The Boy raised in a Dark Elf Village

Chapter 2: Yasil

Those who do not work, do not eat.

That is one of the rules of the village. Applied to those above the age of 6, for that is when the younglings begin their training, in order for the village to stay strong and survive as a community.

Yasil, along with two of his friends, Dimil and Haua, are currently deep within the dangerous parts of the forest, on the hunt for the most dangerous of monsters that reside in the area, for their high quality materials they possess and their high quality meat. This is the trio's current work as hunters of the forest, which they live in.

Dimil is scrawny man with long grey hair, tied up together in a single strand, and sharp red eyes. He specialises in archery due to his keen vision, which can see far ahead where others could not see, as well as being nimble and quick on his feet, when in close combat with enemies. Because of that, most of the work he does is hunting, making him one of the elite hunters of the village.

Haua on the other hand, is a man with a large build, possessing short grey hair and very narrow brown eyes, that look like they're closed all the time. He may not be quick like Dimil, but because of his body's endurance, he can be an immovable wall when necessary. Even when he is up against a dangerous beast of the forest, Haua would survive with so much as a few scratches on his body and nothing more. Which caused many of the hunters to wish for Haua to accompany them, just as a precautionary measure.

Both of whom, of course, are adults, and are bigger than Yasil, in terms of height.

The three of them are currently on a sturdy tree, having their lunch right now after searching for the big game they wanted, but still could not find, due to the lack of tracks.

"Argh! Just where are the big boys hiding!?" Dimil shouted out as he frustratingly chows down on his sandwich, made by his girlfriend and soon-to-be wife, who is incidentally the Village Chief's daughter.

"Well, just be patient, bud. They'll come out soon... I think." replied Haua, eating his meat dumplings, made by his two lovers, a pair of twin sisters who grew up with him as childhood friends.

"Haua's right, Mr. Elite Hunter. You, out of the three of us should know that, if there aren't any tracks, then it probably means that the beasties aren't moving around much." said Yasil, slightly mocking his friend as he calmly chews on his riceballs, which were made by Clara... in a naked apron outfit.

"Yeah, I guess you're right... Mr. Mother-fucker." Dimil returns Yasil's little mockery with a comeback, causing the boy to nearly choke on his food which he luckily coughed out. But he has also, accidently dropped the rest of his lunch when he did that. Watching the riceballs fall onto the ground, which made it inedible.

"Dimil... You..." Yasil glares at his friend, who had ruined his lunch.

Dimil laughs, however, "Sorry about that, bro." he then passes the rest of his uneaten sandwiches to Yasil. "Here. You can have some of mine. It's delicious, you know."

"Here. Have some of mine as well." Haua also joined in and offered his lunch to Yasil, being the kind man he is.

Yasil rejects their offers, "It's fine... I wasn't that hungry anyways." pushing the food away and forgiving Dimil, as he didn't want them to later starve when the time comes.

The three hunter's lunch break, came to an abrupt end when they all hear a loud roar of a horned bear. And not just any horned bear. Due to the three of them being in the danger zone of the forest, their thoughts can only think that it is either a three-horned bear, which they can take on. Or a four-horned bear, which they cannot take on.

Either way, the trio immediately packed their lunches and head towards the source of the roar, for they have finally found their prey, as predators of the forest.

"Holy shit!" Dimil shouted, as he, Yasil, and Haua, spectate a three-horned bear battling a geo-rex, a giant lizard covered in tough, rock-like skin.

Two monsters of almost the same size, are going for each other's throat.

"Looks like we'll have to wait, huh?" said Yasil, suggesting the most optimal choice of action, to wait for one of the monsters to kill the other, whereas the other will become injured by the end of the fight.

So the three of them sat down and watch the show from the trees, where Dimil and Haua takes out their lunch, which they have not finished, and continue eating them. Sharing some of the food with Yasil, whom they forced to accept, so that he would have his strength when they start their hunt.

The battle between the two monsters was fierce. The three-horned bear uses its powerful claws to slash the geo-rex, while the geo-rex uses its body's tough, rock-like skin to bash the three-horned bear, both attacks were strong enough to create shockwaves with each hit. The claws of the three-horned bear caused the geo-rex's tough skin to crack and break in multiple places of its body, whereas the geo-rex uses its other body parts, like its tail and jaws, to cause serious damage to the hide of the three-horned bear.

Eventually, the battle came to an end, when the geo-rex manages to pin its opponent down to the ground and bite onto its head. Twisting it repeatedly, until it finally rips the three-horned bear's head out. Signaling the trio, that it's their time to shine now.

"Let's do this." said Yasil, readying his bow and arrows.

""Yes."" said the other two, readying theirs as well.

Using his magic, Yasil proceeds to reinforce his and his friends' arrows as they take aim at the severely injured geo-rex.

"On my mark... Fire!"

The first shot was released, where all three arrows pierced through the cracks of the geo-rex's tough skin, and penetrated its head.

It isn't dead yet, however, as the geo-rex roars out in anguish, while the trio jumps to a different tree each, to fire their next shot from a different angle. Repeating the same step after their second shot, again and again, raining volleys of arrows upon the geo-rex, which could not do anything because its enemies are on the high ground, shooting projectiles at it. So after a while, the monster finally succumbed to it wounds and collapsed to the ground, looking like a porcupine by the end of the trio's assault.

"""Alright!""" the three of them cheered, jumping down from their position to their prizes, to quickly extract the materials and meat they want, before the two corpses attract the surrounding monsters with their scent of blood.

One by one, Dimil and Haua takes out every materials of the monsters' corpses, and toss them into Yasil's magic storage spell while Yasil himself is on the lookout.

Once they're done with the extractions, it was time for them to leave the area before more monsters come.

"Alright! We got a ton of stuffs just from those two." Dimil celebrated their achievement with big grin on his face. "Guess all we can do now is head back to the village, and fuck our women." he laughed out loudly with he chest puffed out.

"No, not yet." said Yasil, stopping Dimil from his loud laughter as him and Haua, stare at Yasil looking confused.

"Huh, not yet? What? Is there something we missed?" Dimil asked.

"Ah! I remember now! Today is that day, isn't it?" Haua exclaimed, realising something which made Dimil even more confused, being that he is the only one now, who doesn't get it.

Seeing this, Haua proceeds to explain to Dimil, "Today is the day, when Yasil was found as a baby and was brought back to the village as one of us!"

Dimil's brain starts to click as he finally remembers, what Yasil's personal objective is. To visit his real parents' grave. The parents who had sacrificed their lives to save Yasil from dying on that day. Whose graves are at the crash site, where Clara and Flara buried them, along with the driver, to prevent their corpses from being decimated by animals and monsters, and to prevent a potential disease outbreak which could happen in the forest, if left alone.

So right now, Yasil is heading to his destination, with Dimil and Haua following behind him, to make sure that he is safe when they all return together.

The trio soon reached the site, where they can see three graves in front of them, whereas the carriage at that time was salvage by the villagers, for materials which they can use for the village.

"We'll keep a lookout for any threats."

"So, go do what you must and come back quickly, alright, bud?"

"Yeah... I'm off then."

Yasil jumps off the tree he was on, using wind magic to gently land onto the ground as he then walks up to the graves and pays his respect. Taking out three flowers from his magic storage, placing each of them on the three graves before him.

"As usual, I've come to thank you once again for protecting me."  Yasil sincerely bows down before the dead, staying silent in that position for a moment before getting up.

He then takes out the necklace he is wearing from underneath his clothes, the only thing which Clara deemed valuable to Yasil's connection with his actual family. The necklace bears a crest of sort, embedded within the jewel, which made Yasil think of the same questions he once had long ago.

Who were his actual parents? What were they like?

The answers to those questions, however, remained unclear, as Yasil stops thinking about it once again and keeps the necklace back into his clothes. Climbing up the tree where his friends are waiting, and heading back to the village together, where the family he knows and loves is.

Thanks for reading. ?

Hope you like the chapter, and have a nice day, people.


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