The bottom trainer in the elf world

Chapter 303 The Elf Cultivation Master Is Beckoning

Chapter 303 The Elf Cultivation Master Is Beckoning

Xia Yan slowly spread out his palm, and the dark red orb wrapped in the super power was a little jerky and slowly floated up.

"Cha Ke Yi!"

'it is true! '

Pokki rubbed his eyes vigorously, some couldn't believe what he saw.

Xia Yan really has superpowers!
When it saw it in the cave, it still felt a little unreal. As the space shattered like a dream, when it came back here, it felt even more that it might be a dream.

But when he saw that Xia Yan really used his super power to levitate a red gemstone, Pokkigu was shocked.

Not only it, but Big Needle Bee and Lone Sword Sheath were also a little surprised.

Only Yongjila looked excitedly at Xia Yan, and it was the only elf who confirmed that Xia Yan had successfully awakened his superpower.

Elves like Yongjila are very smart and have a very high IQ. It is said that after evolving into a Hudi, their IQ is as high as 5000. They are elves who absolutely rely on their brains to survive.

It is precisely because of this outstanding talent that wild Yongjira seldom approach ordinary humans, and has relatively high requirements for trainers. Without enough spiritual power, it is difficult to get their approval.

However, Xia Yan's Yongjila was cultivated by the elf eggs. Neither Casey nor the current Yongjila had any thoughts of rejection or contempt for Xia Yan. objective conditions.

Moreover, in Yongjila's view, Xia Yan's original mental strength is not weak.

But now, he has awakened super powers, which is simply in line with the ideal trainer in the hearts of elves like Yongjila.

So after Yongjila saw that Xia Yan had superpowers, it was also the most exciting thing.

Because if it develops smoothly and normally, the trainer's superpower and the elf's superpower can complement each other and grow each other.

This is also Xia Yan's first time to actively and consciously use superpowers, which is a little more difficult than imagined.

But probably because it is not skilled enough.

Look to Yak Nome.

"This is the 'Orb of Will'."

Yaknom stretched lazily, and the voice sounded in Xia Yan's mind.

'this is for you. '

"For me?"

'You should be able to use it, but it's useless to me. If you carry it with you, it will invisibly strengthen your will and strengthen your superpower. Although the process may be a little slow, it's better than nothing. ' Yaknom explained.

Xia Yan took the orb back.

good stuff!
Growth is slow, that is from the perspective of Aknom, for him this is definitely a rare and precious prop.

"By the way, is what we experienced just now real or fake?" Xia Yan asked again.

Yaknom smiled and bent his eyes, and his body turned around flexibly in the air.

'What you think is true is true, and what you think is false is false. '

Xia Yan: "."


Yaknom yawned for a long time, two tears came out of the corners of his eyes, and said softly: "I'm so sleepy, I'm going to bed."

After all, he turned around and flicked his tail to leave.

But he paused again, and blinked at Xia Yan, "Thank you~~"

Let me learn a new word.

After saying these words, he trembled slightly, his body slowly disappeared into the layers of space ripples as if he was escaping into a lake.


Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, not knowing what Yaknom was thanking.

After a while, I came back to my senses.

Sitting back on the ground, looking at the elves around him, they suddenly laughed in unison.

Whether he is real or not, anyway, the feeling they experienced together is real.


Xia Yan took out two colorful stones, one large and one small, from his pocket.

Super Evolution Stone and Keystone!
When he took out the stone, the eyes of the big needle bee also fell on it.

It can be seen that the super evolutionary stone and the key stone flickered at the same time.

After a night of repairing on the east bank of Lizhi Lake, we continued to set foot on the established target direction.

Although no substantial material benefits were obtained from the Yaknom test this time, Xia Yan and the elves gained more things.

In order to jointly fight against the powerful elves with super powers in different spaces, the elves and Xia Yan intentionally or unintentionally speed up the running-in in the battle and enhance the relationship between each other. The biggest change is the single scabbard, which finally He is no longer so withdrawn, and seems to realize that the chi elves that Pokkigu said are actually just a joke.

At the same time, the mastery of the elves' moves has also improved significantly.

I learned a lot of new moves in the Meteor Falls before. After ten days of short-term high-intensity training on the St. Annus, my mastery of the moves has improved, but it will be difficult to use them in actual combat. what's the situation.

This time, it happened to help them test their mastery of the moves, find out the deficiencies and shortcomings that are difficult to find in training, and speed up their mastery of the moves.

Actual combat is always the best choice to test your strength and training results, and it is also the best way to find your own shortcomings.


What surprised Xia Yan the most was the Mega evolution of the Big Needle Bee. There is no doubt about the strength of the Super Big Needle Bee.

Coupled with the enhancement of sword dance, deadly acupuncture, high-speed movement, etc., as well as the support and sweeping formation of Pokkigu, Yongjila, and the single scabbard, it is not impossible to fight against the less strong master class.

This represents the improvement of Xia Yan's overall strength.

Gradually, he began to approach the middle and high-end power in this world.

Of course, in addition to these things about elves, Xia Yan himself also gained a lot of benefits.

Awaken superpowers!
According to Yaknom, Xia Yan's supernatural talent does not seem to be bad among human beings, at least it is at the middle or even above the middle level.

Naturally, they are no match for talented monsters like Nazi and Cattleya.

Xia Yan also asked Yong Jila to test. At this time, his superpower strength is between the qualified level and the excellent level, not weak but not strong either.

But in any case, having super powers means that his growth limit has been refreshed again.

In Xia Yan's view, after awakening superpowers, the biggest help for him at present is that
The production of energy cubes!
He has learned and mastered a lot of knowledge about energy cubes under his continuous efforts. Don't underestimate a person who has passed the so-called "million carp jumping over the dragon's gate" exams such as senior high school entrance examination, college entrance examination, and postgraduate entrance examination, and successfully stands out. learning ability.

Not to mention anything else, rote memorization ability can definitely crush most people in this world.

But in the production of energy cubes, the progress is slow, and even a little fast to learn from him.

Just because the production of energy cubes not only tested knowledge, but also experience and the ability to operate with practice.

This is also what Xia Yan lacks.

Although his learning ability is very strong, after all, the contact time is too short, and most of the time is spent on reading and studying, so how can he have so much energy and time to make hundreds or even thousands of attempts? .

His financial resources did not allow him to go around like this.

But now, with the awakening of super powers, everything becomes a little different.

With superpowers, he can control things as fine as a milligram, which he can't usually do. He can touch substances and processes that he can't usually touch, and he can control various instruments more precisely.

Therefore, the first thought that flashed through Xia Yan's mind was
The elf cultivator is beckoning.

 Fifth update! 15-1=14!

(End of this chapter)

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