The Boy raised in a Dark Elf Village

Chapter 8: A Sudden Call

"And here we go." said Velpa, lowering a naked Yasil onto her bed after drying his body with a towel.

Using the same towel to dry her own body, she tosses it into a laundry basket and approaches Yasil on the bed.

Staring intently at the Yasil's peaceful sleeping face, she thought to herself, "How... cute," and begin poking his cheek gently to tease a reaction out of him.

"Mmm... Stop it... Velpa..." Yasil flays his arm up, swatting Velpa's hand away from his cheek as she then giggles.

"Fufufu, just what sort of dream are you having which involves me, hm?"

Having enough of teasing the sleeping boy for the time being, Velpa then got up and crawls over Yasil to the empty side of the bed, lying down next to him for a nice gentle embrace.

Feeling the warmth of his body against her own, Velpa moves closer to Yasil's ear and whispers "Hey Yasil, did you know just how much I've looked forward to you coming here today?"

Placing her hand on the boy's head, Velpa briskly pats it along his hairline as she continues. "Everyday, it gets really lonely here; spending most of my time just making potions; sometimes, magic items too. And because I rarely go outside my house, I barely had any interactions with the villagers except for my sister, Master, Miss Clara and you. Which is why I'm happy now. Even though you're just here to deliver the materials I had requested, I am happy that you've come to see me nonetheless."

With a few more pats on the head, Velpa then lifts Yasil's bangs off his forehead and brings it closer to her lips for a small kiss.

"It's a shame I couldn't give you my first time earlier in the bath, but hopefully there will be another time."

Finally, letting go of Yasil, Velpa got up from the bed and went to the closet, taking out a clean piece of clothing for her to wear.

Before closing the closet however, Velpa sees a maid uniform hanging inside which is too small for her, but will fit Yasil perfectly as it was specifically made for him to wear.

Velpa's mind is now going through a very important debate about her choices: Should she take advantage of the currently sleeping Yasil and put the uniform on him; resulting in a potentially cute reaction from him, while also causing him to dislike her more? Or should she leave the costume be in her closet; never letting it see the light of day ever again?

For a few seconds, Velpa stood there thinking when all of a sudden, she receives a sudden transmission coming into her mind.

"Hello, Velpa! Can you hear me?"

"Eh, Miss Clara!?"

Caught off guard, Velpa became stunned for a moment as Clara on the other side of the transmission spell continues speaking.

"Seems like you can hear me then."

"Well, of course. It's not like there is a barrier here that interferes with communication or anything. But what's up all of a sudden?"

A suspicious little chuckle is heard from Clara as she then answers, "Tonight, Flara, Neidla, little Meidla and I are going to have a wild time with Yasil after dinner."

"I-Is that so..."

"Yes, it is so. But... as someone who has slept with him several times already, I'm not sure if he will be fine with doing four women or not."

"Oh! So basically, you're calling me to make you some stamina potions, so that Yasil won't get tired easily in bed, right?" Velpa asked, thinking she's got the rough idea of what Clara wants from her.




"Was I... wrong?" Velpa asked.

"Yep. Dead wrong." Clara answered. "What I'm worried about, is not Yasil getting tired. It's the opposite. I'm worried if whether or not my dear son will be satisfied with just four women in bed with him."

"Four is not enough for him!?" Velpa yelled in a complete shock, almost causing Yasil to wake up from his sleep.

"That's right! Since that boy has a wonderful amount of stamina and vigor, four might just not be enough for him, you know. Which is why, as his mother, I've taken upon myself to invite you to join us, Velpa. So that my dear Yasil can have a fully satisfying experience tonight."

"Er, yeah, sure, I'll come." Velpa said in complete disbelief. "So then tonight will us five with Yasil, right?"

"Ah no. It will be six of us sleeping with Yasil tonight. I've also invited Velina to join us, you see."

"My sister as well!?" Velpa yelled for a second time, not realising that she has now caused Yasil to slow wake up while she is still talking to his mother through the transmission spell.

"That's right." Clara said. "Since both of you really love my boy, I thought why not invite her as well."

"Oh, I see... That makes... sense. Haha... haa..." Velpa replied with quiet sigh, believing she should make some stamina potions to help Yasil when tonight comes.

"Oh, and one more thing." Clara added. "Keep this a secret from Yasil, alright. I want this to be a surprise when he comes home. So anyways, see you later tonight, Velpa! Bye~!"

The spell cut off after that, as Velpa thinks of Clara's final words before it did.

"Oh, it will be a surprise alright."

"What is?"

"Hu-ah!?" Velpa screamed as she jumped facing behind her, taken aback by Yasil appearing right before her in his birthday suit.

"You're... You're awake?" she said.

"Well yeah. Can't you see that? But anyways, what will be a surprise, Velpa?" Yasil asked.

"Umm, what?"

"You said it earlier... Oh, it will be a surprise alright, so what is this 'it', huh?"

Velpa's mind begins to panic. Thinking of any excuse available that might convince Yasil it was nothing, in order to fulfill Clara's request of keeping hers and her sister's appearance tonight a secret from him. However, as the seconds passed with no answer from her, Yasil's eyes became narrower from suspicion. Making small amount of sweat to form on Velpa's head as she believes she has no other choice but to tell him the truth instead of lying.

That was when Yasil's eyes widen and said, "I think I got it," and points to the maid costume hanging in Velpa's closet.

"Velpa, you... You were planning to put that on me while I was asleep, weren't you?"

"Eh, that, I, ahh..." Velpa fumbled her words, as she couldn't exactly deny what Yasil said since she was considering on doing it before Clara contacted her.

And because she didn't deny it, as well as not making eye contact with him, Yasil got a little pissed, believing he was right. Thus, he grabbed Velpa's hand and pulled her along with him, sitting her down on the bed.

"Hm? What are you doing, Yasil?"

Yasil did not respond yet and just climbed on the bed along with her. Pushing Velpa down, he then answered, "Your punishment," and took off her clothes.

Seeing him make an angry yet cute face as he said that, Velpa simply just smile and let Yasil do as he pleases with her.

...starting with her breasts.

Dark elf village is back! Hooray! ?

Also join my discord if you want. I'll give you a chocolate if you do.

Thanks for reading. Next chapter will be spicy, probably. Until then...


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