The bottom trainer in the elf world

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Facing the known attack, there was nothing to panic at all. Not only Xia Yan was waiting for it to appear, but also the unicorn that was ready to go.

Looking at the brightness of Lada's hair, the degree of tooth wear and the length of the tail, it is not difficult to judge the strength of this Lada.

With an in-depth understanding of the knowledge of elves, combined with continuous learning of the knowledge of cultivating elves, Xia Yan already has some basic judgment ability.

In other words, this is the basic ability of every cultivator, otherwise how to make suitable energy cubes for elves.

It should be a Lada with only qualified strength.

With some matted hair, badly worn but slow-growing teeth, underdeveloped muscle groups and a noticeably bitten off section of the tail, its strength is limited.

There is a gap in strength, and they are ready to wait for work, so there is no suspense in this kind of battle.


The moment the voice fell, a huge spider web with jumping electric arcs spit out from the mouth of the unicorn, wrapping Lada without any accident, and the electric current stimulated the hair on its body to stand up.


Lada fell to the ground in the middle of the rush, struggling to stand up, but was entangled tightly by the sticky spider web, and his originally flexible movements became dull due to the stimulation of the current.

"Poison needle."

tuk tuk-

After the three poisonous needles pierced Lada's body, the violent toxin spread rapidly. With Lada's strength and state, he couldn't resist the erosion of the toxin at all.

This is a crushing of hard power, but also a crushing of tactics. Naturally, there will be no surprises in the result of the battle.

The more Lada struggled on the ground, the faster the toxin would spread.

Seeing that it had no ability to resist, Xia Yan didn't stay too long, and continued to walk through the dense grass.

And the scene that happened just now seemed to be the epitome of Xia Yan and the unicorn facing the wild elves along the way.

Although the past time is not long, the progress of the unicorn is absolutely amazing.

If we go back to the time when we robbed the tree fruit, I am afraid that apart from Kairos, the unicorn can face any one of them, even if it is its final evolution, the same is true for the big needle bee.

From this we can see how important the trainer is to the growth of elves.

After all, for wild elves, there is no such thing as training, to live, to live better, is all they have.

Except for some wild elves with extraordinary talents or strong personalities, the strength of most wild elves may only stay at the excellence level and senior level, and very few can reach the elite level.

Of course, some unexpected situations cannot be ruled out.

After several battles, Xia Yan and the unicorn passed through the thick grass smoothly.

Its existence seems to be a natural dividing line.

Afterwards, the forest became more mysterious and dangerous, and the complex taste in the air was enough to explain everything.

The dense trees blocked the sun, making the air in the forest seem a bit colder.

The animal ways that can be seen everywhere, and the footprints of various elves that are looming, all show that the elves in this forest are active, which is not comparable to those in the forests around Jinhuang City.


The faint sound of running water reached Xia Yan's ears.

Compare the map and determine your location.

"The direction of the water flow is not contrary to my destination, and being close to the water flow has a better chance of meeting some grass-type elves who like water."

Xia Yan quickly made a judgment and followed the current.

Of course, water is the source of all things, and not only the grass elves are active around them, but there are also many elves who cannot leave the water.

No, when Xia Yan and the unicorn approached the water source, they met an elf.

It has light yellow short hair, and its small size looks a bit tiger-headed and tiger-headed. It has a pink nose that resembles a pig's nose, and a slender and flexible tail with a brownish-yellow end, similar to a primate elf.

The tail on the buttocks was swinging, and the short legs were swinging with all their strength, with panic, tears seemed to be dripping from the corners of their eyes, and they rushed into the water while shouting.

"Monkey monster?"

Xia Yan's first impression of the fighting spirit monkey monster is that it lives in groups and is extremely easy to get angry. Once angry, he will completely forget his fear and attack recklessly.

And Xia Yan's second impression of the monkey monster is because no matter it is the monkey monster or its evolutionary fiery monkey, they can learn one of the ultimate moves of the dragon elves, the "reversed scale", the fighting style cross chop, close-up Combining the battle with the dragon's reverse scale, it is simply a typical example of violent aesthetics.

But now this monkey monster is very scared, and has no choice but to rush into the water he doesn't like very much.

But next second.

Xia Yan understood what it was afraid of.


The sound was approaching rapidly. When he saw the owner of the sound, he couldn't help but froze. He moved his footsteps a little to better hide himself in the bushes. head.

I saw a group of densely packed squirrel bees flying out of the woods aggressively with their golden guns in hand, with an attitude of deep hatred.

And their target is that monkey monster.

Such a large group of big needle bees, let alone a monkey monster, even a group of monkey monsters, may not be able to stop it.

This is not scary?To die?
"What did the monkey monster do to attract such a group of big needle bees." Xia Yan swallowed silently, and had a new understanding of the danger of this forest.

Not daring to take any action, just waited obediently.

Fortunately, the big needle bees were not very patient elves, and left angrily when they sensed that the aura of the monkey monster had disappeared.

The sharp double guns and tail thorns tell of their strength.

"Huh—" Xia Yan heaved a long sigh of relief seeing dozens of big needle bees leaving along the same path.

"Woo—" the unicorn followed his example and breathed a sigh of relief.

So in the wild, you can't be overly arrogant just because you have a little bit of strength. The cruel reality can always hit people in the head at the right time.

After confirming that the big needle bees would not come back, they walked out slowly.


Suddenly, after Xia Yan and the unicorn left the bush, a monkey head also jumped out of the water, panting heavily, with a trace of joy and a trace of ridicule in his eyes.

"Hoja! Hoja!!"

The monkey monster seems to be a little bewildered to discover
It can't swim!
When he saw Xia Yan and the unicorn on the shore, he immediately shouted for help.

Xia Yan glanced at the monkey monster that was gradually being washed away by the river, and ignored it. He was about to leave this dangerous place with the unicorn, and he didn't know if the big needle bee would appear again.

"Hoja! Hoja!!"

Seeing that Xia Yan didn't pay attention to him, the monkey became anxious all of a sudden, turned his eyes quickly, stretched out his hand to scratch at his seemingly not very thick hair, and a soft mass appeared that reflected crystal light in the sun in its hands.

"Woo~~" The unicorn felt something, and couldn't help but look towards the monkey monster. When it saw the thing in its hand, its eyes lit up.

"Huh?" Noticing the unicorn's reaction, Xia Yan also looked at the monkey monster.

"This is the honey of the big needle bee?" After confirming the object in the hands of the monkey monster, Xia Yan was a little stunned, and at the same time understood why the monkey monster was "chased and killed" by the big needle bees.

This bold guy dug out the nest of the big needle bee?

The monkey monster was still screaming, shaking the honey in its hand, as if it was willing to exchange it for life-saving.

After pondering for a while, Xia Yan said to the unicorn: "Save it, spin the silk."


The third update!Since I promised everyone that the monthly pass will be updated, I can only go all out, and there will be a fourth update later!There are really not many new books for those who work as hard as I do, so give me more monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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