The bottom trainer in the elf world

Chapter 342 Ancient Elf Ball

Chapter 342 Ancient Elf Ball

Another day has passed.

Xia Yan led the elves to the entrance of the ruins that they had encountered by chance before.

The reason why it is called a relic is because there are stone pillars carved by humans at the entrance. It is impossible for ordinary elves to do such boring things.

As for whether this means that there are still human beings living in this different space, it is unknown.

Even if there are humans alive, it has little to do with Xia Yan.

The entrance to the ruins was very small, so Xia Yan could only put the eccentric dragon away.

During this period of time, I am really used to using the strange jaw dragon instead of transportation.

The ferocious appearance and undisguised "dominant aura" of the eccentric dragon can effectively avoid the harassment of some predators wandering around without territory.

Moreover, the huge body and powerful strength of the strange jaw dragon are absolutely excellent carrying tools.

It is definitely not because of any "dragon riding plot", nor is it because of wanting to "pretend to be awesome".


With the four of them, Big Needle Bee, and the cherry blossoms hugging his neck, they walked into the dark space of the ruins.

Because the flashlight has long been out of power, the lighting here can only use torches.

Xia Yan also put a few in his backpack as spares.

The resin obtained from some special plants is very flammable and lasts for a long time. It is absolutely no problem for this torch to persist for a day, and it is just to be prepared for a few more.

After Yongjila left a superpower "anchor" point at the entrance, the exploration of the ruins officially began.

This space is very close to the ancient times, and in the ancient times can be called relics, then only super ancient times.

Not knowing if he could meet something good, Xia Yan had some hopes.

Because I don't know the specific situation in the ruins, and I don't know what kind of elves will live in it, so the initial exploration must be extremely careful.

He didn't plan to explore the ruins in one day, so he wasn't in a hurry.


The magenta satin of the double scabbard gently pulled La Xiayan, indicating that it felt the energy of the ghost system becoming stronger after entering the ruins.

Xia Yan nodded, no surprise.

It is normal for a large number of ghost-type elves to wander around such a ruin that has never been explored by humans.

"Be careful." Xia Yan warned.

This period of time is too smooth, even if we consciously strengthen our vigilance, it is inevitable that there will be mistakes unconsciously.

tuk tuk-

The sound of slow footsteps echoed in the small corridor.

The surrounding walls can be seen clearly under the dim light of the fire, the incomplete murals have been blurred, and some stones are piled up in the corners of the walls.

The quaint ground completely paved with stone bricks was covered with thick dust, every step of Xia Yan was accompanied by the appearance of this footprint.

After walking in the passage for about two or three minutes, the field of vision widened.

An arc-shaped dome is at least ten meters high, and in the middle is a dark pit, and the pit has a large number of stone doors at almost equal intervals on the wall, and a spiral staircase spirals leading to the deep and unknown place underground.

The ruins don't seem to be that big.

The premise is that this deep pit has a bottom.

Xia Yan didn't go deep into the ground directly, but started from about twenty or so doors.

The stone gate was pushed slowly.

The screeching sound of grinding teeth means that it has not been opened for a long time.

When pushing, a large amount of dust and fine rock fragments fall.

After opening the door, a small space appeared in front of my eyes.

A broken stone bed, a stone that looks like a desk, and some old vases and other decorations are placed in the corners and on the table, but unfortunately they are all broken.

Otherwise, for these vases alone, if Xia Yan took out the elf world, it is estimated that many antique collectors would snap up them, and even the alliance would definitely be very interested in them.

All human beings are like this, while constantly developing new technologies, they are constantly tracing back to history.

It seems that they want to use these histories to prove the highly developed and successful society today, and some seem to want to get some information from history or learn some lessons from history.

Yet the only lesson humans have learned from history is that they can never learn from history.

The room is not big, and you can have a panoramic view at a glance.

After exiting, open the second room.

Then came the third room.

In the fourth stone room, Xia Yan finally found something.

It is a book made of paper from the skin of an unknown creature. It should have been specially treated so that it can be preserved until now.

The book was not thick, and each page was densely written with some words that he could not understand, and some pictures were attached at the same time.

He couldn't understand the words on it, but from these pictures, he could faintly read some information.

Looking at the above, it seems to be an elf, but the appearance of the elf is not clear, so it is difficult to judge what kind it is.

However, what chilled Xia Yan's heart the most was that the elf's body was divided into several parts, and each part was attached with some incomprehensible descriptions and notes.

He didn't know whether the ancients really disassembled the elf, or only made theoretical guesses and drawings.

But looking at the description, it seems to be very detailed. If it is not broken down, with the technology and ability of ancient people, it is logical that such detailed data and annotations cannot be obtained.

That is
"This is very likely to be a research base for ancient people, or super ancient people, on elves."

Regardless of that generation, including modern times, they have never stopped studying elves.

It's just that modern people can save many unnecessary steps because of more advanced technology.

However, the ancients could only use the most primitive and cruel methods.

After standing there in silence for a long time, Xia Yan put away the book, and waited until he returned to the world of elves to see if he could analyze the contents of the text above through some methods.

After a few more empty rooms.

Xia Yan found something in the room again.

A round stone the size of a basketball covered with dust.

But when Xia Yan cleaned off all the dust on it, he was surprised.

"An ancient Pokéball?"

That's right, although this basketball-sized ball is big, it's not too heavy. It obviously doesn't match the quality it should have for its actual size, and some shadows of modern Poke Balls can be vaguely seen from the lines on it.

There is no doubt that this is an ancient Poké Ball.

Ancient people mastered the way of subduing elves and the production of elf balls earlier than modern people, although compared with modern elf balls, their techniques are a bit rough and the methods they use are different.

The ancients used a method similar to a seal.

Modern times use space technology.

But one thing is for sure, the popular Poké Balls are based on the ancient Poké Balls.

It's just that the modern use of various metal materials, even cone materials, makes the Poke Ball lighter and more functional.

Xia Yan still remembers that when he was reading the original novel, there was an episode in which Master Zhi used a huge stone elf ball to seal a huge Nianli clay puppet that wanted to destroy the world. ball.

But now, the one in Xia Yan's hand is very likely to be an ancient elf ball.

"Will there be any in there?" Xia Yan's eyes changed.

Can ancient or even ultra-ancient elves survive in the elf ball until now?

(End of this chapter)

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