The Boy raised in a Dark Elf Village

Chapter 16: Caretaker

After paying a visit to the Village Chief, Yasil returns home with Clara greeting him in the kitchen.

"Oh! Welcome back, Yasil."

"I'm home..."

Yasil takes a seat by the dining table while Clara focuses on finish cooking lunch for him and herself. Flara on the other hand, is currently out in the forest, hunting with her friends.

While waiting for his mother to finish cooking, Yasil decided to inform her about what Krul told him now.

"Mother, I need to tell you something."

"Hold on now, darling. Let me finish cooking first."

"I spoke with Master earlier... She told me that I was chosen to be the Caretaker."

As soon as he said that, Clara's hand stopped for a moment, surprised by what she had just heard before she continues cooking their lunch with a sad smile.

"I see... Good for you, darling, you get to meet the Lady Dryad. I'm happy for you."

"But then I'll be gone a month, according to Master. Will you and big sister be alright until then; me not being here for a month?"

"That won't be a problem, sweetie." Clara, who is done cooking, served the lunch to Yasil and sat down. "We'll just have to receive one month's worth of your love tonight, then we'll be alright." she said, lustfully licking her lips as she looked at Yasil with eyes filled with passion.

Yasil felt a sense of arousal and quickly started eating his lunch to distract him of that feeling. Clara does the same as well, with her foot seamlessly stroked Yasil's leg under the table as she eats, while Yasil tried his best to ignore it and focused on his meal.

Once they were done with their lunches, Clara went to wash the dishes whereas Yasil went to the bedroom to pack his stuffs as he will be leaving for his one month trip the next day.

Time goes by as Clara who had finished washing the dishes, proceeded to help her son pack his things while constantly teasing him with her breasts pressing against his body. Giving Yasil a hard on while he stuffs his clothes into a bag.

...And once they were done with that, Yasil jumped onto his mother and ripped her clothes.

"Oh nooo~ I'm being assaulted by my son!" she screamed in joy.


The next day, early in the morning... Yasil, carrying his bag of neccessary items like clothes and such, meets up with the Village Chief, Krul, at the entrance of the village. He then followed her into the forest, where they later stopped just before a large rock sitting near the village's location.

"This is place." said Krul.


"Yes, here... Now stand back."

As Yasil backed up away from her, Krul reached out her hand and charged a large amount of pure mana in her palm, aiming at the rock, which she proceeded to destroy a part of by shooting the condensed ball of mana at it. A large hole was then made in the rock, which was hollow inside, revealing Krul and Yasil a round stone platform with a magic circle engraved onto it.

"And here it is, the teleporter that will bring us to the Lady Dryad's place." Krul said with a cheeky smile, as Yasil stared at her in disbelief.

"Couldn't you just use illusion magic to hide it? Why use earth magic to conceal it, when you're just gonna destroy it in the end?" he asked.

Krul sighed at Yasil's question. "Good grief, this is why you're still a boy, Yasil, despite being an adult." she said with a smirk, as she and Yasil walked into the cave. "If I were to use illusion magic to hide the teleporter instead of earth magic, there will be a chance where monster would just stumble across it and ruin the magic circle with their claws or whatever sharp things they have."

"Oh, I see..."

Krul and Yasil stood within the circle, where Krul grabbed Yasil and brought him closer to her, pressing his face against her breasts.

"Close your eyes, boy, First timers usually puke when they don't." she said, holding her right hand out to activate the teleporter.

The magic circle started glowing blue, sparks began to emerge around the two as it then zaps them both without hurting them whatsoever. A mystical barrier then encases them, as they both disappeared after that, teleported off to the destination point in the very center of the forest where the Dryad resides.

"You can open them now."

As Krul instructed, Yasil opened his eyes and immediately became astounded as his eyes lay upon the beautiful green scenery before him, where many types of flowers are blooming in the area. Various kinds of animals can be seen running around the area, playing with one another. And at the center of it all, is a tree larger than any of the other huge trees of the forest; bigger than anything Yasil has ever seen as its height reaches beyond the clouds.


As Yasil took his time to admire the tree, his eyes slowly wanders down where he could see a wooden door at its base.

"Let's go." Krul instructed Yasil, getting off the circle they were on and making their way to the biggest tree of the forest, which is the Dryad's home.

Krul knocks on the door and waited. A few seconds later, the door opens as a beautiful-looking woman emerges, enchanting Yasil to stare blankly at her with his mouth open.

The woman possesses long and seamless green hair, with vines being part of her hair and a large blooming flower on the top of her head. Yasil observed the woman's posture and face, as she stood straight gracefully and elegantly before him, looking back at him with her gentle green eyes and a smile; believing her to be a sophisticated individual whom he could respect.

"Greetings. it's nice to see you again, Krul." the lady spoke.

"Yeah, it's been awhile, huh, Lucy." Krul greeted her back. "Anyways, I brought your new caretaker." she slapped Yasil's back, pushing him forward to the Dryad named Lucy, who greeted him first.

"Hello there, cutie. My name is Lucy. I'm the Dryad who protects this forest. And you are?"

"Yasil... My name is Yasil. It's an honour to meet you in person, Lady Lucy. I look forward to working for you for the month." Yasil politely lowered his head to the Dryad, greeting her with sincerity.

"Ara Ara, no need for formalities, cutie. You can just me Lucy. However, it is really intriguing to see a human in this forest, and to have him as my Caretaker no less." the Dryad chuckled a little, as she placed her hand on his head and gently pets him.

"I look forward to spending the month with you, little one. But before I allow you in my home, I must ask you a question." she said, dropping her smile as she looked seriously at Yasil who flinches, believing that the question she is about to ask will be important.

"Yasil... Boobs or butts, which do you prefer?"


Yasil stared at her stunned for a moment as he then answered her question unenthusiastically.

"Umm... thighs?"


Yasil begins to sweat, staring nervously at Lucy who is staring back at him without changing her serious expression. She then looked to Krul standing next to him and smiled.

"I can see why you have chosen him. The boy is well educated."

"Of course he is. He is my disciple. I taught him everything I know, just as with my other disciples."

"Well then, I'm sure he will be a great Caretaker for me."

"Good. Then I'll be leaving now. I'll be back in a week to check up on him, so see you then!"

Krul waved them goodbye as she walked back to the teleporting circle and returned to the village. Lucy then stepped aside from the entrance, making way for Yasil to enter.

"Welcome to my home, Yasil. Please... come in." she gestured, inviting the boy in with open arms.

"Excuse me for intruding then." Yasil said, entering the house within the trunk of the biggest tree, and stared amazed at the inside of the Dryad's home.

Thus, Yasil's one month job as the Caretaker of Lucy the Dryad has begun.

Thanks for reading. 🍫

Have a nice day.


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