwardly pressed down on her sword: "Good! You're truly a heroine I admire, incredible!"

"Really? You admire me?"

"Of course!"

Lu Chengwen said: "Think about it, what would you do to make the Young Master happy?"

"I don't know." She lowered her head again, dejected.

"Let me give you an example, your Young Master asks you to buy soy sauce, what should you do?"

"Buy soy sauce! Buy it carefully."

"Right!" Lu Chengwen said: "But buying soy sauce, anyone can do that, right? Even a nine-year-old child can buy soy sauce, it's not difficult, right?"

"Hmm, yes."

"Let's increase the difficulty! Your Young Master asks you to kill someone, a bad person, a very, very bad person, what would you do?"

Hua Xueqing drew her sword in a flash, her eyebrows slanted upwards: "Kill him!"

"Put away your sword, it's making my eyes dizzy." Lu Chengwen said: "Yes, that's much harder than buying soy sauce, you bought soy sauce to complete the Young Master's task, and killing someone is also completing the Young Master's task. But do you think, which of these two things would make the Young Master happier?"

"Of course, it's killing! It's more difficult!"

"In other words, the more difficult the task your Young Master gives you, the happier he is, the more he admires you, the more he feels he can't live without you, right?"

"Yes! That's the logic!"

Lu Chengwen said: "Now let's increase the difficulty even more! I still want you to kill someone, but this person is very powerful, incredibly powerful..."

"I'm not afraid!" Hua Xueqing drew her sword again in a flash.

"Put it away, put it away, be good." Lu Chengwen said: "Wouldn't this make the Young Master feel like he can't live without you even more than killing a regular bad guy?"

"Hmm! Yes! Unfortunately, where can you find such a person? Huh? Are you that person?"

Hua Xueqing was about to draw her sword again, Lu Chengwen pressed down on her small hand: "I'm not! Listen to me."

"I mean, the more difficult the task, the more it proves you're capable, you have the skills, you're loyal, then the Young Master will like you even more. It's an increasing relationship, right?"


"Increasing means continuously...increasing, getting bigger, super when I took you to get milk tea, shaved ice! Remember? Small, medium, large, and extra large..."

"Ah, I understand! Buying soy sauce is small, killing a bad guy is medium, killing someone others can't kill, a bad guy with high martial arts, that's large!"

"That's right!"

"Then what's extra large?"

Lu Chengwen smiled and pointed at himself.

Hua Xueqing immediately widened her eyes and drew her sword in a flash: "I knew it was you!"

Lu Chengwen said: "It's not killing me! You..."

Lu Chengwen shouted: "Give me the sword! Give it to me!"

"No! I still have to kill this extra-large shaved ice!"

"Listen to me, then draw your sword, okay? Give it to me! I'm not lying to you, give it to me!"

Lu Chengwen took the sword from her and threw it far away onto the sofa. He hugged Hua Xueqing and walked towards the inner hallway.

"Xueqing, think about it, out of all the tasks your Young Master has given you, protecting me, don't you think it's the hardest?"

Hua Xueqing was close to tears, she nodded vigorously: "Hmm!"

"Isn't it the most painful?"


"Doesn't it make you feel the most miserable?"

"It does!"

"Doesn't it feel more difficult, more painful, more unacceptable for you to protect me, be my servant, than to kill a particularly difficult bad guy, a martial arts master?"

"You're right! What should I do?"

"You're silly! What did I just tell you?"

Hua Xueqing started to recall: "The bigger the cup..."

"It's not milk tea, it's the task!"

"Oh, oh, the harder the task, the more painful the task, the task that others can't complete..."


"If I do it well, the Young Master will be happier, trust me more, admire me more..."

"So, you should..."

"I should protect you well! Take care of yourself! Listen to you, be your servant, your bodyguard! Be loyal to you, never let anyone hurt you!"

"Even if Long Aotian personally comes to attack me, you should..."

"Kill him!"


"Oh! No, that's not right!" Hua Xueqing was confused: "How can I kill my Young Master? Wait, I'm a bit confused, let me think..."

"My Young Master asked me to protect you, if someone wants to kill you, I have to kill them to keep you safe; but if the one who wants to kill you is my Young Master, I have to complete the Young Master's task, I have to kill my Young Master; but if I do that, I won't have a Young Master anymore! But if I don't listen to him, and I don't protect you, the Young Master will be angry, he'll hate me, he'll be disappointed in me, and he'll make me leave; if I protect you and kill the Young Master, the Young Master won't be angry, he won't be disappointed, and he won't hate me; head is spinning!"

"Xueqing, you forgot one problem!"

"What problem!?"

"Can you kill your Young Master?"

Hua Xueqing shook her head: "I can't, the Young Master is very powerful, much stronger than me!"

"So! You can't kill him, if he kills me, you do your best to protect me. You can't kill him, so he'll feel your determination, your will, your powerful ability, and your loyalty to protect me! Right? You say, right?!"

"Right! I can't kill him anyway! If he wants to kill you, I'll do my best to stop him, and I'll try my best to kill him! Because I can't kill him, it'll make him like me, acknowledge me, and call me back to be his servant, his bodyguard! I understand!"

Hua Xueqing's worries were lifted, and then she suddenly remembered a problem: "Hey, but what if I..."

"Xueqing, let's stop thinking about that!" Lu Chengwen said: "Things get too complicated afterward,

we just need to understand and grasp the logic of the present moment, and resolutely carry it out. We can't figure out what will happen later, it's something your Young Master, a big shot like him, can understand. Right?"

Hua Xueqing said shyly: "That's a reasonable thing for you to say."

Lu Chengwen said: "You have to believe that your Young Master has his reasons for letting you stay to protect me. Your worry and anxiety over thinking things through is pointless. Just listen to him, now you just need to listen to me. As for how things will develop later, your Young Master knows what he's doing. Would he just send you to me like an idiot and then ignore you?"

"No, no, my Young Master is not an idiot, and he wouldn't ignore me."

Hua Xueqing let out a sigh, looked back at Lu Chengwen, and patted his shoulder appreciatively: "I've discovered that you're not bad after all!"

"Oh, you're welcome."

Lu Chengwen smiled: "Xueqing, you're not stupid at all, you're very smart."


"Of course. You see, I explained this logic, and you understood it right away!"

"Hmm, I think I'm pretty smart."

"Of course!"

Hua Xueqing was very satisfied with herself: "Okay! From today onwards, I, Hua Xueqing, will be Lu Chengwen's bodyguard, his servant. I'll listen to Lu Chengwen, I'll protect Lu Chengwen. Even if my Young Master wants to attack you, I'll be determined to kill him! Hey? Where's my sword?"

Lu Chengwen was standing in the living room at this time, he threw Hua Xueqing's sword at her, and he sternly shouted: "Hua Xueqing!"

Hua Xueqing caught the sword and was stunned.

Lu Chengwen glared at her: "The logic!"

"Oh." Hua Xueqing quickly knelt on one knee: "Xueqing is here!"

Lu Chengwen said authoritatively: "My first order, from today onwards, in this room, don't you dare draw your sword randomly! Do you hear me?!"

Hua Xueqing immediately said firmly: "Xueqing obeys Mr. Lu's order! I will never disobey!"

Lu Chengwen gritted his teeth and muttered softly: "Damn girl, I can't even manage you?!"

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