The Box Office King of Hollywood

Chapter 124: The Incident

"Do you know them?" Tom Hardy asked.

Johnny Lee Miller shook his head, "Looks a bit familiar. That Matthew Horna reminds me of someone I knew before."

He couldn't remember the name of the driver from the Red Penguin Services, but Matthew Horna really resembled him. However, how could a mere driver become an actor in a Ridley Scott production?

Seeing Tom Hardy constantly looking back, Johnny Lee Miller pulled out his phone and dialed a number, "It's me. Check with Red Penguin Company, call Lister, I want a list of all the drivers who have ever provided services to me."

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this person looked like the driver from before.

After passing security, Matthew and James McAvoy entered Edwards Air Force Base and arrived at a gathering point, where military vehicles took them to a specially prepared dormitory area.

Although they were staying in a military camp, they were allocated relatively comfortable two and three-person rooms. The only downside was the small bathrooms without shower facilities, requiring them to use the communal showers in the dormitory area.

Given that this was a military base, there wasn't much to complain about, especially since the accommodations were specifically prepared for the crew.

According to James McAvoy, who was well-informed, the Pentagon has a long-standing cooperative relationship with Hollywood's big six studios and even has an office dedicated to handling Hollywood affairs. They often sponsor major Hollywood productions by providing manpower, various weapons, and military bases, provided that the films promote a positive image of the U.S. military.

Hearing this, Matthew immediately thought of the "Transformers" series, where American soldiers nearly stole the spotlight from Optimus Prime and his team. Villains like Megatron seemed insignificant in front of the American soldiers.

The "Black Hawk Down" crew also received sponsorship from the Pentagon, including professional advisors for filming and training, and a wide range of weapons and equipment for shooting, including Black Hawk helicopters.

The Pentagon even sent a five-member Delta Force team to assist the crew in training actors and filming difficult scenes like helicopter fast-roping.

Obviously, the crew had to speak well of the U.S. military. The script Matthew had seen portrayed all American soldiers in a positive light, but these complex issues weren't his to worry about.

Frankly, he was still an actor striving to break away from the lower echelons of society, uninterested in delving into the truths behind the events in Africa.

On their second day at Edwards Base, nearly a hundred actors began their training, which was distinctly different from the training Matthew had undergone with the "Band of Brothers" crew. The military instructors, including the five Delta Force members, totaled more than ten people. There was no differentiation among the actors, and the training lacked the physical intensity of previous experiences.

This training, lasting only ten days, focused mainly on U.S. military combat movements, tactical coordination, and weapon usage.

Some might find this training challenging, as practicing shooting stances under the scorching sun was no easy task. However, for Matthew and James McAvoy, who had undergone quasi-military training, it was almost like a vacation.

With their previous experience, the two found the training relatively easy.

By the third day, Matthew could proficiently disassemble the CAR-15 automatic rifle used by the Delta Force in the film.

"It's a shame..."

After shooting practice, while resting in the shade, Ben Foster, whom he had met earlier, said to Matthew, "We can't do live fire training."

Matthew was eager to try, but understood the military base's restrictions, "It's probably for safety reasons."

"If you want to shoot live rounds, it's easy," James McAvoy, dismantling an M16A2 rifle magazine, tossed an empty magazine, "There are many gun clubs where you can shoot to your heart's content, or you could apply for a gun permit."

"Right!" Matthew realized, remembering he was in a country with a high rate of gun-related crimes where it's legal to own firearms. He asked, "James, do you know how to apply for a gun permit?"

"I'm British, I don't know American laws," James leaned against the wall.

Ben Foster chimed in, "When we get back to Los Angeles, just consult a legal gun store. Guns aren't expensive, cheaper than a smartphone."

"After we finish this job, I'll go to a gun club and shoot some rounds. Then I'll apply for a gun permit," Matthew, who had never fired a gun, saw it as a man's dream, "I'll buy a whole house full of guns!"

James McAvoy scoffed, "What's so great about guns? You'd be better off with a high-explosive bomb at home, and then... boom..."

As Matthew and his friends chatted, not far away, Johnny Lee Miller, having just finished a can of chilled drink, lifted his sun hat slightly, his gaze landing on Matthew.

He had confirmed that this person was indeed the driver from Red Penguin Services who had delivered a female model to Malibu.

Johnny Lee Miller's gaze on Matthew turned increasingly sharp.

After calling his assistant that day, the assistant quickly found the small actor named Matthew Horna's resume, which sounded unbelievable to Johnny.

What caught his attention most was Matthew Horna's debut film role!

"Switching Souls"! The "Switching Souls" for which Angelina Jolie won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress!

Johnny Lee Miller remembered clearly that the film was shot during his divorce from Angelina Jolie. According to messages passed by his assistant, Matthew Horna landed a role in "Switching Souls" through Angelina Jolie's influence!

Angelina Jolie! "Switching Souls"! A driver from Red Penguin Services! Who could enter his estate to deliver female models...

These easily led him to think of the videotape in Angelina Jolie's possession, the secretly recorded tape that caused him significant financial loss in the divorce case.

Initially, he thought Angelina Jolie had installed hidden cameras in her Malibu estate, but after extensive searches found nothing, it now seemed clear.

A driver from Red Penguin Services, after delivering models for a party, suddenly connected with Angelina Jolie, transitioning from a mere driver to a well-paid actor in Hollywood, even landing a role in a Ridley Scott-directed film with a budget of nearly a hundred million dollars.

He couldn't help but speculate what Matthew Horna had done to be recommended by Angelina Jolie for "Switching Souls"? Over ninety percent chance, Matthew Horna was directly involved with that videotape!

Johnny Lee Miller's anger grew as he watched Matthew, wondering how such a despicable character could infiltrate the "Black Hawk Down" crew and become an important supporting actor.

"That guy's a jerk!" Tom Hardy suddenly came over, standing next to Johnny Lee Miller, "During 'Band of Brothers,' I almost punched him in a bar!"

"Do you have a history with him?" Johnny Lee Miller inquired.

Without hesitation, Tom Hardy replied, "He caused my scenes to be cut."

Johnny Lee Miller turned his gaze from Matthew to Tom Hardy, noting his unfavorable disposition towards Matthew Horna.

As clients of the same agent, he knew Tom Hardy well enough: a young man of pride and arrogance due to his background, thinking highly of himself yet lacking social experience.

"So you're just going to let it go?" Johnny Lee Miller crossed his arms, "As if nothing happened?"

"Of course not!" Tom Hardy snorted.

Johnny Lee Miller's eyes twinkled, patting his shoulder, "Honestly, Tom, I have a deep grudge against him too! If you need help, just say the word."

Tom Hardy scratched his head, recalling Johnny Lee Miller's boastful hobbies, "I have an idea. You're good at that sort of thing, maybe we can use it against Matthew Horna."

Johnny Lee Miller immediately shook his head, "He's a man!"

Though he often hosted wild one-on-many events at his Malibu villa, they were always with women.

He understood Tom's implication, something he had boasted about intentionally, not fearing any backlash since there was no sufficient evidence. Even if Tom leaked it, it would remain unsubstantiated rumors.

"Listen, John!" Tom Hardy knew he was powerless alone against Matthew Horna. Teaming up with Johnny Lee Miller would make it more feasible, "You just need to use your usual tactics on him, without going all the way..."

Johnny Lee Miller thought it over but ultimately nodded, considering the tape.

The two, each with their own schemes, quickly agreed.

As the rest period was about to end, James McAvoy reloaded the empty magazine, warning Matthew, "Tom Hardy has been staring at you for the past five minutes, and so has Johnny Lee Miller."

Matthew quickly assembled the disassembled M1911A1 pistol, "I've noticed."

"Do you have a grudge against Johnny Lee Miller?" James inquired.

"I'm not sure," Matthew chose his words carefully, "I helped Angelina Jolie during her divorce from Johnny Lee Miller."

From the way Johnny Lee Miller kept looking at him, Matthew guessed he might have figured something out.

Matthew was well aware that his resume listed "Switching Souls." Many in the crew knew he got the role through Angelina Jolie, plus his background as a driver for Red Penguin Services. Anyone not completely foolish could connect the dots.

This matter couldn't withstand scrutiny. He had thought that avoiding direct confrontation with Johnny Lee Miller would keep him out of trouble, but now they were both involved in "Black Hawk Down."

He tucked the pistol into its holster, picked up the CAR-15 automatic rifle, and signaled to James McAvoy and Ben Foster, "Let's go, we have training."

As long as they didn't cross the line or start trouble, he would act as if these people didn't exist in the crew.

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