The Box Office King of Hollywood

Chapter 213: Invitation

On the seaside of Alpulco, a small dock, clearly renovated with a distinctive medieval flair, was situated not far from the shore. A three-masted sailing ship was anchored nearby, bustling with activity visible from the dock.

Onboard, Matthew had just finished his makeup and was familiarizing himself with the pirate cutlass used by Johnny-Depp. They were about to shoot an action scene centered on him.

This action scene, split into dozens of short shots, involved Will Turner and Captain Jack Sparrow snatching a warship from the British navy. As they were outnumbered – only two against a small squad of British soldiers – a conflict was inevitable.

The conflict culminated with Will and Jack seizing the Interceptor, currently represented by the Lady Washington. The set had been slightly altered to differentiate it from the actual Interceptor.

Being at sea, the crew didn't have a second real wooden sailing ship for jumping ship scenes, so those parts would be shot back in Los Angeles.

Testing Depp's pirate cutlass, Matthew found it too light, half the weight of his prop sword, requiring hardly any effort to wield.

Johnny-Depp, now fully in makeup, boarded the ship. The crew was almost ready, and the director Gore-Verbinski came over to give some last instructions, emphasizing to Matthew the importance of controlling his strength in the action scenes.

During a previous shoot in the forge, a scene required Will to knock down Jack with a sword. Matthew hadn't gauged his strength well then and nearly injured Depp's stunt double. Since that incident, he'd been extra cautious.

After all, this was a Hollywood set, not a gym full of highly trained professionals.

With preparations complete, Matthew and Johnny-Depp moved near the ship's helm to begin filming. The camera, suspended in the air, slowly retreated as Depp, wearing a dirty pirate hat and walking with a swagger while holding a pistol, cautiously emerged from behind the helm. Matthew, with his cutlass in hand, followed from the other side.

As before, his appearance contrasted sharply with Depp's. The buttons of Matthew's shirt were deliberately left open to reveal his muscular chest, and the wet shirt from a previous scene accentuated his physique. The crew had put considerable effort into Will Turner's look, just as they had with Jack Sparrow.

During most of their scenes, besides the main camera, director Gore-Verbinski would have additional cameras capture close-ups of the two actors.

Below the helm, a squad of British soldiers was moving cargo. Depp, with his swaggering gait, snuck down the stairs, while Matthew leaped over the railing and landed amidst the soldiers.

This revised scene from the script was now an action sequence showcasing Will Turner's character – polite and gentlemanly with Elizabeth Swann, but a fiery and fierce man in combat, especially when Elizabeth was in danger.

"Don't move!"

Johnny-Depp's flintlock pistol was aimed at the squad of soldiers.

From the four-foot-high platform, Matthew and Johnny-Depp timed their jump perfectly, landing between two soldiers. Matthew knocked down one with his left fist and struck the other with the hilt of his cutlass.

The soldiers, unarmed and caught off-guard, rushed in. Matthew swung his cutlass, striking the nearest soldier and then kicking another in a vulnerable spot...

These actions had been rehearsed beforehand. Director Gore-Verbinski soon called cut, and the task of directing the action scenes fell to George-Roof and Robert Anderson, who coordinated Matthew and Johnny-Depp's scenes.

However, Johnny-Depp quickly switched to his stunt double for the more fragmented scenes. Will Turner and Jack Sparrow's differing fighting styles – Matthew's straightforward aggression versus Depp's stunt double's cunning moves – continued to provide a stark contrast.

After five days of shooting aboard the Lady Washington, Geoffrey-Rush arrived in Alpulco, giving Matthew some downtime. He didn't return to Los Angeles but instead explored Alpulco, enjoying the different Latin flair. However, he was warned not to venture into certain areas due to rampant drug trafficking.

Matthew's brief two days of leisure flew by, and soon he was back to shooting. Jerry-Bruckheimer and his agent Helen-Herman also arrived in Alpulco.

"The Caribbean scenery is quite nice," Helen-Herman said aboard a chartered yacht, standing behind Matthew. "It's a good place for a vacation."

Matthew, in full Will Turner attire, gazed at a distant island. "That's a bit heartbreaking to hear. I thought you were here just to visit the set."

Helen-Herman stepped forward, leaning on the railing and changing the topic. "I hear you've been getting along well with Johnny-Depp and Keira-Knightley."

Matthew nodded. "Pretty well. Depp is a bit strange but not a bad guy. And Keira, still under eighteen, comes from a good family and has a pleasant personality."

Despite rumors of Keira-Knightley's insecurity and pride, Matthew found her to be the opposite. Perhaps, like many Hollywood actors, she presented different faces to different people. With him and Depp, she was friendly, but her attitude towards others in the crew might not have been as kind. But that was normal in Hollywood.

With Jerry-Bruckheimer's name backing the production, the atmosphere on set was quite good, except for the occasional paparazzi from Los Angeles causing disturbances.

Helen-Herman smoothed a strand of hair disheveled by the sea breeze. "You all keep up the good work. I'll handle any disputes."

Matthew didn't mince words. "Isn't that what agents are for?"

Agents not only served as buffers between actors and the crew but also between actors themselves. Matthew knew the roles of Will, Jack, and Elizabeth had been fiercely contested, but that was something left to the agents. He, Depp, and Knightley never discussed it.

All three actors were smart. Gazing out at the sea, Matthew awaited the return of the ferry.

Today's location, a small beach island, was only accessible by tender, as the yacht couldn't get close due to shallow waters. Thankfully, the scenes required no heavy equipment.

After a twenty-minute wait, the tender finally returned. Helen-Herman didn't join Matthew on the boat back to the island, which was quite small, with only a wooden, old-fashioned pier.

Upon arrival, Matthew saw that Johnny-Depp and Keira-Knightley's scenes were nearly done, save for the final one.

Instead of heading to the beach, Matthew joined an assistant director near a group of peculiarly dressed actors.

As the beach scene wrapped up, director Gore-Verbinski and the crew headed over. Those who had finished their scenes left first, and those with remaining scenes continued filming.

Keira-Knightley stayed behind, approaching Matthew and whispering, "Depp brought two bottles of fine liquor. Let's be the last to leave after wrap."

Johnny-Depp, not far off, winked at Matthew, who gave him a thumbs-up in agreement.

Though the tender was sizable, with so many people on the pier, it would take at least three trips.

Back in Los Angeles, Keira had wanted to visit Depp's Black Mamba bar, but her mother's presence on set made it impossible. Matthew had heard from Johnny-Depp that he'd brought several bottles of excellent whiskey to the Caribbean and had even procured some top-notch Mexican tequila in Alpulco.

Such an invitation was not something Matthew would refuse.

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