The Boy raised in a Dark Elf Village

Chapter 0: One rainy night.

A storm brew one night. Causing lightning to strike constantly, and thunder to roar, as the heavy rain pours down upon the area it's at.

That night, on a mountain road by the edge of a cliff, a carriage rode through the path. However, because of the heavy rain, the carriage slipped on the wet road and crashed down into the forest at the bottom of the mountain. The driver and passengers are dead... except for a human baby, saved by its parents who died protecting it.

As the rain drips on the baby's face, it begins to cry, louder than the what the thunderclaps can produce, louder than anything else in the area. because of that, cries of the baby attracted animals to its location. A pack of dire wolves, a humongous horned bear, and many more, all approach the fallen carriage from different directions, not noticing each other yet.

But before the ferocious beasts see each other, multiple arrows fly towards them from the trees above. Some were dead from it, some were injured, the rest were able to flee unscathed as they run back deeper into the forest, away from the carriage.

The assailants from the trees then jumped off from their positions and landed on the ground, revealing two dark elves of various sizes.

One is a young, busty dark elf with long violet hair, tied up in a pony tail. She has green eyes and has a gentle yet somewhat dangerous atmosphere surrounding her.

The other, is an even bustier dark elf with medium-length purple hair, with a darker gradient than the first dark elf. She has blue eyes, which are sharper than the first, and is currently supporting her breasts with her arms, in a cross position.

Both of them are wearing the same skimpy looking clothes, with their hoods on. Approaching the carriage where they had heard its crash nearby.

The first dark elf reached into the carriage and carries it in her arms, showing the child to the other elf with her.

"Look mom, it's a baby." she said.

"Yes. I can see that, Flara." replied the mother, who looks up at the mountain where the carriage has fallen off.

"Umm, mom... help. It's still crying." Flara attempts to calm the child down. But with little to no knowledge of knowing how, she failed to do so. And instead, the baby cried even more, causing Flara to panic.

"First off, shield it from the rain." the mother took the baby from her daughter's hands. With one arm carrying the child, she raise her other above him and began casting magic, creating a water barrier around the baby which blocks out any more rain drops from dripping onto his face. Afterwards, she cast another spell to calm the baby down, putting it to sleep.

The initial problem has been solved. But now comes the next question...

"What should we do with it?" Flara asked as she checks the gender of the child, confirming that it is a boy.

The mother ponders for a second, "Let's bring him back to the village." she answered. Not wanting to leave the boy alone to die, even if he is not of their race.

"But... will the Chief allow it?" Flara became concerned. "Even if he is a baby, he is still an outsider." she looked at the baby boy, afraid that they might have to leave him for the animals in the end. Something which Flara does not want, but has to if she must.

However, the mother shows no concern. "Don't worry." she said. Showing a sign of confidence to her daughter, who looked confused as to where it came from for a moment. But soon, she realised that it is due to their village's current situation.

The population of their village is declining. With most of the men dying from the war that recently ended, only a majority of the villagers are female, whereas the remaining males of the village are either too old to get it up, or are too young to even sleep with. And because most of the said males are elderly, the both of them knew that the Village Chief would make an exception for the child, to wait for his growth like the other young males.

So, the two returned to their village, and successfully got the permission from the Chief.

After that event, 18 years have passed. The boy... still looking like a boy, is currently on his bed with his mother and elder sister. Naked.

"Umm... mother? Big sister? Wh-What are you doing?"

"Ara ara~ Don't worry, my son. Just relax on the bed."

"Yeah, no need to worry, little brother. We'll make you feel good~"

Here's the first chocolate. 🍫

Thanks for reading!

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