The bottom trainer in the elf world

Chapter 20 Escape

Chapter 20 Escape
Xia Yan and the unicorn met at the agreed place, and picked up the unicorn and its two restrained fruits wrapped in silk threads, and there was nothing unusual about it.

Just like ordinary berries, the previous strong fragrance and flickering light are all gone.

It's just that at this time, Xia Yan and Unicorn obviously don't have the heart to pay attention to this point.

At this moment, there is only one thought in their hearts.

Quickly shuttle through the dense forest, remember the return path in advance, and disperse the aggressive elves that may appear on the road, all of which are preparations for this moment.

"There's a big bare root ahead. Then there's a bush with spikes. And then there's a big tree to go around."

Xia Yan blushed.

The fine sweat broke out of his forehead almost instantly, dyed his hair, reddened his eyes, and moistened his nose.

Not only did he need to run fast, but he also kept reviewing in his mind all the places that had to be careful and noticed when he passed by just now.

This is a double test of physical strength and mental strength.

Soon he had to breathe heavily with his mouth, and his chest was like a bellows.

That is to say, he has trained a lot with the unicorn during this time, and in order to set an example for the unicorn, he persisted every day until he couldn't hold on anymore before resting.

In addition, the food during this period has improved compared to before, and the body is no longer so weak.

Otherwise, even if they snatched the fruit from this group of insect elves, they would not be able to escape.

However, no matter how hard they ran, the voices of wild elves still came from behind them, and the ones rushing to the front were two big needle bees with red eyes.

Holding their two spikes, the thin wings on their back vibrated vigorously, gradually shortening the distance from Xia Yan and the unicorn.

Xia Yan didn't care about them, he just ran with his head buried, or jumped, or rushed, all obstacles that might hinder their escape were easily avoided by him.

But his body was also shattered by various branches or spikes, and the clothes he bought not long ago, which he spent a lot of money on, were also broken into pieces during such a run.

The unicorn lying on Xia Yan's shoulders, with seven pairs of pink and tender legs tightly grasping his clothes, turned around to face the elves who were chasing after him.


One after another, silk threads or spider webs are spit out one after another, not seeking to cause much damage, but to slow down the pursuit of these insect-type elves.

Glue the two ends of the silk thread to the trees on both sides of the escape direction, and set up layers of barriers.

When an elf gets too close, it spits out a grid to restrict it.

The unicorn is responsible for blocking and chasing, and Xia Yan is responsible for escaping. There is a clear division of labor between one person and one elf, and they trust each other.

Xia Yan believes that the unicorn can definitely stop the pursuit, so he didn't stay behind at all, but kept recalling the possible environmental obstacles, and accurately figured out the best escape route.

The unicorn also believed that Xia Yan could definitely take it away, so it concentrated on blocking the elves behind it, using all its strength and ability.

With their cooperation, the pursuit did not fall behind, but they couldn't close the distance again. The silk thread of the unicorn insect became what they hated the most, but they had no choice but to hang far behind.

Whether it's the big needle bee or the bat butterfly, the fastest of the two chasing elves, there is no way.

Suddenly, a violent figure rushed to the front from behind.

It's Kairos!

It finally caught up, dragging its bruised body, bowing its waist, its huge pincers like a sharp harvester, all the branches, bushes, and even the silk thread including the unicorn can't hinder it much.

Its arrival made the unicorn feel great pressure.

"Woo!!" With a low growl, most of the moves landed on Kairos.

But no matter whether it was spinning silk, poisonous needles or electric wires, they couldn't cause too much damage, and the pain seemed to further arouse its anger, and the body was covered with surging air, getting closer and closer.

This is an enemy that unicorns cannot defeat at present.

With the blessing of anger, let it ignore it.

There is no way Xia Yan can run faster than it.


The unicorn was a little anxious, and yelled at Xia Yan during the interval between the moves.

It is a little bit regretful.

If he didn't enter this forest and compete for these two berries, he would definitely not be in such a dangerous situation.

Xia Yan didn't have the energy to speak anymore, so he just gave the unicorn a firm look.

And this look stunned the unicorn who was about to sacrifice himself to buy time for Xia Yan.

Immediately react.

Don't panic, hold your breath.

Although Xia Yan didn't say it, these words that he heard most often during training and battles echoed in his mind at this moment.

Believe in Xia Yan, if he didn't give up, he still has a chance!

The unicorn's eyes froze, and he continued to release all the moves at Kairos again.

Even if it can't cause much damage, even if it can't hinder it, as long as you persist, opportunities may appear.

At this moment, the small eyes became extremely focused, locked onto Kairos' body tightly, and calculated its running trajectory, as well as the tiny gaps in the seemingly hard carapace.

That's Kairos' weakness!

The unicorn's eyes were slightly bright, as if it had grasped something crucial, and the three poisonous needles were almost subconsciously shot out.


Immediately afterwards, under the surprised expression of the unicorn itself, the poisonous needle deftly wiped an arc, avoiding the hard carapace on Kairos's leg, and sank into the middle of the two carapaces. Under the narrow gap, the soft muscles.


Kairos roared miserably as if he had been hit hard, his footsteps suddenly became very stiff, he staggered, fell heavily to the ground, and even slid on the ground for a few meters because of the huge inertia before stopping.

It worked!

There was surprise in the unicorn's eyes.

However, before it was too happy, because it was distracted by Kairos, the two large needle bees quickly approached not far in front of it, and the unicorn could even feel the sharp spikes brought by it. coldness.



Suddenly, just when the unicorn thought it was going to be bad, Xia Yan, who was running continuously, finally reached the most critical place in his plan.

A not too rapid stream.

This is the best place he expected to avoid pursuit!
Grabbing the unicorn on his shoulder with one hand, and covering the two precious berries in his arms with the other, he took a deep breath, took three steps in parallel, and jumped in directly.


The biting stream in late autumn brought the chill of the night, and almost forced out his pent-up breath. The backflow of water flowed down his ears and nose, and he was about to drill in. Xia Yan hugged the unicorn in his arms, and curled up , let it be washed away by the current.

And the bug-type elves who were chasing after them were furious when they saw this scene.

But they were instinctively afraid of water, especially after Xia Yan submerged in the water, he disappeared immediately.

The berries no longer emit fragrance, making it impossible for them to continue chasing.

After wandering angrily on the surface of the stream for dozens of laps, he could only gradually recede with unwillingness and anger that had nowhere to vent.

On the other side, Xia Yan, who jumped into the water holding his breath, felt the burning pain in his lungs. After making sure that he had drifted far enough, he finally came out of the water and dragged his numb body to the shore.

He lay heavily on the ground by the stream, and put the unicorn aside.

The unicorn who was watered like this for the first time was also taken aback. It was not until his feet hit the ground again that he finally regained his senses.

One person and one elf, looking at the two small balls bulging in the clothes, looking at each other


If there are no accidents, there should be another chapter tonight, ask for a monthly ticket!Recommended ticket!
Oh, by the way, let me just say, at the request of my friends, 100 monthly tickets plus one update.

(End of this chapter)

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